Muslims are not terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims. Why in the attacks and assassinations are they rising to denounce? You have the answer to that question, you said-
Richard Martineau, the Journal de Montreal
is slays many IslamophobiaFrance in for a few days and rightly so. We must not yield to the temptation of amalgam and to all Muslims with the same brush.
But just as we must not approach the subject of Islamism with a flamethrower, do not take it with tweezers and put your head in the sand. For ElizabethLevy,editor of opinions Talker magazine, the time has come to call things by their name.
Here are some words that Mrs. Levy entrusted me Thursday morning at the offices of his newspaper, while the authors the attack against Charlie Hebdo were still at large ...
Two girls came to lay a flower in front of the supermarket Hyperhide,in Paris, where the shooter Amedy Coulibaly had taken many customers hostage.
"When you listen to the authorities, feels that the risk of confusion and stigmatization of Muslims is worse than the risk of attacks by Islamists! Yes, we must condemn the attacks against mosques and Muslims (as we all do, for that matter), but we also condemn Islam!
stigmatize"Of course, one should not stigmatize all Muslims, but from there to say that religion played no role in these attacks, there has not ... These are not fools who commit these barbaricacts!These people grew up somewhere, they studied somewhere, they have incorporated a speech, it was instilled in them values ... Children who say "Sales Jews" do not all end up taking up arms, but those who take the All weapons have started by saying "Sales Jews" ...
""It is well to talk of Islamophobia, but to my knowledge, the attack against Charlie Hebdo was not an Islamophobic attack! Islamophobia caused no death in France, while Islamism, yes.
""You know,journalists Charlie Hebdo were killed because they were considered Islamophobic. Be extremely careful with this accusation, because when you accuse people of being Islamophobic, for some people, it means that these people are targets to kill.
""I think that this question of Islamophobia is in the process prevent any real debate. This loaded word is used to silence people.
Protecting the name of his race is not racism, it's only recognize themselves as human and nation. Islam is a racist religion, that's all . It is the only religion on this planet that requires one to do just what Islam wants. According to this religion, other religions are miserable and must be killed.
The other condition that drags religion is obscurantism, non-education, démaoïsation of women and children, retrogression of all the humanity, denial ofscience.We can certainly say that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other. So your old book is to be used with intelligence.Some sects in many religions convey false claims in Catholic religions, Jewish, Muslim, hindouismes, Shintoism, Jainism, etc. Religious leaders have huge responsibility to positively educate their flocks
Most followers of this religion called "barbaric" remains in authoritarian countries and the lack of general education and standard of living is very low. A vengeful god wanting destroy man and woman. What is telling that when the population is not actively working, unemployed, the populace unfortunately turns to religion to be some recognition.
Instead ofin confrontationthe evolution and religion it would be better dossé although these two terms because religion is a very dangerous sword for weak minds or people wanting to give some planetary greatness. But these simple minds, some of which are highly educated, if they do not stop we will say goodbye to our civilization of the future.
So you have to call if barking animal is a dog that is not a cat. It's our politicians to put their pants. They wanted power and money, not necessarily their job, or resigns as cowards.
The reality is that there are many Muslims who are touchy, are likely and are upset when mocks their religion. I say: when one is too sensitive or too touchy, one has only to live elsewheresay!
Europe is a continent where we have to accept being criticized and being tickled by what people others ...
All day, my father, who is Jewish, sees things that displease him. But that does not push it to take up arms!
right to
criticize"was so afraid of stigmatizing Islam we do not even mention the word "Islam". Recently, it has identified a list of all the attacks in France since 86. Except one, they were all committed by Islamists. Can you tell? ? Can we talk about it without being called a racist,
""Personally, I'm tired of hearing, "Yes, we denounce the attack against Charlie Hebdo, but ..." We will no longer tolerate the "but"!
We have the right to criticize all religions! When you live in this country, we accept criticism even violent ... "NOTO ACCOMODEMENTS REASONABLE IN QUEBEC AND CANADA.
If they do not want to integrate, they can return to their home country because he knew our civilization before coming to Canada. It's not Canadian to acclimate to them but it is their to integrate and can no longer say that they have a 25% chaumages since an employer does not want these people because when you have this minority is always the first day of the disorder for the employer.
They can certainly say "mea cut" and not stress as radio, television, newspapers and elsewhere it is the fault of Jews, Americans, and others.
They should look at their navels bearded anddirty.Before trying to change others, look at yourself inside your soul if you have one.
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