dimanche 21 décembre 2014

National Assembly of Québec Salaries and benifits for deputies and ministers

Salaries and benefits of deputies,
ministers to the National Assembly of Quebec
Groups of electoral districts

for certain benefits that follow, the amounts vary according to group (1 to 4) belongs to the constituency, since the 125 electoral districts in Quebec divided into four groups according to their size.
For example, small urban districts are part of group 1, while very large districts in rural areas, are part of group 3. The divisions of Duplessis and Ungava Bay, which are exceptionally widespread, belong to group 4.
Check the list of electoral groups  
annual allowance
Under Article 1 of the Working Conditions Act and the Pension Plan of the members of the National Assembly, the MP receives at April 1, 2014 a basic annual allowance of $ 89,950.
The increase of the annual allowance of MP is equal to the percentage increase in the salary scales of positions of public service executives to dates effective date of these new scales.
Additional indemnity for the exercise of parliamentary office
member who has a parliamentary or ministerial function receives an additional payment equal to a percentage of his annual base compensation.
The member who accumulates more a function for which additional compensation is granted only entitled to the highest compensation.
Table of Additional allowances April 1, 2014
Table of Additional benefits
Parliamentary Function
Basic Allowance Percentage
additional allowance
Total allowance base
and additional indemnity
$ 94,448
$ 184,398
Minister (including Government House Leader)
$ 67,463
$ 157,413
Speaker of the National Assembly
$ 67,463
$ 157,413
Vice President of National Assembly
$ 31,483
$ 121,433
Leader of the Opposition
$ 67,463
$ 157,413
Head of the 2nd opposition group
$ 31,483
$ 121,433
Parliamentary Leader of the Opposition
31 $ 483
$ 121,433
House Leader second opposition group
$ 22,488
$ 112,438
Chief Government Whip
$ 31,483
$ 121,433
Chief Whip of the Opposition
$ 26,985
$ 116,935
Whip the second opposition group
$ 17,990
$ 107,940
Deputy Government House Leader
$ 22,488
$ 112,488
Deputy Parliamentary Leader of the Official Opposition and the second opposition group
17 990940
107  USD $
of the Government Deputy Whip
$ 17,990
$ 107,940
Deputy Whip of the Official Opposition
$ 17,990
$ 107,940
Government Caucus Chair
$ 22,488
$ 112,488
Caucus Chair of the Official Opposition and the second opposition group
$ 20,239
$ 110,189
Parliamentary Assistant
$ 17,990
$ 107,940
Chairman of a standing committee
$ 22,488
$ 112,438
Vice Chairman of a standing committee
$ 17,990
$ 107,940
Chair of a standing committee
$ 13,493
$ 103,443
Board Member of the National Assembly
$ 13,493
$ 103,443

For more information
about:members occupying the parliamentary duties and departmental
responsibilities associated with parliamentary and ministerial functions
annual spending allowance
MP receives an annual expense allowance for expenses incurred in the performance of its functions, including the cost of meals and lodging in his constituency or outside of Quebec City, its representation, etc.
This allowance is adjusted on January 1 of each year according to the rate of increase in the index of consumer prices for Canada determined by Statistics Canada. Since 1 January 2014, the allowance is $ 16,226.
Transition allowance
Under Articles 12 to 18 of the Act on the conditions of employment and the pension plan of the Members of the National Assembly, the member who resigns as a member of the National Assembly, was defeated in an election or completing a term as without being a candidate for election following the end of the mandate is entitled to a transition allowance.
This allowance is equal to two times the monthly salary (basic annual allowance and, where appropriate, additional allowance) MP for each full year in which he was a member of the Assembly.
He also has the right, if necessary, to twice the portion of monthly salary equivalent to the fraction of a year during which he was a member of the Assembly. However, this benefit can not be less than 4 times the monthly salary or more than 12 times this treatmentamounts:.
monthly salaries generally the greater of the following
The average salary received by the MP in the last 12 months preceding the end of his term or during each month or part month, if less than 12
The average salary received by the MP in the 36 highest-paid months all his duties, provided they have was unbroken.
The transitional allowance is paid at the end of the Member's duties and the application or in a lump sum or over a period of up to 36 months. The unpaid balance of the allowance may, if the beneficiary so requests, be paid in a single payment.
The payment of the allowance ceases on the date on which the beneficiary again becomes a Member.
Pension Plan
Under the Article 19 and following of the Act respecting the conditions of employment and the pension plan of the Members of the National Assembly, the member receives a pension plan. The booklet The PPMNA - The pension plan of members of the National Assembly, produced by CARRA in January 2014, presents the main provisions of the PensionMP.
Travel allowance in the electoral district in Quebec and elsewhere
The  entitled to a monthly allowance for expenses incurred in the course of his travels, particularly in his constituency. The amount of the allowance varies depending on the group to which the member's constituency.
For the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, the annual amounts of travel allowance for political activities in Quebec are :
Travel allowance in the electoral district and elsewhere in Quebec
riding of Group
annual amount allocated to the member
7 900 $$$

