mardi 30 août 2016

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Where are our Western Politicians on these Jihadist Muslims, Islamic, killers ten years flap coldly

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - What are our Western Politicians on these Jihadist Muslims, Islamic, killers ten years flap coldly

Gun pointed at the sky, the five boys as young as 10 years old cry that God is great before moving prisoners before them.
Video on Internet

Our politicians of Western countries with their speeches favoring migrants, Muslims, moderate Islamists and extremist MURDERS ARE LIABLE TOWARD THEIR RESPECTIVE COMPANIES AS AT THE HOLOCAUST

Our political elites are murderers

Our politicians kill our youth with their laws and submissions to all Muslims crusade to conquer and massive destruction of our Western values. Thank you to our feminist and left intellectuals to lend their support for these extremists and hiding EXPRESSLY TRUTHS THAT LIVE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD, THESE BARBARIANS WHO do not care about US ALL, AND YOU POLITICIANS GIVE AND OUVRIR LARGE DOORS oF ISLAMIC IMMIGRANTS WHICH DESTROYS ALL IT PASSES.

You who kneel before these dictators and dictatorships, which they made ​​all sorts of unimaginable possible and accommodations. You crooked politicians who creates every day horrible situations that your people have to suffer as the rapes, murders, decapitations.

You politicians, ministers, the elites who literally sell the people of your country, it's you with your laws, judges defrocked without any moral and patriotic value, you are "CRIMINALS" of "aSSASSINS", the "DEADLY" child killers recruited by imams you close youreyes.You politicians, you carrion that benefits from state benefits by sacrificing "ALL VALUES WEST TOWARDS POLITICAL RELIGION ALLEGEDLY AFFABLE POWER AND MONEY IN THEIR CROISADES FOR THE CONQUEST OF THE WEST.

Young murderers and washing brains as in our Colleges in Montreal and mosques in Canada and Quebec

Five boys slaughter at close range five prisoners kneeling before them in a video bloodcurdling published yesterday by the armed group Islamic State (ISIS).

One of children, the only one who speaks Arabic in the video, even promises that this is only the beginning, according to a report from the BBC.

The five men killed with a gun by boys standing behind them are identified as Kurdish and qualified prisoners ">> atheists.

They are all dressed in orange jumpsuits, while boys, who appear as young as ten years, all wear military attire.

Like in the movies wars,

From high quality  the shocking video that looks like a war film connects the close-ups on the faces of the condemned to death.

It shows notably the hand of a disturbingly empty (God is great) to Yunisson the five boys raise their gun to the sky, and then they opened fire on the prisoners.

Sparing no gruesome detail, the video then shows the lifeless bodies of five men with bullet marks in their heads.

This group propaganda video terrorist was recently touring the province of Raqqa, Syria, which it controls.

A British, anglican, wealthy family, well educated in general AND a lack of discipline in our institutions

The five children are presented by names that represent their country of origin or Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Uzbekistan and even Britain.

For example, the one who speaks is Abu al-Bara al-Tunisia and another, pale complexion and with blue eyes, is a British who calls himself Abu al-Ab-Dullah Britani.

This is the same name that was another jihadist militant in Britain, killed last year in a shot at using a drone in Syria.

However, the true identity of the boy remains unknown and London, the foreign minister did not comment on the video, according to the BBC.

This is not the first time that the armed group puts front of children in a propaganda video, while it boasts of the next generation of fighters.

the British daily the Telegraph are at least a dozen children have been seen so far in the video . 'Islamic State

In February, another video showed a young Columbia only four years exploding a car with three prisoners inside-.

war Crime  Our politicians do leave

Moreover, according to the Quilliam Foundation, which fights against terrorism, not less than fifty British children are being indoctrinated and trained in, Syria to fight on behalf of the Islamic State.

The ICC, however, defines as a war crime, the exploitation of children under 15 that they are actively engaged in armed conflict.

