dimanche 21 septembre 2014

Binge buffet of TAXPAYERS : Jean Chrétien, Jean Charest, Bryan Mulroney, Mario Dumont, Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Gilles Vaillancourt, Lyne Beauchamps, Lucien Bouchard, Gaétan Barrette, André Boisclair, Michaëlle Jean

Binge buffet of  TAXPAYERS

Many politicians, once they leave the parliamentary business, dreams of only one thing:join the PRESTIGIOUS CLUB billionaires and multimillionaires order also binge buffet the taxpayer. The enjoyment of gold, silver, power permeates our elixir endless us gods of this world.

We understand that when they are in power, they have every reason not to rush the system too to be able to join this elite that is placed on top of all laws, standards of humanity. This is nirvana insured.

This should however be the role of the state to defend the greatest number of citizens. The nation-state formerly had at least some virtue: elite lived better, but she was indebted to the people. This is over and forgotten.

Joiningmultimillionaires, our politiciansmake sure to have a higher level of appreciation of the little people and at the same time he climbs the makers of humanity without impunity. For them the merit should be rewarded by having a maximum deliberately devoted their lives to the services of more affluent.  

At this height, you live on an all-white cloud and you no want the common people know what is scheming behind your back . It is therefore necessary to build an insurmountable wall, but tolerable to handle these common people as well said his majesty Lise Thibault First. You are all indebted to me because if you live is because of me and me only. I had time to shop as the common man, I was Queen and I always will be.  At my feet, and dogs love me!  
Lise Thibault moved to Scotland, it will be devoted Queen of Scots 2015

As well said, George W Bush, we need to feed more and more rich people so they can, in all their wisdom, give back a few pieces of bread to our poorest citizens. There will be more rich multibillion more there will be poor, it is the same logic of capitalism or communism.

Currently viewing, the battle for union pension plans and state. The union also wanted from the buffet that he believed they were owed. But no, they were not parties to the elite. It does not let wants. You need to have blue blood, the elect ofGod.Union members have totally forgotten that part of power between the state and the common people. The union will lose some of their retirement, the little people will think it will pay less for these retreats and elite have manipulated the whole society to jealously guard what they have stolen all of us.  

Elite status does will not pay a penny more because he has to keep the sky so beautiful above their head for their next arrived in holy places like Jean Chrétien, Jean Charest, Bryan Mulroney, Mario Dumont, Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Gilles Vaillancourt, Lyne Beauchamps, Lucien Bouchard, Gaétan Barrette, André Boisclair, Michaëlle Jean and hundreds of others.
Not guest who wants to  SIGN

Justin Trudeau leader of the liberal party of Canada is visitin mosque of Al-Qaida in Montreal. He have a bird brain

Justin Trudeau visits mosque of Al Qaeda
OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau has been criticized by a Canadian Muslim organization, because he visited a mosque which is considered by the American military as a recruiting center for alQaeda.'s

mosque Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah is located in his riding of Papineau.
Liberal Leader confirmed late last week that he went to the Al-SunnahAl-Nabawiah, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. He also questioned the appointment of the mosque as a recruitment center by the American government.
"I think I probably went in every different mosque in my constituency, said Mr. Trudeau. I know a number of people who have been listed by the United States government on a no-fly list and we make our own decisions in Canada for this stuff, because the American government is known to make mistakes from time in time.
"Asyou can see I have no judgment and I must pick up the votes for the next federal election because our will Multiculturalism is the emblem of our vision of Canada. Divided to manage better.
Founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, Tarek Fatah, found "outrageous" response of the Liberal leader.

