vendredi 11 août 2017

Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and their ilk Who are they, the schemers IRRESPONSIBLE TO THROW THE BINS

Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and their ilk Who are they, the schemers IRRESPONSIBLE TO THROW THE BINS
These four inflatable dolls, these four mutts,these alien creatures jovialities, clownish and lapidary are true liberal politicians in the sense own the term. They rule for so many years on their funds leather is leather that background that their brains attached thereto, and stinks of rotten meat and identity corruption.

They do not care about everything and everyone, they do as their heads, never see the long-term consequences of their actions stupid and populist. Having nothing to do with time or wanting to hide their awkwardness of certain folder as the formula E or wanting to have the maximum vote of the Muslim community by describing a fake terrorist event with a crazy, psycho committed.
Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, FOUR GOVERNMENTAL BLOOD SUCKERS
Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard,of hypocrites tragi-comedies of lower classes costing the whole society to very high costs in human and monetary tragedies. Having the opportunity to hear several real people, real people, not only those that pass given to CBC interviews in passing.  
Several people in the communities now feel betrayed by all spheres of our governments by the massive arrival of illegal immigrants that Canada and Quebec welcome with great pomp, as if they were guests of brands that have not seen since several years. These people often tell me, that there will be more friction between these immigrant communities.

Several times a week, I take a taxi, and mostly in my corner, taxi drivers are Arab Muslims. They are so angry against the government of Quebec and Canada, they think to ask their associations not to vote Liberal as they usually do. Among others also several individuals in the Haitian community also, taxi driver, could not believe their eyes because they had to queue and paid exorbitant fees and wait years to get a visa to settle in Canada and work hard without the support of governments
and these illegal immigrants from the United States, have not even learned English after seven years and have never worked and without any significant investigation have all the free services of our society that even Haitians who work hard, every day, and are here for several years, and who pay taxes will not even right.
These simpletons fourths as many politicians, intellectuals, the media will give their opinion on it but they do pay EVER BILLS OF THESE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, SOCIAL PROBLEMS THEY WILL CAUSE IN SOCIETY, etc.  
We saw with the massive arrival of refugees, how this has traumatized and upset our economy. What the media and politicians are trying by force to put into our heads that we accepted them, it completely wrong. The majority of the population wanting a quantity so important. If Justin Trudeau, the selfie was that what little intelligence, the Salafist have brought a few thousand of these refugees and have accompanied for several years to support their economic, human and emotional.

But no, the selfie wanted to impress the global audience, knowing that it is an empty shell and that these liberal collaborators, not noodles "al dente" in Ottawa like him, not only think of re-election next ballot in not caring for any consequences with other Canadian premiers.
Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, jumping at airports with plastic dolls with the cameras of crown corporations, Radio-Canada, CBC and other networks to show the largesse of politicians THAT PAY BILLS AUNES GENERATED BY THESE NEW aRRIVALS IT IS THE CONS, THE TAXPAYERS WHO WILL PAY THE BILLS.These populists never pay anything, receive their salaries, envelopes, gifts, gratitude, they are angels that overlook the company in full.
The four mutts  divesting Islamists and Muslims for illegal Haitians
they are in power for so many years, they do not realize the consequences of false immoral and inhuman decisions. Knowing that 60,000 Haitians from the United States will not all be accepted and that more than half will return to Haiti after two or three long years. These Haitians tasted the cakes with cherries and cream and having to return to the third world will again create international dramas with these mutts.
So everything will start again from the beginning. These illegal Haitians were not for our politicians, a task among their political career, the Haitians are just guinea pigs to feed the media, selfie, good thoughts leftists, radical feminists, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois and company .
Quebec always keeping in mind as several countries with our mutts politicians, leveling down. For them, it will always be easier not to run a country, a province, a city, but failing to have ideas, our politicians have, for some time, emotions, actors in ongoing shows.