Our politicians, our laws, States Rights, the Charters of Rights and Freedoms, favoring only certain religion, criminals, terrorists whom we welcome with open arms and we allow torture the general population. The people are in total disagreement with any multicultural policy of welcoming these racist communities, dictators in their communities with the permissions of our political elites, our cowardly.
The end of a civilized world and Islam proliferates, the devil head

We are all and I am especially disgusted expect these qualifications,Muslims, normal  moderate or extremist.I'm not dealing with a gas station, this conquering religion for centuries, crusaders and now on every continent create discord, strife in our societies,handles gracefully and beautifully all our politicians, with abilities of general Allah for planetary destruction, disposal of our civilization to establish it, the devil.

Destruction of our roots, our values, our ancestors

Western civilization as we know it, shaped by parliamentarism, the Enlightenment, French revolution, the American revolution, feminism and the protection of individual freedoms, completes his lap. Slavery widespread human being sponsored by cowards OF OUR POLITICIANS OF OUR COUNTRY - populists, careerists, IN A WORD OF "bastards tiesto"

The girls, females, you should start to buy belts of chastity with locks, padlocks "High Security". These locks "High Security" Abloy with keys, no person can play, an almost total security. Never forget that Allah has many tricks in his bag. But beware, ladies, in the Koran, it says they can, males, vaginal love you until eight hours after death. Even after death, they want to again commit rape, according to their customs.

So our feminist like Lise Bacon, Françoise David, the Hillary Clinton and other irons, may lose their "virginity" at the hands of terrorists Islamic including members of their parties will gesticulate you joy from the age of six years.
Long live burkini our lefts feminists connes

It what will replace it? The Demon model, the marriage of religion coating the civil power by destroying all freedom of thought and action, as is our Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Couillard, nostalgic for his native Saudi and fetal. This curious mixture of private wealth for religious and associated with all the benefits of our Western civilization, for their personal enjoyment only.

The state oppression, the Muslim model that tolerates no diversity, no freedom? A model of cowardice, soulless, inhuman, barbaric, moralistic, who commit the worst atrocities that our modern world is experiencing.This model of human degradation, will shape straitjacket that our Western political elites have molded us to push us to the depths of our souls. The end of the world will be the prelude of Allah, the Koran and the Sharia that you like ladies. But after not come to ask for help, my beautiful feminist indiscriminately, whether they want to kill you, cut you into pieces to throw you as food as did the Shafia. You've asked, you did nothing to stop them, watch your orifices.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canadian HHHH

Islam, fundamentalist control, thanks to Pierre Elliott Trudeau and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for all the Canadians to the precipices and the destruction of the country, Canada and Western countries, in our constitutional states.

Donald Trump may be crazy, but he's right about this barbaric religion and we hope he is elected as president of the United States, and our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will go crying at the grave of the unknown Muslim in a mosque where he will profess his faith in Allah.

Their religion advocates the defeat of democracy, religious dictatorship, the decline of the human, non-compliance with our values ​​bondage.

The bondage is action to enslave, to make someone a slave, reduced to servitude, to subject, to put it in a dependency needs. The enslavement term is also used for a community, uneducated people, a nation. All politicians and elites, autorités`à all levels of society in the West, went on complacency with these dictators, these ZOMBIES RELIGIOUS BARBUS to as "Nazis".They just want the purification of individuals to be a single backward community, illiterate, they make them do whatever they want. The "SMART" has taken foot in our territories, our institutions, our families, our children, that will bring the complete extinction of our advanced civilizations.

Why Cain he killed Abel?

The ancestor of our current terrorizing Muslims humanity and that the West does nothing to stop them, the Muslims, the Islamists of Islam are faithful replicas of the character Cain, the killer, as now, this religion with their dangerous imams propagate death as did Moses when the extermination of the firstborn male.  

The "JEALOUSY" sickly flowing in their veins supposedly caused "ONLY" by the West. They always forget, of navel gazing and their kings, dictators of the Arab countries who line their pockets, untold riches, leaving poverty for the people who did trample on every day, but he realizes their most situations easements they have in their bodies for centuries.

