mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Quebec Animals will no longer objects - And do not forget also some people unable

Animals will no longer objects in Quebec.
And do not forget the people can no longer perform human gestures every day.

Recently the minister Pierre Paradis indicated its intention to amend the civil code

professors and graduates are among the signatories a manifesto calling for a new legal status for animals.

January 31, 2014 at 2:18 p.m.

The manifesto demands that the Civil Code of Québec provides animals with a status of being sensitive.

In just 10 days, nearly 29,000 people, including professors and graduate of UQAM, signed the manifesto titled Animals are notthings.It requires that the Civil Code of Québec provides animals with a status of being sensitive. Written by Sophie Gaillard, a lawyer with the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) and Martin Gilbert, a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University, in collaboration with author Elise Desaulniers, the document has received the . support of many Quebec personalities from the world of science, arts, culture and

media,the authors of the manifesto reminder that the Civil Code currently divides the world into two basic legal categories: people - humans and also legal persons such as corporations - and the property is to say everything. - houses, chairs, toasters and animals ...

In other words, a dog, a cat or a cow differs not a toaster or a chair from the legal point of view. To injure or mistreat an animal equivalent to deteriorate as well. Nothing more, nothing less.

Equating animals at things is to ignore the development of knowledge, especially in neuroscience and animal ethics, says the manifesto. StevanHarnad,Professor of Psychology and Chair Canada Research in cognitive science, was one of the first signatories of the manifesto.

"The scientific community recognizes that animals have cognitive and emotional capacities, they are living beings with sensitivity, can feel pleasure and pain, "he said. Evidenced by the Declaration on the conscience ofCambridge,July 7, 2012, who argues that animals, including all mammals and birds as well as many other species, like humans have the neural substrates of consciousness.

" If animals are not things, so it is legitimate to take into account their interests and their moral value, among others in the way they are treated in laboratories and in industrial farming, notes Stevan Harnad. Anyone in contact with animals or has a pet can easily understand.

"Quebec,the last class
According to the sixth edition of the nonprofit organization American Animal Legal Defense Fund, issued last summer, Quebec ranks last among Canadian provinces in terms of legislation on animal protection.

The problem is the rigidity of the civil law, says the professor of the Department of Legal Sciences Martine Lachance, another signatory of the manifesto, which manages the Group International research in animal law (GRIDA), the only of its kind in the country. "Quebec has improved regulatory conditions surrounding the care and breeding of dogs and cats, she said, but many other animals remain unprotected and are experiencing great suffering, especially farm animals and wildlife .

"TheCanadian Criminal Code also contains significant gaps, says the researcher. This does not prohibit killing unnecessarily wild or stray animal. In addition, offenses against animals, such as gestures of cruelty causing unnecessary suffering, appear in the section entitled "Wilful and Forbidden Acts for certain goods."

A third category?

The manifesto does not specify the particular form that might take the new legal status of animalsoptions.

are two  Possible observes Martine Lachance. "The first, which I prefer, is to create in the Civil Code a third category separate from that property and that of people who recognize the sensitive nature of living animals.

The other option, which was adopted in France, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, maintain animals in the category of goods, while giving them the special quality of material good, as distinct from inanimate objects.

"Whatmight be the consequences of a change the status of animals in our civil law? It all depends on the nature of the new status. Laws that would give protection to be because it is a sensitive would open a breach in the doctrine that the condition for having rights is to be human. "Extract animals category of goods at least promote the establishment of measures to limit their suffering in slaughterhouses and farms," ​​says the professor.

The aim of the manifesto is to launch a public debate in order to change the legal status of animals. "The law is always behind the company, said Martine Lachance. This is when it calls for changes that the legislature passes the measure, as was the case regarding the rights of women and marriage between persons of the same sex.

"ForStevan Harnad," the fact that the manifesto has collected many signatures in such a short time shows that attitudes have changed and it is possible to undertake the reforms that s'imposent.»

