samedi 29 novembre 2014

Gaétan Barrette tackles lazy Quebec doctors - Bend or Mirage Stick

Gaétan Barrette tackles lazy doctors - Bend or Mirage Stick:
November 28, 2014 Journal de Québec

After Carrot, the Gaétan Barrette out the big guns and announced a law to cut the salaries of doctors who do not see enough patients .
"We tried to increase the number of doctors, it did not work. We gave substantial increases, it did not work. We tried incentives, it did not work. Improving access to the first line can not pass through additional  "commented costs,the Minister of Health during the presentation of his new project law.
It threatens doctors who do not do enough tocut up to 30% of their salary. "The stick is coming," warned Mr. Barrette. In return, he believes that this measure will enable Quebec to have a family doctor.
Dr. Barrette, himself a specialist, critical particularly family doctors, who do not "workenough."Almost 60% of family physicians work less than 175days a year, for an average of 117 days, deplored the minister, who added that "analysis over a period of 15 years shows a steady decrease in the number of days worked and the number of patients seen per day worked.

"Nomore premium Bolduc
Given this failure, Gaétan Barrette completely changes the strategy of the Government of Quebec. Gone, for example, the regime "ineffective" in signing bonus of patients allowed Yves Bolduc to pocket more than $ 200,000.
He will order the doctors to handle more patients.
Currently, the minister said, a general practitioner who has 10 years of experience sees fewer than 600 patients on average. He will now have more than 1,000 dependents and must consult them regularly. The lack of attendance may be punished by a wage compression of 30%.
Financial losses
If patientswith adoctor familyto the ED or go to the outpatient clinic without going through his office, he will be penalized. If he does not do his minimum number of hours of specific medical activities, he will be penalized. If he does not support a minimum of patients determined by the state, he will be penalized.
"We developed a practice that promotes access to his patients to avoid a monetary loss. Currently it is more profitable to make emergency rather than the firm, "said Gaétan Barrette.
Bill 20, introduced yesterday in the National Assembly follows the Bill 10 which abolishes health agencies.
End of the free for assisted reproduction
The access to care bill also ends free of assisted reproduction program.
"I announce that our government has also decided to end public coverage of these acts ", launched the Health Minister, Gaétan Barrette, in press conference.
The minister banned in vitro fertilization activities among women under 18 years of age and those over 42 years. In addition, "assisted reproductive activities will in some cases be preceded by a psychosocial assessment," warned Mr. Barrette.

Tax Credit
To ensure access to IVF, which costs up $ 5,000, the Couillard government will implement a tax credit proportional to household income. This credit will pay 20% to 80% of the price of the program.
The conditions are severe, however. One insemination cycle will be paid until the age of 37 years and households who have already had a child or which man was ligated vasectomy or female will not qualify. Couples who participate in the program must also prove to the state that they have had previous sexual relations.
"The program is open to all and to all, both heterosexual couples and single women and couples from same sex, male or female. A minimum period of sexual intercourse or artificial insemination would be required prior to fertilization treatment, "said Gaétan Barrette.
$ 131 million
The legislative proposal is based in part on the recommendations in the report of the Commissioner for health and well be Robert Salois. This suggested criteria crunch that would save 30%.
In four years, the AHR Quebec program cost $ 131 million to the RAMQ and the public drug plan. It will cost $ 70 million this year. Quebec hopes to save $ 48 million with these changesdays.
- With the collaboration of Louis Gagné
117  |. Average annual days worked by 59% of GPs
564-1000 | Increase requested the number of patients cared for by a doctor with 10 years of practice|..
30%  Fade income if the targets are not achieved

vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Michaëlle Jean - Social welfare of the rich

Michaëlle Jean? Social welfare of the rich.
Here is a chronic you'll be tempted to stop reading from the second paragraph. Please, give me a chance.
This weekend will be held on the fifteenth Francophonie Summit in Dakar, Senegal. We go to elect the Secretary General of La Francophonie Abdou Diouf will succeed. Be nice, even read a little.

This election is important for Quebec because the Francophonie is the only international space where Quebec has a unique personality almost.
Before you get out the usual nonsense on international politics of Quebec , we know that it costs less than $ 100 million a year and that its budget was reduced by 37.4% since 2000.
Several candidates are vying for the leadership of the institutional Francophonie worldwide yaws, which Michaëlle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, so our vice queen for 5 years.

