mardi 21 juillet 2015

Michaelle Jean spouse of Daniel Lafond will receive a pension of 130 000 $ plus the salary of president of La Francophonie and YOUR PENSION WILL BE 23 000 $ PER YEAR TAX PAYER

Michaëlle Jean spouse Jean-Daniel Lafond
Parliamentary grumpy will receive a pension of
$ 130,000 per year
in 2015, will be entitled to a documentary about the reign of Michaëlle Jean as Governor General of Canada.
Michaëlle Jean spouse Jean-Daniel Lafond Retirement $ 130,000 per year
you think it is pro-monarchist Harper government is behind this? No it's SODEC, the Quebec organization of arts funding Nope.?:
Then, you say it will be a critical look at this ridiculous function representative of the Queen of England
The film will be directed by husband of former GG! Hello objectivity.
Intimate and sensitive?
When I heard that SODEC gave in a documentary by Jean-Daniel Lafond, Michaëlle Jean on his wife, I thought choke me. Who cares to see GG cut ribbons or make spaghetti dinners for the Volunteer Committee of Flin Flon in Manitoba?
When I saw the title of the documentary, a film with you, I laughed. Coudonc, is a declaration of love or a movie paid from taxpayers'shocked:
But when I read the summary of the documentary, I was doubly  "An intimate and sensitive portrait of Michaëlle Jean who was Governor General of Canada for five years by her husband who lived at his side, actor and observer, who takes his place as a filmmaker. " Get out the violins.
If the couple Lafond-Jean wants would commemorate good times to the sumptuous residence of Rideau Hall,he has to make a montage of his best photos and make a slideshow.
Michaëlle Jean, who has been a fervent nationalist, and it offered with FLQ, skillfully turned his coat and hit the jackpot by becoming representative of the Queen. She lived with Jean-Daniel Lafond for five years in a luxury residence, and is entitled to a lifetime pension of $130,000.
And now we should be funding more than US documentary on their lives dignitaries passed shake hands, dressed in penguin and prom dress?
After living in the hooks of the federal state, now is not it indecent to stick to the breasts of the Quebec government to fund a complacent movie?
Why Is that Quebec would pay for that Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond makes a glowing portrait of his wife? Do you seriously think he will find fault, questioning the very function of the Governor General? This document the glory of Michaëlle Jean seems to me that the grandiloquent bronze statue of Lise Thibault of $10,000.
Except that in addition, in this case, the husband himself who sculpts the bust of His Honorable Wife. And it is we who pick up the bill, of course.
The oil does not smell
a quiz question in conclusion. Each year the Gala Governor General's Award for the Performing Arts is held in Ottawa. And do you know who is the sponsor? The company Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline which is so controversialdocumentary.
That's weird, but something tells me that in another life, that's exactly the kind of subject that Jean-Daniel Lafond would have made ​​a  The evil oil company that buys credibility by sponsoring a prestigious artistic event.
The Wellness Social Elites of the Rich

Canada: Muslims: The honor killings or murderes
Famille Shafia 1.jpgFamille Shafia quatre-victimes-gauche-droite-rona.jpgFather, mother and boy from the Shafia family kill the first wife of the father, his daughter, a friend of his daughter and another person was a crime of Muslim honor on Canadian soil, that is to say the killings.
These are murders that deserve life sentences in prison in Canada by code of justice for all regardless of religions murders and barbaric beliefs. And it is certainly not racist to say that killing a woman is religious, is not-
Pakistan  face acid
What is it? What is commonly called "honor killing" is an act perpetrated by family members against a woman of the same family, whose actions are considered as a moral drift and, therefore, to affect the honor of the family, clan or tribe.
However, the beam acts qualified immoral is vast. This can range from a verbal exchange between a girl and a boy in the street to the sexual act.
Victims Testimonies explain that women can be killed or maimed for not obeying their husbands, their fathers or their stepmother.
The NGO Amnesty International says that honor killings are "a practice sanctioned by culture rather than religion," murderous religions.
Statistics show that the majority of these crimes take place in the Muslim countries, but Amnesty International insists that "Islam does not advocate the death penalty for honor-related misconduct". Moreover, many Islamic leaders have condemned honor killings, the agency noted.
Given the extent of this practice in the Arab and Muslim world, Ayatollah Hussein Fadlallah, an authority of Shiite Islam in Lebanon issued a fatwa (legal opinion) in 2008 condemning this practice, considering it "a reprehensible action reprehensible, illegal from the legal point of view and as a full crime that has no mitigating condition.
"Saudi Arabia
According to the UN, about 5,000 women were victims of honor killings each year. However, it is virtually impossible to estimate their numbers accurately, deaths are generally classified as accidents and suicides. But as often emphasized Quebecers and Canadian judges are so afraid of Muslims that does not condemn these practices, sodomy of young girls, rapes, murder because according to our Prime Minister this is a personal choice. We certainly have to ask ourselves if we political elites are still able to tell the difference between good or evil, or they should all see the psychiatrist Dr. Mailloux and internees asylum Pinèle our Canadian ministers.
In Bangladesh, 775 people were victims of these crimes between 1999 and 2001. The reasons range from the denial of sexual advances to the rejection of a marriage proposal.
The reasons may also fall within the absurd. In Pakistan, a man claimed to have killed his wife after dreaming that she had deceived him and he committed the murder twice with his second wife.
In India, eight men rape a girl and dies. The eight not guilty men, but it was the fault of the girl who did not have to be in the same bus.
The perpetrators of honor crimes are rarely punished by justice. Besides the decisions made ​​by judges when the case goes up in court, often lenient on crime.
We do not want these barbaric customs in Canada

