dimanche 17 avril 2016

Trudeaumania is it a virus, a cancer or a virtual idiocy selfie

Trudeaumania is it a virus, a cancer or a virtual idiocy selfie
Name at birth: Mohamed Justin Trudeau Harjit Abraham Small Brush
Canada Islamic State 2018 proclame by Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair - Where Philippe Couillard, Jihadist on planet Mars.jpg
Premier Canadagistan to Ottawabangazi - Infectious, regenerative and fatal disease spread by the liberal parties Canadians and Quebecers to the only two founding peoples of Canada,not fifty, Ontarioban multicultural poisoner as Philippe Couillard
Several researchers in the global communities currently make fundamental studies of dunces who govern Canada and the Canadian provinces. The most displayed theses are general knowledge gaps of Canadian citizens as Quebecers of their leaders that draws them their money and property for their personal profits and leaders to tax havens as did Mr. Philippe Couillard, and Justin Trudeau thousands more who constantly give lessons every day in the media we all need to pay our due to the government to fill our collective down.
Gaétan Barrette CHSLD Il a menti encore une fois Diane Francoeur - Philippe Couillard - Yves Bolduc.jpg
I thought the expression of our collective bottom, was to all citizens, but no, it is the bottom of the elites as Gaétan Barrette, $ 1.2 million to have plunged us into a deficit of $ 7 billion to increase the salaries of its doctors and friends without any additional return. Dr. Yves Bolduc, who works 48 hours per day, even made ​​time during his triple poses dined with premiums millionaires departures. Dr. Philippe Couillard incorporating doctors that he only pays 15% in taxes instead of 50% as all honest citizens  
Is our political elites are only in position to fuck us-.?
Trudeauphobie  Expended besides
Profits generated by legalizing prostitution human, political and cannabis will fill the coffers of the State and to reimburse the losses, said this morning the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. It added, this thought of Confucius, if Canada would go bankrupt, we have only to change the name of the country and start fresh. All chambers of commerce across the country have applauded are verbalisâtes initiatives.
Justin Trudeau psychopath.jpg
At the wedding of Cana, Jesus said, go and fill the jugs, the Liberals tell us fathers here are your jugs to fill.
"What's great with drugs and sex fools of politicians is more than the economy is bad, the more people want more! "" When people are without jobs, no time passes quickly, so they drink more alcohol, eat more drugs and, ultimately, have more sex "" our Prime Minister he said that soon we would also honor we have to kind of terrorists to disregard all our problems, and we build their beautiful hospitals, mosques, prisons, end cutting edge of technology and provide all the necessary weapons they can use to go with Stéphane Dion in Saudi Arabia with the help of Dr. Philippe Couillard Arab polyglot
what is a multicultural morpion liberal confession
Liberals crabs are people of different nationalities that revolve around one or more people looking to fill their pockets by selling, cheating, stealing, their congeners, unsavory countries with no culture and no respect no human rights but who reaped billions for the destruction of humanity in the name of God is saying but the truth is their own money and their only power, their vanity.  
Justin Trudeau est devenu multi religieux Hindoux Musulman - un vrai taiteux.jpg
These crabs political, religious, are in all regions, parishes, districts of the provinces of the country, without regard to race, language, color of skin. Only the Left intellectuals and feminists give it reliefs scraping the right places. Ah! These nice people who can not do anything with their hands, only to speak the day, he will lose the voice, they will not even smart enough to go and look for a glass of water if it has not of water in the water in a bottle. They do not even have the idea to look for a stream, a river, a well, how to bring water to the mouth, no glass, and they will die of thirst Trudeauist.
Philippe Couillard Government of Quebec - A liquidation of government members.jpg
Morpion liberal  Causes, risks and fatal
L infection infectious disease allophone, Anglophones and Francophones some under the name "IIMIAAF" are due to contact with the body or infectious agents, as Jean Charest, bacteria, as Françoise David, viruses, as Lise Bacon is not happy with the service that the Muslim does not wash his genitals. I thought over the years that Madame had lost them the parts. Other parasites or fungus as Gilles Surprenant, Commissioner Charbonneau Commission do not belong to the normal flora present in the body or become pathogenic because of special conditions, than accept that no matter in it. Where does the Liberal name, that is to say without judgment, than accept any waste of society visible, invisible, religious, clothing, food, culture, lack of culture.
Mosquée Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah Montréal Al-Qaïda Iman terrorist watcht by FBI RCRS.jpg
The liberal transmission is very common on the uninformed policies or if they do not want to know what happens in political but beware sometimes through contact with an infected person or liberal with objects, clothes, linen, looks, selfie, the stars of images at Trudeau can influence you to the precipice of dependencies.

