mardi 26 août 2014

Denis Coderre should get about 120,000 $ for his retirement appr.

Super Saint Denis Coderre

The August 26, 2014

His Holiness Denis Coderre mayor of Montreal

NB you can change the name of Denis Coderre to the person you want as Régis Labeaume, Gilles Vaillancourt, Jean Chretien $ 180,000 a year etc. they are all the same, they are there for us to have maximum ie we FLY

As a former MP in Ottawa, Denis Coderre will win at least $ 88,796 per year at the time of his retirement,an amount fully indexed cost of living. We can predict that Mr. Denis Coderre will be at least a pension of $ 120,000 or more per year.  
A citizen of Québec will normally receive annually from the federal and provincial abominable amount of $ 12,000 per year more if necessary a additional allowance of up to $ 8,000. It is so exorbitant amount is for the citizen tax payer, our dear leaders have decided to abolish the indexation of pensions. We, Government, want you to keep your head up and enjoy all our superhuman efforts to screw you.

At this rate, Mr. Coderre has fully pays its dues less than two years after his retirement.
Newspaper "24 Hours" has calculated the pension Mr. Coderre from the rules in force between 2001 and 2012, most of the federal career of Mr. Coderre. The rules governing the salaries and pensions of Members whose very different in the years 1997 to 2001 and for part of 2013, these periods are not taken into account. The $ 88 cash 794 is therefore a minimum.
Moreover, MPs have the option to pay an additional fee of 7%, calculated based on their total annual compensation.
M. Coderre has possibly get $ 000 extra if some 53 chose this option.
'Union Montreal municipal officials reacted strongly to these numbers.
"Mayor should have the entire Bill 3 in the teeth. Everyone talks about the 50-50 sharing, but especially to cap costs to 18% of payroll that hurts, "said the president of Alain Fugere union.
Comparison, a SPVM officer can count on a pension of about $ 59,000 per year.
As a white collar, Mr. Fugere will get about $ 31,500 to retire ... if the bill is not passed 3.
Meanwhile, Denis Coderre will be entitled to a great retirement plan. As mayor of Montreal, he will also receive a municipal pension if he retires at 60.

Barring a change in the Law on pension plans of municipal officials, the pension will be equal to 2% of total salary that has been paid to him during his years as mayor. Each term of four years so brings him an extra pension of about $ 14,000.
Mr. Coderre declined to comment on the figures. However, it meant that he will not give up this double pension.

Should not forget all the pension he receives as mayor of Montreal as Régis Labeaume.

As you can see, all of our municipal, provincial elites, governmental, school, hospital, etc. are only liars of all first species and I would say they are there to extort us better as did several unions, public organizations and society as Thierry Vandal
Definition of the word vandal is someone who destroys or damages something voluntarily misappropriate the property of the state, syn: brigand, destructive, devastating, minister, MP, collusion, political party, firm advises municipal officials, school, associations etc. (THIEVES ARE NOT ALL IN PANAMA)
© Alain Laprise August 26, 2014

dimanche 17 août 2014

Patriot School Bord South Shore of Montreal More religious accomodation Hijab during physical education

Patriotsschool board
South Shore of Montreal July 14, 2014

More religious accommodation

Hijab during physical education

TheApril 30, 2014, the parent of a little girl attending a primary school in the school board wrote to management to ask her daughter to wear the hijab and long pants during physical education classes.

"Our daughter does not remove her

hijab""Because she's really upset. Each week, Tuesday and Thursday, it can not go to school, and she cries. If you plaite, help us!
"(...)I want my daughter to go to school with happy, with freedom," wrote the parent of a letter sent to management.

As is the cases for each reasonable accommodation, the school board sent a letter to the parent, asking him to explain his reasons in writing, however, the latter will never responded.

Was it because classes end approaching? Will we receive another application next year? We'll see, Catherine launches Houpert.

Wearing the hijab in physical education classes is at the discretion of each school.

Only problematic cases are sent to school board.

"I'm pretty sure other girls wear hijab for sports in other states schools Catherine Houpert.

As you can see even the director asks his parents to lodge complaints to the Commission scolaire des Patriotes. I think the director needs to "secular" support in Quebec and in the meantime she resigns to wear the veil in the face to hide like an ostrich. If all school boards manage these difficulties of sorts, Quebecers will cease to exist because of your bows and these religious fanatics will become your bosses, my dear. That's what you want? Get up everybody and Quebec require that these cowards sold and politicians take their responsibility as politicians in Iran.  

