mardi 29 septembre 2015

Quebec We teach all origins except ours - You talk certainly No French Quebecer

All origins except ours! You talk certainly NO Quebecers.
Quebec francophones hate their French ancestors and have always envied the English-speaking elites that still dominate updated. Will we still be water carriers?
Philippe Couillard porteur d'eau - mon coeur balance.jpg
The scene takes place each day at an elementary school in Montreal or the surrounding area. A teacher proposes an activity to his students: each will come forward to talk about their country of origin Cambodia..
The small talk Cambodia  The small Haitian in Haiti. And so on. And since we are in a multiethnic class, many countries spend it. There will be forgotten in the band:. The little Quebec "strain" of the French Canadian New France
On the big board at the entrance, all the flags of the world will be there. Often his, el Quebec there will be absent. Who pays the teachers and school bodies, it is the people of Quebec. His country is not one.
The only Quebec flag will be seen at the school will float on a mat at the entrance. It has a one in two chance of being torn. Would he talk about his country? He will not know how. We sing it for years to open to the world, without ever bothering to interest a little to his.
In Quebec, all backgrounds are good except ours. Our new motto, I let myself go on the back by anyone or anything, in good jargon we call this whores.
few years later, in an international exchange, he will experience a humiliating situation. Those who welcome intone a traditional song from their country. And then they ask him to sing one of his own. He does not know. We do not teach it. Perhaps he fall back in desperation on degeneration of my ancestors. It will save face. But deep inside himself, perhaps he will feel a void? This is a true story.
Quebecers are strange. They want so open on the entire planet they forgot to focus a little to themselves. Their past? They only see that annoying baggage response songs and pedophile priests. Their language? They understood that it was not really useful and that if they wanted to be successful, they should as soon as possible to learn English. Their identity, they hide it.
Maybe because they are ashamed.
The problem is deeper. Under the pretext of opening, we invite children to curl up in their origins. They said that there is nothing more important for them. And they must keep at all costs. We sing diversity, whereas in fact, it manufactures a shattered society, fragmented, bloom where millions of individual identities, but where we struggle to recognize a collective identity.
Quebec culture
Marcel Tessier Historien.jpg
In a normal world, it would rather pass young children the history of Quebec and Quebec culture. Rather than ask each kid about the hometown of his parents, he would invite her to speak of a Quebec hero, a great Quebec historical event, or a Quebec artist. In other words, it should at least withdraw its original culture kissing his new country.
Gilles Proulx Enseigne notre monde.jpg
Gilles Proulx

It is precisely because the origins are different it would transmit the common culture. Thus, young immigrant children would develop a full sense of their new people. But we fall back into the original problem. Imagine that generalizes such a pedagogical exercise: would we know just what to send? What would we celebrate heroes, commemorate what event, what song to sing?
And anyway, after a few
minutes-Righteous-InclusiveOpen-Sur-le-Monde accuse us of ethnocentrism. As if we were at home too.

Honorable Stephane Dion - Survey - St-Laurent riding

St Lawrence riding
Polls Stars Toronto / Vancouver Sun 215-09-28
The first survey since the division of the district will be held in 2015.

votes Intentions

Jimmy Yu

Pascal-Olivier Dumas-Dubreuil

(outgoing) Stéphane Dion

Alain Ackad

     Do not know, undecided                                               20%
According Polls Stars Toronto / Vancouver Sun the incumbent Honourable Stephane Dion will be re-elected in the riding of St. Lawrence in the next federal election in October 2015. The battle will be between the NDP and the Conservatives.  
For the first time in the history of the riding of St-Laurent Liberal MP will be re-elected as the NDP candidate a Muslim to his head.

lundi 28 septembre 2015

Zunera Ishaq not yet new Canadian citizen reject Canada I am Muslim and you will be soon to