the concept of honor killing does not part of Canadian criminal law. In 2010, the Minister of Women, Rona Ambrose, had raised the possibility of strengthening the Criminal Code to take account of these practices, but the Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson, had rejected that idea because it is a personal matter Muslim, inscribed in their manners, customs and religious. Moreover, fear of not being re-elected by this community we do not give to this request.
The federal government has no intention of amending the Criminal Code to include crimes of honor, according to Minister of Justice, Rob Nicholson.
This was stated by Minister of Justice Rob Nicholson in an interview with the Canadian Press on Sunday.
According to the minister, the law already punishes severely the criminal acts, including murder, and he there is no need to make changes.
Our women are slaves to sexual unique service of man, that is his only market value.
The declaration of the Conservative Minister puts an end to rumors circulating since the Minister Status of Women Rona Ambrose has hinted last month that the government of Stephen Harper planned to make changes to the Criminal Code. It certainly does not have to talk to the Government in Quebec City, they all fall down like water carriers to Islamic fundamentalists and fundamentalists of other religions and sects in the province.
It should not be born a Christian in Quebec, because laws apply only to Christians only and all accommodations are made, and granted to accommodate our dear minorities elect our governments corrupted by power and money. The lack of nationalism of our ministers and MPs should us all we ask questions about them.
Shortly after Ms. Ambrose statement, the Department of Justice had strongly denied the news, before recognizing a little later, as the comments of the Minister reflected the government's position.
Mr. Nicholson said the Conservatives were considering a single amendment to the provisions relating to the murders of the Criminal Code, or the elimination of the faint hope clause. This clause, which does not have unanimous support, entitles prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment to present an application to reduce the time before parole.

The statement of Minister Rona Ambrose had raised the ire of several people, because murder is the most serious offense under the Criminal Code and it is difficult to imagine how such a gesture could be judged differently in cases of honor killings.
Feminist groups, especially those representing minority women ethnic, had described the idea of offensive, because they recognize that their man is superior in intelligence and can correct them as the middle ages, according to the Federation des femmes du Québec. This organization currently looking for a female brain with intelligence, submit your nominations to intelligenceàtrouver@ministè chubby and you only respond if you are liberal.
This federation unimaginable lack of intelligence and these liberal ladies are very well paid and have been indoctrinated, manipulated by the wives of Imams and working under shady table for Al Qaeda in the country.
In conclusion Muslim men have women's intelligence fears.
I'm a racist because I want all religions to protect women, children, men on this planet but if insidious religions exist, they should not rot our lives at least in Canada. At our elites to stand !

lundi 20 juillet 2015

Canada: the useful idiots who protect the islamists, fundamentalists and racists muslims

Canada: the useful idiots who protect the Islamists, fundamentalists and racists
Dear "useful idiots", who always work Islamophobic and racist those who criticize Islamismreportage.

