dimanche 28 juin 2015

Adil Charkaoui Iman in Montreal teach destructions of Canadian and Quebec Democraties in College: Our laws maker are they stupids?

Imams of the terrorist profess to Montreal and destruction of Canadian and Quebec democracies
A Salafist and jihadist reciprocally denounced the self-appointed Imams Al-Hayiti and Adil Charkaoui of Montreal
What kind of relationship do they have in the other? Are they clean?
Salafist imams preach incitement to sedition freely in Montreal. Jihadist recruiting in mosques.That is to say how all this beautiful world is comfortable under the protection of the Charter of Rights and restraint Media paralyzed by the fear of being accused of Islamophobia. The Charter of Rights and Democracy protect those who advocate their abolition and stigmatize those who seek to defend them.
Adil Charkaoui is a foreign national of Moroccan origin came to Canada in 1995 and a sleeper agent of Al Qaeda in Canada.In 2003, he was arrested following allegations of Canadian intelligence and security services (CSIS) wanting it belongs to a sleeper cell of Al Qaeda and he has completed a training camp Afghanistan. CSIS investigation report is reproduced in Article Charkaoui - Report Canadian secret services
A security certificate was issued against him because he is a risk to national security. He always proclaimed his innocence and denies the certificate in court.
Iman Said Jaziri
That a Salafist imam of Montreal, Abou Hammaad Sulaiman Al-Dameus Hayiti, displays a long letter on the forum Mejliss el kalam, in which it essentially confirmed CSIS information. On April 5, the Globe and Mail reported that Charkaoui is "shocked by this attack without foundation that reaches its reputation" and that he intends to "pursue the imam libel".
This Montreal imam was mentioned in December
A Montreal imam reissues her book that advocates the destruction of the Canadian and Quebec democracy
Nothing less! You can download his book Islam and  - In light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah fundamentalism.
Imam teaches a version of the purists of Islam and his book, which we reproduce lower passages, is remarkably supremacist, sexist and misogynist. For the imam, his fellow non-Muslims are "kuffar" (infidels), Canadian women are real perverse, and the people are "stupid and ignorant". Besides democracy, modernity, secularism and freedom (especially the Canadian), he slays the "innovations" (bidah), mixed, theater, music and just about every other Muslim schools of thought.
Some Salafist imams preach incitement to sedition freely in Montreal, poisoning the minds of their followers who one day turn against us. Jihadist recruiting in mosques. That is to say how all this beautiful world is comfortable under the protection of the Charter of Rights and media restraint paralyzed by the fear of being accused of Islamophobia.
Iman Rashid Abu Houdeyfa
With moral inversion that afflicts the West, Canadians may be prosecuted by a commission of human rights for Pointing attention to this parallel world doomed to destruction of society. The Charter of Rights and Democracy protect those who advocate their abolition and stigmatize those who seek to defend them.
The journalist Fabrice Pierrebourg devotes a chapter of his book Montréalistan to Imam Al-Hayiti. In chapter 3 of his book, he explains the meaning of Salafism:
Olivier Roy, research director at the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and author of numerous books on Islam, defines it as "a school of thought very orthodox and not an organization. " ... All Salafis are not terrorists, but most Islamist terrorists would be passed by Salafism.
The psychiatrist and professor Marc Sageman, a former CIA agent, studied the profile of 172 mujahedin involved in what he calls the global Salafi jihad. Their journey reveals they have acquired a new fervor at the time of their entry in jihad and that for 97% of them, "this new faith was focused on the Salafist version of Islam."
In particularly comprehensive report dealing with the Islamist threat (violent jihad in the Netherlands, in March 2006), intelligence services and security Dutch believe meanwhile that this doctrine, which considers that the true Muslim should refer to the Qur'an and the sunna for each of his acts, "often leads to intolerance towards other religions and ideologies."
Denis Coderre mayor of Montreal and its dubious company in mosques
Last September, Imam Abu Hammaad Sulaiman Al Dameus Hayiti answered Fabrice Pierrebourg in a long letter posted on the internet forum Mejliss under the title When Abu H. takes out his pen ...! It is in this letter that the imam speaks of Adil Charkaoui, confirming the CSIS allegations.
Abou Hammaad Sulaiman Al-Dameus Hayiti
Abou Hammaad Sulaiman Al-Dameus Hayiti Salafi is a Haitian. Born in Montreal, he grew up in a Catholic family. In 1991, he converted to Islam. Since he studied Islam and Arabic. In 1995 he was accepted at the Islamic University of Al-Madinah An-Nabawiyyah, SaudiArabia, countries Philippe Couillard. He received a certificate in Arabic and completed subsequently, two years in the faculty of Sciences related to Hadith (Koulliyyatul-Hadith) between 1999 and 2001.
He teaches at the Dar al-Arqam Mosque in Montreal (Muslim Association Of Montreal Est, 3661, Jean-Talon Street) and translated books of Arabic to French. He tries to leave Canada to do the Hijrah to a Muslim country.
Excerpts of the letter of Imam Al-Hayiti about Charkaoui.
"Take for example Adil Charkawi, who became a celebrity in Quebec who regularly goes to the television and radio to proclaim his innocence. When Adil arrived in Montreal, he told me he was a member of Adl wal-Ihsan in Morocco. This is a group of Bid'ah founded by Abdul-Salam Yassine, a stray Sufi. . This group aims to take power in Morocco

