vendredi 28 novembre 2014

Michaëlle Jean - Social welfare of the rich

Michaëlle Jean? Social welfare of the rich.
Here is a chronic you'll be tempted to stop reading from the second paragraph. Please, give me a chance.
This weekend will be held on the fifteenth Francophonie Summit in Dakar, Senegal. We go to elect the Secretary General of La Francophonie Abdou Diouf will succeed. Be nice, even read a little.

This election is important for Quebec because the Francophonie is the only international space where Quebec has a unique personality almost.
Before you get out the usual nonsense on international politics of Quebec , we know that it costs less than $ 100 million a year and that its budget was reduced by 37.4% since 2000.
Several candidates are vying for the leadership of the institutional Francophonie worldwide yaws, which Michaëlle Jean, former Governor General of Canada, so our vice queen for 5 years.

It is supported by the Harper government that does not care about Africa as one record the temperature of the past month, and the government Couillard, whose saw it as much sensitivity to language issues a deaf has for music.
We look Michaëlle Jean's candidacy and one is tempted to laugh. But it's not funny.
The thirty African heads of state, which forms the center of gravity of the Francophonie, is an assembly of politicians among the rogues and resilient in the world. Many have blood on their hands. Among them Michaëlle Jean would think of a lamb surrounded by crocodiles.
She was appointed Governor General Paul Martin in 2005, mainly because she was a fabulously media incarnation of multicultural rectitude such that the like in Ottawa. Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken every means could to get rid of it as far as Canada.
Before, she had made ​​an honest journalism career, but not brighter than that of dozens of colleagues who, unlike her had the bad habit of not illuminate each photo.
Seriously, called a single realization of Michaëlle Jean?
As representative of Queen Elizabeth II, she cut ribbons and makes humanist speech to school children. If the goal was to give Ottawa a modernist polish colonial vestige putrid, it was successful. But we name one important achievement Michaëlle Jean.
Recognize him all the same, a fabulous talent for self-promotion and reinvention, having passed the toasts to freedom of the peoples with his friends in the service of sovereignist the British monarchy.
It's called home have a "bull's forehead."The French would say an "immeasurable forelock."
Can you imagine the Francophonie headed by an African who would have served as representative of the colonial power who enslaved his country? No, but apparently it can in the case of Ms. Michaëlle Jean.
It's simple, last week, the Francophonie will decide if it wants to be taken seriously.
Among the main reasons she might have this position is the color her skin, and intelligence ie spend money indiscriminately for all taxpayers. She was able to slip through the cracks reigning all separatisti nterests.This turncoat yet have its moment of glory at the height of the Francophonie with beautiful dresses but with empty content as it can. It will be queen for a night.
The Queen can do no wrong, her majesty.

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