"This mosque is proudly called it, in his own description, a Wahhabi mosque, which serves as example to the Islamic state, Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban "Hashe told QMI Agency.
According to Mr. Fatah, the Liberal leader would have done better to" denounce jihad,sharia andof hatredtheJew,which form the basis for sermons in the mosque.
The Office of Prime Minister Harper accused Mr. Trudeau" go fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities [...] It Clearly we can not trust Justin Trudeau to protect Canadians, "according to spokesman Stephen Lecce.
We as Conservatives are going fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities in associations such as the fact often the Prime Minister, John Baird, etc. [...] It is clear that we can not trust Stephen Harper to protect Canadians "according to spokesman .................
We also like the NDP, Thomas Mulcair go fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities as associations often does the Prime Minister, John Baird, Justin Trudeau etc. [...] It is clear that we can not trust Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau to protect Canadians' by spokesman .................
Wilful blindness
In conclusion, the politician sells to the highest bidder at the expense of the general population for their own well being and does not care about taxpayers. Who do you trustMosque?:

Mosque Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah terrorist
Al Qaeda Papineau Montreal

Sidhartha Banerjee and Jonathan Montpetit
The Canadian Press

Published April 26, 2011 at 17:19 / Updated April 26, 2011 at 9:21 p.m.

pro-terroristMuslims are outraged that Ottawa Montreal indulges terrorists Montreal and Canada

A Muslim spokesman Montreal says a new document WikiLeaks describing a mosque in the city as a meeting point for terrorists is defamatory.

This document argues that a Mauritanian terror suspect who is being held at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay was the mastermind of a Montreal cell of Al Qaeda who masterminded the attacks on American soil.

According to information made ​​public by WikiLeaks this week Last, members of Al Qaeda have been recruited to the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiahwhere the suspect may have worked briefly, possibly as an imam.

For the director of the Muslim Council of Montreal, SalamElmenyawi,these claims demonstrate how institutions of the Muslim community are unfairly targeted by authorities.

"None of the information is based on evidence. They are based on analysis from security intelligence. Other facts that contradicted the findings of these analyzes have certainly been evaded, "argued Mr. Elmenyawi.

Mohamedou Ould Salahi arrived in Montreal on November 26 1999 He arrived from Germany. He left the country when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) began to question him about ties that bound him to Ahmed Ressam. He had planned attacks at the airport in Los Angeles.

According to WikiLeaks documents, Mohamedou Ould Salahi had met Ahmed Ressam four days after arriving in Montreal. He was already aware of the conspiracy and he was in contact with the terrorists who planned.

Electrical engineer aged 39 allegedly recruited three of the hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

Mohamedou Ould Salahi has acknowledged that he is part of the mujahideen who fought the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, he says he was not involved in planning the bombing of Los Angeles and maintains that he has no connection with Al Qaeda, the Taliban or their partners, and thissince

In Montreal1992,he replaced the imam of the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah, who had gone on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan.

director of the Muslim Council argues that the passage of Mohamedou Ould Salahi was brief and nothing else is known about him.

"I know nothing about him, as is the case for everyone in the mosque," he was defended by pointing out that he did not even know if Mohamedou Ould Salahi was an imam.

"I'm not here to defend it at all costs. If he is guilty, which lays charges against him in a court of law, which organizes a fair trial and that settles it, "said the director of the Muslim Council of Montreal.

Montreal is city ​​where Al Qaeda recruits more terrorists in Canada caused by the laxity of our laws

"But to undermine the reputation of the mosque during the process is totally unacceptable," he decided.

The Mauritania has tried unsuccessfully to obtain the reports of interrogations conducted by the RCMP in 2000 against him. The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear his case while the Federal Court of Canada ruled last year that he could not be aware of this information because he is not a citizen of the country.

He is detained at Guantanamo for more than seven years.

Can we trust our governments to protect the country from all these different religious fundamentalists religions.


samedi 20 septembre 2014

Mascouche Normand Trudel et Richard Marcotte les rats de Mascouche Corruptions

Mascouche: Normand Trudel profite toujours des largesses de la corruption

Même s'il a été arrêté pour corruption au moment où il était titulaire du controversé contrat de

déneigement de Mascouche, l'entrepreneur Normand Trudel continue, grâce à son fils, de bénéficier indirectement des fonds municipaux destinés à l'enlèvement de la neige. Simon Trudel a pris la relève de son père et s'est engagé à le payer pour l'utilisation de ses équipements.