""As Adil told me himself: "I was with the group of Al-Adl wal-Ihsan and their idea is to push young people make higher studies to change society from above. This is why I chose to make French literature. But I realized that this method is not good and that's why I left this group. "When he arrived, he was looking for something and you could feel it. He was quick to meet the group of Jihadis who was making his propaganda Sunnah mosque and elsewhere in Montreal at the time.
""That's how it began giving martial art (he said he was a black belt) to the Sunnah Mosque then in a gym across Jean-Talon. They saw him and his friends, it was a way to Al-'Ouddah (to prepare for Jihad). People attending this small group, including the names of some in the book Montréalistan,kept repeating that he had to go to Afghanistan for Al-'Ouddah and for them nothing in Islam was more important than the Jihad . We had to leave immediately, leave everything on the field saying.
""When we spoke to them to study, and mocked us, they denigrated Salafis and scholars were  "The true scholars are in prison or on the battlefield the others are hypocrites. "Such was their speech. They hated the Salafis of unparalleled hatred. They took Abu Qatadah Al-Filistini as reference.
"Child torture
Islam"This crazy fanatic of England who gave the fatwa to kill women and children in Algeria. It was the Mufti of the GIA and other groups of this trend. These were the dating of Adil.I still remember the day I was sitting with Haitian friends Adil converted and sat down and began to tell us that since we were in a country of Kufr, he was allowed to take the goods and take kouffars their wives also and that this was part of Fey (or war booty). I replied that Islam forbids theft said.
""And I  "So if what you say is true, will steal cars and going to rape women !!! "We all knew that he had been influenced by the Jihadis. When he saw someone approached, he began to speak softly and said, "Attention! Do not talk loudly because  are there spies "I replied," What are you afraid if you think you are about the truth, I'm not afraid to say what I think aloud. "
"Besides, these guys saw spies everywhere! When I told them: "How can you talk day and night of Jihad, while you can not even keep a beard longer than three days. "They were still trying to justify themselves by saying that they were being watched and had to shave, they claimed that we could not understand."
"They had an obsessive fixation on the subject of Arab leaders. They spent their time debating the issue of Takfir and made ​​it a central pillar of their. It was namely is it that such a leader is Muslim or Kafir? I even remember an altercation between me and Adil about Saudi Arabia. He wanted me to tell him that the Saudi King Fahd, was not Muslim. I replied that I could not say such a thing! He was angry. But after that day, I have never spoken to him today.
When later he got stick a security certificate and a GPS collar, I was not the astonished. To this day, I have never heard that Adil had repented of the things he said or he disavowed people he frequented. And that like attracts like. What astonishes me is to see groups of Muslims and non-Muslims to his defense. It gives an appearance of a victim today and yet ...
"ImanAbou Hammaad Sulaiman Al-Dameus Hayiti
Some excerpts of his book, Islam and fundamentalism - In light of the Qur'an and the Sunnah
Admire the great "scholarship" of the imam who despises the people "stupid and ignorant" ...
Liberation of Women
In reality, those who are the happiest of the "liberation" of women, it is these irresponsible men who want to satisfy their sexual appetites without any responsibility, and no duty to the woman. ... The woman freed from her family, her husband, his religion, his God, becomes the slave of all the evil men of the company.

