mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Montreal Canadian capital of jihadist terrorist recruitment

Montreal Canadian capital of jihadist terrorist recruitment
Without fanfare, the two young Montrealers went to fight in Syria are back in Quebec.
Adil Charkaoui and Abousfian Abdeirazik plotted to blow up Air France plane (SCRS) summer 2000 (2).jpg
Iman Collège Maisonneuve
One of them left Canada to join the jihad in Syria, but it is not returned for unknown reasons. The second, he went up to the conflict area and is also back.
However, this information was never made ​​public, which shows how the authorities maintain the culture of secrecy in matters terrorism.
The first fighter is Merouane Ghalmi, Pierrefonds, who allegedly tried to travel to Syria to join a jihadist group in 2013 or 2014. It is one of seven young Canadians in 2015 labeled as potential terrorists.
The identity of the second young Quebec remains unknown. He participated in the fighting. He did not go join jihadists, but the Free Syrian Army (FSA), a group of activists and former Syrian soldiers fighting the murderous regime of Bashar Al-Assad.
Party to return alive or dead
Before his departure in 2012, this young Montrealer would have prevented the Canadian authorities that he would join the ASL and then contacted them again before his return to Montreal, according to our information. It would be back after its leader was shot down by members of the Islamic State.
Merouane Ghalmi terrorist dijadiste Pierrefonds
He was arrested by the RCMP at the Montreal airport and sent to psychiatric evaluation for 48 hours. This was done to determine whether it was plagued by extremist violence.
He was released without charge. The RCMP would see it returned in October 2014 to check your moods and intentions after the terrorist attacks of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu and Ottawa.
More transparency
Federal authorities should communicate better with citizens on issues and cases of terrorism, says the Standing Senate Committee on National Security.
"Public awareness of extremism and terrorism requires that Canadians are informed about the status of individuals and organizations linked to terrorism, "said the committee in a report tabled in Parliament this summer.
The culture of secrecy
The National Security RCMP investigators have secret affidavits used to obtain protective orders against Ghalmi and other jihadist suspects under section 810.01 of the Criminal Code, arguing that they fear that these young people go commit terrorist acts.
Canada Islamic State 2018 proclame by Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair - Where Philippe Couillard, Jihadist on planet Mars.jpg
These affidavits to private judges however are never filed in court. Lawyers for the suspects have copies, but these documents remain hidden to the public.
This week's Investigation Bureau has asked the court unsuccessfully to force the government to make public the documents. The government also refused to disclose the documents in response to a request for access to information submitted to the RCMP.
RCMP has  Thesaid only that it had reason to believe that Ghalmi may commit a terrorism offense without explanation .

The judicial authorities made ​​him sign an undertaking to keep the peace that requires him to have no communication on social networks with individuals living in Syria.
Annie Delisle,spokesman for the RCMP, would not answer our questions about travel Ghalmi. The RCMP said she did not discuss a case when there are no charges.
We tried to talk to Merouane Ghalmi,but a family member threatened to call the police when we the have crossed to the door of his home in Pierrefonds.
"You do not have the right to call home," we also said his father hung up the phone immediately.
Secret, secret, secret
RCMP raided the residence Ghalmi in Pierrefonds earlier this year for a criminal investigation still under way, has learned our Bureau of Investigation.
Integrated Team officers from the National Security Enforcement Teams (INSET) remained nearly five hours inside the family home before returning with seized.
The reasons for that search and the list of seized items were sealed by a judge26.
Daniel Minta Darko,  A signed his 810 on 10 April. He's a friend of Ghalmi. He has no right to contact Ghalmi or with other jihadists; it is unclear why.
Seyed Amir Hossein Raisolsadat 20 years. A signed its 810 May 22, 2015. This university chemistry student was arrested on 25 March. In his case, the media have reported a search warrant by the RCMP - executed in secret in 2014 - that describes why the police was interested in him since 2013. Raisolsadat have acquired equipment that could be used to produce toxic ricin and he had plans of a small rocket with a head that can contain chemicals. Raisolsadat insists he was a "tragic misunderstanding."
Adil Charkaoui and Hamza Chaoui import Muslim Jihadist diapers - anticoagulant and Prophet approved.jpg
Aldabaous Abdul Aziz, 18. Arrested Sept. 17 by the RCMP,
Torontopolice and the Ontario Provincial Police. His residence was searched and a computer was seized. Everything concerning his case is kept secret.
Aaron Driver, 24, alias "Harun Abdurahman". Arrested and requiring application of 810 June 5 On social networks, Driver supported the attack on Parliament Hill by Michael Zehaf-Bibeau. Describing himself as a supporter of the Islamic State, Driver said that the Canadian government deserved such an attack. It challenges the constitutionality of its 810.

Young suspected of intending to commit terrorist acts must be subject to severe conditions, even if they are not charged with a
They wear a GPS electronic bracelet so we can track their movements.
They must surrender their passports to the authorities.
They have to make weekly visits to a police station.
They are forbidden to communicate with jihadists in Syria, Turkey and even in Malaysia.
They are forbidden visit the websites related to terrorism or extremists.

Our elite politicians turn a blind eye because they are Muslims and they have fears of Islamic religion and that they put a lot of money in the pockets of their political parties.

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