dimanche 14 février 2016

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Barack Obama - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - David Cameron - the ultimate weapons of Muslim migrants are women rape and the purchase of our Western politicians

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Barack Obama - Angela Merkel - François Hollande - David Cameron - the ultimate weapons of Muslim migrants are women rape and the purchase of our Western politicians
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in Australia, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Norway, the Prime Minister Erna Solberg in Sweden and other Western countries, there is a resurgence of racist crimes ignored by the authorities: violent Muslim Western women for ethnic and ethical reasons. We know this because the rapists themselves explain their motives endorsed by our politicians and justices.
As well said gentlemen Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, rapes are part of their cultures and we all have to make a point of accept the rape of our territories. Muslim culture is far superior to all other cultures of the world, therefore we will do everything in our power to destroy our country and remains kneeling before extremists like Zunera Ishaq, living in the capital Canadian Islamic Mississauga Ontario.
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Our politicians have sent us all to the Islamic guillotine
During the epidemic of gang rapes in Sydney, Australia between 1998 and 2002, a number of Australian teenage girls have undergone many qualified sexual assault of ethnic by their authors. The young victims were treated as "bitches" and "Australian pigs" while being chased and assaulted.
At the Australian High Court, a Pakistani rapist testified that his victims had no right to refuse since they not wearing headscarves.
earlier in the year, Australians were outraged by the comments of Lebanon Sheikh Mohammed Faiz. This was said at a conference in Sydney that rape victims had it coming because when dressing indecently, they invited men to rape them.
A few months earlier, in Copenhagen, Denmark , Islamic mufti and dignitary, Shahid Mehdi has provoked outrage when, like its counterpart in Australia, he explained that women who were not wearing the Islamic headscarf were asking to be raped.
in 2004, the London Telegraph reported that by Sheikh Yusaf al-Qaradawi, raped women dressed indecently were to be punished. He added: "for it to be free from guilt, a raped woman must have shown good conduct
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'In Norway and Sweden, journalist Fjordman speaks of a rape epidemicLarsen..
According to Inspector Gunnar  the link between the steady increase of rape and ethnicity is clear and unmistakable.
Two out of three rapes committed in Oslo, Norway, are the result of Muslim immigrants and 80% of the victims are Norwegian women.
in Sweden, according to Ali Dashti, "Gang rapes, usually involving Muslim immigrant males and native Swedish girls, have become commonplace. There are a few weeks, five Kurds brutally raped a Swedish 13 year silence.
"In France, Samira Bellil is her  - After enduring years of repeated gang rapes in cities predominantly inhabited by Muslims - and wrote a book, "In the hell of rotating." Describing how gang rape is rampant in the suburb, she explained to Time that, "any neighborhood girl who smokes, uses makeup or wears attractive clothes is a whore.
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"Unfortunately,Western women are not the only victims of this epidemic. In Indonesia, President Joko Widodo, in 1998, human rights groups reported the testimony of over 100 Chinese women raped during the riots that preceded the fall of President Suharto. Many of the rapists said: "You must be raped, because you are Chinese and non-Muslim.
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"The Christian Solidarity International reported that in April 2005, a Pakistani 9 year old girl was raped, beaten with a cricket bat, hanged from the ceiling by their feet, handcuffed, had spoonfuls of chili poured into the mouth and . repeatedly beaten by his Muslim
neighbors,they told him they were avenging the American bombing of Iraqi children and they did it because she was "unfaithful and Christian"Sudan.
in  - where Arab Muslims slaughter black Muslim and Christian Sudanese in an ongoing genocide - former Sudanese slave and now activist Simon Deng human rights says he witnessed girls and women being raped and that the Arab Khartoum regime sends its soldiers to commit these crimes. In other reports, women who are captured by government forces are questioned: "Are you Christian or Muslim?" And those that meet Christian, are raped, their breasts cut off and women.
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This phenomenon of Islamic sexual violence against  Western non-Muslim should be treated as an urgent epidemic, violent, repressive. Instead, journalists, intellectuals, and politicians ignore it, rationalize it, or demonize those who dare to speak out.
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The Muslim culture is superior to the Christian culture as Justin Trudeau
Keysar Trad, vice-president of the Australian Lebanese Muslim Association said the gang rapes were a "shameful" crime but complained that the ethnicity of the rapists had been reported.
journalist Miranda Devine reported during the trial for rape, all references as to the ethnicity of the attackers had been removed from the statements of the victims because prosecutors and lawyers wanted to negotiate to reduce the severity of the charges. So when Judge Megan Latham said: "There is no evidence before me shows that these crimes have a racist," everyone believed her region.
Priest reported how, in a Muslim-dominated  Sydney two policemen stopped a car containing three men of Middle East sought for theft. While police were searching the, the 3 men threatened them physically and said they would hunt down, capture them, kill them and then rape their girlfriends.
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As the police asked for reinforcements, the three men used their phones laptop to call their accomplices, and in very little time, 20 middle Easterners arrived on the scene. They beat, abused the police and damaged police vehicles; the police retreated, but the gang followed them to the police station.
They intimidated staff, damaged equipment and took the police hostage. Once the party gang and police handed their emotions, no police action has been taken against these individuals. According to Priest, for the local population, the message resulting from this story is clear: ". Lebanese (Muslim gang) took control of the city,"
In France, President Francois Hollande, in the suburbs, where the gang rape is commonly called "rotating" the victims know the police will not protect them. According to Samir Bellil, if they complain, they know that they or their families will be threatened.
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All women should love the male, the superior according to Kathleen Wynne Premier of
Ontario,however, Muslim women in French suburbs fight against mass rape and the passivity of the police. They created a called movement. ". We are neither whores nor submissive" They are fighting against this violence in the suburbs and against their culture that condones it