Yes, yes, you, who have applauded the shocking  Johanne Faucher  that show Survey has aired in November 2014 ...
You find that the journalists of Charlie Hebdo have still a little searching, with their "irresponsible" provocation and caricatures blasphemous ...
Have you read the open letter that dozens of professionals, intellectuals, entrepreneurs and Muslim culture artists published in the French magazine Marianne?
You should.
No compromise
For the signatories, which first and foremost define citizens, democracies should NEVER make any compromise with the proponents of fundamentalist project that exploits Islam, the devil.
"Islamism imposes a war and his main weapon is terrorism, but Islam also requires us a great ideological battle we must assume collectively write the authors of this letter. We must never give them an iota of what constitutes our democratic gains continue.!:

Not like you, who treat xenophobic all who dare stand against fundamentalism ...
We  "We ask local elected not to retreat and make front against the Islamist pressures that try to impose daily, underhanded and pernicious way a retrograde way of life and an undemocratic project.
"In other words:.NO to requests for unreasonable accommodation (swimming hours for men and women, wearing headscarves in schools and in the CPE, etc.) Most of the time, these applications are carried out by groups that use by knowingly the pretext of "freedom of religion" to advance their political agenda and to test the resilience of the authorities to Islam.
You do not blush with shame when reading these lines courageous and lucid, dear "useful idiots" who are always ready to accept the unacceptable?
An intellectual fraud
Another excerpt from that letter entitled Facing Islamism, the Republic must not tremble ...

"We ask intellectuals do not give in to blackmail ̋l'islamophobie ̋, real intellectual scam that aims to anesthetize and atrophy debate, to prohibit criticism of ideologies or extremist groups, and establish a kind of disguised blasphemy.
"Youacknowledge Dear "useful idiots", dear Québécons?
Not wicked "stock" Quebeckers (hou, the ugly word!) who wrote these words, but of Muslim immigrants, if you can call it a culture , I would say lack of culture.
You listen to them? You hearexcerpt:.
Another  "We must send a clear message of intransigence to fanatical killers and their
allies"These are those religious who legitimize violence and refuse to condemn it, and those non-Muslims who, through relativism cultural, continue to infantilize Muslims by refusing to put their responsibilities ...
"Theimams who refuse to denounce violence, the followers of cultural relativism which close their eyes and refuse to speak frankly to Muslims .. .
It means nothing to you? It does remind you of anyone? First Minister Philippe Couillard has sold us directly to this community destroying all our values ​​for a handful of money.  Without forgotten in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, and Montreal, our Denis Coderre, our happy fools of Quebecers Charters and Canadian rights and freedoms, for only.minority  
It is better not to beChristians in Canada
What really means, dear Canadians, all of your rights are gone and only recognize minorities against the majority. Our elites have managed to destroy Canada and Quebec, to enrich themselves.We allow this barbaric religion that makes rain or shine on our soil. They land in Europe all Christians throwing overboard. But nobody actually cases it is only Christians, ours.  
Europe should do (Add your own word ....... ........................) As the boats of these religious refugees false, extremists, that contaminate our values​​because they throw overboard all Christians.  For we must tell the truth, even if it is cruel, among all linguistic groups, religious, nationalistic, they are always the Muslims who leave early to commit the destruction of our planet.  
We must have a 100 year moratorium prohibiting their arrival in our country. Closed their borders and let them enjoy the tastes and values ​​of their prophet in their favorite deserts.  
We should again create for our political elites, intellectuals of our junk that never do anything with their hands in their lifetime, but only to criticize, whine, detoxification cures Muslim and other religions in the country. Bouchard Taylor Commission and is already mandated to tell what the Liberals wanted the destruction of outright Québec by terrorists imams of Montreal in the pay of al-Qaeda.

Our Denis Coderre hypocrites from the assembled Muslims, Justin Trudeau praying in mosques, our ThomasMulcair,pushed by the brain allowing veiled Muslim oath face covered.  
Dear idiots idiots politicians, the media, pressure groups, would you at least have the courage to rehabilitate you before the destruction of the country? I do not think, for the Elite life on another planet, but when will these religious powers, tightening the first to be stoned, dear Elites. So you could say that you too are martyrs of Allah and Halal prophetic hell.
We let them use our liberal laws against us. You have probably watched the American film, Independence Day,that the aliens use communications systems and satellites against humans to invade the planet. Our dear religious, imams or rabbis, and several other denominations use our legal systems to destroy us and to their personal beliefs across our paths.  
The only thing I am sure, never a death is back alive to tell us that Godexists?If you know one, go immediately on social networks for them to be identified. You can believe in who you want with you in your home, but as soon as you have your feet on the outside you become an ordinary citizen without religion.
As one could say that will never fucking virgin n ' do-not even if you repair the hymen. The brain or the mind will remember that she was awhore.The word whore also relates to male gender and our elites.

When you wake up? I am ashamed to be Canadian and Québécois and be compromised with a race of cowards leaving little kitties happen on the back constantly. Are we a people, or mice that serve as food for religious predators of this world.
If you need additional information, you have writing to Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre and others for their addresses flavors suicide identities@politiciansselselfformoney@com
All politicians will open the door for you and your money..