Gilles Duceppe, all Canadians are at war against the Muslim Islamic State - Support our army

Support our army
Gilles Duceppe, all Canadians are at war against the Muslim Islamic State

In war, any person engaged in the propaganda of the enemy can be condemned and must be condemned. They are not fools, they are terrorists, period online.

Gilles Duceppe suggest we bring to justice those who relay the propaganda of the Islamic state, as we are at war.

"The police should therefore carefully scrutinize the remarks made ​​on social networks and all the statements of people showing sympathy towards Islamist fanatics."
If Canadians are detained for relaying jihadist propaganda, we will somehow "camps" whose way of life is different from the prisons, regardless of where the perpetrators would be held physically. Their way of life would not follow the law "criminal" in the usual sense, but a sort of exception under the law of war measure, as they would be detained for relaying propaganda of enemy.

As Canada declared war on the Islamic state, the act of relay propaganda should be punishable under Duceppe.

The criminalization of the dissemination of enemy propaganda is de facto a 'crime' policy punishable in wartime, where civil liberties guaranteed by the constitution, such as freedom of expression, would be exceptionally suspended for the duration of the war.
Alain Wagner: "The sponsoring organizations who value the Sharia criminal concept of jihad destroy social cohesion and pave the recruiters Islamic fighters." (Source)
Quebec is tolerant and has an innocent baby. The baby should be cleaned well with these regressive religions that have come thanks to the weakness of our political and intellectual pacquatillent living on another planet elites. Never recognizing the reality that strikes us in the face, but fools the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Quebec City and Ottawa.

Stephen Harper must punish these people by killing and eliminated these barbaric ideologies of our planet. We all know they want to die to get their stuff virgins in hell know we can help them to make the trip as soon as possible but no return ticket. They can see in hell that their reality is hell.

WOW! Congratulations Mr. Duceppe ... We are far from the demo with Hezbollah ... But we can change. This definitely joined

"Illegal fighters GW Bush ...."

We are already starting to say by the mouth of Mr. Obama, it is not necessarily terrorists see CNN ... Of course M.Hussein makes the difference between Islam and Islamist and says that IE is not Islam. Muslims are called to demonstrate this statement not just say Islam = peace.

The Premier of Quebec is he going to say he regretted the charter of secularism ... It is more than vital.

WOW! Congratulations Mr. Duceppe ...
We are far from the demo with Hezbollah ... But we can change. This definitely joined
"Illegal fighters GW Bush ...."

We are already starting to say by the mouth of Barrack Obama, that is not necessarily terrorists CNN ...

Of course the difference between M.Hussein Islam and Islamic and said that EI is not Islam. Muslims are called to demonstrate this statement not just say Islam = peace22..

Prime Minister of Quebec you will regret it the charter of secularism ... It is more than vital

Written by: Marie Eve |  / 10/2014 at 12:46

And now, the shadow of the War Measures Act begins to soar ...
Written by: Michele D. | 22/10/2014 at 17:16
The following was refused by Le Devoir comment l'article

Et what feed lone wolves (and packs)?

A Machiavellian as substantial as food, which leads to built in a "religion of peace" to appease the conscience of evil hegemonic political ideology.

A food prepared in book form " sacred "marbling of hate and violent, carefully hidden in the mijotement words, promises designed to reassure those who have been fed very young, as well as attract and nurture instincts become fanatics and madmen.

food in every way comparable to Mein Kampf, with the impact on the history that humanity has known.

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Adil Charkaoui do not comdemd terrorist in Canada - When his deportation?

Adil Charkaoui to when his deportation?

October 23, 2014

Following the terrorist attacks of Ottawa and St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Adil Charkaoui strongly denounced the media coverage and the policy of the Harper government, but fails to condemn actions of the killers.

