jeudi 25 août 2016

Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health of Quebec, turncoat, in corrupt, doting, on several occasions he should turn his tongue fourteen times before speaking - Part TWO

Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Health of Quebec, turncoat, in corrupt, doting, on several occasions he should turn his tongue fourteen times before speaking
Part Two
CHSLD and wash washcloth
Old shabby living in the nursing home only deserve to wash the world with the washcloth, they will die anyway, what's the problem?
The doctor had raised the ire several stating this last spring: "I have washed the world in a washcloth in bed and I can guarantee you that they were as clean as in a bath."
Eldercare number of bath per week
scandal reduced number of baths available to residents of nursing homes had inflamed Quebec for a few weeks. Too much washing, residents could make marks on their sensitive skin. We prefer that they pay under the table from their pockets, forty dollars for a second bath. Profits from non supplementary service I can to benefit the associations of doctors and myself, that would be justice itself. We liberals always say, 'charity for yourself how "and the self, it's me, the Liberal Party that accepts anyone crazy inside
Diane Lamarre is really not fit. Or maybe yes?
The About Gaétan Barrette on the PQ MP Diane Lamarre, whom he accused of being "permanent conflict of interest"  spilled much ink in March. We Liberals we can talk about integrity, even Maclean's magazine of Canada has made ​​us this glorious affirmation "the Liberal party of Quebec and Quebec are the most corrupt of Canada." In witness whereof, the Commission Charbonneau has restored our credibility after putting a mole "liberal and paid by you all" in the Commissioners of the Commission. The final verdict, a bunch of toilet paper, shelved and we changed our tactics in modernizing our corruption and teaches them worthy procedures to be corrupted again without getting arrested. We have to deal with large organizations that we keep the names secret for a period of ninety years.
The rebates drugs
"If there is a scandal in the medication, it is there. This is the scandal Lamarre rebates. She used the pot candy. [...] There was then maneuver and Diane Lamarre did nothing to protect the public, "he said.
The next day, Dr. Gaétan Barrette finally and solemnly affirmed that the Member for Taillon was the "incorporates more of the Parti Québécois"and the example of his party should open the eyes of other parties regarding integrity. But Gaétan Barrette strictly forgot to name the corrupt political party in the National Assembly.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette does not digest "Encore" Mrs. Diane Lamarre and this time nothing
It was not the first time that Gaétan Barrette was attacking Diane Lamarre. In May 2015, he qualified the "architect of nothingness." Refer to the following:
Dr. Gaétan Barrette: Since it is the architect of the health plan of the Parti Québécois,us ...
Ms. Lamarre...
Mr. Barrette: Yes,nothingness.
Ms. Lamarre  ... I am the architect of nothingness, I would like to quote him here, so ... should stop there
Mr.Barrette: From nothing, absolutely
Dr.Dr. Gaétan Barrette vs Claude Castonguay
The one time the minister advised the father of Quebec health insurance retiring
It was July 2014: "If he is not able to retire, Claude Castonguay someone should probably tell him to take it. "And then the opposition had criticized the minister's lack of respect.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette qualifies Réjean Hébert liar and demagogue
In October 2014, Gaétan Barrette was not kind either with regard to his predecessor PQ, Réjean Hébert, calling him a liar and demagogue ...
"It's demagogy, total hoax. It is shameful that someone who has been in office [as Minister of Health], who knows how it works (...) say things like that and to talk about it. I listen, Réjean Hébert, it does not much interest.
"Gaétan Barrette is jealous of Pierre Karl Péladeau, which he called" alias Silvio Berlusconi "?
In October 2014, Mr. Barrette pointed a"clear link " to do between Pierre Karl Péladeau and former Italian leader Silvio Berlusconi,obviously infuriating the main person.
Silvio Berlusconi,former president of Italy, as our Quebec Liberals, which is bundled Dr. Gaétan Barrette, former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi was sentenced Wednesday, July 8 by the Italian courts and sentenced to three years in prison for having bought in 2006 the voice of a senator to bring down the center-left government, then headed by Romano Prodi. The prosecution had requested five years in prison.
A new find guilty, the prosecutor of Naples Wednesday, June 24 requested a sentence of five years in prison against Silvio Berlusconi, according to judicial sources quoted by the Italian news agency Agi. Former Italian Prime Minister is accused of bribing a senator.
Pierre Karl Péladeau (PQ) is not part of the great Liberal family, and is not corrupt, but Dr. Gaétan Barrette, who left the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) to join the corrupt.
"the connection is obvious, it's clear. And besides, Silvio Berlusconi of the story is a wonderful example of what not to do, "the minister said."He voluntarily associate me with Silvio Berlusconi, who was sentenced in his country, the Italy, tax evasion, in addition to having faced lawsuits regarding morals and embezzlement. I ask the Minister without delay Barrette offer his apologies, "had replied the former PQ leader.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette, sitting on his seat minister, lays eggs shouting "poc, poc, poc" as laying hens? We all thought scratching its brake, behind which stung his nose.
In full debate on abortion in room in March 2015, the Minister had imitated the cackling of a hen.
"It was in discussion on the right to abortion, an issue that concerns everyone, and he had fun approach me and imitate a hen. I think it is deplorable, "had immediately reacted Agnès Maltais.
For his part, the Minister argued that it used the term" talks, talks, talks, talks, talks,
Dr. Gaétan Barrette minister, talk and also react when he says nothing
Gaétan Barrette is regularly blamed by the opposition not to listen in committee and sometimes not answer questions ... last October, he preferred to play on his tablet that meet questions …
"I do not refuse to answer. I refuse to answer a question 47 times. It is clearly an exercise in filibustering "has he defended at the time.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette is cunning as a monkey - cunning as a fox
If in our everyday language, this phrase echoes the legendary skill of the monkey, in its original use, it was not a compliment. Indeed, the clever adjective, whose Latin origin, malignus evokes a person of "bad character, treacherous, evil" is actually a derivative of evil. Since evil is part of our government institutions we can certainly say that Dr. Gaétan Barrette is the epitome of a man who does not mince his words and says what he thinks.
Fortunately, the the evolution of knowledge of Dr. Gaétan Barrette liberal policy, it will likely be the new leader of his party caused by its feats of ingenuity and cunning in the Liberal caucus and medical associations and renowned everywhere.
Dr. Gaétan Barrette, Premier of Quebec, 2018,
Dr. Philippe Couillard where will it be? Allah knows!

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