The extremist religions, forfeiture of humanity

Genesis relates that God refused Cain's offering, while he accepted that of Abel, which made ​​Cain so angry that he killed his brother. But why he refused his offering? Today, the part of their crusade, these moderate and extremist Islamists are so jealous of the achievements and advancements of the West, for them, the destruction is the only solution to their problems by creating universal discord .

Our politicians and elites do not want to against-reaction against this crusade because they are handsomely paid by the dictators of these countries and we continues to buy their oil, sell armaments, we allow slavery and smuggling people the sale and trafficking of women, etc.

Are the religions gangrene of our lives, should they be prohibited if too excessive in the words of the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI imams, renew the discourse of the Koran, Sharia with a more liberal speech, democratic and less terrorists as they do now in mosques, in public places, or elsewhere.
If they do not comply with directives of King of Morocco, their mosques will be closed, imams and propagators will be imprisoned and their families will suffer. You see, these people change their speech. But here in Canada or elsewhere, our politicians are afraid to lose their extra income from these terrorists which the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau will teach in their mosques, or by religion, synagogue, another place foreign worship.  

Our first multicultural Canadian minister has no identity, it is a Polichinela media clown, our kids love it does not run a government, it is the head of a "circus" incredible with all these lavish spending and deficits "YOU WILL PAY IN THE FUTURE aND YOUR CHILDREN WILL BE tAKEN tO THROAT BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOTHING tO STOP IT." The streets Walls, investors are happy to have such a good fucker, both as very thoughtful and intelligent politician, doing nothing to counteract the financial big, companies, oil companies, putting us "ALL" on a platter money like sardines for consumption by millionaires, rich men who gorge of our energies, our labors to be of royal lives.

We are their chopped meat and our ARISTOCRATS RELIGIONS walking hand in hand with such despotism, totalitarianism, the new world order, global, proletarian slavery politicians.

Video: with the collaboration of the BBC, the Telegraph, Daily Mail and CNN, August 28, 2016

dimanche 28 août 2016

Theresa May Prime Minister of Great Britain will fight Islamists in British prisons - Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are in total disagreements to see these racist English against Islamists terrorists in English prisons

