Muslim immigration to Canada and Quebec
Courier Louise Deschatelets
In a letter signed YG appeared in your column, there was talk of Muslim fundamentalists increasingly present in Quebec society and their negative influence on our girls. This person is worried about the future of her granddaughters since the idea of charter had disappeared from the political landscape following the recent elections.
Personally, I actually find that the situation is worrying, even if the solution the problem does not seem to fit in a charter. For a decade, the influx of immigrants whose culture / religion is incompatible with the host country, further complicated human relationships, creates frustration, which can poison more life in society . Quebec
Lise Ravary in his column 02juin 2014, entitled"Let'stalk immigration"quoted PaulCollier,Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford who wrote: "In receiving countries, flourishing diasporas serve as accelerating to Immigration attracting new immigrants find everything they need to live without having to integrate.
And the more they grow, the less they (diaspora) (1) will be integrated. (...) The right questions to ask are: What level of immigration would be beneficial and for whomobsession?:
Effective immigration controls are not an anachronistic vestige of nationalism or racism or simple xenophobic paranoid they will become increasingly necessary in all societies where diasporas have accumulated.
"Ibelieve that effective immigration controls would ensure that the host society can only be found one day"loser"after years of blind generosity. On this subject, here is a story that happened in Copenhagen there about ten years.
Reporter asked a passerby on the street, which was engaged to a Muslim between 40 and 50 years, about real or imaginary Islamophobia. After a polished sides exchange, the discussion ended with these words from the interviewed:
Regardless, in 40 years Denmark will be Muslim. "The Muslim has the merit of being sincere; at least we know he will wait until the disappearance of the culture / religion of the host country.
"Knowthat in 2014, it has become difficult to ignore the dream of Islamization of the world, willingly or strength, some branches of Islam.
response Louise Deschatelets
Your level of realism far exceeds mine, but I confess to being willing to think seriously about the text of the Oxford professor. At the same time I tell myself that if Gandhi won its battle for independence from India or radicalism without bloodshed, just with common sense and reason, are there no way to do the same for preserve our cultural integrity.
A. Alain Laprise
Whether you're naive Mrs. Deschalets, Muslims want everything and nothing for others. Regarding Ghandi you should check that India was divided into two India and Pakistan. Two religions at the time, please do not close your eyes but you need to be politically correct for fear of receiving protests from journalists and other media without vision.
Assaid Richard Martineau in one of his articles the silence of the intellectuals and their limited human knowledge, down to earth and not in the clouds and seeing the same side of the coin only. We all know that the landowner is not realistic on their knowledge. It's like a doctor who will fix a car, it does not make him a mechanic. The doctor will have the intelligence to see a specialist car but intellectuals, they have intelligence that there are always two sides to a coin.
Also I would add that your mail is often instructive and comments are sometimes righteous. As you often say we must have an open mind but I will add one should not deny our culture to be replaced by another.
Montreal Gazette of October 7, 2014 Suite 2 see the document on thediaspora
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