Zunera Ishaq not yet new Canadian citizen reject Canada I am Muslim
Zunera Ishaq not yet the new Pakistani Muslim citizens across Canada want to kiss her feet and her Niqab.
They ask us for help and come to destroy us is what we call Islam.
Feed a pig and it will piss on your stoop is that she did. This proverb is Islamic.
Chartes des Droits et Libertés.jpg
Multiculturalism Pierre Elliott Trudeau destroy all of Canada
The Court of Appeal allowed a woman to wear her niqab on the face during the obtaining citizenship ceremony. In the countryside, the issue divides the parties. The Liberals and the NDP agree with the implementation of the judgment, the Conservatives and the Bloc want to turn things around
this court decision brings a useful discussion in the campaign clear:..
Let's be  Allow a person participate masked his citizenship ceremony, it is synonymous to say no more or less no further accommodation will be deemed unreasonable. If the day you become a Canadian, you live without the formal event that requires you to show your face, you will understand that you have been welcomed in a country where wearing the niqab, like any other accommodation, will universally accepted.
In Ontario driver's license will be allowed with the Niqab
The debate can not be avoided by the fact that this woman must have shown his face for a moment to an officer in a separate room before the swearing. The public and ceremonial nature of such ceremonies beyond simple administration of the identification process.
single ceremony
The symbolic of CANADA Home ceremony is important. This is probably the strongest when the host society expresses a new citizen what it is to live here. Firmly establish the idea that every citizen should participate openly, it is non-negotiable establish some fundamental principles in this country, particularly with regard to respect for women.

Is it a heresy to say that a woman in Canada does not have to hide? Is it a denial of the rights that prepare the ground for obtaining Canadian citizenship?
Is it heresy to say that a woman in Canada does not have to hide? Does act as executioner to define some basic rules on the nature of a public ceremony in Canada? Is it a denial of the rights that prepare the ground for this great privilege, that of a Canadian citizen
It seems to me that not-.
it isa privilege of becoming Canadian and privilege you can be removed at any time  The rights and the rights
rights have broad shoulders and interpretation increasingly scope of the Bill of Rights still widening. The Charter recognizes the right to freedom of religion. This freedom is a thousand times protected. Every citizen in Canada can freely practice his religion. However, is that the extension of this right is infinite?
Is it in the name of religion obtain a series of privileges, leave or be subtracted to the dress code of all trades? Can we demand a prayer room at work or at school? Become a citizen wearing a mask? The list is endless. If all existing religions and sects future begin to charge fees of its kind, we are moving towards a completely unlivable society.

A moment comes when you have to put tags, define the parameters of living together. If people come to Canada thinking of changing their minds by learning the requirements of the citizenship ceremony, they have the option not to come here. That's a real fundamental right.
For now, what we see with amazement is that people who are not yet citizens of this country are already challenging the laws ... and win.

Let those who want to rule the country clarify their vision-.

When the deportation of this non-Canadian family

Zunera Ishaq I hate Canadians

Zunera Ishaq I hate Canada
Persona non grata, the Latin meaning literally "person who is not welcome," abbreviated as PNG "Islam and Muslims in Canada," is a phrase used in diplomacy with a precise legal meaning as used in everyday language. It opposes persona grata (plural personae grata). Example Zunera Ishaq and all her families who refuses
to remove their veil in front of CANADA, Canada must kneel to Pakistani.

It is Article 09 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations that defines a member of the diplomatic mission may be deemed unmotivated and strongly persona non grata, bringing his recall by the sending country or terminate his functions with the mission, as appropriate.

In everyday language, to say about this person, it is persona non grata returns to ostracize. Vulgarly, we use the
term migrant unwilling to integrate into the country of adoption and requiring religious accommodation and having the laws and customs of the adoptive country. In common speak of hecklers makers and disorders by building a new religion by destroying all democracies. This person thinks only of herself, narcissistic, selfish, religious superiority, by fucking citizens from the country in whose only drank the destruction of Western democracy.  Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair agree that Canadian are ignorant people and non patriotic.
I hate Canadian

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Thomas Mulclair Prmier of Canada - If God may help us to survive befor he sell all of us?