Theresa May Prime Minister of Great Britain will fight Islamists in British prisons  
Governments of Canada Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are in complete disagreement by depriving terrorists of their rights in the rights of States.
Adil Charkaoui 4 copie.jpg
Britain the Government will fight Radical Islamism in prisons and "When our Governments will they go fight in tHE Mosques, our colleges, our institutions, and delete their Accommodating Religious supposedly better for us infiltrate their crusade is just the beginning.
Barack Mohammed  Obama Je garde toujours un doigt sur mon nez et de mon rectum.png
their crusades are just beginning and the West because your and our SOLD government's, iRRESPONSIBLE to Peureux, pOPULIST have any large open all valves of this politico religious Muslim immigration which our Prime Minister, love disguised it in their Mosques to better decapitate us, Canadians, Quebecers, like your own governments for over forty years (40 years) allowing entry by millions in our country these usurpers through all our government institutions and leaving them there barbarian venom after all the walls and veins with the compliments of the left to intellectuals,
the feminists and feminist associations lacking vis-à-vis solidarity foregone women, Hillary Clinton, quoted by the FBI calls a worse liar and that you worship the Niqab and a Muslim woman from New Jersey who hates Americans and more, Mrs. Hillary Clinton has already forgotten the twin towers in New York.
Here, the criminals, they are our politicians with lobbyists, of all kinds, their populism, their infamous taste of power electioneering bear by multinational investors great fortunes, the so-called relations between Islamic and barbaric dictatorial countries where we sell them for billions of arming and after they send , their Imams, terrorists, prying on the "Elsy Fneiche" I think she has forgotten her European ancestors, the Nazis as Muslim extremists were made ​​propaganda in Germany and worldwide, and you saw what happened wars, millions of people murdered, killed because of race.  
Muslims, Islamists today use the same tactics that the Nazis among us and among you. Take special care to these women's associations and women they are dangerous for real women with a head on the shoulder and that's certainly not the case of the person or persons mentioned in this text.
My feminists, unhappy, weeping, you allez destroy our civilizations to settle for being on a newspaper page, and that paid by any combination of any terrorist group will pay you to be so much publicity. If you are lacking some things, there are specialized doctors for you. And our Premier of Quebec, aka Arabian Philippe Couillard, Quebec anti-racist, pro-Sharia, if you make an explicit request
With its discretionary budget, it will pay you travel to the wonderful Saudi Arabia whose dream it constantly, and you can have the joy to see women on the streets tortured, raped by all these men, well hairy, nice big beards with gear from fifteen to twenty centimeters from the front or behind with whips, or swords to cut their hands, fingers, sometimes the head.
Ladies, I would remind you that when the good Muslim Saudi, Ryan's imam or one of his hooded sponsors with the sword of Allah in the hands, will you, "Federations and Associations of Women Intellectuals of Western Left" that did nothing to save her, she will head cut off.  
I want to tell you, a woman no head, like you all, my leftists, my voluntary blindness, my crybabies, my eaters balusters, accusing all men of your blunders, and never admit that with veiling jeopardizes, Françoise David, Lise Bacon, and thousands more feminist without collective consciousness, she thinks only of itself and not the beards situations that these women suffer in this repressive religion.
A religion at three levels, as your gasoline station "normal , moderate or extremist. " A service station religion, you choose the amount of crap that you can accept and accumulate their crusades and conquests in the West. Thank you!
Besides, we have to mention, Henriette Recker Mayor of Cologne in Germany stressed that if women are raped or killed by the Syrians migrants are the faults of German, his own city, his own country, not not dress as Muslim in Niqab, Hijab in and out.
This mayor, this crazy pure, this demagogue, the stench it launches by the Syrians, some Islamic, that barbaric habits, criminals, ancestral, massacring women, children, schools, swimming pools, you contractor's whores, but she said simply:
Angela Merkel, like David Cameron, as François Hollande, and several other prime ministers or presidents of European countries have found that these so-called migrants, poor, without borders, from a civil war , being only too often, terrorists, radical Islamists, sleeper agents in the society to fragment and install revolt among citizens.  
Recognizing and knowing the good Samaritans, tolerant, a European, who had never withheld from the past with migrants, multiculturalism's the mixing of religions, colors and peoples without culture, but the culture of death in the brain, have left enter,open borders, flow of Angela Merkel, with his past guilt, through all channels of justice, and these with the monies invested by such countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other religious country where Islam control the lives of governments and citizens at home.  
They currently inject it as "HIV  Religious" in all media, and always find decayed or claimants wishing chroniclers destroy part of your company your European culture, and here in Canada, our selfie premier Justin Mohamed Trudeau and several of his ministers are sitting in the House of Commons of Canada and the Senate to establish there with the agreements, some Islamic organizations, Muslim, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, the CNIB benefits Muslim associations who hide their tie with terrorists and authorized by our governments that have clogged the eyes, and the mayors and aldermen of our municipalities that make laws and free passes to criminals on our soil, hidden like snakes, and vultures ready to jump us and blow all our democratic institutions.
dear Burkinis, Niqab, Hijab, these are not clothes sum others, no bras, IUDs, they are proclaimed agents of the Koran and Islamic Sharia in our country. These women are part of several terrorist groups like Zunera Ishaq, terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, who tripped and shit on Canadian citizenship laws by taking the oath with his Niqab and REFUSING to remove it with the hard PRESCRIBED authorizations Justin Trudeau and Jody Raybould, new Minister of justice of Canada, who called him to thank for making fold the entire country.
