dimanche 27 août 2017

Mayor of Venice - Luigi Brugnaro - If someone shouts Allah Akbar, he will be shot without warning - Mayor of Montreal - Denis Coderre - In front of the Olympic Stadium We give you the ROYAL SUITE Queen Elizabeth

Mayor of Venice - Luigi Brugnaro - If someone shouts Allah Akbar, he will be shot without warning - Mayor of Montreal - Denis Coderre - In front of the Olympic Stadium We give you the ROYAL SUITE Queen Elizabeth

Enough otherworldliness of the mayors , MPs, ministers, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, intellectuals, feminists aplaventristes, media sold to the Desmarais family and Canadians and provincial Liberals to Muslims.
These manipulators Islamists and liars who attend mosques with imams who utter hate speech, criminal, anti-democratic approved by the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau encouraging with its own speech when he will make himself his speeches in mosques anti-Canadians and Quebecers hatreds.
As suggested by the prophet Mohammed,which Muslims, Islamists know very well use on lying for it is written directly and profess their imams who are all the same with the same Koran, the same Sharia if they practice, they have the same religion, full stop depending on their level of octane optional religious barbarism pamper our politicians to have up to vote in upcoming elections by not caring the affect entire people with their evil planetary invasion of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, Iran.
The mayors of the cities of Barcelona and Venice meet their population which is not the case of his Majesty Denis Coderre ventriloquist
Initially just like our whores who govern us,the mayors of Barcelona and Venice are both victims of their success and experiencing the onslaught of masses of tourists all year dispossess indigenous housing, local shops, in other words their city. Even to the point that the Catalan capital and the Serenissima propose to regulate the flow of tourists and the number of housing proposed.

But the similarity, it seems, stops there.
If the Socialist Mayor of Barcelona, the indignant Ada Colau Leads a fight against invasive tourism, it advocates immigration and unconditional acceptance of illegal migrants as the Honorable Denis Coderre,to make it a sanctuary city, dormitory for the homeless, a city for injection drug injection sites, that is to say have a city that Canadian Multicultural selfie in Ottawa with his "kufi" of Muslim imam hat when he door its nightlife in mosques, with bodyguards RCMP dressed in white or black Islamic Salafists, could marvel.
And the socialist mayor of Barcelona,Ada Colau indignant that one even said in the Bermuda tourists were more troublesome the Muslims as the mayor of Cologne, Germany Henriette Recker after 300 German were raped by refugees Muslims, Islamists Angela Merkel love, that it was the fault of the German and that Muslims should get rid of their sperm too in their testicles but Allah and that German citizens should understand because this is part of their traditions and religious customs.
Ours became blind
In the words of Denis Coderre, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau,no one has the right to say that the majority of terrorists are Muslims, Islamists, they are just stray wolves and follow not only the basic principles of the Koran and Sharia, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, veiled, toilet paper worn on the head of the ministers and members of the House of Commons that must be LAY according to the Canadian Constitution.
But the crazy psychopath, mentally ill, and a non-terrorist, who attacked the mosque in Quebec, Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard has traveled around Canada and the world to say that he was a terrorist Quebecers.  

See how these multiple raptors hatred, develop their languages to only one direction and never say true words such beings they have said.
If you like Islam and the Koran, it's your choice and it's good.But you have no right to be thrust upon us by the voices of our governments, our cities, our schools, in our bus, our grocery stores, etc. You must follow our democratic rules, line item.
Religions are not superior to the laws of the people,the people is the law, religious principles are in your head and have no need to be épivarder to one and all. We you have never been or achalé home, in your country so that you change it religion, do the same here, tried to respect us, if you can, stop your religious and political racism millennia.
The excesses of Islam, Islamic, Muslim
One sign of tension between Catalonia and Spanish State,Ada Colau after the recent attack, is specifically accused by experts of the National Police that contradict the lack Action elected and the local police. Politicians buy peace by destroying the majority of citizens to protect minorities especially Muslims who distribute hatred and terror around the world and nobody can say otherwise, if he is honest. And there is no possible confusion with any other religion or political religion that no leader will control their subjects adrift.
A failure and blindness of justice, fear of Political Elites to set foot on the ground and to require compliance with laws leaves and allows to act with complete freedom to act and the Islamic State implement a sufficiently large terrorist cell to have ramifications throughout Catalonia, as in Canada, and Quebec including the Muslim brothers have ramifications with federal and provincial Liberal parties.

