Islamic invasion of Europe
Belgian, French and Europeans did not see it coming invasion of Islamic
Sharia - Hypocrisy - The Offended Virgin - Elites sold - Accommodations - You've all forgotten wars of religions - You should constantly tell Mea Culpa across Europe and America. World War III is currently making its way around the world thanks to the barbaric religions of this world.
For what reasons these terrorists and migrants do not seek asylum in Arab countries? There are several questions to ask and answers. We lived like ostriches with their heads in the sand and you see the sand is coming at us. According to a Berber proverb: "Resets land to a Muslim and he shoed a desert and delivers a desert to a Christian, he will make a garden"no.
That says it all, this is not a Muslim, the individual, no instruction, but that destroys the barbaric terrorist Muslim religion that all the peoples of this world. Of Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, Kathleen Wayne, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, and millions of intellectuals and political elites of this world are not only there for their pockets and they do not care about us. They sleep with anyone, whores, prostitutes, of married-lie down there.
It's been years that the English, Belgian and French authorities know that there are enclaves within their countries.
The radical imams , terrorists, self proclaimed preach hatred in freedom.
So-called citizens "strain" are regularly insulted, assaulted.
Our elites have closed eyes.
The mandatory veil? Mr. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau phoned Zunera Ishaq, the woman at the Niqab, to congratulate her for not having removed the hijab during her swearing to become Canadian citizen. This shows very well the seer often prayed in mosques, they sold us all.
And after that, one wonders how, great gods, radical Islam has been able to grow so rapidly in Europe, the States STATES and Canada?
In Canada we have with Islamic envoys like Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and several other premiers across the country, representatives so-called intellectuals, religious organizations, television networks such as CBC or Here Media as Duty, as feminist Françoise David, rotten journalists, etc.
We are also in a very bad position in Canada and Quebec with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects only Muslims at the expense of the Quebec nation. Philippe Couillard, has registered 24 law forbidding us to speak of Islam and that we can only demonized all other religions. Populism of our leaders, with their greed for money and to stay in power, lead us gradually towards perdition will of humanity.
When an animal barks it is called a dog, when there are terrorists that are usually ignorant and indoctrinated Muslims, that's all.
What is discouraging is that good Muslims do not rise at all to fight. Do not tell me it's because they have fears. One thing or the other they are agreements with the actions of their radical Imams or they are shy. We never see the protests to the streets to demonstrate your disagreements with your rogue imams.
Your Imams have created Islamophobia any piece of Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, so it's up to you Muslims, you rebel or otherwise tragedies of Paris will occur on our soil and you cry as hypocrites Madeleines.
You talk too often on both sides of the mouth, this is one reason that people, the public is sick of all of you. You want to fit, pay for and remain unemployed, the hook of Christian society that has opened its arms to you. Look at you belly button, if you have one, and it will speak to you.
And do not ask us to be tolerant of you is that we have been too tolerant of religious minorities in that country. If you are not happy to see us, our customs, so return to your country.
Montreal 2019
Canada 2019
I can understand the reasons for coming to Canada and Quebec so if you were at home. Would you all liars, ignorant religious, sexual maniacs, rapists? It is you, the supposedly good Muslim to demand loudly extradition of all your Imams to their countries of origin and they can preach with snakes in the religious desert.
In the realms of the blind, my fellow citizens, eyed man is king. This means that all western countries, with our rights regimes, and they use against us. We all will flow as Poseidon, Titanic, religions should be taken sparingly depending on your degree of intelligence. Most idiots are the first to indoctrinate.
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