lundi 28 septembre 2015

Zunera Ishaq not yet new Canadian citizen reject Canada I am Muslim and you will be soon to

Zunera Ishaq not yet new Canadian citizen reject Canada I am Muslim
Zunera Ishaq not yet the new Pakistani Muslim citizens across Canada want to kiss her feet and her Niqab.
They ask us for help and come to destroy us is what we call Islam.
Feed a pig and it will piss on your stoop is that she did. This proverb is Islamic.
Chartes des Droits et Libertés.jpg
Multiculturalism Pierre Elliott Trudeau destroy all of Canada
The Court of Appeal allowed a woman to wear her niqab on the face during the obtaining citizenship ceremony. In the countryside, the issue divides the parties. The Liberals and the NDP agree with the implementation of the judgment, the Conservatives and the Bloc want to turn things around
this court decision brings a useful discussion in the campaign clear:..
Let's be  Allow a person participate masked his citizenship ceremony, it is synonymous to say no more or less no further accommodation will be deemed unreasonable. If the day you become a Canadian, you live without the formal event that requires you to show your face, you will understand that you have been welcomed in a country where wearing the niqab, like any other accommodation, will universally accepted.
In Ontario driver's license will be allowed with the Niqab
The debate can not be avoided by the fact that this woman must have shown his face for a moment to an officer in a separate room before the swearing. The public and ceremonial nature of such ceremonies beyond simple administration of the identification process.
single ceremony
The symbolic of CANADA Home ceremony is important. This is probably the strongest when the host society expresses a new citizen what it is to live here. Firmly establish the idea that every citizen should participate openly, it is non-negotiable establish some fundamental principles in this country, particularly with regard to respect for women.

Is it a heresy to say that a woman in Canada does not have to hide? Is it a denial of the rights that prepare the ground for obtaining Canadian citizenship?
Is it heresy to say that a woman in Canada does not have to hide? Does act as executioner to define some basic rules on the nature of a public ceremony in Canada? Is it a denial of the rights that prepare the ground for this great privilege, that of a Canadian citizen
It seems to me that not-.
it isa privilege of becoming Canadian and privilege you can be removed at any time  The rights and the rights
rights have broad shoulders and interpretation increasingly scope of the Bill of Rights still widening. The Charter recognizes the right to freedom of religion. This freedom is a thousand times protected. Every citizen in Canada can freely practice his religion. However, is that the extension of this right is infinite?
Is it in the name of religion obtain a series of privileges, leave or be subtracted to the dress code of all trades? Can we demand a prayer room at work or at school? Become a citizen wearing a mask? The list is endless. If all existing religions and sects future begin to charge fees of its kind, we are moving towards a completely unlivable society.

A moment comes when you have to put tags, define the parameters of living together. If people come to Canada thinking of changing their minds by learning the requirements of the citizenship ceremony, they have the option not to come here. That's a real fundamental right.
For now, what we see with amazement is that people who are not yet citizens of this country are already challenging the laws ... and win.

Let those who want to rule the country clarify their vision-.

When the deportation of this non-Canadian family

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