Although his organization condemns "violence and sources of violence," the spokesman for the Quebec Collective Against Islamophobia (ICQC)refused yesterday  to imitate the Council of Imams du Québec and that many members of the Muslim community across the country were quick to reject "these heinous and cowardly
acts.""We are not a Muslim group, our collective brings together Muslims, anarchists and atheists. The events are tragic and unfortunate, we condemn terrorism, but we do not have to do it every time, "Adil Charkaoui slice.
This is shown rather annoyed that dare ask
him."Is -what we condemn these actions? You would not ask the question to a native of Quebec. Your call is Islamophobic, "said he replied.
Zirat Abdou, a Muslim involved in his community is visibly uncomfortable with what Adil
Charkaoui."It'spathetic.We must begin by clearly and straightforwardly condemn these crimes. The media you tend a microphone, it's an opportunity to denounce "argues Mr. Zirat does not hide mutual antipathy to spokesman ICQC.

If you condemn this terrorist violence unrestricted, which means his approval. Ie you can not be sitting between two chairs.
We are only in the service of Allah Islamic and not Canadian and Quebecois as Adil Charkaoui.
When will his deportation to his country of origin where there may reign of terror of a masquerade religieuse.

lundi 13 octobre 2014

Government qualified thief excellence by incompetence

Government qualified  thief
excellence by incompetence

Can you understand how any person or organization working to balance the Government of Quebec does not know the wages. Furthermore the Government, including the Prime Minister does not know exactly how many wins wins the Premier, Ministers and MPs, their assistants? I would say these crazy people and contempt contempt for us, who pay them, should receive several times a month on their bank account amounts, salaries, compensation, and so on. Later these nice administrators must pay bills such as hydro, cable, food, insurance.

D'they manage these ministers, deputy ministers, deputy ministers and under other sub-sub-sub-ministers This way it is easy to understand that we are bankrupt. I do not blame 100 hundred MPs and ministers. They are supposedly so temporary and disposable to four years. They are there to make as much money and entry into the fold of the more affluent, the Illumanéties of this world.

But I blame the scoundrel deputy ministers and top government leaders using this buffet as sewer rats .

I believe that each department does not pay employees and ministers under tables. They should be paid by check. Oh, I forgot the well full of cash to complete the sale of monthly taxpayers more expensive offering.envelope

Whenever these wonderful citizen opens anfolder is paid an additional sum literally every folders to their original salary. These amounts are in addition to another added benefit that each of the members and ministers receive. We must not also forget discretionary allowances and expenses to add to their earnings but not taxable. As an example if a member must earn $ 85,000 annually would all but give extra salary about $ 160,000. But who pays his salary? It's you and me.
The politician lives in contact with human and especially in urban spaces with sewage, mafia, corrupt. It is nocturnal, omnivorous and carnivorous argenivore to trend that feeds on waste in cities. The key to his food are all winnings honestly acquired to survive your family

nest Most politicians in the media, offering them shelter devoid of predators and opportunities for nesting, or the "politician Wastewater ". Gregarious politician lives mostly in very hierarchical group as in the shallows of the company.

Extremely prolific, this species is known as a possible vector for many diseases, making the brown rat considered a pest and potentially invasive , as well as several other species of politicians. However, this intelligent politician, sociable and easy to tame. Money and power are their imperishable foods. It is also the kind of politician strain domestic livestock from father to son. The politician is a pet whose success is growing with all the money and political support.

Politician is omnivorous, carnivorous, opportunistic braggart, corrupt, illusionist, Machiavelli. Originally it is pure as a newborn child, but only have been nursed by a foster mother his political party he changes completely. It becomes like his master politicians or he dies of despair at having been abused by his superiors.