Additional allowance
Due to certain constraints and characteristics to the territory of their district , members of the electoral districts of Berthier, Duplessis and Ungava Bay are also entitled to an additional allowance. This is paid upon presentation of receipts for reimbursement of actual costs of travel and travel in their constituency. This allocation allows them to visit such places inaccessible or difficult to access by landpaid.
The additional benefits are
$ 1500 for the member for Berthier
$ 10,000 for the member for Duplessis
$ 16,000 for the member of Ungava.
Reimbursement for travel expenses
Reimbursement of travel between the constituency and the Parliament Building
on presentation of receipts, the Assembly reimburse transportation expenses incurred by the member for his trips between his local constituency and the Parliament Building.
A member who uses the plane, bus or train is entitled to reimbursement of the cost of economy class ticket and reimbursement of other costs involved in moving.
As for the member that uses a motor vehicle, he is entitled to equal $ 0.45 per kilometer allowance for the distance it has to travel between the local constituency and the Parliament Building.
Number of trips paid
for each fiscal year, an MP entitled to reimbursement of up to 60 round trips between his riding and the Parliament Building. This figure includes a maximum of 5 return trips for travel of his spouse or dependent childyear.

member who occupies one of the following functions is entitled to 10 additional round trips per fiscal
Vice President National Assembly of the
Official Opposition Leader or the second opposition group
Government Deputy Leader of the Opposition or the second opposition group
Chief Government Whip or the Official Opposition
Whip in the second groupof opposition
Deputy Government Whipor the official opposition
caucus president of the government, the official opposition or the second opposition group
chairman or vice-chairman of a parliamentary committee
Member of the Assembly Bureau .
Members of electoral districts which are included in whole or in part in the territory of the city of Québec or adjacent thereto are not entitled to reimbursement of their travel between their constituencies and Parliament Building.
Reimbursement of housing costs in Quebec
A member is entitled to reimbursement of housing costs in the city of Québec or in the immediate vicinity as long as his principal residence is located:
Outside the territory of Quebec City
At outside of a contiguous electoral district to the territory of the city, those of Chauveau, La Peltrie or Montmorency.
For the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, housing costs are reimbursed up . up to $ 15,100
The rebate applies:
the cost renting ofa room in a hotel
or rent a home or the amount of the rental value of a second home belonging to the member or his spouse .
The reimbursement includes the following costs:
Certificate of rental value
telephone service
domestic housing Maintenance Service
fire insurance, theft and liability
Internet Monthly subscriptionto.
A Member who occupies one of the following functions is entitled  additional amount of $ 3,000 per year to pay housing costs:
Chairman of the National Assembly
Prime Minister
Leader of the Opposition
Chief of second opposition group
Government House Leader of the Official Opposition or the second groupopposition of
WhipChief Government or the Opposition
Whip second opposition group
president of the governing party's caucus of the official opposition or the second opposition group.

Budget for the operation of the local constituency
The annual amount of the member for the rental and operation of its local constituency varies the group that his constituency. For the period between April 1 2014 and March 31, 2015, operating budgets are:
Budget for the operation of the local riding
riding Group
annual amount allocated to the member
$ 57,400
51 500 $
$ 49,000