Thomas Mulcair Prime Minister of Canada, NDP

Simply reading the title of this post makes you may be puzzled ... Can you imagine? Canada led by an NDP government in the aftermath of the election of 19 October 2015. Never before seen in the country. The stampede of Canadian financial markets and the dollar below 50 cents US. The Socialist Canada will be well to Québec Solidaire.

If the thing was still practically unthinkable a few weeks ago, the most recent survey gives reason to Chief Tom Mulcair to dream, to live at the expense of taxpayers at Sussex Street in Ottawa. If elections had been held last week, the NDP could possibly came to power (with 31% of the vote, against 29% for PCs and 23% for the PLC) at the head of a minority government.
The balance of power will likely be in the hands of Gilles Duceppe, that the Conservative Party remained in power for the next 18 months.
Saute momentary electoral mood? Artificial seismic jolt after the historic election in Alberta?
Another survey completely "in the field"? ...
One thing is certain at this stage. And almost all political observers will tell you, the very combative and articulate Thomas Mulcair is the best leader of the official opposition in the recent history of the country.
If its good performance in the Commons was not reflected in the opinion polls so far, the wind may be about to turn for him.

If one believes this same EKOS survey, 60 percent of Canadians are satisfied with their work today in the Commons.
Which earned him the highest approval rate of all federal party leaders.Another factor to consider: Liberal leader Justin Trudeau's performance in recent months, disappointing in the eyes of many, is it going to encourage voters to turn to the NDP to chase the Harper government after nine years in power ? Justin Trudeau with his bird brain would never make the weight against Thomas Mulcair. Stephen Harper has just put on the table the highlights of Mr. Justin Trudeau supporters against Canadian security through its Islamist ambitions.

Obviously, a little over two months before the elections, difficult to predict whether the progress of the NDP will be maintained in the polls.
Also difficult to tell if Canadian voters, once in the voting booth, submit their trust in the NDP to direct the destinies of the country.

If you have to choose between Stephen Harper, Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair, who will you choose?
Your intended is in your hands, if you vote for the security or insecurity we give Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair through the vagaries of religions and extremists on Canadian soil.

As is rightly said to Quebecers, fasten your slaps because it's going to taste and pay lot with these two toads who bow to all minorities in rejecting the Canadian majority. We will be very badly shod shoemaker with these two upstarts.

Quebec-social aid programs at January 01, 2015 for newcomer

Quebec - social aid programs at January 01,  2015
Our neighbor
Names have been changed to M. Yousef Abdelbaki Ms. Sakina + and their 5  children,they remain in a 5 ½ housing whose cost is approximately $ 950 per month and according to many it is under undeclared work tables. He found a bad back as a constraint to an additional benefit.
NB Our future refugees will be housed, fed, clothed, drugs etc. naked and ask Islamic ACCOMMODATIONS UNREASONABLE as always. A man only pool, single-sex schools, they will as usual rain or shine with Couillard government.
Currently pregnant with a sixth child,and Quebec since 2002 and who had never worked except copulate joyously  your expense. They have a 4 door car Nissan. For it is said in the Qur'an we invade the world through the birth of our children. And they have never contributed to the tax base and never will want, I say never fit well because their God is greater democracy.
The federal government gave them a month ago 2 checks of $ 1,900 and three checks for $ 700 for the family allowance. Additional Allocations clothing, leisure, Halal, etc. per month $ 1,000
Basic Benefit per month for 2 adults
without restrictions $ 955     with constraint $ 300
Basic benefit per month minors $ 200 per month x 5 children = $ 1,000 per month