the Canadian justice on stomach, before Zunera Ishaq, and friend the Prime Minister of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne and more Premier of Alberta Mrs. Rachel Notley glorifies Ramadan to Muslim and Christy Clark,Premier of British Columbia who see nothing wrong in the "burkini" that represents only the annihilation of Western women with the help of the Liberals Justin Trudeau,used the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms composed by the treaty, the father of Justin Trudeau, former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott  Trudeau with consents writing of all premiers except Quebec, Robert Bourassa who has not betrayed Quebec as the new prime minister Philippe Couillard is currently doing in the sight of all.
I certainly do not mean the current Prime Minister Quebec, Philippe Arabian Couillard with his personal friend, Arthur Porter,who worked in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia from which Canada's spy the Security Agency does not understand their conditions in the Middle East and Mr. Arthur Porter that we Estoque only in Quebec the sum of twenty two million dollars and it died in Panama. Where is my money?
Mr. Philippe Couillard please give us our twenty two million and we make no allusions ....
We ask respectfully to our Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, namely, where is MY MONEY, in tax havens, you who know not the scrupulous ways your liberal party, where corruption continues ay be promoted, where's MY mONEY and I do not want this to go lAWYERS mONEY which will impress the pockets and the taxpayer does will be entitled to sub. Say one of your friends, relatives ministers, MPs, donors or fundraisers, and even Tony Accurso, the sponsor at the head of the Mafia, his boat .... Will go in countries where is hidden the money and you bringherback.
I forgot, please give diplomatic passports to Tony Accurso and your loved ones if they want can soar to a new heaven with our monies . You understand that you have sold almost the entirety of assets, industries, Québec businesses to countries and foreign investors who move our headquarters to other city where their government takes care to keep their gains.  
But you, the water carrier, balances radicalized Muslims, large companies, Chinese friend of yours, your mining, and of all kinds, we make you no confidence as Prime Minister. Of course you will always be re-elected in Quebec, but his re-election, as we know all of you, your selfish feelings, your love of yourself, it will not be enough to satisfy your heart joy.  
I, Philippe Couillard having accomplished as Premier of Quebec, only my re-election, it is unfair for a large and talented politician, so I'll sell the whole province, its laws, its citizens to Muslim religious chasms which I am and I swear to do everything that democratic changes to religious dictatorships can know my reign climax with the help of my dear friend Justin Trudeau and Canadians first ministers, we have everything in place so that our citizens, our intellectuals, our feminists, our leftists , our media, our judges, our police, this can bring down democracy and where I reign as Julius Caesar for eternity Islamic member advocating the Koran and the Sharia.
Britain opens his eyes but too late the devil is with you.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are completely in disagreement and ask reprisals against England. Justin Trudeau wrote, explicit letter to Queen Elizabeth II, in Arabic, asking him to put pressure on ministers and the premier English who want to destroy the wonderful and brave Islamic terrorist jihadist warriors on the ground English.  
Justin and Canada's premiers will ask the United Nations Security Council to ban Britain and to terrorist acts and penalize anti Al-Qaeda and religious movements in your prisons is inhuman. Vigils with thousands of crazy and candles will be held across the country, the Canadanistant for Britain our motherland as highlighted the Honourable Stéphane Dion, we all have to protect Canadanistant progressive Islamists that we will bring all skyward from Allah, and now I can eat all my food anally my dear Country that we have changed the name to Greater Beirut, the country of my childhood where I was born.
the British are extremists, we Hillary Clinton said
The British government, the new Prime Minister Elizabeth May announced Monday a plan against radical Islam in prison, providing inter alia prohibit encouraging held beliefs contrary to the "fundamental British values" of the prayers.
The Minister of Justice said that extremism in prison was a growing threat that had to be treated as an "emergency".
"Extremists can not be allowed to address the most vulnerable," added the minister, but only you who have elected me.
"The government said it would use all measures at its disposal, including the separation of the most dangerous terrorists in the general prison population, to control their threat and prevent the spread of ideologies dangerous.
Eight new measures will be introduced, including more control of chaplains and religious worship, and a review of the training of prison staff or the prohibition of extremist literature.
The government also said to have created a new service, the Directorate for security, order and against terrorism, which will be responsible for the implementation of this plan.
Sharia is perfect for extremist feminists, they will be beaten and we love suffering of pain, we stresses Françoise David, Communist
According to an Iranian dissident "being born a woman in Muslim societies [not all] is both a capital crime and a death sentence.
"This state of pathological stigma in which is feminine humanity, this curse that strikes can only hit us, indignant and call on the international community to take all measures for its eradication from the face of the earth. A new Russell Tribunal for the abolition of the sharia. True legal code of human barbarity.
Even the Nazis did so made ​​inferior, discriminated and despised the woman Islam. To the point that the living conditions of animals in cages. THANKS TO ASSOCIATIONS AND FEDERATIONS FEMINIST CANADIAN WE DROP and massacre BY THIS RELIGION WHICH YOUR GOVERNMENTS PROTECT AGAINST US ALL WOMEN.
Thanks to the Liberals of Canada and Quebec to sell us Islamists, thank you again, we love your traitor.

