mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Gilles Duceppe, all Canadians are at war against the Muslim Islamic State - Support our army

Support our army
Gilles Duceppe, all Canadians are at war against the Muslim Islamic State

In war, any person engaged in the propaganda of the enemy can be condemned and must be condemned. They are not fools, they are terrorists, period online.

Gilles Duceppe suggest we bring to justice those who relay the propaganda of the Islamic state, as we are at war.

"The police should therefore carefully scrutinize the remarks made ​​on social networks and all the statements of people showing sympathy towards Islamist fanatics."
If Canadians are detained for relaying jihadist propaganda, we will somehow "camps" whose way of life is different from the prisons, regardless of where the perpetrators would be held physically. Their way of life would not follow the law "criminal" in the usual sense, but a sort of exception under the law of war measure, as they would be detained for relaying propaganda of enemy.

As Canada declared war on the Islamic state, the act of relay propaganda should be punishable under Duceppe.

The criminalization of the dissemination of enemy propaganda is de facto a 'crime' policy punishable in wartime, where civil liberties guaranteed by the constitution, such as freedom of expression, would be exceptionally suspended for the duration of the war.
Alain Wagner: "The sponsoring organizations who value the Sharia criminal concept of jihad destroy social cohesion and pave the recruiters Islamic fighters." (Source)
Quebec is tolerant and has an innocent baby. The baby should be cleaned well with these regressive religions that have come thanks to the weakness of our political and intellectual pacquatillent living on another planet elites. Never recognizing the reality that strikes us in the face, but fools the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Quebec City and Ottawa.

Stephen Harper must punish these people by killing and eliminated these barbaric ideologies of our planet. We all know they want to die to get their stuff virgins in hell know we can help them to make the trip as soon as possible but no return ticket. They can see in hell that their reality is hell.

WOW! Congratulations Mr. Duceppe ... We are far from the demo with Hezbollah ... But we can change. This definitely joined

"Illegal fighters GW Bush ...."

We are already starting to say by the mouth of Mr. Obama, it is not necessarily terrorists see CNN ... Of course M.Hussein makes the difference between Islam and Islamist and says that IE is not Islam. Muslims are called to demonstrate this statement not just say Islam = peace.

The Premier of Quebec is he going to say he regretted the charter of secularism ... It is more than vital.

WOW! Congratulations Mr. Duceppe ...
We are far from the demo with Hezbollah ... But we can change. This definitely joined
"Illegal fighters GW Bush ...."

We are already starting to say by the mouth of Barrack Obama, that is not necessarily terrorists CNN ...

Of course the difference between M.Hussein Islam and Islamic and said that EI is not Islam. Muslims are called to demonstrate this statement not just say Islam = peace22..

Prime Minister of Quebec you will regret it the charter of secularism ... It is more than vital

Written by: Marie Eve |  / 10/2014 at 12:46

And now, the shadow of the War Measures Act begins to soar ...
Written by: Michele D. | 22/10/2014 at 17:16
The following was refused by Le Devoir comment l'article

Et what feed lone wolves (and packs)?

A Machiavellian as substantial as food, which leads to built in a "religion of peace" to appease the conscience of evil hegemonic political ideology.

A food prepared in book form " sacred "marbling of hate and violent, carefully hidden in the mijotement words, promises designed to reassure those who have been fed very young, as well as attract and nurture instincts become fanatics and madmen.

food in every way comparable to Mein Kampf, with the impact on the history that humanity has known.

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