Imams Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkaoui profess terrorism in Montreal with impunity.
Let us beware of our Canadian politicians and Quebecers
Part 2
Many young people attending this medium polarized further the mosque Charkaoui, Chaoui and Oummanity, turns on social networks the iconography of the Islamic state, al-Qaida, as well as statements promoters of jihad-combat; Hamza Abdul-Malik is far from alone. I present here his case because he spoke to Oummanity and is very representative of what happens to many young converts.
According to Imam al-Sulaiman Montreal Hayiti, Iman Charkaoui is one of masterminds of the main jihadist group in Montreal. We can certainly ask where its revenues come when not working?
Besides the fact that the mosque Charkaoui relays praised the founder of al Qaeda (Abdullah Azzam), a group administrator devoted to the teachings of Facebook "Sheikh Abu Abd 'Allah Charkaoui" has released a video of Azzam in which he calls on Muslims to deliver the jihad-fighting: Message to Islamic workers, Translation: Message to Islamic workers. We are at war against the West and the infidels of the Americas until death.
It is therefore not surprising that a young person under the apparent influence of Charkaoui and Chaoui, say "Amen" to the idea of dying a martyr in the context of a eulogy for Osama bin Laden, and that he relays the hate that too violent a Anjem Choudary and Anwar al-Awlaki a.
In addition to frequent assiduously Charkaoui, the young Hamza Abdul-Malik is involved in activities of Oummanity, an organization close to Chaoui Hamza.
Hamza Abdul-Malik with young Oummanity
Source of #JeSuisHamzaChaoui tweet
(Tanweer Ali relays also one of the theorists of jihad, Sayed Qutb.
Many young converts to Islam, like Hamza Abdul-Malik, refer to Adil Charkaoui and Chaoui Hamza as in "sheikhs" authority figures in Islam. The both preach in French every week, and target primarily young Francophones.
If Chaoui Hamza disclaims openly about democracy, Adil Charkaoui is less explicit. It should however know that the co-founder of the mosque, Said Qouraimi, posted repeatedly on Facebook flags of Al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
Said co-founded the Assahaba Qourami center that Charkaoui chairs. He posted several times anti-democratic standard, anti-nationalist, the Tawheed, according to the iconography prized by terrorist groups such as al Qaeda and the Islamic State.
It is relevant to know that the group Oummanity promoted an event at the mosque in Charkaoui, which Chaoui participated.
Two leaders Oummanity:
Administrators Oummanity
KevinDegraff, Charles Exilus, Jonathan Joseph Alcidor
KevinDegraff, Charles Exilus, Jonathan Joseph Alcidor
Oummanity also works with the Badr Islamic Center, including the imam, Lotfi Larbi-Bouamrane, also teaches Chaoui Hamza with the Atlas Institute, a school of Sharia enligne. The Islamic Center Badr was very involved in the 1ndépendance Conference, the Congress Palace canceled following the outcry extreme misogyny of some of the invited speakers.
For more information about the Sharia and Koran, contacted the office of Canadian Prime Ministers it will provide the coordinates. Their standstills are exemplary as all MPs and ministers of countries that think that being reelected to the detriment of Canadian democracy and the only official religions under the Canadian Constitution, Christianity and Protestantism.
Wolves are among us, our laws can anything because Pierre Elliott Trudeau, whose son Justin Trudeau want to complete destruction of Canada are introducing the multiculturalism in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms when importing the Canadian Constitution by Trudeau in Britain
Let us beware of our politicians during the election period in 2015 because we are not worth expensive for them, they will do anything to crucify us for their own benefit, to be elected.
To begin to understand the network within which operates Chaoui Hamza, it is important to consider the role of Oummanity, a group based in Montreal and actively promotes the center hoped that Mr. Chaoui open (but our elected officials are trying to prevent the opening).
Last November, Chaoui Hamza gave a conference for youth "on the techniques of Dawah" (proselytism), he promoted here. However, this was held
conferenceat the Community Center Omar al-Farooq, for Oummanity ...
May God protect us from our politicians
Part 1: Iman Chaoui Hamza professes terrorism in Montreal with Adil Charkaoui protected by our governments of Quebec and Canada
See following Part 3: Terrorist Ideology of Imams and Chaoui Hamza Adil Charkaoui by decrying the Imam Syed Soharwardy of Calgary
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