You do not have your hijab, you're stoned. Here stones yourself. We have the Small-Québec and Grandchildren Administrators cheese. When will the integration of immigrants in Canada, not when the integration of the occupants of the immégrants Canada. If they do not or can not understand that they themselves requested to come here, they can just go to the best that Canada heavens. If it was in their country, why come to us make us citizens of Canada unsustainable life. Their racism and racist does not equal against Canadians backgrounds for over 400 years.

samedi 16 août 2014

Mohamed Farah Shirdon djadhiste Criminal killed in Irak from Calgary Canada

Mohamed Farah Shirdon djadhiste Criminal killed in
Iraq,we do not want the Government of Canada shall pay any expenses or support for this CRIMINAL - he set foot there in Iraq - that's his problem and that of his family. We have none, but I mean no human vis-à-vis these terrorists feel that we get to open in Canada hand. Although it was appointed a Canadian citizen, for me it is not a Canadian, he is a jihadist, a religious offense, a human waste.
CBC August 15, 2014
The Department of Foreign Affairs says it is aware of reports that a Canadian was killed in Iraq, but refuses to
confirm.'sEnglish Radio-Canada reported on Friday that it was Mohamed Farah Shirdon, a former Calgary resident who was radicalized in Canada before traveling to the Middle East to fight with the extremists of the Islamic State.
CBC cites several media claim that the man was killed in Iraq.
"We are aware of reports that a Canadian has was killed in Iraq. We are monitoring the situation closely, "said a spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Bruno Villeneuve.
Earlier this year, CBC had broadcast a propaganda video showing Mohamed Farah Shirdon burning his Canadian passport and threatened the President the United States, Barack Obama.
A prominent imam from Calgary think the Canadian suffered a "brainwashing" and fears that his alleged death prompts other radicalized youth to follow his example.
"I do believe it creates an attraction for those who have already reached the limit and experiencing feelings extremists over the more moderate Muslims, and that's why all this is very disturbing, "said Syed Imam Soharwardy, the Supreme Islamic Council Canada.
Imam said he did not personally know Mohamed Farah Shirdon, but he had already seen in some events in Calgary.

M. Soharwardy is concerned that many young Canadian Muslims are influenced by people he described as "fanatics".
"They do not understand that Islam does not condone the actions of this kind ... It ' is not martyrdom, it's fanaticism, terrorism, "he
said."These fanatics, they have the freedom to preach here, they have the freedom to work, to visit the communities and talk to young boys, and no one stops them. It is quite disturbing that these youth have a brainwash here in Canada.
"Wewonder if John Baird ask Calgary to change the city name to Mohamed Farah Shirdon because we love these beautiful newcomers. We have volunteers all over the country blindness. Stop Muslim immigration to Canada, and that's all. Muslims can not control themselves as the Muslim Canadian Congress.

jeudi 14 août 2014

Des Patriotes School Board Catherine Houpert please do not fart suspenders

Catherine Houpert please do not fart suspenders

tightens You brag about anything because you always lose in the long run

because the cursed accommodations government vis-à-vis visible minorities are out to destroy the majority, values, and our culture dating from 400 years on this soil of New France that our ancestors fought to the death to give us this land. But you, those who govern us will be destroyed 400 years of history that these religious minorities is lecturing us and brings us into a very dangerous path to prehistoric religious confrontations.  

Should we disappear or do they s assimilate or else let them go to their country of origin. We all know they will not because the sky is here in Qu.bec and Canada, they are so jealous of us, they want hell for us and for them. You can never ask a person to become democratic and liberal when they spent hundreds of generations as a slave religion. They can not understand because they only need religious dictators.  

Their brains can not become free as we make decisions and, therefore, a book makes decisions for them. Here in Canada and in Quebec we have to make decisions every minute of our lives because we do not want it to be others who take them for us. Two worlds, two avenues, and it's not for us to bend to these accommodations. It's very difficult to change to become a communist capitalist because capitalism must make its own decisions, the Communist has no decision to make, even a 5 year old could understand, ma'am.  


A welcoming people do not be stupid, permissive, retrograde denied his quiet revolution, where there is a difference,

intelligence.,we are not afraid of change to know the betterbut it sends us c 'reality is the worst of humanity, religious accommodation baseless and absurd. Your assimilation with them will be perfect when you and others will be brought to a state of slavery as such accommodations.  

Not accommodations that are ultimately used by our terrorist rule of law and the POLICYwhich is so easy to get around for us to bend and remind us of our racism. If being racist is the new Quebec be asylum seekers, and yes asylum in their country was war, poverty, killing and they come here to do the same again.