Pope Francis courtiers
His Holiness, Pope Francis,he forgives terrorists who killed many Christians in Barcelona, itself being an active collaborator Salafists recognized for many years in the Vatican.
His Holiness, in all its grandeur, having lost faith in Jesus Christ and St. Peter, may be due to senility and his advanced age. We must protect Muslim terrorists, Islamists and refugees, illegal immigrants, prostitutes and try to understand them in their battles to join their kingdom of Allah.  
What Jesus Christ would have liked on the part of all Christians of the earth,that is to submit to the divine laws of Allah, ashavedone Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, as I do myself and this gives me some pecuniary satisfaction.
In his Sunday homily, a Madrid Priest,a priest living in Madrid, Spain! He did not hesitate to take to task those he called the radical Communists and its sister Ada Colau Madrid, Manuela Carmena - Madrid Mayor former member of the Spanish Communist Party, backed by Podemos and accuse them of to be responsible for the Barcelona Attacks.
Fewer tears of hypocritical liars politicians, sold, populist, and moreshares,he urged his flock. If the time was joking, that that is not unlike Don Camillo who did not hesitate to roll up his cassock and making the punch against Peppone.

Luigi Brugnaro, Mayor of Venice is not a rug as the mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre
This is a sermon that would undoubtedly have had the good fortune to please the mayor of Venice,  Luigi Brugnaro,conservative, close to the movement Forza Italia, known and appreciated, whatever his critics for his outspoken.
He hates political correctness, professors from UQAM, student associations, rompistes, the media, left like snakes CBC, CBC that the Government of Canada dictates the way they dictate and make propaganda Justin Trudeau Wahhabi.
This after welcoming that his city is much safer than Barcelona, said, as echoing the preaching of Madrid's vicar if someone yells Allah Akbar on St. Mark's Square, it will be shot without warning .
That changes the conventional discourse. Encourage elected who is not resigned to his city becomes a place of funeral wakes and prefers to see, after all, tourists in St. Mark's Square, rather than candles.

Snakes Tears of our politicians and our selfie is an expert
Do you think for one second that one of our mayors, ministers and the Prime Minister have the courage to tell the truth like that. This is what the general public wants to hear. And not that RDI always diffuse with people preselected to tell us what our elites want what we need to hear from purchased media
salute his determination Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume, who is standing, not garbage cans go next electoral races in Quebec to sell us lies and liars liberals salads andtell us that it is the fault of the separatists that anglophones and allophones, legal immigrants, illegal, Muslims can vote for the Liberal party of Philippe Couillard and corruption will again remain in power.
Allah is beneficial for Mentor Honorable Doctor Philippe Couillard arriving after his long stay of five long years to practice the Qur'an and Sharia to formally establish themselves in Quebec with the law of his legendary racism 62.
The mayor of Quebec Régis Labeaume said that citizens, the majority of citizens want and think wet hens politicians who represent us
true Régis Labeaume has not done in lace juxtaposing violent hooded protesters and veiled women. Its purpose would have won to show more nuances, but it does not prevent approving its sharp criticism of the silence of governments to the concerns of the majority of the population.

Destroying the majority to please minorities
In trying not to displease the minority Liberal governments, both in Quebec and in Ottawa eventually raise the discontent of a fringe of increasingly large population and feed vindictive attitudes extremists.
While it is true that electioneering his party had sabotaged the efforts of the Minister Drainville in its building consensus around common values promoting together, living letting go does not become an option as long as it was expected that the issue would continue to haunt a significant majority of Quebecers. As the English sayit'sthe "Bull Shitt politicians"
How is it that ALL QUÉBEC MAYORS for decades, are they much more intelligent, respectful, nationalist leaders and the mayors of Montreal of dale nothings?
Giving reason to the mayor of Quebec City, RégisLabeaume,people turn government inaction and gives itself the right to intervene to meet the wishes of the majority of the population, unlike the denial shown by the authorities in place.
Taking care not to name any politician,M. Labeaume repeated that "the idea of accepting that faces are hidden in public spaces, it makes no sense. While we deny that to religious precepts reasons, the population is attacked by it. The population can not believe we do not care about that. "