jeudi 25 août 2016

Pope Francis is wrong in humbling ourselves before the Islamists beheading and Catholicism - They are barbarians and they will kill your church

Pope Francis is wrong in humbling ourselves before the Islamists beheading and Catholicism
"Islam is not a religion, they are thirsty conquerors of powers and funds"

Pope Francis promotes Islam. Far from launching a warning about the assault that Muslims engaged in the world, Pope silent on the persecution suffered by the people of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Pope Francis promotes Islam, according to the doctrine of Vatican II, and taking radical position has serious consequences. Pope Francis does not protect Christians beheaded by Muslim terrorists and Islamic dictatorships of this world.
ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION FOR MORAL BEINGS immoral human Barbary Sharia moral perversion, sexual Voyeurism written Salem Ben Ammer as fucking , rape, sexual abuse of prepubescent children, burn, make sexual livestock under cover of adoption, terrorize, extort, beheading, stoning, kidnap, ransom, vitriol, practicing necrophilia and bestiality, betray, steal "infidels" is enabled, sell off the country burning the national flag, trampling Republicans codes,
Islam made ​​the call for the killing of "infidels" to pray in the streets, wrapped in a shroud, do the glorification of jihad and antisemitism raid, desecrating graves, preach hatred of the Jew, the Christian and Democratic in mosques, calling for the murder of democrats, murder, send underage girls.

In Syria to serve as prostitutes halal to satisfy the base instincts terrorists orgy halal, give offerings to his wife in death squads, it is neither a crime nor an offense in the eyes of Western governments as Muslims themselves organize terrorist networks and act as pimps for the occasion.
What are the reasons that Pope Francis and our Catholic church will kneel before these monsters is not a true religion but, well the devil that God sent to earth to tempt Pae and his Church.
The Roman Church promotes Islam and accepts the Islamic faith as the majority of the political elites of western countries. Pope Francis is it so blinded with the religion of prehistoric barbarians who will take hold of the Roman church of Jesus Christ and destroy the Church of Rome with the refusal of the pontiff to decry the false religion in the face of the world.
While a multitude of immigrants from the Middle East continues to invade Europe, Western are very concerned and Pope Francis continues to protect and accommodate them saying protected from Islamic States came destroy the West with all its institutions. Is Pope Francis has forgotten the Crusades cons Muslims. Has it become so believing in Islam, as the religion that professes peace, he is ready to destroy the Catholic and Christian faith to prove that he is right in his path.
The Francis Pope condones stoning of Christians and Jews. Is this a good way to bring back, if he believes that the so-called religion to the right path. A barbaric religion or their leaders of yesterday and today have they not changed the verses of the Koran to tell them what they wanted to corner the maximum glory, power, profit person on their country, on the uneducated Muslim population.  