Selon des documents de soumission obtenus par La Presse, Simon Trudel s'est engagé en juin à payer près de 16 000$ par mois à l'entreprise de son père, Normand, en échange de la location des camions et des chasse-neige qui ont été nécessaires pour remporter un contrat de déneigement d'une durée de trois ans.
Rappelons que, en 2011, La Presse avait révélé que TEM, l'entreprise de Normand Trudel, facturait jusqu'à 65 fois plus que le prix courant pour déneiger les bornes d'incendie de Mascouche.

En avril dernier, l'escouade Marteau a arrêté Normand Trudel pour fraude, abus de confiance et versement de pots-de-vin visant l'obtention de contrats municipaux. L'entreprise TEM a également été accusée au criminel.
Depuis, la Ville de Mascouche a confié le déneigement des bornes d'incendie à ses cols bleus, mais elle cherchait tout de même de nouveaux entrepreneurs pour déneiger les voies publiques. Le territoire a été divisé en cinq zones, et les entreprises ont été invitées à soumissionner pour chacune d'elles.
L'un des critères de sélection était l'expérience des firmes. Dans la zone 5, la firme Neigexpert, qui possède pourtant plusieurs années d'expérience en déneigement à Montréal et à Laval, aurait été disqualifiée sur la base de ce critère. «L'information qu'on a eue, c'est qu'on l'excluait parce qu'elle n'avait pas assez d'expérience», explique le conseiller municipal Jacques Tremblay.
Contrat de 3,8 millions
Dans la zone 2, l'une des plus payantes, il n'y avait qu'un seul soumissionnaire, une nouvelle entreprise nommée Construction Axika. Axika a été créée le 30 avril dernier, deux semaines seulement après l'arrestation de Normand Trudel. Elle est dirigée par son fils, Simon Trudel. Elle loge à la même adresse et utilise le même numéro de téléphone que TEM, l'entreprise du père.

À première vue, la toute jeune Axika semblait avoir encore moins d'expérience que Neigexpert. Mais Axika a fait valoir que ses employés et ses dirigeants avaient acquis leur savoir-faire en travaillant pour TEM pendant des années.
Lundi, le conseil municipal lui a donc attribué le contrat, d'une valeur de 3,8 millions pour trois ans.
Joint par La Presse, Simon Trudel s'est dit indépendant de TEM. «C'est mon père, oui, mais j'ai ma compagnie à moi, ce n'est pas la même compagnie», a-t-il souligné.
Interrogé sur les documents du contrat qui parlent d'un versement mensuel d'environ 16 000$ à son père, il a contredit sa propre soumission. «J'ai mes camions, je les ai achetés», a-t-il assuré, avant de mettre fin à la conversation.
L'opposition, elle, trouve étrange qu'une entreprise ait été exclue pour manque d'expérience malgré ses années de service à Montréal, alors qu'Axica a pu se qualifier en utilisant à son compte l'expérience de TEM, une entreprise distincte.
«Comment se fait-il qu'on accorde de l'expérience à Axica alors que l'expérience concerne des contrats réalisés par une autre entreprise? C'est un contrat important pour la population et on attend toujours des réponses de l'administration en place», a déclaré Stéphane Handfield, chef du parti de l'opposition Vision démocratique de Mascouche.

Le directeur général de la Ville n'était pas disponible pour commenter le dossier, hier. Une porte-parole nous a envoyé un communiqué dans lequel la Ville se félicite d'une diminution de 12% des coûts de déneigement à partir de cette année.

Alain Laprise 20 septembre 2014

Mascouche Normand Trudel and Richard Marcotte the rats of Mascouche corruption

Mascouche: Normand Trudel always benefits from the wide corruption

Although he was arrested for corruption when he was the owner of the controversial contract

forsnow removal Mascouche, Normand Trudel contractor continues through his son, to benefit indirectly from municipal funds for snow removal. Simon Trudel took over from his father and pledged to pay for the use of its equipment.