See for example, how in the name of freedom, the disbelievers allow their women walking naked on the sidewalks and in the streets. .... If Canada stands as a radically ridiculous, it is not a coincidence, but the extension of two items related to his identity. The combined effects of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, with its cult of equality and "political correctness" that dominates Anglo-Canadian. It is sad to see how people completely lose their heads when they reject faith and submission to Allah!
Those who want to deny the difference between Muslim women and kaafir women, in the name of humanism, feminism and equality, have not understood the reality of Islam. The Muslim woman is greater than the miscreant by his faith and religion, because she understood the Word of Allah.
The disbelieving women who have been seduced by the childlike speech simplistic and naive feminism, have resolved nothing the problems that exist in Western societies. On the contrary, they have made ​​them worse.
Islam Freedom of expression
Freedom of expression
Watch what happens to freedom of expression in the West. We'll turn to the "people" stupid and ignorant and allowed to say anything.
Polygamy is even more necessary today than it was in the days of the prophet. In all countries where polygamy is prohibited; Prostitution is legal; adultery is legal, the marriage of a man with a man; and a woman with a woman is legal; parent families and delinquency are things become common. So how do these ignorant (s) Can (them) to forbid what God has allowed to solve these problems!
Québec and its 3000 sects
However the laws of Kufr and allow human rights to anyone ... who created his own religion for $ 30. In Quebec, there are more than 3,000 sects, such a thing is inconceivable. Quebec at the beginning of the century was purely Catholic with some Protestants and some Jews and now he has become like India, with thousands of different religions and beliefs.
Any fool can claim to have a dream or vision, and to register his sect and have grants and have all the freedom he wants to preach his lies and corruption. And the example of the Jewish Rael is only one example among many. This human devil and his ilk, are protected by the Declaration of Human Rights "infidel!"

Idols of the
West's  enemies of Islam, whether unbelievers or Mounafiqouns Muslim countries, are all based the "idols" of the West. These idols are the principles of democracy, human rights, secularism, freedom, equality, modernity, and many other principles which are supported by evidence from Allah, nor any reason nor logical or scientific proof.
According to our Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, being jihadist is a personal choice and respectable in Quebec. To do this we will have new need a minimum of 50 000 more immigrants per year over a period to be able to support our campaign funds and our fight against Christians Quebecers.  
Finally, I could say that I have fulfilled the voices the prophet who taught me in Saudi Arabia with my best friend Arthur Porter currently in prison in Panama for a crime that was never committed. We all know, doctors and former President CEOs of several companies and institutions, we have put to the service of Allah and our creditors that we are paying a lot for consular services as an elite of our societies.

mercredi 24 juin 2015

Jean Charest will be the next Conservative Prime Minister of Canada?

Jean Charest will be the next Conservative prime minister of Canada?