My dear friends illegal immigrants, vote liberal
Know who you are, live with the infinite that is in you, go to the other, fraternize with them, learn to communicate with everyone, but do not be trapped in the concentration camp atmosphere clans. You are citizens of the world and not neurasthenic isolationist desperately clinging to their furniture. The time has come to open up, get out of this sense of false security where you may immobilize you and descend on the world to exploit its measurement. I can see people screaming seeing you arise. Yes, it will be a blow to soft.
"We in Quebec, Quebecers, Canada's water carriers, we are so welcoming vis-à-vis foreigners, refugees, illegal immigrants, terrorists, imams who profess hatred speech against us publicly openly that we always want to accommodate the maximum. We are very willing to pay all costs so they can get all the services that we can not pay us for ourselves because our charity as always by them.
The welcoming Quebecers fools blinded
Here in Quebec Francophone, well-ordered charity as by others, foreigners, soon arrived demanding and require the rights that other person never had since childhood. Our politicians are a joy with the media to join them to publicize requests and all they receive at the expense of the general population.  
The Denis Coderre and Régis Labeaume Pettes so strong the straps of their support to several people illegally entering our territory and often murderers, terrorists, hoaxers, board polluters, who will go to create new laws to protect because these people are part of the electoral basket for the next election.

The Conards,taxpayers,intelligent people who can read columnists, chronicles several media sold to politicians and political parties when they have the chance to tell the truth about the invasions of these asylum seekers. Increasingly our leftist media and public corporation lie to our heart day, including Denis Coderre and Régis Labeaume and Justin Trudeau selfie.
Their media parades are just in the air, we must keep a cool head and not be moved by the images of the television these children often pre selected according to the Hollywood diagrams
Donald Trump is requested to control Justine Canada
Instead of giving free rein to their emotions, as they too often, politicians should rather keep a cool head, without any emotion, as imams in mosques when they profess their hatred to kill Christians and Jews or although Saudi Arabia when the executioner with his sword cutting the heads of gays, adulterers women or women not wearing headscarves and black dresses evil barbarians.
We do not elect them they weep for the cameras as Justin Salafist Canada, the pretense for the French Galleries,the Marianne magazine, newspaper the World, Le Figaro who love the tenant without asking any questions the content or they give hugs. We elect them to make informed and knowledgeable decisions in the interest of their citizens.
In short, a little less passion, our politicians still gather in front of cameras to four or five to make us a show of "The Uncle Tom" we can certainly say that we politicians are representative of "La Cage aux Folles" . They are true foufou.

Denis Coderre Show
two years ago with a shovel and cameras he vandalized mailboxes Canada Post and there was no charge for the police chief was with him, and the media supported it. Going to visit the refugee migrants at Olympic Stadium, Montreal Mayor wanted to show that it does not meet the Canadian laws, Immigration, Citizenship, and he supported economic terrorism practiced in the United States.
But he also said immigrants from around the world: "If you ever illegally cross the border, in Montreal, we will welcome you warmly! Beings more assholes than that, we can definitely say, the Prime Minister of Canada, the selfie, Come on down! Let's Make a Deal! Vote Liberal!
"TheRégis Labeaume Show, a required cemetery
Is this really the message we want to start people thinking of emigrating here? No need to make a request in due form, simply take a plane to the United States and, once there, to cross the border? Donald Trump, now gets rid of illegal prisoners in its jails, of his patients who will ensure and told them to go north of the45th parallel the idiots Canadians will welcome you with open arms and you will have nothing to do for the balance of your life.
Canadians and Quebecers we want a total stop on Immigration is a complex issue that must be addressed as "coldly" possible and especially with this immigration who wants to fit in because of Koranic religion. It is as if we handled nitroglycerin. Just go with tact and delicacy, otherwise we risk setting fire to the powder.
Welcoming the disinherited? Of course. After all, we are privileged. But no matter who and no matter how. We can accommodate all the poor of the world.

There are rules, laws, a process steps.
Use the refugees to do a show, as the mayor of Montreal did ( "Look how I am open, as I look at the heart in hand"), is not only demagogic, is irresponsible.
Justin Canada including the recipe and he applies it with genius, he has no ethics and all politicians imitate because he has the winning recipe. A politician should never govern, it must be beautiful, large, well equipped, sell like a star, sell the facade as long as possible, and let the next generation to cope with the problems caused to him during his reign.
There will always be intellectuals, media for praise and distort the truth to grow in the story.

Donald Trump is mobilizing its supporters against immigration
Having warned against certain neighborhoods become "real mass graves" because of the violence, it announced a massive restriction criteria to legally immigrate to the United States. We can say anything against Donald Trump, but there is one thing he is working for the Americans,the United States, we certainly can not say the same things the Stooges, Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard and your own prime ministers, presidents, ministers, mayors, your countries.

Vote Conservative in the next election to the Federal

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