Most newcomers j 've rubbed me often say they come to Canada because the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Ottawa and Quebec so protect citizens wanting bypass all laws and allowing these people to remake Canada and Quebec to their religiously political ways degrading as to their origins.countries  

Here in Canada allis for the criminal to feel good and healthy and that good citizens will take their places in the corners and keeping quiet because the laws are for them and not not honest citizens. Criminals here are protected with all services paid by all of us, and victims are less than nothing. They are victims of their mistakes. It's like the company of women is raped, it's normal, that's left of our ancient principles, if she did not want to be raped she will be born as a man. Absurd these false accommodation is not it?

Catherine Houpert I understand the confusions vis-à-vis our molaçons of Putins elite sold all the dicks in the streets. I know you can not fight this with people who will sell their mothers and fathers for a well filled with the votes attached envelope.  

Some of our politicians are white-collar criminals, these are the dégénérances of being in its most full decadence we call the head of government, our cities, school boards, orders of all kinds.  

Wishing you many condolence before your life is miserable because of the lack of help from our POOR GOVERNANCE OF FOOLS 'ELECTED TO MONEY ENVELOPE SOLD. Nobody sends you in your work.

A school board of the South Shore of Montreal is faced with an ever-increasing requests for religious accommodation.

Journal Montreal

Parents who refuse their child halloween , requests of teachers leave for religious reasons, hijab in physical education classes; Commission scolaire des Patriotes, which covers the territory of the MRC Marguerite D'Youville and Vallée du Richelieu, has seen all the colors during the past year.

At least four formal requests for reasonable accommodation and several other informal requests were presented.

Good player, FOOL or the school board agreed to convey these situations Journal, unlike the dozen other school boards that was submitted a request to the Dacian information about it.

"It's a constantly growing phenomenon which we must face. More and more new immigrants coming to live in the suburbs surrounding Montreal. Fortunately, so far, everything is going well, "said the secretary general Catherine HoupertAccommodations.


If necessary, the notice of the school board is requested. A letter is sent to parents asking them to express in writing what their beliefs.

Necessary, in the opinion of the board of education requested a letter is sent to parents asking them to comment in writing what their

The accommodation request is accepted if it does not impose undue hardship to school "costs, harm to other children in the class, work overload for the teacher" Whether you make me laugh under my breath, I 'm not an idiot, I'm smarter than you think and we can read between the lines you demagogic attempt to convince us.

Catherine Houpert please do not blow up the suspenders. You represent well the response of a small nation and sizes without doing the genocide of Quebec and Canada
definition of genocide

Etymology: from the Greek genos, genus, species, breed, and the suffix cide, from the Latin caedere, kill, kill . Our past will disappear in smoke.

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction in Quebec named


From a group of men, because of their race, ethnicity, nationality or religion, in order to make it disappear completely and the name of a racist principle or ideological conception of this group. In Quebec it is called reasonable religious accommodation.  

The term genocide was coined in 1944 by jurist Raphael Lemkin to describe the systematic extermination of Jews by the Nazis.  Do we want the extermination of Canadians and Quebecers for reasons supposedly religious orfor their power religious personnel tocertain groups?

Unlike ideological wars where victims are seen as vectors assumed their ideas, the genocide basis for the discrimination of people considered undesirable and the fact of link belonging to this population at birth.

By extension and properly, the word genocide is sometimes used to refer to the violent and rapid death of a large number of people (instead of mass murder or massacre) or the disappearance of a cultural phenomenon (eg the genocide of language, custom, people of Quebec).

Montreal Gazette of July 14, 2014

Beautiful Holidays

Alain Laprise August 14, 2014

mercredi 13 août 2014

Pakistan - It's better not to be born WOMAN

Pakistan -
It is better not to be born woman!.
Barbarians again disfigure women
Although the penalties have increased, over a hundred Pakistani women are victims each year of vitriol
At least five young women attacked with acid by men on a motorcycle in the past 24 hours in the southwest of Pakistan, said Tuesday the local authorities. In the latest incident, two men on a motorbikevitriolated adolescents aged 14 and 15 who were returning from the local market in Mastung, a town about forty kilometers from Quetta, capital of the volatile province of Balochistan.
"One girls was injured in the face and the other has burned "neck, told AFP an official of the local police Wazir Lango, without specifying the severity of injuries.
Both teenagers were admitted to hospital and the police have launched an investigation to identify the assailants whose motives are still unclear, said the official.
A day earlier, two men on a motorcycle threw acid in the faces of three women older than twenty years returning from a market in Quetta, told AFP the head of the local police Abdul Razzaq Cheema. Young women were partially burned face, he said.
More than a hundred women disfigured each year in which the government does nothing to stop this crime. Their so-called religion permits torturing women and raped because they are serving as ANIMAL MAN.
In Pakistan, acid attacks are punishable by law, but nevertheless disfigure each year over a hundred women. An amendment to the Criminal Code adopted in late 2011 provides for a minimum sentence of 14 years in prison, up to life imprisonment - against a maximum of ten years ago - and a fine of one million rupees ($ 10 000) for anyone convicted of assault vitriolic. This amendment gave more credence to the testimony of victims and greater awareness of public opinion on matters that often remain in the shadows. A small stab in the archaic religions can never convince these criminals.

