samedi 19 août 2017

Mark Rutte Prime Minister Netherlands - Justin Trudeau - First selfie Canada - CHEIKH AL-Faidy Grand Multi in the Netherlands - women BIKES Ban because SHEIKH AL-Faidy may masturbate in the street according to the traditions of the Koran and Sharia

Mark Rutte Prime Minister Netherlands - Justin Trudeau - First selfie Canada - CHEIKH AL-Faidy Grand Multi in the Netherlands - women BIKES Ban because SHEIKH AL-Faidy may masturbate in the street according to the traditions of the Koran and Sharia

Wake up, idiots are home to stay
Netherlands - Islamic Order prohibiting cycling women because the prophet Muhammad and Allah on the journey of the archangel Gabriel with its discussions, tripped  in its vapor, under effects of drugs at the time of the barbarians,would have told him, Allah, the god terrorist Salafist Islamists who travel around Europe to destroy it, he would have as many sonatas prohibits driving the "BIKE" to female slaves that used to be filled as the cows every day by the sperm of Koranic bearded.
Mes expenses assholes, the Great Mufti,my fools, the invention of the "BIKE" was made in the wheel, essential part of the bicycle was invented in southern Mesopotamia, probably around 3500 BC. But it takes more than 5 000 years for man to use this invention to create the forerunner of the bicycle ...
Males Islamists do not control their penises
In 1817, the German Baron Karl von Drais invented a strange machine which France will in his name, "The dandy horse." In a French patent in 1818, this same vehicle is called Velocipede, its purpose being "to walk a person with great speed" (swift = fast, homosexual = foot).

In 1839, the Scot Kirkpatrick MacMillan was the first to perfect the Draisienne by driving the rear wheel using levers. Accordingly, it is certainly the first to experience the balance on a velocipede.
It was in Paris in 1861,a big step was taken in improving the technique. Ernest Michaux, locksmith, repairs and perfecting a balance bike with the front wheel failed by equipping it with a "pédivelle", which will become the pedal. Knowing that Islamist or at the rate octane Quranic and barbarities which have in their brains.  
The order of potency of powers, Machiavellian sizes, regardless of the level of criminal octane veiled love our intellectuals, supposedly religious who may be ordinary, moderate, extremist,super extremist or at the speed of sound.
The terrorists that the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau worships and dear to the highest point since it can not even pronounce the terrorists and Islamists words because he prefers to lie to us saying that they are mentally ill have sentimental needs individuals and money to meet the needs of the family whose ministers communication, the Honorable Mélanie Jolypress to go to State television, Radio-Canada, CBC, continuous networks of new States to announce the sizes
The dialect spoken by the Honorable Minister Mélanie Joly, with a headscarf on his head, gave us the comprehensive narrative of the generosity of our selfies, the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honorable Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, dressed in "Qamis" white and the hood over his head, having given $ 10,500, 000 $ a terrorist in Afghanistan, Omar Khadr, who will likely be the next Governor General of Canada.  
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada allow excision of Muslim as human and necessary practice
it next governor general, jihadist and member of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) terrorist groups known of our members of the national security and possibly an active member of Canada's Liberal party(PLC),the party in the pay of the Salafists and al-Qaida terrorists and Canadian organizations with federal and provincial tax credits for their works well-doing jihadists,  the very Honorable Omar Khadr  killing of US soldiers and Christians.
So bearded Netherlands explain as Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia women are not in his country eat bananas because she thinks the penis but it can eat a penis if has no girl raped by the Qur'an.

The French collaborators
Bearded Netherlands,Koranic barbarians devoid of all recognized religious authorities, the Salafis, these men who attack girls and boys of their pre puberty are according to them, like Mr. Nabil Pajamas Mhiri, Amiens,France,with her big ass fed on all French arms who work every day to feed this crap, halal pig Islamic Extremist Charianique - pederast - rapist - liar - Salafi - terrorism - on communal aid - does not dare worked.
This lounger is a Muslim tenant Emmanuel Macron,presidentpopulist of  multiculturalists nazistes Salafist Islamists of France in full moral decay, identity, having nationalist because he and his predecessors sales of French citizens of the Catholic religion, the French Culture, The Emirs of the Gulf and petrodollars Islamist barbarians who you control all your National Assembly, Senate and your with an iron weapon, at the Elysee Government Macron.
At Amian, France, holiness, Nabil Mhiri, sadistic, this Muslim rot, responsible for validating the fatwas, each self-appointed cleric can claim to justify its decrees and legitimize its own interpretations of the Koran or Tradition. You see walking,the basin swinging from east to west and he said inwardly as they kiss you all from first to last.  
The Charles de Gaulle General must have words of heads thinking of you French who  voted for these rats Salafist straightness, inflammatory, foul.  

