jeudi 20 décembre 2018

Justin Trudeau Islamist member with Emmanuel Macron the VULTURES, wrote, concocted, scaffolded, invented and maliciously prepared for the UN by these traitors the Pact of Marrakech

Justin Trudeau Islamist member with Emmanuel Macron the VULTURES, wrote, concocted, scaffolded, invented and maliciously prepared for the UN by these traitors the Pact of Marrakech
At the head of this movement of crazy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the noodle Canadian great friend of our traitorous President Emmanuel Macron is the symbols
The first culprit is Justin the selfie Trudeau man with no culture and being able to finish his studies.

The devils are among us
Donald Trump has totally to leave no inch, or centimeter a corrupt organization and Islamist who will decide the choice of sovereign peoples
These multiculturalists, anti-nationalist, anti patriotic, who will dictate the desires of the UN by  obliging without any constrained as elected country but rejecting the country's demands, and we did not want to see on our western territories what  Justin Mohamed Trudeau as well as Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel to the destructive heads multiculturalists Nazists, Stalistes
It is not a coincidence that the European countries most affected by the migrant crisis are the most eager to reduce the number of newcomers.
Here are the astounding percentages in favor of a reduction: Greece (82%), Hungary (72%), Italy (71%), Germany (58%), Sweden (52%) France (70%), Canada Mohammed English Justin Trudeau, the traitor multicultural(70%), Quebec (80%).
There is not a single country that wants more immigrants around the world does not want more immigrants with the exception of Canadian vulture Justin Trudeau who only visits mosques with his wife, his veiled slave as immigrants are the captive electoral basin of the Liberals,

Justin Trudeau Canada no longer exists,I managed to destroy everything.
The countries no longer exist, the borders will be gone, the native population will have to bear all the costs and the disadvantages of Islamic religions, Sikhs and other sects with veiled heads or wrapped toilet paper of all colors not tolerant, racist , having no intention of integrating with their sense of dictatorship Nazis, propagandists, populists will make the laws in our countries. In summary a planet, a country, and anarchy assured by immigrants
Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel we do not care what the majority thinks, the little people we love to vomit on, taxpayers, employees maneuvers.
There is danger in continuing to judge very high what these less and less silent majorities feel, the revolts in our countries

The revolts of the majorities disdained by our elites sold multiculturalists
Nearly 150 countries have adopted the Global Compact on migrations of UN. Officially, this would be international cooperation for "safe, orderly and regular migration". What is bullshit, even lies, the deceptions of Barack Obama and "Hilary Clinton members of the brotherhood terrorists of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States
Donald Trump only patriotic president, nationalist and working for his people the Americans and not for the multiculturalists the viruses such as Justin Trudeau, pathetic liar
Justin Trudeau wants multiculturalism infliger extremist fangs legto Donald Trump, but Justin is ignorant and little to the Americans
the United States were the first to reject the agreement and congratulations a Donald Trump, a president with balls and nationalists and patriotic and not, our puppets, our political elite at oil services licking them behind. Since then, some fifteen countries have followed the American example. On the other hand, without a social debate and in defiance of the democratic process, Canada has approved the agreement. No offense tothe squad  propagandists,Nazistes, anti-Stalinist Trump, the American president who shows here the wiser!

United Nations Fumisteria
Immigration certainly has undeniable virtues. But behind its pompous formulation and grandiloquent intentions, this pact, which cunningly substitutes the term "immigration" for "migration", is a humbug. By declaring migration as a "human right", it will potentially irreversibly weaken countries' sovereignty in border management.
Justin Trudeau Canada's Liberal gravedigger, multicultural AIDS
Until now, Canada was free to decide all aspects of its immigration policy, but Justin Trudeau wants to kill Canada and make it disappear because for him, just like his father the traitor the destruction will be eminent without discussions with the common people, the taxpayers. This freedom allows it to increase or decrease immigration conditions and thresholds according to national and international circumstances. Ottawa has used, if not abused, this latitude.
Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron two leeches want to lead the planet
So why give a supranational organization control of immigration? Why voluntarily and enthusiastically abdicate a freedom that should, in principle, serve national interests, to replace it with a framework of intervention that will only serve the interests of the UN?
Admittedly, the Covenant is said to be "non-binding". For the moment ! Because one must be naive not to see an evolutionary process. Quickly, the moral obligation will become a legal obligation without possible return.
Trump understood that border control, national security and social cohesion are non-negotiable. Justin Trudeau happily sacrifices the rights of Canadians, from the majority to the "human right to migration". That was to be expected. To realize his Utopia of a post-national Canada, he must first orchestrate a national suicide!

The crusades of the Islamist barbarians of Saudi Arabia
After the signing in Marrakech on December 10, 2018 of the so-called "non-binding" so-called "historic pact", several UN member countries refused to sign it and thus shoot themselves in foot. We understand them. They have, at least, wise leaders who listen to their people who are sovereign. Not us !
The Pact of Marrakech, the pact of Islam to conquer the West aims neither more nor less to facilitate migration. To convince ourselves of this, and for all that to come into our heads of idiots, the word "migration" returns more than 60 times in this shameful document of 34 pages!
Often overlooked by the media "human rights", the incredible cost of immigration (legal and illegal) suggests that in terms financial, the signatory countries will not benefit! On the contrary !
The example of Macron's France is the typical example. 70 billion swept in the trash for strangers from elsewhere when it is hard to find 5 billion to calm a popular revolt that screams its famine and struggles to eat for 4 weeks!
The "yellow vests" have written on their placards: "they do not want the pact of Marrakech" because they know that all this money wasted for "migrations" such as toothpaste coming out of the tube, will come out of their pockets and n will enter more!
Justin Mohammed Trudeau treats like his father, vermin of the worst species

Canada and Quebec wake up all before the destruction of our countries, by migrants and immigrants
The debate on the cost of immigration revolves around the financial cost by obscuring the indirect costs more diffuse.
We are witnessing, without any reaction, a change in French society.
Immigration - especially Muslim, Islamist, terrorist - has an impact on the short and long term, including the dissemination of visible or not visible cultural practices that transform the urban landscapes in a notable way.
Thus the increase of Halal shops, whose "crusader" knows well that it refers to the difference between "pure" and "impure", nurseries and swimming pools sacrificed, some sports practiced with inadequate clothing, all accompanied the decline of Christian signs while the veil proliferates ostentatiously without the police verbalize, at the request of the prefects, and therefore the Minister of the Interior, in short the entire Macron government. Add to this, the desire to see the horizons of our country disappear Christian signs present for hundreds of years, such as the crosses of churches or martyrdoms.
The non-assimilation of immigrants and the suppression of our Western and Christian values ​​and freedoms
By law, our freedom is restricted every day under the pressure of religious or associative lobbies. French, close it otherwise you go to gnouf (no, it's not a term of Arabic origin!)
Our duty is to change all that. Do not let yourself fall asleep by the so-called republican reflex. The beautiful joke! We see where that led us!

In the next European elections, vote for those who defend you and justice and the media bridle and despise. Governments and lobbies favorable to immigration contribute to widening the gap between the honest modest people, those who make up the true France of always and these elites out of ground leaving the great schools which do not even know you anymore speak French. All this makes you realize that you are forgotten from the system from above and increases your sense of abandonment. Your reaction has been healthy and we support you.

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