housing allowance
2 adults and 3 or more children    Couple with 3 or more children    $ 486 a month    
No tax liability, aid for school, no charges for health insurance and other school transportation, free books, clothes, glasses, heaters, all you have appropriate accommodation, doctors, health insurance, law, justice, and so on.
My dear handled
Dear taxpayers make the total invoice and multiplied by thousands of people like that above is reality daily and as we are generous and good-natured towards foreigners. Christians and original French are not entitled to the same conditions above, for religion surpasses secularism fearful of government, in Quebec it is better not to be born Christian under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  All judgments are made ​​against francophone and anglophone majorities, Catholic or Protestant.  
Religious minorities use the charter was intended for people discriminated by their physical condition or other jobs. But the charter was violated by religious minorities who use it against the people of Quebec  increase to their powers.  
These are not just Muslims who make these demands but the Jewish religion "Lev Tahor" Hindus, sects Jehovah's Witnesses,  many more.and  
The Québécois is a soft people, having sold  ignorant, governments,rejected its identity, its values ​​and its ancestors for supposedly a quiet revolution. The Government of Philippe Couillard puts FIRE IN THE SHACK WITH ITS Muslim fundamentalists BILLS AND RELIGIOUS IN THE CHARTERS OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF QUEBEC.
the Quebec government hates its own born citizens.

Zunera Isaq, Toronto Zunera إسحاق، وهو باكستاني من 29 الذي يمارس الجنس مع كل من كندا خلال الأيمان المواطنة. وخير الألم الكندي أو في المؤخرة، لا تنسى زوجها وأولادها التبرز علينا جميعا

 إسحاق، وهو باكستاني من 29 الذي يمارس الجنس مع كل من كندا خلال الأيمان المواطنة. وخير الألم الكندي أو في المؤخرة، لا Zunera Ishaq,تنسى زوجها وأولادها التبرز علينا جميعا

Imans Hamza Chaoui et Adil Charkaoui Terrorist ideology taught in the mosques Ideologicals terrorists says Iman Syed Soharwardy from Calgary Part 3

Terrorist ideology in the mosques taught by Imams Hamza Chaoui, and Adil Charkaoui, and several other
terrorist ideology is preached in mosques and Canadian universities, but Ottawa and the provinces are slow to curb the "brainwashing" as that 'said a Senate committee February 1, 2015 for the maximum number of votes in the next election.  

Our rulers do not take seriously the threat of multiculturalism and non-integration of the Canadian Muslim community. Canada will be a fertile ground for international terrorist and the defeat of democracy in its territory. Politicians of this country must wake up and take immediate action to counter this terrorist scourge that flow through our veins until the total destruction of all democratic countries.
Chaoui Hamza Iman was present at a Friday prayer in Toronto and Iman said before some 300-400 people, "when you meet a non-Muslim, do not leave him the way; trying to block his path so he or she is cornered "by advocating the total fundamentalism, told the imam Syed Soharwardy of Calgary in the Canadian Senate in Ottawa.  
Wake up citizens. If the wake of our politicians are not made ​​immediately, in 2018 Canada will be a Muslim and the Koran and the Sharia laws and will replace the Canadian Constitution.

Islam is totally incompatible with democracy

Women were created to serve only MAN They have no souls, they are tame animals.
Justin Trudeauto the mosque
Thomas Mulcairto mosque and supporting Justin Trudeau

    to Thomas MulcairMosque
Denis Coderremayor of Montreal at the Mosque, Philippe Couillard
Philippe Couillard with Islamic supportaires . and political captives
May God protect us from our politicians
see Part 1 Imams Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkaoui profess terrorism in Montreal with Adil Charkaoui protected by our governments of Quebec and Canada
See Part 2: Imams Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkaoui profess terrorism in Montreal with impunity Part 2
51 Apocalypse de l'Islam.jpg

Imans Hamza Chaoui et Adil Charkaoui profess terrorism in Montréal with impunity Part 2