We must emphasize a fact that should make you happy, when you join the liberal teams, the money comes by millions, prosperity, honor, cravings control the whole world, to be a permanent feature. Your ego get stretched much better and you will change political parties to join the party people who earn, the Liberals, it is not a party to the intellectual people who think they want cash. But there are also some small mishaps.
Hemorrhoids multiple religious liberal political parties  Canada
In hemorrhoid - Hemorrhoid disorder characterized by an expansion of a liberal brain if it exists or venous package, which then takes the form of a varices (varicose dilation) at the head to the foot. We can then say that it reflect neither head nor feet, but reflect where he liberal politicians
Michaëlle Jean inspecte sa garde nationale.jpg
Presenting symptoms are most often localized pain and bleeding that we often see through media, newspapers, infant poses of our politicians playing the virtual doll. Believer, being a politician, gives him the right to deny the current realities of society who should lead. This position is not easy, it's not for a cowboy, or frilly as we have in Quebec and Ottawa.
When you see your prime ministers, ministers, MPs, mayors, and all other official persons offer themselves as political bait of migrants at airports, their bidders for goods and services that the locals do not even have, we see these putasses aplaventrir is to reap the odds of plays, and flatter the ego certain viewers. These elites have we spent migrants like cattle for sale on our TV screens and newspapers, it was pathetic to see their baseness. They will able to sell their mothers and fathers for five and under for a vote, they all act like real political whores and they continue to act as
a set of symptoms, subjective or objective help to establish or direct the diagnosis of a liberal infernal disease. We should speak of "identity hemorrhoidal crisis, mafia." Internal hemorrhoids are deep parts of some barbaric cultural communities, and arrears for thousands of years, having never wanted evolved and see the changes in civilizations.  
Jean Charest and his servant Philippe Couillard in Panama search for tax diversions.jpg
To do so, they joined the liberal sects, than accept the Zunera Ishaq, terrorist, extremist Imams, ultra-Orthodox Jews, extremist Hindus, castrated, all religions advocating revenge between peoples and denigrating women and children in incensing only man that is the being with a penis but often without head on the shoulder with a full beard for lice.
you know gentlemen, chin hairs, does not give the intelligence and I would also add that the books have you preach been written and rewritten it many thousands of years by illiterates like you, these people believed in witches, the thunder that was that God was angry. How can we trust you?
Risks and health issues Liberal hemorrhoids causing the destruction of Western society

Haemorrhoidal disease is a common condition in adults (one in two people in life), responsible for a large number of medical consultations with doctors or Gaétan Barrette Yves Bolduc through a satchel full of money to capacity. The frequency is the same for both sexes, but men seem to complain earlier because he is what most often corruptible.
Yves Bolduc fouille à nu.jpg
Causes and mechanisms transcendental hemorrhoids

hemorrhoids Brain of a Canadian or Québécois already sold Liberal minorities have usually smaller vessels present at the evacuation. Anatomically, there are external hemorrhoids and the internal hemorrhoids, deeper because they like to fuck for money, the profits of their sponsors and envelopes of different sizes and thicknesses trying back their openings.

The cause of hemorrhoidal expansion is still unclear, but some experts have indicated that when they had meetings and exchanges of bulky envelopes some participants could not shut their holes. Consequently, there was a monetary hemorrhoidal blocking which it is hidden exits points. Some participants were able to get it together, looking for shoe boxes, documents doors, hiding the agent inside televisions, imagining names ready, engineers of all kinds. Their imagination had no limits because they were all spotlessly honest like saying our former premier Jean Charest and our new Quebec premier Arthur Porter.
Arthur Porter déportation.jpg
Mr. Philippe Couillard, the media mentioned that Sir Arthur Porter, just died in Panama with my $ 20 million he stole collectively, do you know where the money is and what a tax haven is it hidden and what is the number of his bank account and mine. You know you are my used it, you are a state employee pay by all of us taxpayers, get off your chair and made ​​your job as you have said this week honest if you can again and retrace money he stole from me.
a prime minister or minister is a government employee and is rEPLACEABLE in four years. Taxpayers are IRREPLACEABLE because they pay you, and someone who receives pay is an EMPLOYEE Mr. Mohamed Justin Trudeau despite your selfishness GREATNESS "What I love myself, I love myself, that I love my holiness"
Jean Charest - Philippe Couillard - Tony Accurso - Jean-Marc Fournier - Assermentation Assemblée Nationale du Québec 2014.jpg
and Symptoms signs of liberal hemorrhoids

output hemorrhoids outside the house of Commons in Ottawa causes symptoms of discomfort, itching, Melanie Jolie by dressing up as Muslim showing us her pain and bleeding called clean of all intelligences and attaching as a leech to the winning quarterback from one political party to another.
Do not worry Quebec, dozens of deputies passed the parties Quebecers to Coalition Avenir Québec, knowing that he could one day minister, changed again, ledges-caps to the Quebec Liberals. Seeing that the Quebec Liberals were paid less than the Liberals in Ottawa, they resign as ministers from Quebec starts with huge benefits, and retirement pensions, go to Ottawa and get elected under the Liberal leadership and become minister with more profits, moneys, pensions, values.
Stephen Harper Ottawa House of Commune party.jpg
When exhausted from not doing anything, usually the Prime Minister appointed the senators or senators for life up to 75 years with all the benefits this position prestige. If they do what the government of their request, they will be ambassador, lobbyist, the chairman of a Crown corporation, until their death. They have had one or careers in various ministries, makes global knowledge, they placed all their children, friends, and they have to table their future offspring in the governmental apparatus that ordinary people can never reach.
It is to note that this satire is aimed at politicians in general of all political stripes, municipal, school, provincial, country. This text applies to any taxpayer, the people who vote with his conscience for any political party, because this is democracy, and we must all accept it.
But here it is decrying these hecklers, these crossers in our societies that continue to lie to us for personal gain Justin Trudeau.

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