The mayor forbidden any racism. According to him, "it's not racist to ask these questions. It's just very relevant. The first to pay because we do not dare to question the hidden faces in public space is our Muslim citizens that we love. "
Régis Labeaume gave the example of the recent influx of Haitian immigrants living in the United States to Montreal. Quebecers are generous, he insisted. But in the absence of a "plan" clearly, they are asking questions about it. These questions are all the more legitimate that the Québécois form themselves a francophone minority in America, said the mayor.
The acceuilleurs illegal immigrants are racists after some
strain of Quebecers are so welcoming that new with illegal immigrants they treat us after a few days of white racists because they have not had free housing, we have welcomed them at the Olympic Stadium five stars.
Still, after a few days, they do not have the map of Quebec health insurance, and they certainly did not have these free services in the US, social security checks, clothing for children to go at school, their free visits to the dentist, restaurant coupons, coupons for buses and taxis, money for food in grocery stores, the rights to work as they no longer have the papers Identities .  

Quebec has only 8 million inhabitants, only 2.5 million pay taxes, as a small population can meet the needs of illegal immigrants, refugees Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, our own welfare and our own community service? I leave the answers to the anarchist intellectuals and Québec solidaire who think money grows on trees. Certainly Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre or take in their pockets the money to support these people, they viront head as still being in no way responsible for their own action.
As with babies born, he defecates in their diapers and we must change, so we must do the same with our politicians because they defecate without stops, we have to throw the garbage ..
Mayor of Venice Original text https: / /francais.rt.com/international/42426-assez-dangelisme-maire-venise-promet-abattre-allah-akbar

http://www.journaldequebec.com/2017/08/23/labeaume-sinquiete-de-la- progression-of-the extreme-right

lundi 21 août 2017

Libel contemptuous Arrogant Racist hate francophobes Québécophobes towards origins Francophone Quebecers collaborationists Denis Coderre, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Régis Labeaume, electoral, populist,etc.

Libel contemptuous Arrogant Racist hate francophobes Québécophobes towards origins Francophone Quebecers collaborationists Denis Coderre, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Régis Labeaume, electoral, populist,etc.
Quebec francophone population of 8 million, and Canada and the United States 350 million Anglophones. What is the population group, province or which country is most likely to lose his tongue between 8 million and 350 million Francophones or Anglophones?

According to Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Minister Jean-Marc Fournier, Denis Coderre, it was the Anglophones in Canada and the United States will lose their English language and become unilingual French. See how they are liars, sold, identity thieves, murderers Quebec in power.
Here are the beautiful illustrations everyday we Quebecers who live in that territory which must endure every day, every second, the "Quebec bashing" not only in English Canada who put their heart joy to destroy us, us demonized, but these false and repugnant Sold Quebecers. These traitors are the Philippe Pétain,Quebec,the collaborators, those dangerous hypocrites to their own nation and their ancestors.
Denis Coderre The Mayors of Montreal and the Quebec Premier, formerly the Salafist Philippe Couillard of Saudi Arabia, which permanently install the Quran and the Islamic Sharia in Quebec.  The perfidious hypocrite, the Honorable Justin Trudeau,selfie, the Qur'anic multiculturalist identity gravedigger Wahhabi Canada itself being no good culture.
And several media, American  French and Europeans who have no knowledge of Quebecers ground having discussed with these leftist intellectuals paid by the Emirs.  
These detractors, our lying, or populist,our elite politicians, international warts knowing to make the most of slander on the people speaking Quebecers and without having to pay any price. For the local media and Canadians welcome destroy everyday Quebec since 1867.