CBC has learned that investigators from the Unité permanente anticorruption (Anti-corruption unit)  (UPAC) trying to determine whether the former Premier Jean Charest took part in an operation Sectoral financing before being brought to power in 2003.
His efforts have been made ​​to the President of SNC-Lavalin's Board of Directors at the time, Guy Saint-Pierre, in order to collect a sum of 50,000 $ employees of the firm.
Mr. St. Peter is part of the Liberal family. He was a minister in the government of Robert Bourassa.
The investigation of the UPAC which speaks of Jean Charest is called blacken. In a search of documents related to this investigation, we find the names of several Liberal politicians, businessmen associated with the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) and party employees.
In this survey, for the first time, Jean Charest is associated directly to a financing transaction with an SNC-Lavalin's leader.
Jean Charest and Tony Accurso.jpg
A former chief of staff to Jean Charest when he was in opposition, said he had a discussion about it with her ​​boss and Marc Bibeau, former Finance PLQ.
Ronald Poupart says Marc Bibeau told him he would meet with Guy Saint-Pierre Jean Charest to convince him to get $ 50,000 of SNC-Lavalin employees. This happened in 2002 in Jean Charest's office at Place Ville-Marie in downtown Montreal.
Mr. Bibeau was seeking $ 3,000 checks of SNC-Lavalin employees to comply with the law, insists Mr. Poupart.
But in searches of documents to the Liberal Party released there 10 days, former leaders of SNC -Lavalin stated that between 1996 and 2008, "there was a refund system for political donations from employees." This use of aliases is illegal.
It is however not known whether MM. Charest and Bibeau got the money they requested. And if so, if they were aware of the reimbursement system.
Jean Charest reacted to the news in a statement Friday evening. "I have participated in any form of illegal political fundraising event, he wrote. The report of Mr. Gravel rebuilt tendentiously events that took place there 12 years from that. " Marc Bibeau, he did not comment on our information.
Tony Accurso - Jean Charest - Gilles Vaillancourt - Philippe Couillard Ask them not to harm me.jpg
SNC-Lavalin denies having participated in this operation, saying that it is unthinkable.
In documents filed with the Charbonneau Commission, it was established that SNC-Lavalin employees gave $ 43,000 to the Quebec Liberal Party in 2002 and $ 50,000 in 2003.
The survey adds to blacken other two surveys to the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) or Yoke and Ivy.
According to our sources, investigators from the 'UPAC noted that since the return to power of the Liberals, all the steps and actions taken in the framework of these surveys have become extremely sensitive.
Tony Accurso friend of Jean Charest and the Liberal Party of Quebec
Tony Accurso paid not less half a million dollars to the Liberal Party of Jean Charest, at the request of the great financier Marc Bibeau, revealed the Charbonneau commission. The entrepreneur said that to approach the policy, what is needed is "a check".
The contractor, who also gave to a lesser extent the other parties, argued to have done only out of fear . to be excluded from public contracts
According to figures presented to the commission, the employees of its companies and their relatives gave $ 748,000 between 1998 and 2011, the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ) getting the lion's share: 556,000 . $
This is something my father taught me: do not ask a politician to help you, ask him not to harm you, Tony Accurso signed
Tony Accurso also claims to have never suffered the wrath of the parties, unless it is proved that it is at the request of the Parti Québécois (PQ) that Hydro-Québec has sidelined contracts in 2012, as he said Thursday. He also deduced that if he had given more, it would not hurt him.
So he denies, as stated John Lebouthillier in a taped conversation of March 20, 2009 with the President of the Quebec Federation of Labor ( FTQ) Michel Arsenault, its companies have been eliminated from a list of suppliers by the previous PQ government (1994-2003) at the instigation of Minister Serge Ménard, or he lobbied for Liberal handed in a list which, he believes, does not exist.
Tony Accurso Jean Charest and
Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard refused to interpret the photo unveiled at the Charbonneau Commission on Thursday that the former head of seen Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ), Mr. Jean Charest lovingly hugging entrepreneur Tony Accurso, accused of being part of the Mafia
Judge France Charbonneau
Philippe Couillard and Tony Accurso
"I would not interpret, pleaded Philippe Couillard to entry caucus PLQ this morning. It's always difficult to tell a picture it does not say. Beware of easy associations debate.
""I will not go into an iconographic interpretation  "-. Philippe
Couillard"It was the years of opposition, lead the Premier. It seems to be a fundraising event that was organized. We take this kind of pictures there often.
"Under questioning, the Prime Minister said he did not know Mr. Tony Accurso.
A difficult caution
Mr. Philippe Couillard agrees that it is more cautious now and adopt a more reserved attitude to avoid ending up in such a situation. "I meet the people I meet our activists, but I am relatively cautious."