Have they served the people of the knowledge gaps to manipulate and petrodollars to fertilize our Western politicians among us. As Pope Francis, with his great kindness and naivety he tries to have a love relationship with a religion that is not a religion as it should be but that became a political system like capitalism, communism, Maoist, Nazism and the very fact that the Islamist and Nazism are exactly the two similar at all points of views, the bear and simple racism Messier Adil Charkaoui, Imam and terrorist and Chaoui Hamza, Imam and unhappy, Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier and Islamic carrying water.
Mohamed Justin Trudeau,Prime Minister of Canada who teaches in mosques in Mississauga, Ontario, in the Jewish synagogues in Toronto on Saturday, in the Tamil areas during the week, or the first nations reserves in wigwams, Mondays, at the Kingston penitentiary in Ontario he disguises himself as a prisoner with a ballerina dress and he spent lollipops.  
Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, Kathleen Wynne Premier of Ontario, Henriette Reker mayor of Cologne, Germany, Manuel Valls Prime Minister of France, Theresa May Prime Minister of Great Britain, Françoise David, Communist Quebec Solidaire, etc.
But even in this situation alarming, the Pope Francis continues to promote Islam.Instead of warning about the flood of migrants Muslims breaking on the world, the Pope was on Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Africa, and even Europe. In fact, the support that the Pope Francis to Islam is only one more step in the implementation of Catholic teachings from the Second Vatican Council.
The Church of Rome continues to encourage massive influx of Muslims in Europe and even the USA. This immigration is one of the main causes of the attacks that have already occurred.

The massacre in Paris November 13, 2015 killed at least 128 dead. Similarly Pope Francis responded timidly at the slaughter of a priest was in France.the Pope Francis Is became so fearful of Muslims, like many politicians, they refuse to state clearly that Islam is a global danger and must be destroyed by any means.

The Islamic State Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) to claim responsibility. Islamic terrorist incidents like the massacre of Paris or the San Bernardino USA stem from a totalitarian ideology of the vilest. Islam has its own dynamics, which is based on no rational complaint on any logic.
Islam = Extermination of Christians and Jews, full stop, is what Pope Francis wants?

His totalitarian ideological roots are in the Koran; of this, the Pope and his advisers are surely aware and saying nothing against the religion and the religious, the church of Pope Francis kisses the Koran and their misdeeds, their beheadings their terrorism, their acts of violence on women and children on Christians and Jews. Is this what Jesus had taught his apostles to leave without hitting defend against these criminals religious, those politicians who collect money for their personal profit.
It's nice to give the other plays when we are beaten, but it should not be either fools Mr. Pope, we have so much in our western governments who sell us all the time, but not yOU.  If you become civil, ask someone else to replace you before the church which you are responsible, be destroyed forever and that Christians hiding in the catacombs, cemeteries, churches are down now, and your view point of share comments Islamic, policies are hardly speak for themselves.
We all know that Pope Francis has a heart bigger than the universe, but the Islamists, terrorists or not want the destruction of your churches and Jews for thousands of years, and c is written by themselves and you can read at least.

this transfer of Islamists in Europe was in preparation since 2011 at  the "Clarion Project" that opposes Islamic extremism recounted:
"Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, a leader of ISIS, said it is no longer clear that if ISIS fails to defeat the West by means military, it would submerge under a flood of jihad with the help of the Church of Rome.
The Church of Rome plays the game that Islam wanted, in the last fifteen months, the Islamic State has held extensive portions of Iraq and Syria, but this feat seems insignificant to what he does now, and the Pope, by the greatness of his human gestures welcomed refugees but refugees, just were not simple like other refugees. They were with the pontiff, a man who is a ministry, a government, a real entity over two billion humans, it certainly has no army, but all the government of this world worships him because of his fame.
When he brought these poor refugees in the Vatican, the pontiff was certainly as good will to action. And I'm sure he had no ill intent on his part. But Muslim extremists, dictators Syrians, the Saudis Arabia, Iran, and many other Arabs, wanted to send a human tide invade the entire West to destabilize and also with the help of the Vatican and gesture of charity, the media, Islam has succeeded, the biggest round of Hollywood power known to date, global Muslim invasion.

