mercredi 2 mars 2016

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Does Is there jihadists in Canada and Quebecbetween 3000 and 5000 jihadists have infiltrated in Europe according to the boss of Europol, And our Canadian Governement is closing his eyes

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Does Is there jihadists in Canada and Quebec
between 3000 and 5000 jihadists have infiltrated in Europe according to the boss of Europol, Rob Wainwright.
Michael dos Santos-Terrorist French  Islamic State
An estimate which is chilling. According to the Director of Europol, Rob Wainwright, 3000 between 5 000 terrorists trained by the Islamic State would have already infiltrated into Europe. It reveals that estimate in an interview with German newspaper Neue Osnabrucker Zeitung
Nejib Belhaj Chtioui-Terrorist request refugee status on December 8 2014 Prison des Prairies River
The highest threat for 10 years, ignored by all Western politicians who sold their country to Islam
Angela Merkel - Henrietta Reker - Justin Trudeau - Barack Obama - François Hollande - David Cameron - etc.
according to the head of this office of intergovernmental criminal police, "Europe is facing the highest terrorist threat for over ten years." The number of infiltrated terrorist obliges European states "to face any new challenges," he explains, pointing out that there is nothing to say that these terrorists pose as refugees.
"We can expect to that [EI] and other religious groups are preparing a terrorist attack somewhere in Europe, with aim of many for victims among the civilian population, "he continues, explaining that he can s' act of attackers or groups of isolated individuals
Islam 130 Mohamed Majoub Mosqués à Montréal Terroristes.jpg
Islam..Imam Mohamed Majoub Mosque in Montreal school of terrorists and monitored by the FBI and US intelligence
is so happy to be in Canada, knowing he can destroy all our children with the approval of the Canadian, judicial authorities and our Prime Ministers in the Islamic balance, women's federations, left to intellectuals, the media, religious associations making parties of Islamic groups and al-Qaeda.Canada is a very fertile earth and open minded to continue the work of the prophet that has permeated all political organizations, academic, religious of our colleges and universities.
Currently the government of Mr. Justin Trudeau hosts more than 50,000 Syrians migrants, how many of them will not ask or require such religious accommodation, making extremist group party, the Islamic State. Our authorities have opened the valves to the downfall of our customs, the loss of our ancestral values, destruction of the West and our country.
Adil Charkaoui who makes rain or shine at Collège de Maisonneuve in directing the jihadist students for their departure to Syria to join the Islamic State.  
Adil Charkaoui explosion avion Air France.jpg
It has all the support of the Government of Mr. Philippe Couillard in Quebec with the immigration Minister Kathleen Weil Quebec. For her, as several other Liberal ministers, what is important is to be re elected and that Quebec disappear at the hands of religious organizations. She is a feminist and a shabby hood turns changing political party to be in power. Does it betray its new leader in the future?
In the next election, I hope you will vote for the only party who becomes aware of bogus refugees, that is to say, the conservative party. Furthermore Mr. Justin Trudeau grants the right to terrorists to remain in Canada, prisoners, thieves will be the first to be served. A Liberal government without collective conscience of Mr Justin Trudeau.

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