I'm not racist at all but I have to protect my race, my values, I'm not a whore. 07/15 / letter-to-useful-idiots

dimanche 19 juillet 2015

Gabriel Nadeau Dubois acquitted of contemps of court: Cost to the tax payers 30 millions $

Gabriel Nadeau Dubois acquitted of contempt of court
Cost to the tax payer: 30 Millions $

The Court of Appeal acquitted the former student leader Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of the charge of contempt of court in connection with the student conflict of spring 2012.

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois was convicted by the Superior Court in November 2012 for comments he made ​​during an interview on air of the Information Network (RDI) when he was spokesman of the broad Coalition for union solidarity student (CLASS).
According to a student from Laval University, Jean-FrançoisMoras,the leader had encouraged students to continue to block access to courses, despite an order of the court. A few days earlier, Jean-François Morasse had obtained an injunction to continue to follow his training despite the student strike.
The lawyer Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois pleaded before the Court of Appeal that there was no evidence that his client knows the existence of the injunction. The three judges of the Court of Appeal prove him right.
"Knowledge of the caller, when it meets on May 13, 2012, the journalist RDI network, the existence of the Order and its content or scope has not been demonstrated, and still less proved beyond a reasonable doubt. In the absence of specific knowledge of the Order, we can not conclude the contravention of the court order, "says the Court of Appealpicketing.:

The judgment also points out that the injunction" do not directly prevent  it prevented the actions of obstruction, that can become excessive picketing ".
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois said he was very relieved by the decision. "There's a huge weight has been removed from my shoulders. Contempt of court is a serious charge, that's a serious charge, and I have always been very aware of the seriousness and importance of the situation. "He was sentenced to 120 hours of community service by the Superior Court.
In the Supreme Court?
Disappointed judgment, counsel for Jean-François Morasse now plans to apply to the Supreme Court. "I will not hide from you that we will consider very seriously the possibility to apply to the Supreme Court. [...] I think it [the Court of Appeal] exercised its control over the decision with too intensive than it was. I think she should have respected the decision of fact made ​​by the trial judge, "says Mr. Maxim Roy.
The lawyer reread the judgment and will meet his client next week before taking décision

samedi 18 juillet 2015

Adil Charkaoui and Abousfian Abdelrazik Plot to blast Airplane - Montreal to Paris Air France

Adil Charkaoui and Abdelrazik plot - blast Airplane Air France
Still a Canadian citizen
According to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec, the government should have done a reasonable accommodation by providing all explosive devices, according to the prophet, it is a personal and rational decision according to our Québécois ministers. When the deportation of criminals who enjoy the favors of Canadians without impunity. During their deportation can you send along a few Quebec ministers in Saudi
Arabia's plan:to blow up a plane using a keychain full of explosives. The target an Air France or any other airline serving the Hexagon, from Montreal.
Known for their fighting against the Canadian government had treated them as terrorists, Adil Charkaoui and Abdelrazik have plotted to blow up a aircraft in flight between Montreal and France, according to an encrypted conversation the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) had intercepted in summer 2000.
Adil Charkaoui and lawyers Abdelrazik categorically deny this information, contained in a document classified "secret" that La Presse has obtained.
Abdelrazik's lawyers say that the document comes at a critical moment in his efforts to have his name removed from the list of individuals associated with Al Qaeda established by the Council UN Security. "The fact that this information area do now is very suspect. Looks like we're trying to sabotage the withdrawal of his name from the list, "growls Mr. Paul Champ. His client, who was detained in Sudan for six years, including several years in prison, is suing Canada for $ 27 million.
Adil Charkaoui, which claims 25 million for its part in Ottawa estimates that Canada is engaged in a campaign defamation by disclosing secret reports. "It's really anything, I'm really amazed." His lawyer, Johanne Doyon, said that two judgments rendered in 2009 by the Federal Court stated that the evidence to date does not demonstrate the fear that Adil Charkaoui commit a crime.
According to excerpts of the conversation cited in the document, Adil Charkaoui and Abdelrazik have discussed in the summer of 2000 of a plan to attack a flight to France from Montreal. "We could save us all on the same day and each person separately embark. There would be two in front, two in [inaudible] and two behind. Six in all, "would have exposed Charkaoui.

