mardi 15 août 2017

Amir Khadir, Immigrant himself a Muslim Islamic systemic Racist Québec Solidaire (QS)

Amir Khadir, Immigrant himself a Muslim Islamic systemic Racist Québec Solidaire (QS)
Amir Khadir, talented doctor, immigrant born in Tehran, Islamic barbarous country, Salafist MP Lénine Stalin political party Québec Solidaire (QS decides on arrival mass of Christian illegal immigrants from Haiti.

on the intellectual left, the politically correct, little has been heard QS on the issue of Haitian illegal migrants. in fact, it's radio silence towards Manon Massé and Gabriel Dubois -Nadeau the anarchist leader. But the Honorable Amir Khadir,which no one will say or will report to its natural racism, innate in religion whose prime ministers of Canada and Quebec subscribe complement could not help but jump Saturday in the league.
Concerning the Women's Federation of Quebec, ladies, knees to maids, Martine Lopez,  Dolores Chew there is no possible confusion with are veiled political religions.
After winning the electorate extremist Muslim militant Islamic terrorists. That Adil Charkaoui,100% certified the exclusive representative of all Muslims in Quebec who teaches suppositories hatred in the colleges, mosques, the media.  
Here I certainly can not say or give the impression of their affiliations or integrations to the cultivation of strains of Quebecers. Not wanting the defeat or marginalize, I would say they are here.

Amar Khadir, supporting identity and religious claims polarizing, extremists, conspirators, solidaireQuébecIslamist party, he will be tempted to exploit the tensions created within Quebec society by the mass arrival of asylum seekers to realize gains within the Haitian community?
Amar Khadir he will play the same racist roles of Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Philippe Couillard
Amir Khadir took part in the fourth edition of Hoodstock in Montreal North,a rally created by documentary filmmaker and activist "inclusive" Will Prosper aims "to mobilize the forces of cultural communities with workshops, performances and moments of exchange by, with and for members of black communities and racialized about 30 people out of 3 000 000 inhabitants in Montreal" and all the media speak.
Created in the wake of the death of young Fredy Villanueva at the hands of police in 2008, Hoodstock festival takes place in Montreal North, where lies much of the Haitian population of the metropolis.
The program includes workshops on hip hop, health, black history, but also debates about white privilege, systemic racism and other victimary ideological fixtures imported from American universities.

Black racism was forgotten, look at the beams that you also in your eyes
We should also note that this gathering even forgot discuss racism against blacks whites and yolks. A medal always two sides, which likes it or not.
Anyone who has followed the news of the weekend understands how offensive this approach is north of the 45th parallel. We stock Quebecers, as you say white, we have received openly. Certainly there are fools as in all societies, but in Quebec, these fools are a tiny amount.  
Dictatorships minorities
See what is happening in the United States, Great Britain, here in Quebec you are pampered, received with open arms and you come back spitting at us as does the Islamic community, Muslims with false compromises.
We are really tired of hearing you the black leagues, carrots, Light blue, Islamists, of LBGT2, whites, Antifascist, The clitoris Justin Trudeau, etc. you are not happy to be here with us, Quebecers strains regardless of skin color.  
We have not asked that you come here, we let you in,and many of you are comedians, lawyers, managers and owners of industries, men and women who are successful in life this is because they have worked hard and strong. They are not back together for rallies to decry the conditions of life in Quebec, they have created their own living conditions and they are in real champions.

The native of Quebec was named the white negro of America
and the Honorable Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau constantly put us under the nose through all of Canada and the world with the "Quebec bashing" they all experiences required to destroy Quebec.
Haitians as white as you call us, since the beginning of the crisis, organizations and leaders that have given Haitians of Montreal - I am thinking of the House of Haiti and its director Marjorie Villefranche - play an admirable role to unite the community, helping newcomers and put the record straight among Haitians of the diaspora, and this, without showing anyone the finger, despite the failures in the system and federal indifference .
The stock Quebecers are not racist enough to enforce
Much less admirable was the comment, despicable to me, Amir Khadir in interview with La Presse on the sidelines of Hoodstock "I ask myself. Would we react as if it was the Italians who had knocked on our doors?
"I wish with all my heart that Quebecers of Haitian origin hurt by racism shown by some of their fellow citizens since the beginning of the" crisis "do not let themselves be seduced by the sirens of identity left and activism anti racist that advocates more division.

President of North Korea fell with its nuclear threats to the United States, why?

Donald Trump is respected around the world because it is not a rag like our politicians, Donald Trump Is held up and he told her it was for the spray.  .

Justin Trudeau does not like the fights, he has given all of Canada's territory to Islamist terrorists, illegal immigrants, throwing our crops over the edges, destroying the entire country. A country without name.
On next election vote TORY

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