According to tender documents obtained by LaPresse,Simon Trudel pledged in June to pay nearly $ 16,000 per months the company of his father, Norman, in exchange for the rental of trucks and snowplows that were required to win a snow removal contract with a duration of three years.
recall that in 2011, La Presse had TEM revealed that the company Normand Trudel, was charging up to 65 times the powerprices to plow fire Mascouche terminals.

Last April, the squad Hammer arrested Normand Trudel forfraud,embezzlement payment of bribes and kickbacks to obtain municipal contracts. The company TEM was also charged criminally.
Since the City of Mascouche told plowing fire to his blue-collar terminals, but still looking for new contractors to clear snow from public roads. The territory was divided into five zones, and companies were invited to tender for each of them.
One of the selection criteria was the experience of firms. In zone 5, the firm Neigexpert, which nevertheless has many years of experience in snow removal in Montreal and Laval, was disqualified on the basis of this criterion. "The information we had was that we excluded it because it does not have enough experience," said Councillor Jacques Tremblay.
3.8 million contract
in Zone 2 , one of the charge, there was only one bidder, a new company called Construction Axika. Axika was created on April 30, just two weeks after the arrest of NormandTrudel.It is directed by his son, Simon Trudel. She lives at the same address and use the same phone number as TEM, the company of the father.

At first glance, the young Axika seemed to have even less experience than Neigexpert. Axika but argued that its employees and its leaders had acquired their skills by working for TEM for years.
Monday, the City Council has awarded the contract, worth $ 3.8  over millionthree years.
Contacted by LaPresse, Simon Trudelsaid independent TEM. "That's my father, yes, but I have my company to me, it's not the same company," he said.
Asked about the contract documents that speak of a monthly payment of approximately $ 16,000 to his father, he contradicted his own bid. "I have my truck, I bought them," Has he said, before ending the conversation.
Opposition, she finds it strange that a company has been excluded despite his lack of experience years of service to Montreal, then qu'Axica could qualify using his account of the experience of TEM, a separate business.
"How is it that attaches experience Axica while experience respect of contracts made ​​by another company? This is an important contract for the population and we are still waiting for answers from the current administration, "said Stéphane Handfield, head of the opposition party Democratic Vision Mascouche.

Director general of the city was not available to comment on the matteryesterday. A spokesperson sent us a statement in which the city welcomes a 12% decrease in snow removal costs from this année.

Alain Laprise September 20, 2014

samedi 13 septembre 2014

We must reject religious fundamentalism in Québec and Canada

We must reject religious fundamentalism
in Quebec and Canada

Jewish holidays of RoshHashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot approchent- they are celebrated here for over 250 years - and with them for hours with family and friends, shared meals with friendly . As well as long hours in the synagogue. In fact, for most Jews,the holidays are the only time of year when they set foot in a synagogue.
Richard Marceau
This year, the festivities will take place in Quebec with in frame funds, the debate on Draftof Charter  Quebecvalues.
In other words, these religious festivals take place in the open debate on the place of religion in our society.
It is now known that the government of Pauline Marois wants to ban all religious symbols from employees the public and broader public sector. In addition, some votes went as far as proposing that any religious manifestation of public space is downright hunting. (!) Thank you god, Quebec does not seem to go in that directionreligion.
Freedom of  Fundamental freedom
Beyond ridiculous to create a font conspicuous religious symbols in government departments ("Excuseme madam, your crucifix is a quarter of an inch too big, you have to remove it or buy a smaller, otherwise you will be reprimanded"),this debate affects the question morefundamentalof the place of religion in asociety. given  In other words, let's take a moment to reflect on the wider than the display of religious symbols.issue
Not only freedom of religion is it considered one of the most important freedoms in Quebec, Canada and in theworld - art. 3 of the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ss. 2a of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ss. 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, art. 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights, art. 10 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, etc., is well regarded because religion can and should be a positiveme.?:
Wars religions for thousands of years
misunderstand  I'm not saying that a person agnostic or atheist is poorer, less moral a person a believer. Or that religion, when misguided, can become a problem.
But this is true for any idea. Nationalism is in itself something good. But the extreme nationalism that becomes exclusive, xenophobic or racist, is just as bad.
Liberalism is also positive. But pushed to the extreme, to the point that society collectively lost interest in the poor and have-account, it becomes unhealthy
religion.Force for good
seems to forget is that religion can be a force for good -. though it does not match thepolitical power
Ado we forget that it was the British evangelicals who pushed for the abolition of slavery? Than their American counterparts were in the front row of the same struggle in the United States?

