dimanche 28 août 2016

Theresa May Prime Minister of Great Britain will fight Islamists in British prisons - Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are in total disagreements to see these racist English against Islamists terrorists in English prisons

Theresa May Prime Minister of Great Britain will fight Islamists in British prisons  
Governments of Canada Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are in complete disagreement by depriving terrorists of their rights in the rights of States.
Adil Charkaoui 4 copie.jpg
Britain the Government will fight Radical Islamism in prisons and "When our Governments will they go fight in tHE Mosques, our colleges, our institutions, and delete their Accommodating Religious supposedly better for us infiltrate their crusade is just the beginning.
Barack Mohammed  Obama Je garde toujours un doigt sur mon nez et de mon rectum.png
their crusades are just beginning and the West because your and our SOLD government's, iRRESPONSIBLE to Peureux, pOPULIST have any large open all valves of this politico religious Muslim immigration which our Prime Minister, love disguised it in their Mosques to better decapitate us, Canadians, Quebecers, like your own governments for over forty years (40 years) allowing entry by millions in our country these usurpers through all our government institutions and leaving them there barbarian venom after all the walls and veins with the compliments of the left to intellectuals,
the feminists and feminist associations lacking vis-à-vis solidarity foregone women, Hillary Clinton, quoted by the FBI calls a worse liar and that you worship the Niqab and a Muslim woman from New Jersey who hates Americans and more, Mrs. Hillary Clinton has already forgotten the twin towers in New York.
Here, the criminals, they are our politicians with lobbyists, of all kinds, their populism, their infamous taste of power electioneering bear by multinational investors great fortunes, the so-called relations between Islamic and barbaric dictatorial countries where we sell them for billions of arming and after they send , their Imams, terrorists, prying on the "Elsy Fneiche" I think she has forgotten her European ancestors, the Nazis as Muslim extremists were made ​​propaganda in Germany and worldwide, and you saw what happened wars, millions of people murdered, killed because of race.  
Muslims, Islamists today use the same tactics that the Nazis among us and among you. Take special care to these women's associations and women they are dangerous for real women with a head on the shoulder and that's certainly not the case of the person or persons mentioned in this text.
My feminists, unhappy, weeping, you allez destroy our civilizations to settle for being on a newspaper page, and that paid by any combination of any terrorist group will pay you to be so much publicity. If you are lacking some things, there are specialized doctors for you. And our Premier of Quebec, aka Arabian Philippe Couillard, Quebec anti-racist, pro-Sharia, if you make an explicit request
With its discretionary budget, it will pay you travel to the wonderful Saudi Arabia whose dream it constantly, and you can have the joy to see women on the streets tortured, raped by all these men, well hairy, nice big beards with gear from fifteen to twenty centimeters from the front or behind with whips, or swords to cut their hands, fingers, sometimes the head.
Ladies, I would remind you that when the good Muslim Saudi, Ryan's imam or one of his hooded sponsors with the sword of Allah in the hands, will you, "Federations and Associations of Women Intellectuals of Western Left" that did nothing to save her, she will head cut off.  
I want to tell you, a woman no head, like you all, my leftists, my voluntary blindness, my crybabies, my eaters balusters, accusing all men of your blunders, and never admit that with veiling jeopardizes, Françoise David, Lise Bacon, and thousands more feminist without collective consciousness, she thinks only of itself and not the beards situations that these women suffer in this repressive religion.
A religion at three levels, as your gasoline station "normal , moderate or extremist. " A service station religion, you choose the amount of crap that you can accept and accumulate their crusades and conquests in the West. Thank you!
Besides, we have to mention, Henriette Recker Mayor of Cologne in Germany stressed that if women are raped or killed by the Syrians migrants are the faults of German, his own city, his own country, not not dress as Muslim in Niqab, Hijab in and out.
This mayor, this crazy pure, this demagogue, the stench it launches by the Syrians, some Islamic, that barbaric habits, criminals, ancestral, massacring women, children, schools, swimming pools, you contractor's whores, but she said simply:
Angela Merkel, like David Cameron, as François Hollande, and several other prime ministers or presidents of European countries have found that these so-called migrants, poor, without borders, from a civil war , being only too often, terrorists, radical Islamists, sleeper agents in the society to fragment and install revolt among citizens.  
Recognizing and knowing the good Samaritans, tolerant, a European, who had never withheld from the past with migrants, multiculturalism's the mixing of religions, colors and peoples without culture, but the culture of death in the brain, have left enter,open borders, flow of Angela Merkel, with his past guilt, through all channels of justice, and these with the monies invested by such countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other religious country where Islam control the lives of governments and citizens at home.  
They currently inject it as "HIV  Religious" in all media, and always find decayed or claimants wishing chroniclers destroy part of your company your European culture, and here in Canada, our selfie premier Justin Mohamed Trudeau and several of his ministers are sitting in the House of Commons of Canada and the Senate to establish there with the agreements, some Islamic organizations, Muslim, affiliated with Al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, the CNIB benefits Muslim associations who hide their tie with terrorists and authorized by our governments that have clogged the eyes, and the mayors and aldermen of our municipalities that make laws and free passes to criminals on our soil, hidden like snakes, and vultures ready to jump us and blow all our democratic institutions.
