dimanche 13 mars 2016

Adil Charkaoui - Imam - Terrorist - Sleeping Agent - Who is he ? - Why our politicians are afread of him and the muslim ? Why Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard sleep with them the terrorists?

Adil Charkaoui - Imam, Terrorist, sleeping Agent, Who is he? Why our politicians did they fear him-
Why Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard sleep with him?
following the links, texts and videos on the internet  for - Liberals (Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Kathleen Wynne, Françoise David, Lise Bacon, John McCallum, Stéphane Dion, Jody Wilson Raybould, Kathleen Weil, Karine Blondin Angela Merkel Henrietta Recker, Hilary Clinton, Francois Hollande, Other - lefts intellectuals - feminist extremists - terrorists - refrain - these documents may open your eyes or you'll stay blind or heap of money from these groups of terrorists religious
Terrorist Adil Charkaoui..,imam, teacher at Collège de Maisonneuve in Montreal, with approvals from government authorities, provincial and federal court to destroy the Canada and Quebec and our leaders do nothing to stop, so"OUR POLITICIANS - OUR ELITE"are their direct accomplices with all their knowledge to this criminal in our lands Adil.
Canadian secret Service: Adil Charkaoui is a terrorist
Canadian secret Service released the summary of their report on  Charkaoui Moroccan whose security certificate was renewed because it is considered a threat to Canada. Charkaoui is one of those expellable foreigners to whom the media and the left shows an inexhaustible fund of sympathy which have never benefited Canadian common criminals pose a threat to society.
This attitude is called us to be just as a haven for villains, or the land of trusting fools. It is protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that Trudeau's father Justin Trudeau enshrined in the Canadian Constitution to destroy all of Canada and protect criminals against the innocent, the Canadian values. They worshiped the Communists, Fidel Castro, Mao, the dictatorships, the Muslims, the Koran, sharia, with their iron handles, their beheadings, rapes, tortures, which proved that he, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the king and master of the nation and that all had feared as the president of North Korea.
here we reproduce the document released by Canadian intelligence services without multiple footnotes page for easier reading. The reader interested in these notes can download the original document that we attach to the end of the article.
Summary Security Intelligence Report concerning Adil CHARKAOUI (also known under the names of Adil CHARKAOUI and Zubeir Al-Maghrebi) prepared by the Canadian security intelligence Service to the Minister of public safety and Emergency Preparedness and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration - February 22, 2008
the Islamic violence in Quebec and accommodation to please him
violence of jihadist largely due to their apocalyptic beliefs. In his sermon "The confrontation between the true and false," Adil Charkaoui shows the idea dear to the jihadist that the Ultimate Battle between True and False will be held at "Cham", or Greater Syria.
And as illustrated this video mounted Poste eve, nasheed (Islamic song) used by the mosque of Sheikh self proclaimed Charkaoui in the videos of his sermons, contains lyrics explicitly and directly inciting violence:
Two of the three stanzas nasheed (kind of music is Muslim poems)
Propaganda of the organization of the Islamic State
Daech the terrorist organization uses these songs as internet propaganda tools, and more widely in their broadcast content. They produced their own songs, which can reach several million views on the platform video YouTube in multiple languages ​​"link below."
With your gun attack enemies!
Do not be afraid, because lions are not afraid death.
and with your takbeer (shout Allahu Akbar) on the battlefield,
Make tremble loose.tyrant!
be proud of being a Muslim
the era of oppression is over.
the time of victory has come.
Today ay, so take a gun in hand
to restore glory to Islam.
blow the clan of disbelief,
which your Koran complained.
Apocalypse the argument of terror, where the Muslims are supposed to come out victorious, is often hammered by self proclaimed imams, which encourages young people to join in Syria terrorist groups classified by Western countries. These jihadi groups, the flag is hoisted up and black, promote the idea that participation in this Ultimate Battle of the Muslim holy eschatological glory.

