jeudi 25 août 2016


Our governments are the top killers of our youth?
If young Quebecers are turning to radical speeches or to violence as acceptable solutions to their discomfort is that our societies are not able to understand their demands and aspirations, and respond to channel y needs to constructive solutions.
It is not there allowing bellicose Imams to teach in mosques and in our colleges subsidized by public funds and authorized by the Ministry of Education, which condones the actions of these criminals who teach the Koran, Sharia, terrorism, how to destroy the West in addition to killing his own parents who have become unfaithful.
Need we add that our ministers to immigration are poor figures regarding integration of immigrants.She asked the majority to integrate immigrants and not the opposite. It's like asked a woman to birth through the mouth Kathleen Veil.  
In the Government of Canada and Quebec, and in most provinces Liberal rule and disseminate their demagoguery and multiculturalism of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the great deals with the history of Canada. Who wanted the destruction of Québec and thereby He destroyed the whole country.  
The selfie, in love with himself Justin Trudeau
Canada now, with his cherub, his selfie is a poor Islamic replica of the new Canada that you will see born the day soon, you my English and sleepy francophones who have let the devil entered the bowels of all public functions and parastatal around the country.  
Say thank you to your feminist twenty years and your left intellectuals for their continual destruction of the Canadian identity and the collapse of our Western values. Although when you see the CBC on Friday morning, 11:00 decapitations of people in front of parliament, and can be these people will be your girls or boys that they will cut the heads, you will thank your politicians who have opened their doors and facilitate our collective destruction, hypocrite you will be.  
I forgot to say too THANKS, CBC, Justin Mohamed  Trudeau, Philippe of Arabia Couillard,to tell us every day that terrorism, as these Islamists are pure fiction, they do not exist, they must cross the ocean, it's only in books designs for children.  
How did we elect cowards, I say exactly criminal politicians, "according to all of us, destroy the lives of our young people should be a crime, "as these people without consciences, those Liberals who sell us constantly to the country's Muslim Associations and our Prime Minister going to give speeches. Without the discomfort of our crooked politicians reflect negligence toward our elected officials and their accomplices.
A report to throw in the trash with his collaborators fucked
I expected a good report that will answer anything except that present a only thin part of radicalization without making any reference to Muslims and extremist Islamists Imams who inject their venom deadly religious bodies in all parts of our youth so that they are recoverable as happens when the army begins training for newcomers.
Adil Charkaoui,a terrorist, Imam, directs and teaches several Imams indoctrination of a handful of students Muslims College of Maisonneuve in illegal mosques in our cities at the sight all.
Persons serving and editing documents are often close associates of the Liberal party from which their opinion is dictated by the actions of our ministers and close ties with all Muslim lobbyists Islamists who roam the corridors of the Assemblies national provinces and Canada.  
Their infiltration, these dormant spies, have only one goal to promote our POLITICIANS, the Koran and the Sharia as the only policies for all civilians. Secular laws and governments of secularism are gone forever and finish your freedoms of expression, as Philippe Couillard has put a stop creating the law specifically for Muslims Act 59. Thanks, the Islamic dictator we have as first Minister to Quebec.  
what are the solutions for the known exegeses not find
1 An animal that barking is a dog, not a chicken. We must begin to name things as they are: terrorists are Muslims or moderate or extremist Islamists verification.
2 All people, imam or not, Muslim or not, Islamist or not is not born in Canada, immediate deportation and  General of his family and friends to know their loan associations or indirectly to these terrorist groups.
3 The government and its officials are required to show these people and ensure that laws are changed and the rule of law does can be applied to these terrorists and that the Supreme Court can not touch these laws unless a national referendum.
4 The immigration Department and its agents must check with the RCMP and policies of the respective countries, Interpol, the comings and goings of the new visa applicants, input demand, stays, with all the criminal record or not.
5 Muslims and Islamists, not clothed and not recognizing writing they want to integrate into the year following and have and recognize the same civil laws that all other citizens of the country without any religious or other accommodation will be automatically rejected.
6 Our governments won’t subsidize no schools other than our schools, colleges, universities, hospitals or other institutions except those already present in Canada since 1863 is the Catholic and Protestant religions.
7 Whether parents like in schools, there is discipline, a teacher and students. And not the "free for all" as is the current time, education in Quebec as elsewhere in the Western world is an intellectual jumble, an unmanageable mess, which brings decadence of a nation and that we are illiterate or "selfies."
8 Please add whatever you want the document inscribed to combat extremist and get rid of our Imams, members of the Mosques where proliferate our extremists including our elected politiques.
Donc with some suggestions you can illuminate our blind fully aware that it is they who have caused and continue to cause the youth radicalization and Islamic racism continuing religious accommodation segregationist Islam plans.

Our politicians radicalise our youth.

An immigrant is to be Canadian citizen become privilege and not a right that can be taken from you at any time

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