jeudi 17 septembre 2015

Muslim woman wearing niqab to Canadian citizenship swearing should be prohibited

Muslim woman wearing niqab to Canadian citizenship swearing
These Muslims should be banned in Canada - masked people are not welcome and the negation of Canadian women andvalues:
Canadian NIqab prohibited when sworn in as citizens
Only no Muslim modesty because they attack what they see as all the patients.
The Muslim religion has great difficulty with sexuality, that's the main reason they make so-called honor killings. I can violate all the women but women will go to jail for being raped and the rapist will never charge. It is a religion that has never evolved.
Soon in Canada, this photo will be the picture of your wife, your mother, your daughter caused by the global invasion of human degradation. The woman is the slave of man. Thank you to our political elites to do nothing.
Canadian Constitution
In Canada, under the Constitution there are two religions, Christianity and Protestantism. Therefore Islam should be banned. The invasion of Islam kill our democracies, economies, instructions and we will fall back to the Stone Age. This population does not want to integrate, but only conquer to destroy.
Milers For years they fight against all religions of this world, destroying everything in their path. Looks like a religious tornado endless, no heart, no compensation, no love, no freedom of expression. This religion lives only for death? Do you like the death or life? Death is Muslim.
The niqab
Women who wear the full veil should not be admitted as immigrants to Canada, period. By wearing this garment, these Islamists demonstrate that they reject our fundamental values, which justifies us to reject theirs. Forced marriage with Islamist obscurantism will never work. Why bother?
Islam Wedding night.jpg
We must bring the Christians of Egypt and Pakistan, not fools and foolish Allah
The federal government will no longer tolerate that newcomers hide their face behind an Islamic full veil when they are sworn in as Canadian citizens.
Minister of Citizenship
This precedent surrounding the niqab and the burqa comes into force on Monday throughout the country, according to sources in the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. According to our information, the office of Minister Jason Kenney has taken this decision following complaints from not only the population but also some of his citizenship judges.

They complained that wearing the full veil during these ceremonies is a tear to the principle of equality among citizens, men and women. In addition, the Harper government shared the unease of its administrative judges assermentaient of women veiled, without being able to verify their identity. "If a candidate refuses to uncover her face, you deny him citizenship, argued a government source familiar with the matter. It imposes no culture or religion. We just hope that these people join Canadian society in a way that is acceptable to Canadian society.
"Ottawadoes not keep accurate data on the number of Canadian citizens sworn when they wore the niqab (veil covering the face except the eyes) or burqa (Afghan garment that covers the entire body and has a woven mesh at eye level).

The department was not able to draw on similar case in Quebec. "But there were. Not just two or three "recalled our sources, aware that this is a" sensitive "point in the province the full veil has fueled the debate on reasonable accommodation and the Bouchard-Taylor Commission in 2007 .
Religious unreasonable Accommodements
Harper Government has not, however, intend to legislate to ban the niqab and the burqa to a greater extent, especially in the public offices. In February 2010, Minister Kenney said he was "against the idea that the state should regulate the clothing of Canadian citizens who are free people."
However, it has shown favors a bill with not followed, last winter, to compel any voter to show his face in the polls. Mr. Kenney must speak at Montreal on Monday to members of a cultural community.
Philippe Couillard Armageddon, the end of
Quebecgovernment directly manages Philippe Couillard Quebec citizens to revolt against Muslims. This will only be the fault of Mr. Couillard is not to enforce our laws, and it is sold to Islamic extremists in Canada and Quebec. Mr. Charkaoui has to laugh under his breath to see the flattening of our governments of the various religions in Canada.

Religions will lose our identities and resulting civil wars across the country. Are our elites able to protect the citizens of Canada and Quebec strain. No, they are sitting on their rear enjoying money and votes that cling to their political party.
The destroyer of Canadian values ​​and
Quebec'spartisanship against democracy, which is what we are currently experiencing. We in Quebec, the worst of the worst government since 1492, we must thank the Liberal government of Quebec without spine. Obscurantism Couillard cost us billions of lives.
The burqa is the negation of women as a social being is a human trash receptacle.

What do you think?

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