Mascouche: Normand Trudel always benefits from the wide corruption
Although he was arrested for corruption when he was the owner of the controversial contract
forsnow removal Mascouche, Normand Trudel contractor continues through his son, to benefit indirectly from municipal funds for snow removal. Simon Trudel took over from his father and pledged to pay for the use of its equipment.
According to tender documents obtained by LaPresse,Simon Trudel pledged in June to pay nearly $ 16,000 per months the company of his father, Norman, in exchange for the rental of trucks and snowplows that were required to win a snow removal contract with a duration of three years.
recall that in 2011, La Presse had TEM revealed that the company Normand Trudel, was charging up to 65 times the powerprices to plow fire Mascouche terminals.
Last April, the squad Hammer arrested Normand Trudel forfraud,embezzlement payment of bribes and kickbacks to obtain municipal contracts. The company TEM was also charged criminally.
Since the City of Mascouche told plowing fire to his blue-collar terminals, but still looking for new contractors to clear snow from public roads. The territory was divided into five zones, and companies were invited to tender for each of them.
One of the selection criteria was the experience of firms. In zone 5, the firm Neigexpert, which nevertheless has many years of experience in snow removal in Montreal and Laval, was disqualified on the basis of this criterion. "The information we had was that we excluded it because it does not have enough experience," said Councillor Jacques Tremblay.
3.8 million contract
in Zone 2 , one of the charge, there was only one bidder, a new company called Construction Axika. Axika was created on April 30, just two weeks after the arrest of NormandTrudel.It is directed by his son, Simon Trudel. She lives at the same address and use the same phone number as TEM, the company of the father.
At first glance, the young Axika seemed to have even less experience than Neigexpert. Axika but argued that its employees and its leaders had acquired their skills by working for TEM for years.
Monday, the City Council has awarded the contract, worth $ 3.8 over millionthree years.
Contacted by LaPresse, Simon Trudelsaid independent TEM. "That's my father, yes, but I have my company to me, it's not the same company," he said.
Asked about the contract documents that speak of a monthly payment of approximately $ 16,000 to his father, he contradicted his own bid. "I have my truck, I bought them," Has he said, before ending the conversation.
Opposition, she finds it strange that a company has been excluded despite his lack of experience years of service to Montreal, then qu'Axica could qualify using his account of the experience of TEM, a separate business.
"How is it that attaches experience Axica while experience respect of contracts made by another company? This is an important contract for the population and we are still waiting for answers from the current administration, "said Stéphane Handfield, head of the opposition party Democratic Vision Mascouche.
Director general of the city was not available to comment on the matteryesterday. A spokesperson sent us a statement in which the city welcomes a 12% decrease in snow removal costs from this année.
Alain Laprise September 20, 2014
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