dimanche 8 novembre 2015

Gaétan Barrette Commissioner for Health and Wellness Survey - Values - Priorities

Commissioner for Health and Wellness

Survey on citizens' values ​​and priorities regarding the content of the basket of insured services

Minister of Gaétan health Barrette gave a wage increase of seven billion dollars to Quebec doctors for their salaries are at the same level of other Canadian physicians. Consequently, the fact that Messrs Gaétan Barrette, Philippe Couillard and Yves Bolduc had signed the contract, there is a shortfall of seven billion in the Quebec health system.  

From then Minister of Health in Quebec, Gaétan Barrette, by all the shenanigans that we know him, we blame of choice for making this deficit to the names of Association of Physicians of Quebec corporation. In conclusion, we ask you to die as fast as possible for the coffers of Associations of Physicians and the Quebec Liberal Party remain competitive against other organizations. End of Life applications will not apply to ministers and MPs, who will have the opportunity to be treated free of charge with all their family. The political elite and leaders will be affected by any changes made ​​by the Ministry.

The Office of Professional Interviewers (BIP) is conducting a study on behalf of the Commissioner for health and well-being, whose mission is to evaluate the performance of the health system and social services in Quebec. In today's environment, health and social service needs are growing, resources are limited; choices must be made ​​about care and services covered by the state. It is important that policy makers can know the values ​​and priorities of citizens to make those choices. As part of its mandate to assess the performance of the system, the Commissioner for Health and Welfare wants to consult you on your priorities and your values.

Your participation in this survey is important to the Commissioner.

Your responses will remain strictly confidential ; your name or identity will never be associated with the answers you provide.

A report containing the results of this survey will be tabled in the National Assembly in the fall of 2016.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.

Please return the questionnaireLater on November 2, 2015.

!Thanks in advance for your participation

Poll emia April 7, 2015

To access the survey questionnaire, click on the following link:

Web Link:


Question 1

Imagine that you are responsible for the health budget and Social Services of Quebec. Please rank these five categories of care and services according to size of the budget that you will give, starting with the most important category, the second largest, and so on. (stated in random rotation)

care and services categories    Rank in order of importance from January to May
preventive and screening services (eg. tobacco control, vaccination clinics against influenza, breast cancer screening)    ____   

Diagnosisand disease treatment (eg. for diabetes or arthritis), including physical rehabilitation    ____   

Psychosocial care (eg. support for child abuse), including social rehabilitation (eg for developmental disabilities )    ____   

Long-term care, including care and home services    ____   

Palliative and End of Life (eg. medication comfort, psychological support to relatives)    ____   

Question 2

Imagine a new treatment targeting end-of-life, such as those with cancer or degenerative disease of the brain. This treatment would extend the life of several months based on strong scientific evidence, would be very costly and would have little effect on the quality of life. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means strongly disagree and 10 means completely agree, what is your level of agreement with the following statements about this new treatment targeting patients at end of life?
( statements in random rotation)

should do everything to help these people, no matter the cost

should not reimburse this treatment, because we could instead finance other services less expensive to treat more people

could be allowed that the effects of this treatment is modest, although costs are high for the company

should ensure that all end of life, receive the care they beneficial, regardless of the disease and the costs
reimbursed Before this treatment, should first check to what extent the State would have tothe money
repaybefore this treatment, one should know if this treatment decreases the load more caregivers -

should allow the State reimburses

Not Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree DK / NR 99
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

Question 3

Imagine a new treatment that could reduce the serious effects of a disease which affects a very small number of people. The treatment would be an important advance in the treatment of this disease and would be very expensive, but its impact on life expectancy would be uncertain. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means strongly disagree and 10 means completely agree, what is your level of agreement with the following statements about this new treatment? (stated in random rotation)
should do everything to help these people, no matter the cost
should not reimburse this treatment, because we could instead finance other services less expensive to treat more people

could be allowed that the effects this treatment is modest, although the costs are high for society

should enable everyone to be treated, regardless of whether their disease is rare and expensive

to repay Before this treatment, should first make up 'how the state willhis money

pay backbefore this treatment, one should know if this treatment decreases over the burden of caregivers

should be allowed that the state reimburse this treatment since other options existnot
Noat all agree Totally agree DK / NR 99
1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    99