He adds in the same breath that it is difficult to be cautious when you're a public figure. "How to tell someone you do you do not know, and who comes to see you to ask you to get your picture taken with you," no, it does not try to make me take pictures ... "."
Mr. Philippe Couillard illustrates his point by citing an incident last night event. He believes he was photographed with forty people assuming that "all were there for the right reasons."
Philippe Couillard welcomes doing politics at a time when party financing has changed. "We do not need to organize fundraising events. It's over, says Mr. Philippe Couillard.
People were in good faith, I'm sure, but it is no longer necessary and fortunately because now we have a much better atmosphere than existed before.
"Afriend of weight that Tony Accurso
In the photo that made ​​headlines, it is written:" Dear Tony. Thank you for support. Friendships. Jean Charest 2001 ". The contractor recognized that these were thanks in connection with a cocktail fundraiser for the Liberal Party.
According to a source close to the former Prime Minister, the photo was taken in 2001 at a fundraising event in the riding of Chomedey, for Thomas Mulcair. It was a common practice of the organizers to take pictures with people on site and to send them to Mr. Charest for sign adds the same source, which states that at that time, Mr. Accurso was not charged with anything.
Mr. Jean Charest have met Mr. Tony Accurso three or four times, always in public events, she says again.
Jean Charest Prime Minister of Canada
Jean Charest could make a return to politics at the federal Conservative Party.
It's least that has advanced the political columnist Jean Lapierre Friday morning at 98.5 FM. "Between you and me and then there was the world around Jean Charest that begins to activate," he has told the presenter Paul Arcand, amazed.
Jean Charest would not run in the next election, but the Conservative Party would have him as a leader if Stephen Harper fought or minority in the next election.

"In the Conservative Party, many see him there and he does not say no, advanced Jean Lapierre. The rumor is serious, but it must wait to see what will be in the report of the Charbonneau commission. You understand, it can be a hindrance.
"Jean Charest's political comeback
Premier of Quebec from 2003 to 2012, Jean Charest was a stormy final term, especially because of the student strike and Charbonneau commission.
Before from provincial politics, Jean Charest was MP under the banner of the Conservative Party and Progressive Conservative in the riding of Sherbrooke, his hometown.
At the next federal election, the Conservative Party will be minority and Mr. Stephen Harper resign . Therefore, Jean Charest will leave favorite to fill the position of leader of the Conservatives in Canada.

Canada's Jean Charest English Iron Man, he broke Quebec.
She will again Corruption parliamentary menu?
Philippe Couillard is currently Premier of Quebec

According to a report AlainGravel
BernardA text Leduc

lundi 22 juin 2015

Simon Durivage - Communicator - Educator

Simon Durivage - educator - communicator
Simon Durivage was hired by Radio-Canada in 1968 as a collaborator on the show Present.He has since conducted several  Consumers warned, Challenges, The Point, Montreal-Express, Montreal tonight and Editor programs.

From fall 1997 to spring on Feb.20,he works to VAT where he is head of the antenna TVA edition, and it animates the newsletter of 22 h of this network. In 2002, he left to return VAT on Radio-Canada.
From 2004 to 2006,there hosts the simondurivage.com show,a news program.
Since2006he is head antenna during the day of Network Information (RDI), the news channel CBC.