When Abdelrazik judge the" dangerous "project, Charkaoui responds thinking of something" easier "to use an explosive hidden in a keychain. "It's something very pure, 100%. Launches it on the plane and the whole plane jumps ", then told Charkaoui Abdelrazik.
The document states that" the context and content of the conversation give the impression that Charkaoui and Abdelrazik were planning to attack a plane.
"Thenote four pages, written in July 2004, was intended primarily to inform Transport Canada of the impending release of Abdelrazik was arrested in 2003 by Sudanese authorities. The Press has determined that three of the four recipients of the document were responsible for the security or intelligence to Transport Canada. The fourth, however, has been identified.
It was impossible to authenticate the document by CSIS, which nevertheless asked, for security reasons, the names of its employees therein are kept secret. A former part of the Service has meanwhile confirmed to La Presse that the signatory of the letter was indeed responsible for the fight against terrorism in summer 2004.
Charkaoui, which provides Abdelrazik is a mere knowledge, said he was surprised that there is a transcript of the conversation that CSIS would have intercepted. At his trial, CSIS has refused to give a copy of it on the ground that the registration had been destroyed and that none existed transcription.

Traces of explosives
Thedocument obtained by La Presse contains several potentially incriminating information for Abdelrazik, born in Sudan in 1962 and came to Canada in November 1990. CSIS says he discovered in his vehicle during a search in October 2001, traces of RDX, a product that is a component of many explosives military type. The origin of the substance has not been determined.
Why not be prosecuted, then? "If you bring this evidence in court, the question is," How you got that? " Obviously, someone entered his car. Does he have a search warrant? "Said Michel Juneau Katsuya, a former CSIS intelligence officer. This is the difference between secret services and police, shows the former officer, the former do not have the burden to present evidence in court.
CSIS said to have the original Sudanese in his sights since 1996 because of its links to "Sunni extremists from North Africa." Among his contacts considered suspects in the document include among other Adil Charkaoui, imprisoned at the time under a security certificate, and Fateh Kamel, also imprisoned at the time in France for his role as leader of a trafficking false documents to terrorists.

The survey indicates that Abdelrazik CSIS would have led in 1997 to a camp of Al Qaeda called Khalden. The one more nicknamed "the Sudanese" have helped others become terrorists to attend. Among these is Ahmed Ressam, who was arrested in 1999 at the Canada-US border as he was about to carry out an attack at Los Angeles International Airport. "Abdelrazik provided phone number in Pakistan of al-Qaida lieutenant Abu Zubaydah!", It said. At the trial of Ressam, the Sudanese simply said to have rubbed shoulders in Montreal.
CSIS said then to have discovered that Abdelrazik had traveled to Chechnya, from autumn 1999 to summer 2000, to participate in the jihad against the Russian army. "Abdelrazik has often expressed a desire to die a martyr," says the document.
Upon his return to Montreal, the Sudanese have been visited by two Canadian naturalized Tunisians, Abderraouf Jdey and Faker Boussora.

But both are actively sought by the FBI since September 11, 2001 a 5 million reward being offered for information leading to the capture of one or the other. Jdey had been tipped to take part in the attacks on the World Trade Center, the report of the US commission investigating the attacks.
CSIS said he was informed from September 10, 2003 Abdelrazik was arrested by Sudanese authorities and imprisoned in Khartoum. Yet it was not until 2008 that the case of the man was released after he had taken refuge in the Canadian embassy in Sudan, where he was held for a year. The Federal Court finally forced Ottawa to repatriate the man in the summer of 2009, estimating that his rights had been violated.

To hear the course Abdelrazik, Michel Juneau Katsuya said why the Sudanese remained in the crosshairs of service information. "We never caught with a gun in hand, a corpse at his feet, he illustrates. But the fact that a person constantly reappear on the radar, it justifies further investigation. This is not just a neighbor who reported him for revenge after a dispute over a fence. These successive events.
"TheUnited States has long claimed to Canada with information on Abdelrazik to accuse him, what Canada has always refused. The document obtained by La Presse also marked "Secret Canadian eyes only».

dimanche 12 juillet 2015

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabia UN President of Humain Wrights

Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King of Saudi Arabica
United Nations

Saudi Arabia will be the new Chairman of Human Rights to the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, which effectively assured the Council promotion and protection of human rights and promote cooperation between states, cultures and religions in a fair and equitable manner, said Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, King Saudi Arabia
Consequently, women who have not the right to drive cars or trucks that can cause the loss of their ovaries and eggs, according to the prophet.

After pure thoughts, We King of Saudi Arabia, allow women to drive cars or trucks, just 10H00 day at 15:00 except on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the month of Ramadan.

We hope that our women do not lose their virginity to driving and can procreate again the man with all his sexual functions. This law will be applicable as of 1 August 2015, for a trial period of two years.

We implore the Saudis not to look for women who lead they lose their vision and masculinity.