We mark these days the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington Martin Luther King for the defense of American civil rights. A do we forget that King was a Baptist minister who drew inspiration from the Jewish prophets and Jesus' message of love? Its main white allies were young Jewish supporters of the principle of"TikouneOlam"(obligation to repair the world), with RabbiJoshua Abraham Heschel in mind?
A does one forget that the South African Anglican Church led the struggle against apartheid?
A does one forget that the Catholic Church with Pope John Paul II as its head, has greatly contributed to the fall of communism, first in Poland and throughout Europe?
More Closer to home, we are ready to remove all priests, abbots, etc. who taught generations of Quebecers? For those sisters who have spent their lives in service to others in schools and hospitals
Whatabout today FatherPops, devoted to more eras of the Montreal street and serving them the help without judgment but with compassion ( Latin for "to suffer with") and love?
What about theArmy Hi (Protestant) who collects money and goods for the poor? Same for the St. Vincent de Paul Catholic side.

I think the last rabbi of a large synagogue came to Montreal, RabbiLisa Grushcow Emmanu Temple Beth-El-Sholom, lesbian woman and defending the rights of the homosexual community. The last rabbi arrived in Ottawa - which also serves the small community of Gatineau - called ElizabethBolton.It is also a lesbian woman-.

I think of my father Secular Franciscan -. Has spent years volunteering to help Haiti and even stayed there for over a year
As for the claim that religions are to origin of the main conflicts in the world, it is important to remember that the most deadly ideologies of the twentieth century (Nazism and Communism) caused over 100 million deaths and were anti-religious.
Religious fundamentalism is a problem of course, mainly in non-democratic societies in theworld. Arab-Muslim
Niqab Freedom woman
Islamism is also a problem here in Canada. We saw it with stops lately several youth charged and found guilty of terrorism. Or with reports of Fatrice Pierrebourg of LaPresse on Independence conference soon to be held at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal.
Other religions are also affected by fundamentalism. Christianity, Judaism, Sikhism have their radicals.
It is also developing an intolerant secularism, distorted, far from its original meaning, a secularism that claims to be the only way, the only way to society.function
Secularismmeans that state and religion should be separated. Not that the state governments to promote atheism, or makes of it the basis of any public policy
whatsoever.'sSecular state does not mean absence of religion in society. It means neutrality of thestate.;
state,in other words, secularism is a duty of the  it is not a constraint imposed on citizens of the state by the latter. Including employees of the latter.
Secularism is not synonymous with atheism. And she's not hunting religious phenomenon as some voices suggest, even asking the complete ban on the wearing of conspicuous religious symbols in public.
Returning back to back fundamentalisms
we are facing today to religious fundamentalism and secular fundamentalism.
We must oppose both.
Religious fundamentalists of all faiths want to impose their religion (because their religion is the only truth) of all of us to turn our democracy into a kind of theocracy whose power would not be in the hands of the people, but in the hands of the interpreters of God (priests, imams, pastors, rabbis, etc.).
Secular fundamentalists want to expel any manifestation of religion in the public space and therefore depriving us of the personal, moral and spiritual result.
refuses that I lock myself in one of those boxes.
advocate of separation of church and state, I do not want to chase the religious voices of our society. Believer, I do not think the state should promote any belief whatsoever -. Nor unbelief
not wearing any ostentatious religious sign (outside the synagogue during religious holidays), I oppose that those who are to be excluded from the public service to my state.
Democratic and tied to fundamental freedoms, advocate of respect for the diversity of our society, I hope that these aspects of Quebec are reflected in any legislation that may be adopted by the National Assembly.

Richard Marceau
September 2, 2013

Alain LapriseSeptember 13 2014