in most French trial, the Muslim rapists state that they do not believe they have committed a crime. And in a frightening parallel with the rapists in Australia, they say that the victim has to blame herself and accuses him of being a "slut" or "whore.  to the
"According Guardian, during the recent French riots, a Saudi Prince with shares in News Corporation boasted to a conference in Dubai that he had phoned Rupert Murdoch and complained about Fox News describing news of disruptions in as "Muslim riots. "In the half hour that followed, the term was changed to" civil riots.
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"The Swedish translator, Ali Dashti, said that when a young woman of 22 years was recently raped by 3 men, they have said one thing:" whore. " According Dashti, similar stories are reported weekly in Swedish newspapers. And the politically correct "take great care not to mention the ethnic background of the  In
perpetrators."Malmo, the third largest city in Sweden, the police admitted that she no longer control the city. "It is effectively run by violent gangs of Muslim immigrants" The ambulance personnel are regularly attacked and now refuses to help until a police escort arrives. The police too afraid to invest parts of the city unprotected.
In early 2005, Norwegian newspapers reported that Oslo had recorded the highest number of rape cases for 1 year. However, Fjordman explained that the official statistics contained no data regarding "the over representation of immigrants in rapists", and the media remain strangely silent.
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Our left intellectuals and women's federations of Canada endorse and sleep the Canadian women to submit Shariah.
Professor Oslo anthropology, Unni Wikan, said Norwegian women must take responsibility for the fact that Muslim men find their manner of dress provocative. And since these men believe women are responsible for rape, women must adapt to the multicultural society !!!!
The BBC made ​​a documentary scheduled in 2004, before the police in Britain have warned that could increase racial tension. "In these exceptional circumstances ... At Channel 4, the responsible leader acceded to the request of the police ...". The documentary was to show how Pakistani and other Muslim men sexually abused young, white English girls as young as 11 years has never gone on the air.
The number of rapes committed by Muslim men against women in the last decade is so high that it can not be regarded otherwise than culturally implicit behavior. It is clearly strengthened and encouraged by Muslim religious leaders who blame the victims and excuse the rapists.
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In three decades of immigration into Western countries, Islam has caused social upheaval and havoc in each of its host countries . . No other immigration program has encountered the problems of non-assimilation and religious ambiguity
around the world, Muslims are in conflict with their neighborsrecently.
Mark Steyn has even said  "Every conflict appears to have originated . a person named Mohammed  July
"in2005, the Melbourne Sheikh Mohammad Omran told Sixty Minutes in:" ... we believe we have more rights than you because we choose to live in Australia, unlike you ... "
in the same interview, Sheikh Khalid Yasin warned him: "a Muslim can not have non-Muslim friend; a non-Muslim could be your colleague, but in no case your friend. They are not your friends because they do not understand your religious principles and they can not do so because they do not understand your faith.
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"Despite repeated discourse of Islamic dignitaries and testimony of the importance of Islamic crimes, Westerners continue foolishly and stupidly to believe in a real integration and moral relativism.
in Australia, Lebanese Christians are part and become a respectable share of the community. Moreover, the Australian Prime Minister is a Christian Lebanese, as the Governor of New South Wales. However, Lebanese Muslims face serious problems because they refuse to accept our right to live our lifestyle. Nothing can demonstrate clearly that this is not a race issue, but of culture.
Gang rape
in April 2011 published a police report revealed that in Oslo, 100% of violent rapes committed in 2010 were was by non-Western immigrants and that 9 out of 10 victims are ethnic Norwegian. In 2011, the situation worsened  
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The number of rapes has exploded in Norway. The rate is six times higher than in New York and reached record never equaled. Two out of three rapes are committed by non-European origin of immigrants, according to police sources. In 2001, a professor of Anthropology, Unni Wikan, stated that "Norwegian women must take their share of responsibility" because Muslims were the dressed provocatively. The conclusion of the "teacher" was not that Muslims should adapt to Western standards, but the exact opposite: Norwegian women must realize that they live in a multicultural society and adapt their behavior ...
In Sweden according to the Council for the prevention of crime, there is a probability 4 times higher than the rapist is born abroad rather than in Sweden. People from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia are predominant among potential rapists. Anne Christine Hjem, a lawyer who has investigated violent crimes for the Court of Svea, reports that 85% of convicted rapists were born abroad or of foreign parents admit.
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Some immigrant Muslims openly  "It is not as serious a breach of Swedish than violate an Arab girl, "says Hamid openly, resident in Sweden. "They probably are not virgins anyway." While the Arab girl will have problems with her ​​family. It will be a source of shame for her. It's important that she remain a virgin until marriage. It's almost too easy to type a Swede. Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they make a suitable wife, their culture, which is blank. And that's what I'll do. I do not have much respect for the Swedes. They blew constantly.
In Denmark, where the situation is catastrophic, a Mufti in Copenhagen sparked public outrage by publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are "candidates to rape".
The number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in the Nordic countries is so high that it is difficult to see them as isolated and individual acts. It's more like a warrior attitude Mohamed himself violated his slaves, and this is perfectly allowed by the Quran and Sunnah women. Considering that many Muslim immigrants in Europe see themselves as a conquering army, and  European part of the booty, it makes sense and is perfectly in line with Islamic law.
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Elected officials and authorities, fonts, Western justices not have done to Muslims and betray their own people for money and power. Our elites are selling and sell us all without any awareness of the loss of the knee to the West and the Arab kissing their barbaric civilization. They are milked from us all. Wake up!

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