samedi 12 mars 2016

Philippe Couillard cultivates deficits and taxes and reduce services except for his Liberal friends and himself

Philippe Couillard cultivates deficits and taxes and reduce services except for his Liberal friends and himself.

For employees of the State 7 billion
instead of 14% over three years, the Common Front is "contented" bring the desired increase to a minimum of 7% for three years.
But there is a cumulative increase of 16 billion deficit for the five years of the new collective agreement.
Payment in excess of 400 million to doctors, small accounting error orchestrated.
the doctors had received in the previous agreement for a 42% increase or $ 7 billion
investment from 3.3 billion in Bombardier
Government, Prime Minister, Ministers and MPs are granted the increase 31% of wages.
Thierry Vandal a lifetime pension of $ 600,000, Jean Charest we pay him for three years of rent and expenses of more than $ 600,000. You can continue without end, Liberals love the Club Med of Government, and are not shy of scarfing up to fly.

The Charbonneau Commission which cost more than 41 million have been violated by some liberals of the commission. This puppet commission of underdeveloped country, was an official order from the ruling party, the Liberal Party of Jean Charest. Mostly people who came to the Charbonneau Commission were friends, donors to the Liberal Party of Quebec over 90%.
This political party has a new look with Mr. Philippe Couillard, an import from Saudi Arabia, was able to make a turn to the political party of 360 degrees. You understand, corruption has diversified improved, structured, refined but it is there nonetheless. Instead of flying, they make laws, committees, and fill their pockets honestly, in full view of everyone.
The government Couillard was "happiness" to discover that fiscal austerity proved more than pay planned by raising taxes for taxpayers, reducing services in schools, health care, for seniors, removing deductions for 65 and over, and false savings in several areas led the government to have a surplus of 2 4 billion.

the result being, dear taxpayers of Quebec, a deficit of 16 billion for the whole of Québec and personal income is amputated $ 2,000 per taxpayer in 2015 and $ 3,000 in 2016 to less in your pockets .  
We have re-elected collectively, corruption and it has become holiness freelancing, every day, like demons out of hell, trying by all means to impoverish us and making us believe our generosity of bring refugees to the taxpayers' expense, to lull us a little time is.
When we speak of our generosity towards refugees while removing slyly services to our own poor, who do not appear on television or in the media , not being electorally salable. One imagines, scans, research with the aid of liberal politicians deprived of their functions, all sorts of ploys to tax us and impose. The government elites like real fatten pigs and taxpayers become stunted.
That "pay" to be with you, my dear idiots! At the next election, failing refugees, they may come and worship before you, you lying as usual, and decrying the other parties.  

We must not forget that he has a very rare and serious disease, Alzheimer Policy . This sexually transmitted disease and orally from father to son and mother to daughter made ​​fury in our federal and provincial electorates. Their genetic capabilities of arguments to be their best staff, is no known limit. Our intellectuals are morduement attached to it, stuck like leeches of political correctness, without vision, without discernment, they have a virtual life.
Jean Charest New and Improved Arsenic mouth wash.jpg

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