Politician eats whatever he manages to steal other parties, organizations, companies, group of geniuses advice, doctors and what were all working for the benefit of the

people,the politician eats and drinks daily ment equivalent equivalent to 200% of the economy of the province or country. His appetite is great that more people can do the full. They create departments, studies, functions increasingly indescribable or even a virus can not find a point to food. His canvas is so strong and supports so many lice, that they no longer recognize and devour everything in their path

politician Food preferences are close consulting firms, associations of all kinds, trade unions, as they prefer the rich can rob the poor. The availability of food influences what is consumed by politicians. The larger the project, the greater the benefits. There may bring discord and there with several supportaires harvest the fruits of the labor of all taxpayers

in urban areas, the politician feeds mainly on project several hundred million or billionaire. Knowing all the people or organization that works there can control a part or the whole project. Not to mention the envelopes that are so dear to their development regardless of setting

politician proves extremely careful when it discovers any new food, such as childcare centers, assisted reproduction, etc. Mafia inviting some politicians to prove themselves in politics. These politicians will create fictitious places, virtual, food for their campaign coffers. If they get caught, these corrupt politicians may see the Canadian gilded cage having lost all stolen property.

Politician can sometimes take several days, months, throwing bombs false information to the public. He must do so before tasting a food he does not recognize, and it can only consume a small amount to assess the effects of the unknown food. Experiments also show that the politician has the ability to learn to associate the taste with the consequences associated with it, even when they occur several hours after ingestion. But what do you expect, it never learns from his mistakes, he always starts the same chinoiserie in there changing some words. The politician is always a politician out of touch with everyday realities and feeling on a golden cloud hovers over the state until someone or circumstances forced him to fall back to earth. This drop is very painful for him because he thought it to be a living god. His legs can not stand but faces his actions.

Alain Laprise October 10, 2014

vendredi 10 octobre 2014

Holland has rebuffed Muslims and setting the rules on multicultural immigration

Holland has rebuffed Muslims and
Setting the rules on multicultural immigration

Finally a country that has balls!...
TheFrance and Canada will they follow suit?

Holland, 6% of the population is Muslim, now rejects multiculturalism.

Dutch government is tired of being trampled by Muslims and abandons her model longtime multiculturalism, which has only encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel and harmful to society within the country.

A new bill presented to Parliament by the Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Give June 16, 2014 is as

follows:."The Government shares the dissatisfaction of the Dutch people against the model of a multicultural society in Holland and expresses its intention to focus its priorities now to the fundamental values ​​of the Dutch people in the new system integration, the Dutch values ​​will play a central role and therefore the government "does not adhere to the model of a multicultural society"continued.
multicultural Daycare in Montreal

The letter

"Anintegration even more rigorousis perfectly justified because" that this is what the Government and demand all his people. This orientation is absolutelynow necessary because the Dutch society is falling apart in terms of identity and no one feels at him in Holland.

"Thenew integration policy will be much more demanding on the part of immigrants.

example immigrants must necessarily learn Dutch and the Dutch government will take more coercive against immigrants who ignore the values ​​of the country and measures to disobey Dutch law .

Dutch Government will also stop giving special grants to Muslims to integrate (although they do not do anyway) because, according to Donner, "it is not for the government and public funds to integrate immigrants.

"Thebill also provides for the creation of legislation against forced marriages and legislation imposing severe measures to these Muslim immigrants who voluntarily reduce their chances of employment simply by the way they clothe

More Specifically the Government will ban the wearing of face-covering clothing such as the veil, burqa, hijab, and as of January 2014

Holland realized, perhaps belatedly, that his multicultural liberalism is doing the country a land of desert tribes who after all is killing the country of origin and its own identity.

the future of Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, Belgium and France may well read into the text!

here in Canada and our parliamentary elites are real whores and a vote they will sell to any organization supposedly religious and destroying our entire civilization. Gifts we have to thank the bills to the Canadian nation, our ministers, MPs, elites to eliminate the Canadian people.

MULTICULTARALISME This is the cursed ELLIOTT TRUDEAU STONE THE LARGEST ANTI-DOMESTIC AND QUÉBECOIS and his son has no intelligence as he visits the mosque for as there elicit votes and suicide bombers.  
Muslim extremists are a threat to allhumanity.Even the United States of America, President Barack Obama calls on all nations of the earth to remove these barbaric and this prehistoric religion.