Dabiq is the name of a town in northern Syria which will be conducted, according to the beliefs of the IE, this ultimate battle between true and false. This is also in honor of this town, situated on the road between Aleppo (Syria) and Turkey, the EI has given its official magazine the "Dabiq."
Adil Charkaoui Liberal prophet the National Assembly of Quebec Bill 59
Adil Charkaoui recently published on the Facebook co-founder of a sermon terrorist group dedicated to the establishment of an Islamic state in Algeria.

and one of her cubs launched veiled threats to Quebecers Lamine Foura, a Muslim of Algerian origin whose views wrinkle several reformist fundamentalists and Islamists:
in September 2014, the Algeria-Focus website published an article on the video of a sermon of Ali Belhadj, under the title "Daech and beheading of Hervé Gourdel". According to the article, "Many users have interpreted these remarks as a bond implied in this crime of unprecedented savagery, claimed by Jund El Khilafa (Soldiers of the Caliphate), the Algerian subsidiary of Daech.
The investigative journalist Fabrice Pierrebourg to request about Adil Charkaoui and his entourage: are we dealing with an organized network that facilitates the start of young people to the jihad-fighting? Adil Charkaoui is there a sleeper agent in Montreal?
What the DAECH
The Islamic State, abbreviated as EI, is an organization Islamist terrorist army, ideology jihadist Salafist, who proclaimed June 29, 2014 the establishment of a caliphate in the territories it controls, and often considered a proto-state in 2015. Its development is particularly linked to geopolitical destabilization caused by the wars in Iraq and Syria
Its creation dates back to 2006, when Al -Qaeda in Iraq form with five other jihadist groups Advisory Council of mujahedeen e Iraq. On 13 October 2006, the Advisory Council proclaimed the Islamic State of Iraq (abbreviated EII, dawlat al-Iraq al-Islamiyya), which is considered from this date as the real Iraqi state.
In 2012, EII begins to spread in Syria and 9 April 3013, he became the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (EIIL), ad-Dawla al-Islamiya fi-l-'Irāq wa-š-Sat, literally "Islamic State Iraq and the Cham "), English ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Sham), sometimes referred to by the acronym Daech Arabic, English Daesh) used by its opponents.
on 29 June 2014, the restoration of EIIL ad caliphate under the name Islamic state in the territories under its control and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed himself caliph, the successor of Muhammad, by the name of Ibrahim. He comes into conflict with al Qaeda and its influence extends to much of the Muslim world with the allegiance of several jihadist groups, the largest being Boko Haram in the north-east Nigeria, Ansar Bait al-Maqdis Egyptian in Sinai and the Majlis Shura Shabab al-Islam in Libya. Sleeper cells in Canada and Quebec in our mosques and our respective governments.
The Islamic State is classified as a terrorist organization by many countries and is accused by the United Nations, demagogic assemblies, the Arab League, pure fantasy and hypocrisy, the United States depending on the country and the European Union as the country talked of being responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, but taking against if the country has oil and genocide depending on the color of the people. He also practices the destruction of millennia Christian archaeological remains.
Since August 2014, an international coalition of twenty-two countries, but we must add that since the arrival of the Prime Minister Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Justin Trudeau pro Muslim in Ottawa, Canada withdrew from all coalition against the Islamic state and since no supports the coalition.  
Our Prime Minister has thereby given the right to citizenship and all the terrorists in Canada by destroying all the new laws concerning.
Our international selfie ballerina who vied around the planet like a little girl, plump, buxom, smiling, sometimes not chalande, carefree, in the woods, with his little red dots hat, a little gold bag with some bright and Koran for entertain in his sleeping outside his notorious houses. This small tarla gives many worries to its population, but it can not see anything because she prayed in mosques, dress like them, identifies himself as the man of the new age, identity renewal. The past no longer exists, and never was.  
I'm human pertussis. I run a virtual country, I create as deficits father, I abandon myself to my dismay governance, my animal puberty my body continues to spit in my face. I will never be an adult who can make decisions, but now, I am the Prime Minister. Who will come to me to discuss my laws. People because I can fuck him out. I have at least ten more years of happiness to travel, to run, to teach my children the culture of ignorance and meanness, they will go to the best universities, with a father and a name like mine will be there again premiers or Islamist presidents for life of the Muslim country.
My only duty is to look good on TV, the media photographed us, not make any mistakes, not take any important decision, to keep my imams and Islamic friends happy in their posts and take advantage of their largesse, the true role of the first minus Canada.
full Nasheed used in the videos of sermons Adil Charkaoui:

Jean-Pierre Filiu: "the Islamic state or the knights of the Apocalypse djihadiste»

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