samedi 7 mai 2016

Justin Trudeau - First Half Minister - State of emergency in Alberta - Where's our selfie narcissist - Is it a religous masquerade ....

Justin Trudeau - First Half Minister - State of emergency in Alberta - Where's our selfie narcissist. - Is it a religious masquerade ...

Let'ssee, he does not preach to its religious minorities in order to make the pitcher with liberal its corporate cronies ribbons of all kinds of fabrics or cover on their supposed brains that direct the new degenerative Canada, this virtual disease of the twenty first century. We only make the disconnection of the unit of electric current and the problem is solved.
Here, our government, multicultural, government members from all over Canada, anglophones and francophones compatriots from different opposition parties wishing have a place in the sun, become and have a position with a title they have given "honorable" a lot of power, luxury, and money for the same offense. They betrayed several times their own citizens of their counties to access these positions, they abandoned their friends to be the best in the right places, they abused the regulations to hit all levels of the electoral hierarchy.

so our dear national ballerina, who has traveled the world to make his pretty wife and family, and even the White House in Washington where President Barack Obama stressed Mohamed him a more than brotherly love in his new friend the Honorable Justin Trudeau Mohamed and his wife with her ​​children. All of us in Canada, we thank the United States of America, this new Muslim country have thanked Canadanistan his positive approach to the Koran and the Sharia.
They both knew, make this a memorable week in the annals the histories of both countries, and especially our new Minister the Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister treats multicaule except francophone Quebecer which could even smell her nose as the smell of a skunk. Ah he hastened to destroy everything to destroy with the assistance of all liberals as reasons who wanted to continue to extract favors minorities and English.
Currently, our virtual cosmos, the Honourable Emperor Justin Salman ben Trudeau, where is he? It should certainly prepare very important dossiers to receive the Presidents of the United States and Mexico in Ottawa to discuss treaty between the two countries. But treaties which they do the can’t research for 3 countries.  

It must immediately open its iPad, go to Google information and do  What is an international treaty between the two countries? But here arises another very big question, they have two countries plus Canada total country is three. How to solve a problem as big, if can in time. I have been in the House of Commons in Ottawa only from 14 April 2008 until today Prime Minister of Canada. Throughout this period, I am concerned about my person, my dress code, I look flamboyant, my worship of my transcendent universal personality throughout the Canadian parliament.
I had no second to take care of what was happening in this country. But once again, a fire shatters the joys of my life and my family. Usually all my problems come from Quebec, and it was sweet to my heart. It's my joy and the joy of all the other provinces to see Philippe Couillard continue destroying a masterful and unusual way that damned province. My lieutenant for Quebec, the Honourable Stéphane Dion gives it an eternal support in this thankless task but totally rewarding liberal.
Not knowing what to do, I've sent the Honourable Ralph Goodale forehead, my right arm, and I ' wait for the media to tell me when I should go out to take pictures of the blaze in Alberta. Considering that they are not religious minorities, I do not see how I can send emissaries, planes, refueling, brought them to Canada find their clothes, jobs, home. They are not only Albertans and Canadians, and they may have even voted Liberal in the last election.
I will make a small statement on television, but this time I did not cry, they are Albertans they are not religious minorities, allophones, I did not need them and eventually I will send Melanie Jolie dressed as "Bozo" to make them a show. Not to be outdone, I will send the army after a week of preparation, and $ 20 million, but our achievement for the arrival of the Syrians, new Canadians have only cost us billions of dollars that were strongly well placed in our ballots.

My dear Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, we must respect the rather high considering your function, which is certainly not easy on all fronts political, social, territorial, provincial manage second by second . All Canadians who are supposed to understand this tragic situation, unusual and all Canadians sympathize for Albertans during this situation is certainly very difficult moving. I think he has no words to describe the situations currently experienced all Albertans and Canadians.
I think you should go immediately to meet the Premier of Alberta and the people on the scene as you like selfies and that Canada will rebuild with the help of insurance the whole city in the shortest possible time and expense of all Canadians and that you stop your international Islamic terrorist blind vanes Trudeau.

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