Circulate this article and wake up before it is too late.  

Moi is done ... Good

mercredi 8 octobre 2014

Courier of Louise Deschatelets - Muslim immigration in Canada and Quebec - What is diasporas? part two

Courier Louise Deschatelets - Muslim Immigration to Canada and Quebec

Suite 2
What is diasporas?

the term diaspora Originally, the term only covered the phenomenon of dispersion Today, by extension, it also refers to the result of the dispersion, i
all members of the communauty scattered in several countries.
The word was first used for the Jewish diaspora,as indicate the Larousse encyclopedia and dictionary CNRTL.
According to MichelBruneau,the term diaspora is used to denote all sorts of phenomena resulting from migration of population in many countries, from a household name. Long used to describe the dispersion of the Jews in ancient times, its scope has widened today, as in the meanings of Geographers. R. Brunet (1992) lists three types of causes of spread, "a dispersion constraint in the absence of specific countries (Palestinian diaspora); Hardship a more or less temporary (Portuguese diaspora, Irish); or a choice of activities and lifestyles.
"Politicals cientists are interested in the role of diasporas in relations between states, between countries of origin and host c ountries.
Major issues affecting diasporas concerning the area economic, transnational flows, religious structures, comparisons between the various host countries receptor modes, the concept of territoriality and major intersections spaces.
three essential features of a diaspora
  1. consciousness and the fact of claiming an ethnic identity or nationally.
  2. existence of a political, religious or cultural organization dispersed group (associations).
  3. existence of contacts in various forms, real or imaginary, with the territory or country of origin (the integration of a diaspore group does not mean assimilation in the host country).
definition adopted may however be more or less restrictive according to the researchers, some by the loss of the original pre territory, others, like Michel Bruneau more emphasis on dispersion in different countries. This is a point of
debate.Dispersion in host countries
the space of a diaspora is a diffuse and reticulated transnational space, due to a multitude of scattered nuclei, community centers, and multipolarity without strict hierarchy. Community ties are vital for the sustainability of the diaspora. He moved from different anchors (family home, neighborhoods, religious buildings, seats associations) and is developed through many networks (channels and regional cultures).
Memory andof Origin
Memory plays a important role in structuring communities and can enroll in reference to a real or mythical territory when it is nonexistent. The reference to the original jurisdiction is particularly strong for diasporas from the vast Eurasian area, once a favorite spot for multiethnic empires. The relationship between diasporas and the nation-state is difficult when it comes to ethnic homogenization, sometimes giving rise to massacres (in Turkey: Armenian Massacre). But the diaspora have contributed to create, repopulate their nation-state (Greece, Armenia, Israel, Quebec). Sometimes the diaspora is used as an extension of the political territory of origin, and conversely it can put pressure on foreign policy, as the Jewish diaspora in the
USA.'sSpace system in the diaspora and the nation-state
history Framework diasporas:
  • large multiethnic empires
  • colonial empires (British Empire, Russian Empire)Australia)..
Diasporas are increasingly redeployed in the new world countries (North and South America,  The phenomena of migration flow (territory of host-country origin) are becoming more widespread with the technological advances in transportation and communication. In the post-modern nation-state, diasporas are less assimilated than integrated and retain some autonomyworldwide.
Globalization and structuring
Diasporas original diaspora territories are often large necks  Middle East, Asia South East and Central America and the Caribbean. Diasporas can also be derived from areas with high population pressure and relative poverty (diasporas "proletariat" that the second generation diasporas become real because they have the means of self-development). It was not until the nineteenth century that went global diasporas.
With the rise of new information technologies and communication, social media can maintain much stronger ties to the community of origin. Not only interactions with people of this community are facilitated with these digital technologies, but also they are normalizing relative to maintained in everyday life that scan too.relationships
Moreover so-called websites "diaspora"convey this sense of community . products by transnational communities from one of dispersion areas, organized into one or more common cultural elements (religion, ethnicity, nation of origin etc ...) and addressing the members of this community is within a certain area geographical or around the world, they represent a digitization of the diaspora community ties and allow interactions between different members of the community.
These sites serve different purposes, struggled against stereotypes like the site"Mathematicians of the AfricanDiaspora"shared around culturally specific and technical specificity as the site of the Association of Jews from France Techies or as the site "Origin Vietnam" helped adopted children find their old families, traveling in their country origin and explore the language and culture.
Changing Media "diaspora" is difficult to predict because they are only really effective since the relatively recent arrival of the Internet and studies are still ongoing.
It is easier to walk with open eyes closed and not, is not it-