It is supported by the Harper government that does not care about Africa as one record the temperature of the past month, and the government Couillard, whose saw it as much sensitivity to language issues a deaf has for music.
We look Michaëlle Jean's candidacy and one is tempted to laugh. But it's not funny.
The thirty African heads of state, which forms the center of gravity of the Francophonie, is an assembly of politicians among the rogues and resilient in the world. Many have blood on their hands. Among them Michaëlle Jean would think of a lamb surrounded by crocodiles.
She was appointed Governor General Paul Martin in 2005, mainly because she was a fabulously media incarnation of multicultural rectitude such that the like in Ottawa. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken every means could to get rid of it as far as Canada.
Before, she had made ​​an honest journalism career, but not brighter than that of dozens of colleagues who, unlike her had the bad habit of not illuminate each photo.
Seriously, called a single realization of Michaëlle Jean?
As representative of Queen Elizabeth II, she cut ribbons and makes humanist speech to school children. If the goal was to give Ottawa a modernist polish colonial vestige putrid, it was successful. But we name one important achievement Michaëlle Jean.
Recognize him all the same, a fabulous talent for self-promotion and reinvention, having passed the toasts to freedom of the peoples with his friends in the service of sovereignist the British monarchy.
It's called home have a "bull's forehead."The French would say an "immeasurable forelock."
Can you imagine the Francophonie headed by an African who would have served as representative of the colonial power who enslaved his country? No, but apparently it can in the case of Ms. Michaëlle Jean.
It's simple, last week, the Francophonie will decide if it wants to be taken seriously.
Among the main reasons she might have this position is the color her skin, and intelligence ie spend money indiscriminately for all taxpayers. She was able to slip through the cracks reigning all separatisti nterests.This turncoat yet have its moment of glory at the height of the Francophonie with beautiful dresses but with empty content as it can. It will be queen for a night.
The Queen can do no wrong, her majesty.

mardi 25 novembre 2014

Quebec cameleon - Is there a difference in the Government of Quebec and the black hole in astrology?

Iis there a difference in the Government of Quebec
and the black hole in astrology?
What is a black hole?
The ball marks the area where light and matter can not escape , is called the"eventhorizon."
Black Hole M-106
is sometimes called the "surface" of the black hole, although the term is somewhat incorrect (there is not a solid or gaseous surface like the surface a planet or a star).It is not an area that has special characteristics: an observer who would cross the horizon would not feel anything special this timeour.  It's like with the Government of Québec it taken off us our monies and  assets gradually, it hurtsless.
However,he would realize that he could not escape from this region if trying to turn around. It is a kind of point of noreturn.In essence, this is a situation that is somewhat similar to that of a swimmer who would move away from the coast. For example, if the swimmer may only swim two kilometers, it will not feel anything if he leaves to more than a kilometer from the coast; but if it should turn back, he will realize that he does not have enough energy to reach the shore.
In contrast, an observer located in the vicinity of the horizon seen that time flows differently for him and for an observer located far from the black hole. If he sends light signals at regular intervals (eg one second), then the observer near the black hole will receive more energy signals (frequency of light signals will be higher as a result of the blue shift suffered by the light falling toward the black hole) and the time intervals between two consecutive signals will be shorter (less than one second, so).
Philippe Couillard embodies the black hole of Quebec cunning as the devil
This observer will have the impression that time is faster flowing to his colleague stayed away from the black hole than for him. Conversely, the observer stayed away from the black hole will evolve his colleague growing slowly over time in the latter seeming to flow more slowly.
If the remote observer sees an object falling into a black hole, the twophenomena time expansion and redshift will combine. Potential signals emitted by the object will become redder, less light (light emitted loses more and more energy before reaching the distant observer) and more and more widely spaced.
In practice, the number of photons received by the distant observer will decrease rapidly, becoming zero: this time, the object being to fall into the black hole became invisible. Even if the remote viewer attempts to approach the horizon to recover the object he had the impression of seeing stop just before the horizon, it will remain invisible.
To an observer s' approaching a singularity, what are the effects of tide that will become important. These effects, which determine the deformation of an object (the body of an astronaut, for example) because of the heterogeneity of the gravitationalfield,will inevitably perceived by an observer approaching too close to a black hole or a singularity.
The area where the tidal effects become important is entirely within the horizon for supermassive black holes, but significantly encroach beyond the horizon of stellar black holes.
Thus, an observer approaching a stellar black hole would be shredded before passing the horizon, while the same observer would approach a supermassive black hole safely spend the horizon. It would still inevitably destroyed by tidal effects,approaching the singularity.
The management of our money to the Government of Quebec?
There is no difference because both holes can not be filled and eat everything what is going on around him without considering the needs of taxpayers. In astrology, it's black hole eliminates the astral natural functions.  
But the Government of Quebec cram our leaders with a ferocious appetite, devouring everything in its path, eliminating any competition, creating laws and ministries seeing that everything belongs to him . The taxpayer is the source that should contribute to 100 percent for fattening of a group of privileged individuals in opposition of the people.  

