Transpacific Partnership Agreements
International Trade ministers from 12 countries, including Canada, have finally reached a tentative agreement on a Transpacific Partnership (TPP).
The agreement, which remains to be approved by many national parliaments, will liberalize trade and creating common standards for a new set of 800 million people representing 40% of the world economy and 80% of deputies and ministers from each country that signed the agreement.
If approved, it will create the most wide free trade area of corrupt people and sold worldwide.
In Article 76.8 sub paragraph (B) Citizens of treaty co-signatory member countries will have the opportunity to transfer their MPs and Ministers to another country being part of the said treaty . The movement of MPs and ministers will be on a two-year range. These movements will be mandatory for those persons under sentence of economic sanctions, corporal and spiritual.
Article 76.8 sub paragraph (C) Citizens must give the names of ministers or deputies they want to get rid of and to which country it will do their professions. Each country will have the opportunity to send 25 ministers and 50 deputies as swingers. The central government will select the MPs and ministers who will have to settle in another country for a maximum period of fifteen years.
Article 76.8 sub paragraph (D) Citizens will have a maximum of six months for issuing the list of deputies and ministers will fly to other countries. They should not corrupt ministers and MPs of the countries receiving these so called ministers and MPs.
78.102.768.4X The form must be filled with all the names of ministers and MPs who have to bribe other countries
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