mardi 7 juillet 2015

Philippe Couillard prime minister of Quebec, is he fundamentalist and mentally disturb?

Philippe Couillard is it fundamentalist and mentally ill?
Dr. Philippe Couillard and fundamentalism: he was afraid of becoming "fatal" and he became.
One never whip me for writing this  Raif Badawi, he was sentenced to 1,000 lashes and 10 years imprisonment for having blogged.
The media has pilloried PQ tenors who last week questioned whether inaction and deep malaise which demonstrated the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard on the issue of secularism and fight fundamentalism were not symptomatic of his four years in Saudi Arabia as "adviser" of the Minister of Health, Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Rabeeah.They were perhaps not so far from reality Couillard.
Journalist brought Martine Turenne after an interview he gave in October 2003 Philippe
"The physician, Dr. Philippe Couillard learned Arabic with a Jordanian colleague become his best friend.
"I could make my outpatients without an interpreter," he said proudly.
He read about Islam, Muhammad, the Koran. Opera lover, he runs the best muezzins of the city.
"Their calls were very beautiful, very poetic."
He left to grow his black beard, now salt and pepper. Rumor in the hospital that Dr. Philippe Couillard has converted to Islam.
Dr. Pierre Mailloux psychiatrist
"The Arabs were happy!" He says. [...] He said he was returning to Quebec, he could install an Islamic state.
The expat life is totally artificial. "You always want to stay longer to make more money, says Philippe Couillard. The attractiveness of tax havens, were very interesting investing with Dr. Arthur Porter. The arrival of Dr. Arthur Porter was already orchestrated by Philippe Couillard for the MUHC and SNC Lavalin.
However, if you wait too long, nobody knows us to return, is not interested in what we did. I did not want that. And the daughter of Philippe Couillard said to anyone who would listen that she was Saudi! It is primarily for that income and for my career. I knew if I did not return, I would be unrecoverable.
"Ishe mentally ill?
Philippe Couillard feared becoming unrecoverable! His statements of recent days show that he has effectively become. Does Dr.Pierre Mailloux should report on the dangers of our Prime Minister to Quebec?  Philippe Couillard will always be a water carrier of French Canadian with no spine, smiling at him only the sale of the Quebec people.
After affirming in the international arena that it was "ridiculous" to see a link between secularism and the fight against fundamentalism, having surrounded confessionnalists Muslims as advisors in the establishment of an  body over sight fundamentalism.
He said he has no problem with religious fundamentalism "as it does not infringe the rights of others", but it could violate the rights of Christians in Quebec and Canada.
The Prime Minister Philippe Couillard is it sane?
As for political and economic ties with Islamic theocracies like Saudi Arabia Philippe Couillard said that Canada must maintain ties with Islamic states, undemocratic.
When asked, in 2011, about torture by Saudi Arabia Philippe Couillard was then limited to say it was "a different cultural background from ours."
Some cultures develop singing, others dance and other torture, stoning, honor killings, sharia, etc. Quite simply, it is our current Prime Minister. We are in very bad shape in Quebec.
In 2011, even the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) had worried links with Saudi Arabia. Philippe Couillard is there a sleeper agent in Quebec in the pay of some countries?

Recall that our Prime Minister was then sitting on the Canadian Committee for Monitoring the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), whose mandate is to monitor CSIS. According to what reported the National Post, the links Philippe Couillard with the Saudis were described as "completely inappropriate" by the former head of strategic operations of CSIS, David Harris.
Mr. Philippe Couillard was appointed on SIRC for its second best friend, Arthur Porter,who was then the president of this organization. Porter was forced to resign after his links with international lobbies involving Russia and Sierra Leone had been revealed. Under arrest warrant, he is currently accused by UPAC fraud 22.5 million when he was director of the McGill University Health Centre.
Neutrality is not secularism
Philippe Couillard n ' has no plans to adopt a law on state secularism. Listen carefully to his speech: he never speaks of secularism, but to "neutrality". It's not the same thing. Neutrality is the secularism Anglo-Saxon  in the name of multiculturalism, grants to all religions the same privileges instead of holding them all away from the business of the State.

In the name of neutrality that the parliament ofOntarioPremier Kathleen Wynne reciting alternately no less than eight denominational prayer(Christian,Aboriginal, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i and Sikh).
Kathleen Wynne, liberal, also lost his head. All politicians are selling to outdo. In the words of Sun News,after the election of a Liberal government in "Hell in Ontario for the next four years," Ontario.and the entire front page was in black, corruption
In the name of neutrality that US Supreme Court agrees that representatives of various religious communities recite, in turn, their prayers to the municipal assemblies. It's even the name of that "benevolent neutrality" that the Quebec Court of Appeal accepted the recitation of a prayer "ecumenical" in municipal assemblies of Saguenay. The Supreme Court of Canada subsequently banned prayer in Saguenay board.
This approach, opposed to secularism that seeks to establish a "separation wall" between the state and religions to govern only in the light of the principles of secular humanism, is the corollary of multiculturalism including Philippe Couillard made ​​his profession of faith. Philippe Couillard is Islamic, that's all.

We must ask ourselves.
When Mr. Philippe Couillard he will leave for Saudi Arabia politicians with his friends? What kind of disease he suffers? Is it an irresponsible prime minister? The love of power has he brought to betray the Quebec people?
All these thoughts may apply to Justin Trudeau, ThomasMulcair,the premiers, MPs of all assembled around the country . Canada has it become dangerously ill from ingesting multiculturalism Pierre Elliott Trudeau that will bring the loss of democracy in Canada. It has no difference between multiculturalism and a whore. Both are paid.
What are his plans for the destruction of Canadian democracy? What is its degree of danger which it is made? Is it still grabs lead a province? Did he diagnosed himself as Dr.Arthur Porter his personal friend?
Do we have aLaw "impeachment" regarding our political elites? Our political elites have they all lost their control? Why make laws for personal gain. Are they well paid? This cream will be called political is it tainted with the number of years in power. Do we only have two terms for prime ministers, ministers and MPs? Do not have career politicians-..

He still has two years to complete the destruction of Quebec

1 27 January 2015 10:33 p.m.  Daniel Baril
2 (The News, 15 October 2003, Philippe Couillard - or Nothing double.).

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