Check the list of electoral groups
in addition to the rent, the Member may include obtaining reimbursement of the costs of
purchase of stationery and office supplies
or buy subscriptions to newspapers and specialized databases
Post and messaging
Purchase or rental copier, fax, furniture, office equipment, decorative accessories and artwork
Buy a GPS receiver, pager and telephone answering
Purchase and phone usage cell
Purchase, installation, operation and maintenance of an alarm
systemfire insurance premiums, theft, vandalism and civil liability
Electricity and heating
banking customary charges
leasehold Taxes
moving, moving and installation
Parking and snow removal
Home or light snack to receive hisvoters
Room rentalin the constituency
Advertising necessary for the proper functioning of the local
publication of a text information or opinion or printing and distribution of unaddressed mail design and update a website or a blog.
The assets acquired with the funds allocated to the member remain the property of the Assembly and is recorded in the Register of inventories MP. The member has to transfer the property to the Assembly when he leaves his parliamentary duties.
Payroll for the remuneration of the member of staff
member has a basic payroll for the remuneration of its staff. The member who represents a riding part of the constituency group 3 or 4 and the one who is chairman or vice-chairman of a parliamentary committee has additional payroll.
For the period April 1, 2014 and March 31, 2015 payroll base for all members of. $ 166,146
Additional payrolls are:
$ 15,185 for constituency members of Group 3 for a total of
$ 181 331
$ 48 779 for Members constituencies of Group 4 and for the following group of MPs constituencies 3: Arthabaska, Bonaventure, Charlevoix-Côte-de-Beaupré, Côte-du-Sud, Gaspé, Matane-Matapédia, Lotbinière-Frontenac and Rivière-du-Loup -Témiscouata for a total of $ 214,925.
$ 5,660 for the chairman of a parliamentary committee
$ 3,395 for the vice president of a parliamentary committee
$ 99,874 to the government caucus chair or the Official Opposition
$ 38,674 for the president of the 2nd caucus opposition group.
Member of staff travel costs
The annual amount the member for repayment of his staff travel costs vary according to the group to which electoral district. For the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, the awards are:

travel costs to the member of staff
Constituency Group
annual amount allocated to the member
on March
1080 $
$ 4,501
3987 $
and the following group of districts 3: Arthabaska, Bonaventure, Charlevoix-Côte-de-Beaupré, Côte-du-Sud, Gaspé, Matane-Matapédia, Lotbinière-Frontenac and Rivière-du-Loup-Témiscouata
$ 11,049
Reimbursables include the cost of transportation, meals and accommodation costs in a hotel.

Payroll for the remuneration of an office staff of the Assembly
Instead of payroll allocated to a deputy, Assembly holds a firm has a payroll for the remuneration of its staff constituency and Parliament Building.
For the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, the masses salary allocated to each holder of an Assembly Cabinet are:
$ 951,950 for the President of the Assembly
$ 394,262 for each of the three Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
$ 951,950 for the Government House Leader
$ 859,175 for the Chief Government Whip
$ 1,810,532 for the leader of the Official Opposition
$ 676,315 for the parliamentary leader of the Official Opposition
$ 851,205 for the Chief Whip of the Official Opposition
1165592 $ for the leader of the second opposition group
$ 459,000 for the parliamentary leader of the second opposition group
$ 382,500 to the whip of the second opposition group
budget for the operation of the office
holder of an office of the Assembly has a budget for reimbursement of expenses related to the operation of his office in the Parliament Building.
For the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, the operating budgets allocated to each holder of a firm are:
$ 102,000 for the president of the Assembly
$ 16,200 for each of the three Vice-Presidents of the Assembly
$ 34,600 for the Government House Leader
$ 99,900 for the Chief Government Whip
269,500 $ for the Leader of the Official Opposition
$ 26,900 for the House Leader of the Official Opposition
$ 99,900 for the Chief Whip of the Official Opposition
$ 167,300 for the leader of the second opposition group
for $ 5,100 the parliamentary leader of the second opposition group
$ 30,700 to the whip of the second opposition group
Amounts allocated to political parties for the purpose of research and support
Under section 108 of the Act respecting the National Assembly, each political party represented in the Assembly following the last general election and independent members, if necessary, receive a sum allocated for the purpose of research and support. This amount is used for the remuneration of personnel engaged by each party and to pay expenses related to the operation of the search service.
Research and support
for the period between 1 April 2014 and 31 March 2015, the following amounts were allocated to each of the parties represented in the Assembly and the independent Members who have requested:
$ 928,000 for the Parti Quebecois
$ 643,700 for the Liberal Party of Quebec
$ 807,200 for future Quebec Coalition
$ 264,300 for Quebec solidaire.