This system has been in place for several years with boyfriends, with a common point of politician or the officer is to fill stockings wool for his family and well-being very personal. Therefore there is no difference between the Mafia, the Quebec government or astral black hole. All the particles fly and fled in a large bag for their own good that is still no end in finding all the ways to scam people. This is a spendthrift for the wealthy as I often say it is the social welfare of the rich and elite.

René Lavertue - Rene Levesque University in Guinea

René-Lévesque University Guinea

October 26, 2012 11:39 p.m. | Stefasnescu Alexander, writer and secretary general of the René-Lévesque Foundation |Québec

InRené-Lévesque Foundation, a couple of Guineans tried to join us there a few years to inform us a new rather unusual. They had opened in Guinea René-Lévesque University of Conakry ( Came to Quebec to study both in the late 1980s, just after the death of René Lévesque, they were struck by the fervor that his name aroused among the people of Quebec and we were saying how much it had marked them.

And in Africa when you give the name of an educational institution with a character, that's what he has accomplished, of course, but in symbolic value: it is also for the qualities of the character spill over students. As a model to follow, as inspiring character, Guinean students can expect to be given the qualities of René Lévesque. [...]

We went to Guinea, I and the daughter of Mr. Lévesque, Suzanne, at the first convocation, in front of 200 or 300 students. We talked about the politician, the man they wanted to hear us. In this country where natural resources are such that they could also create their hydropower, it was fascinating to tell how Mr. Lévesque, with the nationalization of electricity was specifically working to develop an economy for the people and not for large companies.

In a system that has been marked by corruption, they were also fascinated to hear about all the efforts made ​​by the man in fighting corruption. [...]

Beyond Founder Password
Welcome to theUniversity René Levesquecarrier.
Created in 2004 by a culture of high standards and inspired by a vision of the future  Become one of the best universities in Africa and the foundation of our world approach.

With its 04faculties,09departments,nearly 12programs training  provide for several international profile, the entrepreneurial profile, cooperative profile René Lévesque University is a comprehensive university which covers almost all fields of knowledge to three study cycles (Bachelor, Master and PhD).
Many services, resources and activities are available to our students to promote the success of their project studies and enhance their stay with us, including the Office of schooling The Department of Student Affairs, the residences of the Service, the Employment Service, the personal and professional development service, the Library, the Department of sporting and cultural activities. Choosing the University René Lévesque,is choosing to go the route followed since its founding more than 1200 graduates, Guinea and around the world, contributing to the development of society.
The University René Lévesque is a leading university in research and creation with its high posture research professors.
The University René Lévesque wants an open university to the world. Through our diverse student mobility initiatives and some 05 partnership agreements with universities in 03 countries, our students each year have the opportunity to complete part of their studies in another country or to benefit from a course.
Being a university firmly committed to the environment,René Lévesque University actively participates in the cultural, economic and social life of the beautiful city of Conakry, in which it is deeply rooted, with strong links with its citizens and with its companies and organizations with which it builds successful partnerships in continuing education, research and service to the community.
The University René Lévesque would also be a university as an example for the quality of its educational services, its sound management of resources human, recognition and promotion of its staff and its ongoing efforts so that everyone can achieve their full potential.
Determined to exercise greater leadership on major issues of society,René Lévesque University is a modern university that s 'invests in sustainable development and manages its resources responsibly.
Hadja Salimatou DIALLO,