Our European politicians trying to make political capital and forget the cries of their people opened them wide open doors to refugees who sacked their country, women, children, infrastructure, created slums, murder, tyranny, etc.
In Germany, where there are from 3 to 3.5 million Muslims, a Roman Catholic cardinal said the Koran was part of the historical heritage of Europe and the Middle East.  Pope Francis has to control his troops and reject any contact with Islam immediately.
Pope Francis should not make policy
It appears therefore clear that with such ideas, the pope and Roman Catholicism are promoting as illegal immigration law that Muslim refugees in Western nations. A Catholic website narrates the following:

"The Syrians have left their homes, four million of them fled their country because of the civil war and the rise of the Islamic State inside their borders ... Most of these refugees have fled to neighboring countries, but some seek asylum in Europe. the Pope Francis and the Catholic bishops call on US and international governments to support these asylum seekers.
"Another Catholic website reports this:

"The Pope Francis and the Catholic bishops called the United States and the international community to provide support to both Syrian refugees fleeing violence only to countries that are advanced in this humanitarian endeavor.
"But five of Muslim the richest countries refused to host any Syrian refugee, saying that by doing so they would expose themselves to welcome terrorists. Although the rich oil-producing countries have provided financial support, Britain gave more than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar together.
Islam and the Islamists are not children of the hearts are barbarians, terrorists, without souls, they are not human, they not religion, his Holiness, they want death. Jesus resisted the dead and not killed humans. Islam promotes death.
There is evidence however that al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, receives part of its funding from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and three other Arab nations among the richest. Clearly, the Roman Catholic Church rejects the analysis and logic; it supports both sides in this conflict. When the conflict is resolved, the Roman Church is therefore necessarily regain the winning side.

The Catholic Church promotes Islam in its schools
The Catholic bishops of England and Wales asking that opens rooms Muslim prayer in all Catholic schools. These same bishops are asking local development for Islamic ritual ablutions in all Catholic institutions. Muslims want the Catholic schools install bidets, footbaths, and water jets to facilitate the purification rituals. Their recommendations were approved by Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Birmingham who is tipped to succeed Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor as Catholic Primate of Britain.

Some Catholic schools offer in Italy "sacred spaces" for Muslim prayer is the world upside down, Pope Francis
Is shocking to learn that a Catholic religious school students offers Muslims a "sacred space."

However, this practice is permitted in Catholic schools, not only in England and Wales, but also in the USA. For example, John Birney, presidentthe of"Brother Rice High School" in Bloomfield, Michigan decided to open "a non-Christian prayer room within the facility for Muslims and other non-Christian students." Birney wants one wonders if this prayer hall is "a compromise on our faith and our identity, or else a agreement process with the respect we give to others."

Pope Francis, with Muslims or Islamists, regular, normal, moderate, extremist, you have no bargaining, no debating, no application, they will always be right and you will always have the wrong end of the stick.
you even give them the Vatican infull,and they will ask again Moreover, they want your skin, your cassock, your rosary, your life, all you have. They'll make a slave of you and of Catholic if you continue to embrace their ideology and you approach them.
These people want nothing from you, they will take by force what they want from you and destroy you go. You can pray to Jesus Christ but I do not know if it will be waiting for her in heaven it may also be attacked by these fanatics.
They are unbalanced for four thousand years, how do you rebalanced, the brains of these ignorant people and wishing to remain in ignorance to keep hold on the little people without access to modern culture of the West.

senior executives of these people come to learn in the West, in the best universities, they have the best knowledge, but they will never enjoy their people of Western knowledge for fear of losing their power. These are reasons, PopeFrancis,your kindness, your generosity of spirit, brings only the religiousmess,spiritual, between different religions and between Catholic who does not like your rapprochement with the devil.
Islam as taught in the West today and the planet will be the end of the Church of Rome unless the Pope take the means to wake up and communicate with the world leaders who have not sold these criminals because it is not a religion of love that promotes spirituality but promoting fear, mediocrity, deprivation, the maximum of human decadence, in the words of genesis, God opened the gates of Hell, and Islam today will reign on earth with the help of the Roman Church. Islam must be renewed and become a religion and not political parties that manipulated religious without stops and allow innocent of murder. You can not argue with these barbaric criminals.

Muslims We hate America, We love Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, they support us