Result, the charge rate has increased significantly since the entry into force of the amendment, but also the number of known cases, victims are now more willing to testify, according to the NGO Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF).
Cases Balochistan bring to at least 125 the number of assaultsrecorded in Pakistan since the beginning of this year only acid, against 143 for throughout the last year, according to data from the ASF.
Ms. Masarrat Misbah diverts money of Pakistani women disfigured.
Ms. Masarrat Misbah is accused of embezzling money from beauty salons supposed to help and employ Pakistani disfigured.
godmother swindler burned women in Pakistan
From Celia Mercier / Release-Le Monde FR
Unfortunate women vitriolées become beauticians in beauty salon. This is the fairy tale loves telling Masarrat Misbah, director of the Depilex Smile Again Foundation, when it presents its protected disfigured with acid. A great story that the owner of beauty salons has staged for the world media. Except that the so-called good fairyappears to be Carabossea.

Clarice Felli, an Italian with the humanitarian fiber who met in 2003, regrets having trusted him. At the time, Clarice Felli, moved by the plight of women burned, Smile Again created a foundation to rehabilitate the victims of vitriol, a form of violence common on the Indian subcontinent.
Traveling to Pakistan, Italy ', on the advice of a friend, chose to entrust Masarrat Misbah the managementher ​​NGO in the

country.'sgracious patron lounges Depilex is a "self-made woman" who opts feminism and inspires confidence . Depilex Smile Again starts. Italian surgeons are called upon to repair the destroyed faces of women vitriolées.
Fissure. The rehabilitation project is glamorous: victims are trained to become beauticians in the salons of Madame Masarrat. The businesswoman moving heaven and earth to raise funds, showing off her disfigured protected on the screens, and manages to collect millions of rupees in Pakistan but also in the UAE, Europe and the United States. Masarrat Misbah announced the construction of a specialized hospital for burn victims, with a budget of 380 million rupees (3.2 million euros). In 2006, a large owner offers him land to build the building. But two months later, the work is abandoned without explanation. The beautiful story begins to crack.
A former employee of the foundation tells how she took to his heels after three months, after finding huge holes in the accounts. "Masarrat evaded my questions, she refused to explain what had happened to the money," she says. The former co-director of Depilex Smile Again, Manzar Mian, begins to have suspicions of money flows, often in cash, but he can not find receipts, and large sums never happen in the crate ...
You see Corrupt are not just
in Quebec orCanada.
turn He resigned in 2007 "According to my estimates, there are at least 1 million dollars that disappeared in the wild, says Manzar, Masarrat actually used these vulnerable girls as a showcase to makemoney."Authorities
were alerted and an investigation is launched, Masarrat is required to submit its books. She says her former accountant has just steal all its archives. This one has been arrested and is to be tried soon, with the only witness to his "theft" Masarrat.
During his last trip to Pakistan in December, ClariceFelli,the founder of Smile Again, realize that Masarrat lifted considerable funds never tell him. It demands explanations but refuses to answer Masarrat and threat. Clarice Felli discovers that dozens of patients thought to have been treated by the foundation never received
medical helppatients..
QuebecersOur manipulators
Handled Shireen Ishaq, a lawyer and volunteer Smile Again until 2008, recalls handled some  A disfigured child whose Masarrat used the photo to raise funds on the pretext of sending it to seek treatment in the United States. He is still waiting ...
A woman who Masarrat promised a job if she told in an interview that the foundation had paid for her surgery ...
The patient has yet to sell his home to finance her own operation. Disgusted, Shireen Ishaq just sent a scathing letter to the Prime Minister and the Supreme Court of Pakistan. She claims that justice is faite.
Alain LapriseAugust 13, 2014