Question 4

Imagine a new social service (for example, for autism or behavior disorder) that would improve the functioning and social integration of people but the scientific data show modest effects, often because they are difficult to measure . On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means strongly disagree and 10 means completely agree, what is your level of agreement with the following statements about this new social service? (stated in random rotation)

should do everything to help these people, although the effects seem modest
should not pay this service because the effects are modest, even if it could lead to a misuse of medication to compensate
should respond equally, both the needs of people with psychosocial problems and the needs of people with physical problems
before investing in this service, you should first make sure to what extent the State would his money
before investing in this service, one should know if this service in addition decreases the burden of caregivers
should allow the State reimburses the service only if other solutions do not exist for these people
No Strongly disagree Strongly agree DK / NR  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 99                   





Question 5

Suppose a new prevention activity, which would reduce harmful behaviors (eg. smoking, alcohol abuse, poor diet) that can result in frequent and costly chronic diseases to society. The effects of this are manifested prevention activity and long-term cost to the State would be a few dollars per person per year. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 means strongly disagree and 10 means completely agree, what is your level of agreement with the following statements about this new prevention activity? (stated in random rotation)

should pay only for prevention activities aimed at the whole population and not just individuals to harmful behaviors
should pay for this activity only if the relatives of people with unhealthy behaviors also benefit
should pay for this preventive activity only if you can not effectively treat the disease caused by harmful behavior
should be given greater priority in this activity if it targets the most vulnerable (eg., children , the poor)
before investing in this activity, it should be ensured To what extent would the State for money
Totally agree Totally agree DK / NR  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 99




Question 6
The decision to add or not services reimbursed by the state should consider several factors. On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means not at all important and 10 means extremely important, the extent to which these factors are important to you? (stated in random rotation, except that the first statement must be first)
factors in deciding whether to add reimbursed services
Additional benefits the service provides, for example, increasing the length or quality of life, decrease health risks of
the severity of the disease or problem

The number of people affected by the disease or problem

The urgency of the need

Lack of effective care already paid by the State

All of the benefits for the patient, family and society
The importance of the costs that the State should assume
the importance of the costs of the service for the state compared to the benefits it brings The strength of scientific evidence
Totally Agree Strongly   or disagree DK / NR  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 99

Question 6A
6a.    Are there other factors that you consider important to consider in deciding whether to add services reimbursed by the state?
Yes, specify       88  2 DK    No/ NR    99

In a context where the ability to pay of the state has its limits pay doctors; the number of services that can be provided is constantly growing; the State must be able to include new services without the health and social services budgets are exploding;

He has no question 7 on the form replaced by question 6A

Question 8
Are you quite, quite, little or no strongly disagree with the following statements? (stated in random rotation)

8. Are you quite, quite, little or not at all agree with the following statements? (stated in random rotation)
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99

Must increase taxes and taxes to increase the budget to devote to health and social services   
 Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99   
Must ask people to pay out of pocket in the use of certain health and social services   
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99
Must adopt more stringent criteria to control more reimbursement new services   
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99
Is necessary to remove the least effective care and services to enable the addition of the most successful innovations   
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99
Must pay services, only for people who really benefit   
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99
must set a maximum budget allocated to health  
Strongly  1    agree- Tend to agree 2 - Few agree 3 - Totally Agree 4 - NSP  NR /99

The last questions are used to establish your profile

What is your gender?   1 Female    Male    2 NRP    99

What age group do you fall ?
18-24  1
25-34  2
35-44  3
45-54  4
55-64  5
65-74  6
75 years and over

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