Courier Louise Deschatelets Muslim immigration to Canada and Québec Part One

Muslim immigration to Canada and Quebec

Courier Louise Deschatelets


In a letter signed YG appeared in your column, there was talk of Muslim fundamentalists increasingly present in Quebec society and their negative influence on our girls. This person is worried about the future of her granddaughters since the idea of charter had disappeared from the political landscape following the recent elections.

Personally, I actually find that the situation is worrying, even if the solution the problem does not seem to fit in a charter. For a decade, the influx of immigrants whose culture / religion is incompatible with the host country, further complicated human relationships, creates frustration, which can poison more life in society . Quebec

Lise Ravary in his column 02juin 2014, entitled"Let'stalk immigration"quoted PaulCollier,Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford who wrote: "In receiving countries, flourishing diasporas serve as accelerating to Immigration attracting new immigrants find everything they need to live without having to integrate.

And the more they grow, the less they (diaspora) (1) will be integrated. (...) The right questions to ask are: What level of immigration would be beneficial and for whomobsession?:

Effective immigration controls are not an anachronistic vestige of nationalism or racism or simple xenophobic paranoid  they will become increasingly necessary in all societies where diasporas have accumulated.

"Ibelieve that effective immigration controls would ensure that the host society can only be found one day"loser"after years of blind generosity. On this subject, here is a story that happened in Copenhagen there about ten years.

Reporter asked a passerby on the street, which was engaged to a Muslim between 40 and 50 years, about real or imaginary Islamophobia. After a polished sides exchange, the discussion ended with these words from the interviewed:

Regardless, in 40 years Denmark will be Muslim. "The Muslim has the merit of being sincere; at least we know he will wait until the disappearance of the culture / religion of the host country.

"Knowthat in 2014, it has become difficult to ignore the dream of Islamization of the world, willingly or strength, some branches of Islam.

response Louise Deschatelets

Your level of realism far exceeds mine, but I confess to being willing to think seriously about the text of the Oxford professor. At the same time I tell myself that if Gandhi won its battle for independence from India or radicalism without bloodshed, just with common sense and reason, are there no way to do the same for preserve our cultural integrity.

A. Alain Laprise

Whether you're naive Mrs. Deschalets, Muslims want everything and nothing for others. Regarding Ghandi you should check that India was divided into two India and Pakistan. Two religions at the time, please do not close your eyes but you need to be politically correct for fear of receiving protests from journalists and other media without vision.

Assaid Richard Martineau in one of his articles the silence of the intellectuals and their limited human knowledge, down to earth and not in the clouds and seeing the same side of the coin only. We all know that the landowner is not realistic on their knowledge. It's like a doctor who will fix a car, it does not make him a mechanic. The doctor will have the intelligence to see a specialist car but intellectuals, they have intelligence that there are always two sides to a coin.

Also I would add that your mail is often instructive and comments are sometimes righteous. As you often say we must have an open mind but I will add one should not deny our culture to be replaced by another.

Montreal Gazette of October 7, 2014 Suite 2 see the document on thediaspora