lundi 24 novembre 2014

René Lavertue Intolerant or Incoherent about RELIGION

Intolerant or inconsistent?
Document René Lavertue
Religions are like other ideologies. Religious laws were made ​​by "men","the male" that many say he has not been able evolved over the ages.
I'm not saying by humans because women have never been entitled thechapter.  
Besides, one of the main foundations of these ideologies is the repression of sexual power of women. Fortunately, this is their most dismal failurechoices.
Anyone who adheres to a religion that has 2 Intolerance or inconsistencynot.
If a person chooses to obey the letter to his religious ideology it can be qu'intolérante because it refuses to make any concessions whatsoever. His religious ideology will prevail all others. This is what is happening right now.
People not wanting to be inconsistent refuse any concessions whatsoever and claim any public space. There are places that because of the function they perform, must show the universality and not any peculiarity. Also, people who do not want to understand this showselfishness  they think only of their right to display their distinctiveness andmulticulturalism.
By cons, if they agree to sprains to their religious ideology they will become inconsistent.We experienced that in Quebec there is barely half a century: religious intolerance bordering on vomit. Then time helping gradually became incoherent Quebecers to end centuries of religious intolerance.
Is faith these Quebecers is less than that of their ancestors?
On thecontrary,I believe that these Quebecers accepting the inconsistency and sending to graze intolerance of Roman religious hierarchy have opted to support the interiority of their faith expense of external signs that symbolize only a submission to tyranny, which is content seem to better ensure the submission of their followers.
Recently in Ireland, intolerant murdered a young woman instead of an abortion. One example among thousands of others that show that nothing can moveideologies

who for millennia were never any concessions whatsoever. There are deeply religious people who have dared to challenge their superiors.
Most of these people were part of the lower clergy and paid the price. These workingpriests,for example, who agreed to wear work clothes to better integrate. These are the people that often I found admirable because they accepted liturgicalinconsistencies,altogether insignificant, to show that they preferred the humanism of their convictions to a dress parade.
The argument of some people to justify the wearing of ostentatious signs in the public service is that they want to allow people to keep their jobs. I do not deny the paramount importance of work for every human being. It is one of the foundations of social integration by allowing economic freedom.
These people have two choices
Or they remain intolerant and lose their jobs, or they accept an inconsistency as did Quebecers there for decades and integrate our secularsociety.Impossible to live without compromise society. In this debate, Tolerance is the side of the laity who want to book a neutral public space without which all social life becomes impossible. Signatories to the overall refusal have lost their jobs and / or were forced into exile for opposing the Catholic Church. They assumed their choice. Similarly thousands of homeless prefer the street social conformity.
What do we ask these people. Not wearing ofsymbols conspicuous religious 8 hours in a day, five days a week.
Wow! A crime againsthumanity.
And we dare to compare that to the thousands of years of bloody massacres of millions of human beings perpetrated by religious hierarchies that are still accoquinés up with the most appalling far-right political hierarchies. Is a live wire at any tabernacle!
Religious symbols are not neutral.
For me, the sight of a kipa, a veil, a turban is the equivalent of aswastika.They remind me that all these humiliations inflicted intolerant religious hierarchies and those who support them, to millions of people.  
I find it very "bad faith" those people who opt for a religious facade at the expense of an interiority that is thE true place of faith. A faith that is alive in the soul not on the head. Allah, Jesus, Lord, Vishnu and other supposed gods they are just idiots who indulge into insignificance? If these people choose an appearance of religion over religion of interiority they assume their choice.
A person who wants to be free choices assumes

Should the charter be adopted with the ban on conspicuous religious symbols such persons have two choices: either they remain intransigent and will lose their jobs or they will be inconsistent and keep it. If they choose the intransigence they assume it.
If the law on secularism that bans wearing ostentatious signs as provided Bill Quebec party is created, we can distinguish those who choose an inconsistency to enable greater social peace and intolerant who agree to lose their jobs. I am curious to know how the will.  
How many times have said they would leave
Quebec if Bill 101 was passed?
I do not understand that Françoise David that claims to come to the defense of women supports Women of the extreme right? Should she explained to me. These uncompromising women are not thick, they know what they are doing. These same women screaming injustice but that oppress their own daughters. Any retreat of secularism will be a victory for them. Shrink oppression is to encourage oppression.