He also hosts the Club of the ex, a concept using three former members of the National Assembly who comment on political and social events for 60 minutes Monday through Thursday at 12 30 pm on RDI.
This concept is taken up on Friday with current members of the National Assembly (Quebec) or the House of Commons (Ottawa)with The match elected officials.
Simon Durivage retired Journalism since 19 June 2015 after 46-year career.
Gemini Award five times
MetroStar Price
Price René Lévesque
Member of the Order of
Canada,I wish you a long and happy retirement. You miss all the people who followed you for decades. It will be very difficult to replace, and you even get to live up to your ankles. Thank you to educate Quebecers greatly because we need people who know how to disseminate political ideas and putting them available to the entire population.

samedi 20 juin 2015

Philippe Couillard Dr. and Dr. Hans Black The noose is tightening up fraud from Dr. Hans Black around Dr. Philippe Couillard when he was president of CA

The noose is tightening around Dr. Philippe Couillard and Dr. Hans Black,fraud
Otherc harges were filed on the sale of shares of Amorfix when he was Chairman of the Board
Philippe Couillard and Dr Hans Black Sales Amorfix Stock fraude.jpg
The IRS has filed new charges Amorfix against the company for fraud that would have occurred when Philippe Couillard there was Chairman of the Board.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the US federal agency responsible for the regulation and supervision of financial markets to states UNite, has expanded file new charges of fraud against the Montreal portfolio manager Hans Black.
According to a lawsuit filed yesterday morning, Hans  62,Black,faces expanded use in the United States for the sale of shares Penny stocks type.
The alleged fraud involves selling shares of four small Canadian companies including Amorfix Life Sciences.
Philippe Couillard, current Prime Minister of Quebec, was chairman of the board of directors of that company from 2010 to 2012, would have occurred either during fraud.
Hans Black was on the board of directors at his side. He left the board in 2014.
Our Bureau of Investigation had revealed in March that a lawsuit for fraud was filed against Black and his company, Interinvest Asset Management, the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulation.
Two savers and a church were identified in the application as victims of Black.
Several victims
According the SEC, which investigated the case, Black would have mademany more victims among its clients.
Black and Interinvest "invested more thanmillion ​​$17 of the customer money in penny stocks companies never disclose a material conflict of interest.
"Black was reimbursed for at least $ 1.7 million of expenditures by companies, including Amorfix, without telling its customers, according to the SEC.
It would, in exchange for funding, claimed reimbursement of expenses to his advantage.
sumptuous meals
"The payments Zurmont [a Black firm] has obtained Tyhee, and Wi2Wi Amorfix used primarily to repay expenses for trips and lavish meals eaten at over 80 business trips, "says the SEC.

The SEC points out that, of the 17 million invested, $ 12 million have literally evaporated. Neither penny stocks was profitableand their value collapsed.
The fraud is all the more serious, according to the SEC, that Black had lied to clients and had deliberately ignored the instructions they had given him.

The Black had told investors want to place their money in safe investments and preservatives.
Black also faces lawsuits of $ 15 million in Quebec. It is already in default on some settlement agreements concluded there are some months with aggrieved investors.
The integrity of our Supreme Commander Dr. Philippe Couillard
It is essential for survival. If one night directly or indirectly, it disintegrates. Any harm that one inflicts draws in our life or that of others, negative consequences.

It is therefore important to take care of itself and its environment, without any moral consideration, taking into account the effects of his actions.

For this it is necessary to be aware of the different areas of that integrity and the elements that constitute them. For example: in the field of physical integrity, if I wear shoes that hurt my feet, I harm my integrity. Another example: in the field of political integrity is to line their pockets at the expense of tax payers values..

Integrity also implies strict adherence to a code of moral  It also implies that we be honest in our work. This integrity must be reflected in our relationships with our clients and colleagues and the decisions we make every day.

Le Journal de Montreal 18 Jun 2015 Jean-François Cloutier