dear Burkinis, Niqab, Hijab, these are not clothes sum others, no bras, IUDs, they are proclaimed agents of the Koran and Islamic Sharia in our country. These women are part of several terrorist groups like Zunera Ishaq, terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, who tripped and shit on Canadian citizenship laws by taking the oath with his Niqab and REFUSING to remove it with the hard PRESCRIBED authorizations Justin Trudeau and Jody Raybould, new Minister of justice of Canada, who called him to thank for making fold the entire country.
the Canadian justice on stomach, before Zunera Ishaq, and friend the Prime Minister of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne and more Premier of Alberta Mrs. Rachel Notley glorifies Ramadan to Muslim and Christy Clark,Premier of British Columbia who see nothing wrong in the "burkini" that represents only the annihilation of Western women with the help of the Liberals Justin Trudeau,used the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms composed by the treaty, the father of Justin Trudeau, former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliott  Trudeau with consents writing of all premiers except Quebec, Robert Bourassa who has not betrayed Quebec as the new prime minister Philippe Couillard is currently doing in the sight of all.
I certainly do not mean the current Prime Minister Quebec, Philippe Arabian Couillard with his personal friend, Arthur Porter,who worked in Riyadh in Saudi Arabia from which Canada's spy the Security Agency does not understand their conditions in the Middle East and Mr. Arthur Porter that we Estoque only in Quebec the sum of twenty two million dollars and it died in Panama. Where is my money?
Mr. Philippe Couillard please give us our twenty two million and we make no allusions ....
We ask respectfully to our Prime Minister, Philippe Couillard, namely, where is MY MONEY, in tax havens, you who know not the scrupulous ways your liberal party, where corruption continues ay be promoted, where's MY mONEY and I do not want this to go lAWYERS mONEY which will impress the pockets and the taxpayer does will be entitled to sub. Say one of your friends, relatives ministers, MPs, donors or fundraisers, and even Tony Accurso, the sponsor at the head of the Mafia, his boat .... Will go in countries where is hidden the money and you bringherback.
I forgot, please give diplomatic passports to Tony Accurso and your loved ones if they want can soar to a new heaven with our monies . You understand that you have sold almost the entirety of assets, industries, Québec businesses to countries and foreign investors who move our headquarters to other city where their government takes care to keep their gains.  
But you, the water carrier, balances radicalized Muslims, large companies, Chinese friend of yours, your mining, and of all kinds, we make you no confidence as Prime Minister. Of course you will always be re-elected in Quebec, but his re-election, as we know all of you, your selfish feelings, your love of yourself, it will not be enough to satisfy your heart joy.  
I, Philippe Couillard having accomplished as Premier of Quebec, only my re-election, it is unfair for a large and talented politician, so I'll sell the whole province, its laws, its citizens to Muslim religious chasms which I am and I swear to do everything that democratic changes to religious dictatorships can know my reign climax with the help of my dear friend Justin Trudeau and Canadians first ministers, we have everything in place so that our citizens, our intellectuals, our feminists, our leftists , our media, our judges, our police, this can bring down democracy and where I reign as Julius Caesar for eternity Islamic member advocating the Koran and the Sharia.
Britain opens his eyes but too late the devil is with you.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are completely in disagreement and ask reprisals against England. Justin Trudeau wrote, explicit letter to Queen Elizabeth II, in Arabic, asking him to put pressure on ministers and the premier English who want to destroy the wonderful and brave Islamic terrorist jihadist warriors on the ground English.  
Justin and Canada's premiers will ask the United Nations Security Council to ban Britain and to terrorist acts and penalize anti Al-Qaeda and religious movements in your prisons is inhuman. Vigils with thousands of crazy and candles will be held across the country, the Canadanistant for Britain our motherland as highlighted the Honourable Stéphane Dion, we all have to protect Canadanistant progressive Islamists that we will bring all skyward from Allah, and now I can eat all my food anally my dear Country that we have changed the name to Greater Beirut, the country of my childhood where I was born.
the British are extremists, we Hillary Clinton said
The British government, the new Prime Minister Elizabeth May announced Monday a plan against radical Islam in prison, providing inter alia prohibit encouraging held beliefs contrary to the "fundamental British values" of the prayers.
The Minister of Justice said that extremism in prison was a growing threat that had to be treated as an "emergency".
"Extremists can not be allowed to address the most vulnerable," added the minister, but only you who have elected me.
"The government said it would use all measures at its disposal, including the separation of the most dangerous terrorists in the general prison population, to control their threat and prevent the spread of ideologies dangerous.
Eight new measures will be introduced, including more control of chaplains and religious worship, and a review of the training of prison staff or the prohibition of extremist literature.
The government also said to have created a new service, the Directorate for security, order and against terrorism, which will be responsible for the implementation of this plan.
Sharia is perfect for extremist feminists, they will be beaten and we love suffering of pain, we stresses Françoise David, Communist
According to an Iranian dissident "being born a woman in Muslim societies [not all] is both a capital crime and a death sentence.
"This state of pathological stigma in which is feminine humanity, this curse that strikes can only hit us, indignant and call on the international community to take all measures for its eradication from the face of the earth. A new Russell Tribunal for the abolition of the sharia. True legal code of human barbarity.
Even the Nazis did so made ​​inferior, discriminated and despised the woman Islam. To the point that the living conditions of animals in cages. THANKS TO ASSOCIATIONS AND FEDERATIONS FEMINIST CANADIAN WE DROP and massacre BY THIS RELIGION WHICH YOUR GOVERNMENTS PROTECT AGAINST US ALL WOMEN.
Thanks to the Liberals of Canada and Quebec to sell us Islamists, thank you again, we love your traitor.


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