Only a firm stand can stop it. This is what is made ​​in France. To prevent forced marriages of young girls, they brought the right to marry at 18. It is by the laws we contrerons fundamentalism not by "wishful thinking".
Hope that fundamentalists changetime
over  utopian purest
They have not changed for millennia. History has shown that it is a disaster for freedom when there is no strict separation between church and state. All major religions say were imposed by the ultra violence.
In recent weeks we see in Canada and Quebec Muslim fundamentalists are terrorists who cultivate hatred Western by indoctrinating people who lack discernment and intelligence.
René Lavertue
member of Québec Solidaire

dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Children gardening daycare under the liberal Government Philippe Couillad, Cost per day in Canada, USA and Lyon, France

Liberal government Philippe Couillard, Children gardening center Daycare, cost per child for a family with 2 children with an annual income of $ 100,000 in 2015
                   Capitals                                            Cost per child                          
Québec, Québec
$ 7.30 per day per child in 2014 or
$ 1.898 per year
Québec, Québec
$ 3.197 in 2015
Vancouver, BC
$ 14.580
Calgary, Alberta
$ 12.600
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
$ 9.600
Winnipeg, Manitoba
$ 7.812
Toronto, Ontario
$ 20.112
St. John, Nova Scotia
$ 16.728
Juneau, Alaska
Salem, Oregon
$ 13.452
Sacramento, California
$ 12.068
Denver, Colorado
$ 12.736
Honolulu, Hawaii
$ 12.473
Saint Paul, Minnesota
$ 13.876
Hartford, Connecticut
$ 12.973
Washington, DC
$ 21.948
Annapolis Maryland
13.055 $
Albany, New York
$ 14.939
Boston, Massachusetts
$ 166.430
Concord, New Hampshire
$ 11.730
Your family situation

early childhood, Lyon France, in 2014 prices
Pricing Micro crib
1 Euro = 1.39 Canadian dollars or US $ 1.24
The Pricing is calculated on a basis of 47 weeks (52 weeks with five weeks annual closure)

These rates do not include meals and snacks and diapers are the responsibility of the parentsoptions.

Meals and snacks, 3
Infant, Baby mixed and child

registrationfee:€ 75 per year / per child non refundable in case of cancellation.

> 50 hours
Between 49h and 40h
Between 39h and 30h
Between 29h and 20h
Between 19h and 10h
10h Below
net hourly cost
50 h
40 h
30 h
20 h
10 h
8 h
Net costmonthly installments
€ 1,435
€ 1,235
€ 987
€ 749
€ 432
€ 395
Cost after using CAF tr1
€ 607
€ 407
€ 148
€ 113
€ 65
€ 60
cost after using CAF tr2
€ 722
€ 522
€ 274
€ 113
€ 65
€ 60
cost after using CAF tr3
836 €
636 €
388 €
150 €
€using the CAF for a child under 3 years is:

Tranche 1: € 827.87 if your income is less than € 20,706 / year

Tranche 2: € 713.66 s they are less than € 46,014 / year

Tranche 3: € 599.48 if they exceed € 46,014 / year

A minimum of 15% must remain the responsibility of the parents (minimum 16 hours of care per month)

A credit Tax of 50% of childcare costs or expenses to a maximum of 2,300 euros, a reduction equal to 1150 euros maximum per year per child under six.
Pricing extracurricular Daycare (evening after school on Wednesday and school holidays)
8 € per hour with snack surcharge 1.50 € VAT

Registration fee: € 75 per year / per child

assistance of CAF for a 3 to 6 years is:

Tranche 1: € 413.94 if your income are less than € 20,706 / year

Tranche 2: € 356.83 if they are less than € 46,014 / year

Tranche 3: € 299.75 if they exceed € 46,014 / year

note, a minimum of 15% must remain by the parents (minimum 16 hours of care per month)
CPE Lyon, France: