Justin Trudeau visits mosque of Al Qaeda
OTTAWA - Justin Trudeau has been criticized by a Canadian Muslim organization, because he visited a mosque which is considered by the American military as a recruiting center for alQaeda.'s
mosque Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah is located in his riding of Papineau.
Liberal Leader confirmed late last week that he went to the Al-SunnahAl-Nabawiah, which follows a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. He also questioned the appointment of the mosque as a recruitment center by the American government.
"I think I probably went in every different mosque in my constituency, said Mr. Trudeau. I know a number of people who have been listed by the United States government on a no-fly list and we make our own decisions in Canada for this stuff, because the American government is known to make mistakes from time in time.
"Asyou can see I have no judgment and I must pick up the votes for the next federal election because our will Multiculturalism is the emblem of our vision of Canada. Divided to manage better.
Founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, Tarek Fatah, found "outrageous" response of the Liberal leader.
"This mosque is proudly called it, in his own description, a Wahhabi mosque, which serves as example to the Islamic state, Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban "Hashe told QMI Agency.
According to Mr. Fatah, the Liberal leader would have done better to" denounce jihad,sharia andof hatredtheJew,which form the basis for sermons in the mosque.
The Office of Prime Minister Harper accused Mr. Trudeau" go fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities [...] It Clearly we can not trust Justin Trudeau to protect Canadians, "according to spokesman Stephen Lecce.
We as Conservatives are going fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities in associations such as the fact often the Prime Minister, John Baird, etc. [...] It is clear that we can not trust Stephen Harper to protect Canadians "according to spokesman .................
We also like the NDP, Thomas Mulcair go fishing for votes with religious extremists in our own communities as associations often does the Prime Minister, John Baird, Justin Trudeau etc. [...] It is clear that we can not trust Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau to protect Canadians' by spokesman .................
Wilful blindness
In conclusion, the politician sells to the highest bidder at the expense of the general population for their own well being and does not care about taxpayers. Who do you trustMosque?:
Mosque Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah terrorist
Al Qaeda Papineau Montreal
Sidhartha Banerjee and Jonathan Montpetit
The Canadian Press
Published April 26, 2011 at 17:19 / Updated April 26, 2011 at 9:21 p.m.
pro-terroristMuslims are outraged that Ottawa Montreal indulges terrorists Montreal and Canada
A Muslim spokesman Montreal says a new document WikiLeaks describing a mosque in the city as a meeting point for terrorists is defamatory.
This document argues that a Mauritanian terror suspect who is being held at the American prison at Guantanamo Bay was the mastermind of a Montreal cell of Al Qaeda who masterminded the attacks on American soil.
According to information made public by WikiLeaks this week Last, members of Al Qaeda have been recruited to the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiahwhere the suspect may have worked briefly, possibly as an imam.
For the director of the Muslim Council of Montreal, SalamElmenyawi,these claims demonstrate how institutions of the Muslim community are unfairly targeted by authorities.
"None of the information is based on evidence. They are based on analysis from security intelligence. Other facts that contradicted the findings of these analyzes have certainly been evaded, "argued Mr. Elmenyawi.
Mohamedou Ould Salahi arrived in Montreal on November 26 1999 He arrived from Germany. He left the country when the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) began to question him about ties that bound him to Ahmed Ressam. He had planned attacks at the airport in Los Angeles.
According to WikiLeaks documents, Mohamedou Ould Salahi had met Ahmed Ressam four days after arriving in Montreal. He was already aware of the conspiracy and he was in contact with the terrorists who planned.
Electrical engineer aged 39 allegedly recruited three of the hijackers involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001
Mohamedou Ould Salahi has acknowledged that he is part of the mujahideen who fought the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. However, he says he was not involved in planning the bombing of Los Angeles and maintains that he has no connection with Al Qaeda, the Taliban or their partners, and thissince
In Montreal1992,he replaced the imam of the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah, who had gone on a pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan.
director of the Muslim Council argues that the passage of Mohamedou Ould Salahi was brief and nothing else is known about him.
"I know nothing about him, as is the case for everyone in the mosque," he was defended by pointing out that he did not even know if Mohamedou Ould Salahi was an imam.
"I'm not here to defend it at all costs. If he is guilty, which lays charges against him in a court of law, which organizes a fair trial and that settles it, "said the director of the Muslim Council of Montreal.
Montreal is city where Al Qaeda recruits more terrorists in Canada caused by the laxity of our laws
"But to undermine the reputation of the mosque during the process is totally unacceptable," he decided.
The Mauritania has tried unsuccessfully to obtain the reports of interrogations conducted by the RCMP in 2000 against him. The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear his case while the Federal Court of Canada ruled last year that he could not be aware of this information because he is not a citizen of the country.
He is detained at Guantanamo for more than seven years.
Can we trust our governments to protect the country from all these different religious fundamentalists religions.