All origins except ours! You talk certainly NO Quebecers.
Quebec francophones hate their French ancestors and have always envied the English-speaking elites that still dominate updated. Will we still be water carriers?
The scene takes place each day at an elementary school in Montreal or the surrounding area. A teacher proposes an activity to his students: each will come forward to talk about their country of origin Cambodia..
The small talk Cambodia The small Haitian in Haiti. And so on. And since we are in a multiethnic class, many countries spend it. There will be forgotten in the band:. The little Quebec "strain" of the French Canadian New France
On the big board at the entrance, all the flags of the world will be there. Often his, el Quebec there will be absent. Who pays the teachers and school bodies, it is the people of Quebec. His country is not one.
The only Quebec flag will be seen at the school will float on a mat at the entrance. It has a one in two chance of being torn. Would he talk about his country? He will not know how. We sing it for years to open to the world, without ever bothering to interest a little to his.
In Quebec, all backgrounds are good except ours. Our new motto, I let myself go on the back by anyone or anything, in good jargon we call this whores.
few years later, in an international exchange, he will experience a humiliating situation. Those who welcome intone a traditional song from their country. And then they ask him to sing one of his own. He does not know. We do not teach it. Perhaps he fall back in desperation on degeneration of my ancestors. It will save face. But deep inside himself, perhaps he will feel a void? This is a true story.
Quebecers are strange. They want so open on the entire planet they forgot to focus a little to themselves. Their past? They only see that annoying baggage response songs and pedophile priests. Their language? They understood that it was not really useful and that if they wanted to be successful, they should as soon as possible to learn English. Their identity, they hide it.
Maybe because they are ashamed.
The problem is deeper. Under the pretext of opening, we invite children to curl up in their origins. They said that there is nothing more important for them. And they must keep at all costs. We sing diversity, whereas in fact, it manufactures a shattered society, fragmented, bloom where millions of individual identities, but where we struggle to recognize a collective identity.
Quebec culture
In a normal world, it would rather pass young children the history of Quebec and Quebec culture. Rather than ask each kid about the hometown of his parents, he would invite her to speak of a Quebec hero, a great Quebec historical event, or a Quebec artist. In other words, it should at least withdraw its original culture kissing his new country.
Gilles Proulx
It is precisely because the origins are different it would transmit the common culture. Thus, young immigrant children would develop a full sense of their new people. But we fall back into the original problem. Imagine that generalizes such a pedagogical exercise: would we know just what to send? What would we celebrate heroes, commemorate what event, what song to sing?
And anyway, after a few
minutes-Righteous-InclusiveOpen-Sur-le-Monde accuse us of ethnocentrism. As if we were at home too.