Imams Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkaoui profess terrorism in Montreal with impunity.
Let us beware of our Canadian politicians and Quebecers
Part 2
Many young people attending this medium polarized further the mosque Charkaoui, Chaoui and Oummanity, turns on social networks the iconography of the Islamic state, al-Qaida, as well as statements promoters of jihad-combat; Hamza Abdul-Malik is far from alone. I present here his case because he spoke to Oummanity and is very representative of what happens to many young converts.
According to Imam al-Sulaiman Montreal Hayiti, Iman Charkaoui is one of masterminds of the main jihadist group in Montreal. We can certainly ask where its revenues come when not working?
Besides the fact that the mosque Charkaoui relays praised the founder of al Qaeda (Abdullah Azzam), a group administrator devoted to the teachings of Facebook "Sheikh Abu Abd 'Allah Charkaoui" has released a video of Azzam in which he calls on Muslims to deliver the jihad-fighting: Message to Islamic workers, Translation: Message to Islamic workers. We are at war against the West and the infidels of the Americas until death.
It is therefore not surprising that a young person under the apparent influence of Charkaoui and Chaoui, say "Amen" to the idea of dying a martyr in the context of a eulogy for Osama bin Laden, and that he relays the hate that too violent a Anjem Choudary and Anwar al-Awlaki a.
In addition to frequent assiduously Charkaoui, the young Hamza Abdul-Malik is involved in activities of Oummanity, an organization close to Chaoui Hamza.
Capture d’écran 2015-02-03 à 22.25.32
Hamza Abdul-Malik with young Oummanity

Source of #JeSuisHamzaChaoui tweet  
(Tanweer Ali relays also one of the theorists of jihad, Sayed Qutb.
Many young converts to Islam, like Hamza Abdul-Malik, refer to Adil Charkaoui and Chaoui Hamza as in "sheikhs" authority figures in Islam. The both preach in French every week, and target primarily young Francophones.
If Chaoui Hamza disclaims openly about democracy, Adil Charkaoui is less explicit. It should however know that the co-founder of the mosque, Said Qouraimi, posted repeatedly on Facebook flags of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
Said co-founded the Assahaba Qourami center that Charkaoui chairs. He posted several times anti-democratic standard, anti-nationalist, the Tawheed, according to the iconography prized by terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
It is relevant to know that the group Oummanity promoted an event at the mosque in Charkaoui, which Chaoui participated.
 Two leaders Oummanity:
Administrators Oummanity
KevinDegraff, Charles Exilus, Jonathan Joseph Alcidor
Oummanity also works with the Badr Islamic Center, including the imam, Lotfi Larbi-Bouamrane, also teaches Chaoui Hamza with the Atlas Institute, a school of Sharia enligne. The Islamic Center Badr was very involved in the 1ndépendance Conference, the Congress Palace canceled following the outcry extreme misogyny of some of the invited speakers.
For more information about the Sharia and Koran, contacted the office of Canadian Prime Ministers it will provide the coordinates. Their standstills are exemplary as all MPs and ministers of countries that think that being reelected to the detriment of Canadian democracy and the only official religions under the Canadian Constitution, Christianity and Protestantism.
Wolves are among us, our laws can anything because Pierre Elliott Trudeau, whose son Justin Trudeau want to complete destruction of Canada are introducing the multiculturalism in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms when importing the Canadian Constitution by Trudeau in Britain

Let us beware of our politicians during the election period in 2015 because we are not worth expensive for them, they will do anything to crucify us for their own benefit, to be elected.
To begin to understand the network within which operates Chaoui Hamza, it is important to consider the role of Oummanity, a group based in Montreal and actively promotes the center hoped that Mr. Chaoui open (but our elected officials are trying to prevent the opening).
Last November, Chaoui Hamza gave a conference for youth "on the techniques of Dawah" (proselytism), he promoted here. However, this  was held Badr_independanceconferenceat the Community Center Omar al-Farooq, for Oummanity ...
May God protect us from our politicians
14 Apocalypse de l'Islam.jpg
Part 1: Iman Chaoui Hamza professes terrorism in Montreal with Adil Charkaoui protected by our governments of Quebec and Canada
See following Part 3: Terrorist Ideology of Imams and Chaoui Hamza Adil Charkaoui by decrying the Imam Syed Soharwardy of Calgary