The genocide of the French people of Quebec approved Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier
This vision is based on a true DISTASTE for French-speaking Quebec, and especially for Quebec regions. The one imagines as a den of nerds, closed to the world and not really evolved. It would be too homogeneous.
If you are Québécois Francophones, a Francophone Montrealers,that is to say less than nothing according to the mayor, a lower degenerated, the Francophone according to him, to all immigrants who come and vote for liberal parties including the mayor of Montreal is the main mentor continues to denigrate us as a majority knowing that immigrants have the balance of power with the English.
The Honorable Denis Coderre for several years,its excellence since arriving multiculturalism, excluding necessarily speaking he has an extreme shame.  You have to apologize to speak French, the language of beings lower in Canada, the superior beings who you welcome in English or Arabs.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Justin Trudeau well destroyed the entire Canada
You go into a store, restaurant or elsewhere, and if you ask to be received in French, they will treat you immediately racist and do not want to serve you. They will ask another person of status, lower  a Quebecer of origin to serve you. Ah! You did not know, our political elites have done that kind Francophone Quebecers are servants to all points of same views toward immigrants and refugees who are their very superior.
Those who are passionate intolerance should be interested in much more widespread contempt than is believed in the place of francophone Quebeckers who continually worsen through the media and channels. political  They are the subject of real condescension.

Montreal is a Canadian city and its future concerns the entire nation, especially when it comes to immigration, integration and secularism. Denis Coderre will have to get back and to look for the pieces they miss him with his $ 25,000 loan.
Philippe Couillard Canada's English water carrier, Islamist and pocketing millions of dollars immigrants
Racist Insolence pro Salafist hate the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard to the strains of Francophone Quebec is getting worse. Knowing that the Premier of Quebec is a brilliant doctor, is it subject to racist Islamic identity schizophrenia water carrier. The Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Gaétan Barrette should be the intern for his own good and for the Liberal Party of Quebec.
This will give the chance to the Doctor Gaétan Barrette to take his place as prime minister and appoint the Honorable Régis Labeaume Minister of Health of Quebec.
Philippe Couillard will soon launch a wide RACIST Commission to establish that all of Quebec suffer from a serious problem of racism "systemic" which has already print the entire document before making a single visit that Francophone Quebecers are the worst racist on the planet as dictated by the parent company in Ottawa, the Liberal party of Canada, the Honorable Justin Trudeau during his speech Friday in mosques and mosques exclusively.
Philippe Couillard scion Justin Trudeau cultivate hate racism in Quebec so Herculean with the aid of our mayors and their assistants to continue their evil works that demand the rest of Canada so they can remain in the same treads "FEDERALISTS CANADIAN ANTI-QUEBEC
"The Honourable Premier of Québec advocates freedom of expression for people who think like him only, other opinions are racist whose all Francophones are parties if they do not vote Liberal. So Mr. Philippe said that freedom of expression lets say bullshit ', what it shows itself dramatically.

Still, people do not speak, we kill the Francophones of Quebec and politicians enjoy, it's good for their constituents
Yet you hear the federalist media, English and French, or Justin Trudeau, or the economic establishment to condemn the excesses of Philippe Couillard who defecates on Francophone Quebec people paying accommodation unreasonableto Islamist to just destroy us, Christians soon as possible.
No, because they are satisfied he does an excellent job of blaming all francophone Quebecers as the leech in Ottawa when he walks through the world to denigrate Quebec by allying to itself the queen of Europe Muslim Angela Merkel or Emmanuel Macron, multicultural killer Islamist president of France.
As Philippe Couillard does its job to defend the status quo and keep the natives quiet, his contemptuous and patronizing cynicism matter in the eyes of the masters. As in colonial times.
The INTERNATIONAL contempt propagated by the Prime Minister of Canada, the selfie against Justin Trudeau stock Quebecers
Justin Trudeau in Germany spreads that Quebecers are sick of racism and do not want to be overrun by refugees and immigrants. In a report, the Honorable Prime Minister can understand that Quebecers do not want to hand over the keys to their homes, their wives and children as slaves to newcomers.