This multicultural,populist, Salafist receiving his earnest's of Emirs and his collaborators who détruirhave your beautiful nation with aid magazines as Godmother, the newspaper the World, Le Figaro and other electronic media have also left bought for lie to you every day.
Your great historians, playwrights, writers, your ancestors and our ancestors in New France that you have dropped to let in this non-Islamic culture, the universal barbaric.
The Salafi Islam of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, the devil's incarnate
Islam since its inception has never created anything positive, only death and your political elites, your media throng to give them and put the full power of destruction of the entire West. Islam makes only the mentally ill, without any awareness, because the Koran does not allow the brain to think for himself. Islam is the Bible of the Zombies, the Nazistes, Aryan peoples, their consanguinity, their perversions immoral religious.

The prophet Mohammed enrolled in the Quran
The Prophet Muhammad does not see women being back on the bike that will exist 1,000 years later, we can definitely say he had good vision and good telescope.
The latest controversy reported by the website "" (29/12/207) is a sad illustration that is almost "ridiculous" (...). Indeed, the latest discovery concerns a fatwa that forbids women
A Muslim of cycling, because, according to the religious who spread it, "step over the bicycle saddle arouses women sexually aroused, and the bike becomes of this point of view, a prohibited object. "
Muslim living in the Netherlands yet no choice but to use the bike, the most popular means of transport in the Netherlands, with more than 30 million units in the country. (...)
The most conservative Muslim, these veiled having lost their brain function to think for oneself,  respect the fatwa to the letter, and assimilate the bike to a sexual object. They are supported in their approach to the interpretation of cheikh Kamel Al-Faidy,who believes that "the fatwa prohibiting the bike is binding and must be applied by all women."
For him, that bearded bastard,of inhuman man, unfit for Western society, a pedophilewaiting, "the woman, although properly veiled, could reveal parts of her body when she crosses a bicycle seat, which is in itself prohibited. "

Moreover, the religious believes simply that "the fact straddle a woman, for cycling, is sexually exciting, and the woman must abstain ..."  Can we get rid of this calamity and medieval the return to the desert where these tribes can build pebbles and sand.
Cheikh Kamel Al-Faidy when he sees a woman in a bike he masturbates in the street
or fetfa A fatwa or fetva (Arabic: فتوى [fatwa], legal advice, plural: Fatwas) is, in Islam, the world barbarians, legal advice given by a religious law specialist on a particular issue. Generally, a fatwa is issued at the request of an individual or a judge to resolve an issue where Islamic jurisprudence is unclear. A specialist can give fatwa is called a mufti or one of the worst religious fools in a religion.
Cheikh Kamel Al-Faidy, I totally perverted
"Step over the bicycle saddle arouses women sexually aroused, and cycling becomes, from this point of view, an object prohibited by the Prophet Mohammed and the Koran."
"The woman, although properly veiled, could reveal parts of her body when she straddles a bicycle seat, which is in itself prohibited."
"The fact straddle a woman, for cycling, is sexually exciting, and the woman must abstain because its small 8 centimeters long is difficult to show with his erectile balancing towards Allah...

"Women can go out twice at her home in the Coran
Cheikh Kamel Al-Faidy,he said during his preaching immoral failing perfect interpretation of the teachings of Sharia or inspiration as historical examples one of the first wife of the Prophet, Khadijah, we may well revive this definitely teaching pre Islamic Arab Salafi that "the woman allowed out twice at home, once to go to her husband, the second time to go get buried. "
We believe that our elites should remove him from kicking in countries that sexual perverts
We personally believe that this sheikh is a big pervert too dull ass cycling women just like Amiens Holiness  Muslim Nabil Mhiri this decay, you let your women fucking deal by this false political religion ...
This one has calmed down after it recalled that during the Muslim conquests there many centuries, women who left for jihad straddled but not bicycles camels, what could be more exciting sexually ... However, this practice was indeed approved by the Prophet!
The great Canadian Mufti
Grand Mufti in Canada is the premier Justin Trudeau that we can admire public ablutions during his visit Friday before noon in mosques in Ontario and especially in the mosque that Zunera Ishaq, the Pakistan, the terrorist Al-Qaeda jihadists in Mississauga concocts strategies to install sharia and the Koran as officially wants the Government of Ottawa, the Trudeau government for all of Canada.  
Returning these infidels in their home country for their great sexual pleasures, misfits, immoral, provocative, racist
Borders Canada their fully open and you can write at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa for more information and a photo are will be included free with membership cards of the Liberal party of Canada (LPC) to sign during your illegal border crossing of all the provinces that welcome you royally, with open arms

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