Yezidi and Christian minorities buried alive by djihadists in Iraq

Yezidi and Christian minorities buried
alive by djihadists in Iraq

August 10, 2014

Want us to these Islamic criminals in Canada and Quebec to become Canadian citizens as reasonable accommodation? Are we being too friendly or fools? Should we restrict Muslim immigration for decades? Reasonable accommodations are requested to the Bouchard Taylor and our governments

Nobody can tell if this person is a terrorist, but why honest Muslims do not rise to denounce these extremists. They are among us, like the blood flowing through the veins. Do not expect us politicians sold starting to wake up? This day will be too late for our democracy. The rule of law is for the Democrats, the religious state is for the terrorist extremist

500 members of the Yazidi religious minority Christian and buried alive by the jihadists in Iraq August 10, 2014

Islam is the mercy of God and some examples mercy of the Prophet and his companions

"The grace, forgiveness granted to those that could punish" a definition is sometimes used to describe mercy. But what mercy in Islam?

Islam gave mercy even deeper sense, made ​​an essential part of the life of a Muslim, for which God rewards.

Mercy of God, it grants to all His creatures, is evident in all that surrounds us. in the sun that gives us light and heat, air and water are essential to life

An entire chapter of the Quran is named ar-Rahman, that is to say "the Merciful."

The jihadists of the Islamic state have killed at least 500 members of the religious minority yazidie since the beginning of their recent offensive in northern Iraq and were buried in mass graves, said the Iraqi Minister of Human rights.

Chia Mohamed al Sudani said to have evidence that Sunni extremists buried alive some of their victims, including women and children.

He added that the IU had removed about 300 women into slavery.

By Moreover, at least 20,000Iraqisrefugees in the Sinjar Mountains to escape the jihadists in northern Iraq, were able to escape unharmed to Syria before returning to Iraq escorted by Kurdish forces. A Kurdish official crossing point Fishkabour of the border, said 30,000 people had arrived from Syria, MP Yazidie Vian Dakhil reports for its share of 20,000 to 30,000 who fled and were now in the autonomous region of Kurdistan Iraqi.

Jihadists of the Islamic State (EI) killed at least 500 members of the religious minority yazidie since the beginning of their recent offensive in northern Iraq.

Chia Mohamed al Sudani, Iraqi Minister of Human man, said Sunniextremists had buried some of their living victims, including women and children. He added that the IU had removed about 300 women into slavery.

"We have clear evidence obtained from Sinjar Yazidis have fled and some have escaped death, but also from images of scenes crimes that show conclusively that the bands of the Islamic state has executed at least 500 Yazidis up after takingSinjar,"said Mohamed al Sudani Chia in a telephone interview with Reuters.

Yazidis Some buried alive

Sinjar is home yazidie the community, after the Kurdish minority in Iraq and follower of a pre-Islamic religion considered"evil"by Sunni radicals of IE.

"Some victims, including women and children, were buried alive in mass graves scattered in and around Sinjar, "said the Iraqi Minister of Human

Rights."In some images we obtained, the bodies of Yazidis are aligned after being killed by a bullet in the head while the fighters of the Islamic State rejoice and wave their arms over the body, "he has said.

Progression fighters of the Islamic state in northern Iraq resulted in the exodus of tens of thousands of Yazidis or members of the Christian minority. The jihadists were given until Sunday noon to 300 families yazidies to convert to Islam or die.

Whether Chia Mohamed al Sudani spoke of these families or other potential victims of the conflict.

Reduced to slavery

"YazidisWe talked to some Yazidis who fled Sinjar. We have dozens of testimonials describing the painful scenes of fighters of the Islamic State arriving and pulling girls in their families to serve as slaves, "he has

said."Terrorist Islamic state also reduced at least 300 women yazidies the state of slaves and some locked in a police Sinjar and transferred others in the city of Tal Afar. We fear they take them outside the country.

""It is now the responsibility of the international community to take a firm stand against the Islamic state to reach a consensus on a legitimate decision to start a war against the "State Islamicstop genocide and atrocities against civilians,  said Mohamed al Sudani Chia.

Americans are bombing

the jihadists,United States conducted Saturday for a second day of air strikes against the Sunni jihadists threaten Erbil, the capital of IraqiKurdistan,and stalk the Christian minorities and yazidies.

arrived inon BaghdadSunday,the French Foreign Minister, LaurentFabius,had to go in the wake Erbil to oversee the distribution of a French humanitarian aid , announced its services and Kurdish officials.

The United States has already dropped to aid refugees Yazidis on MountSinjar.Britain should do the same. However, these countries stress the responsibility of political leaders in Baghdad,including that of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki asked to form as soon as possible a unity government.