A scientific text skewed by liberals and intellectuals Canadians
"While a recent survey revealed that a significant proportion of Quebecers oppose the reception of Haitian asylum-seekers who flock to the US border, the German researchers published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences an article proposing strategies to mitigate this negative attitude towards foreigners and even induce altruistic behavior among xenophobic people.
"These strategies are to increase the release of oxytocin, a hormone involved in empathy, while exposing people to messages describing altruistic actions."
At least the "inclusive at all costs" just want us rehabilitate and make us see the light. But I think the Nazistes are and were Germans and they let themselves be overrun by Islamists and Muslims who rape their daughters, wives, etc.  
But we must not say that, because it's not politically correct to state the truths about the German people which is handled by the Gulf countries and Angela Merkel led Germany to the total endless abyss with all Europe.
Dear Germans, French and foreign media before talking racist Quebec Francophones watch the beams in your eyes and the hairs in your navels, they are not so clear, so right. It's sickening to make lousy assertions on your part to nazi Salafist Quranic Barbarian that even respect its own people and its own country.
You are the true identity bastards, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, without any consciousness and knowledge of what is happening in Quebec, and hatred of the other provinces and citizens to Francophones in Quebec and francophones living outside Quebec.

Deutsch Übersetzung

Oxytocin-enforced norm compliance Reduces xenophobic outgroup rejection in Germany

Mr. Rene Hurlemann
Envoyé vos commentaires à: renehurlemann@me.com
Send your comments to Mr. Rene Hurlemann
Email: renehurlemann@me.com
Sie sind die wahre Identität Bastarde, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in ohneBewusstsein undWissen vonwas Quebec geschieht, Hass und auf die anderen Provinzen und Bürger zu Frankophonen in Quebec und dem Frankophonen year Wohnsitz außerhalb Quebec
Francophones outside Quebec are mistreated citizens worse than most of slave countries of the world. They must fight every second for services but you intellectuals, the media did dare to not even see what happens in Canada Justin Trudeau presents every day its double-sided mirrors.  
Francophone Quebecers want the laws and borders are respected
All because many Quebecers think - oh, the scandal! Oh, hell and damnation! - that our borders need to be respected? I am speechless, we are racist because we respect the laws and those who respect the law, these are the right people. Fuck you and put you there in the anus of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science ...
The racism of our mayors, prime ministers, ministers and elected
But the muscular political autumn that promises could stir again the cards. The identity issue will be central.
But the real debate will revolve around the fall of the Commission on Systemic Racism in the Liberal Party of Quebec, Couillard announced by the government. We know in advance, it will turn the trial against Quebecers,who will be accused of all evils.
That there is in Quebec, in the margins, racist, as found elsewhere, of course. They are, in fact, absolutely condemnable. Far-right groups pollute public debate.

But it is completely delusional to pretend that racism is here a bottom line in our history, as it is south of the border in the United States, Charlottesville as example. Racism and slavery are the original sins of the American nation. This is not that of the Quebec nation.
Besides, what attack, claiming aim racism is their legitimate desire to implant in their secularism is their equally legitimate desire to remain a fundamentally francophone society.
It is also their very natural concern about mass immigration they do not have the means to integrate and is manipulated by the federalists to padlock the constitutional future of Quebec.
Trials for the Quebec Liberal party for the next election in 2018.
Basically, the accusation of racism used to demonize yet essential question of the survival of the Quebec people and its identity. In this context, one that will succeed in channeling popular frustration at this unfair trial could impose politically.
Whoever ask Quebecers, "you do not have enough to treat you racist?" Could create the political sympathy of large numbers.
Let's get rid of the Liberals of Canada (LPC) and Quebec (PLC)
Get rid of Justin Trudeau (PLC) and Philippe Couillard (PLQ),
Liberals get rid of mayors Denis Coderre and Régis of liberals
Labeaume get rid of the National Democratic party party (NDP) practicing the same false values that the Liberal party of Canada, the destruction of Canada and Quebec

Vote for the Conservative party to the Federal
for Quebec, Vote any party to the Provincial
Except for these political parties,
- Liberal Party (PLQ) Islamist Salafi Wahhabi Koran charianique allophone systemic racist

- party Québec Solidaire (QS) Islamist Wahhabi Salafist Stalinist systemic racist Anarchist charianique