lundi 24 novembre 2014

René Lavertue Intolerant or Incoherent about RELIGION

Intolerant or inconsistent?
Document René Lavertue
Religions are like other ideologies. Religious laws were made ​​by "men","the male" that many say he has not been able evolved over the ages.
I'm not saying by humans because women have never been entitled thechapter.  
Besides, one of the main foundations of these ideologies is the repression of sexual power of women. Fortunately, this is their most dismal failurechoices.
Anyone who adheres to a religion that has 2 Intolerance or inconsistencynot.
If a person chooses to obey the letter to his religious ideology it can be qu'intolérante because it refuses to make any concessions whatsoever. His religious ideology will prevail all others. This is what is happening right now.
People not wanting to be inconsistent refuse any concessions whatsoever and claim any public space. There are places that because of the function they perform, must show the universality and not any peculiarity. Also, people who do not want to understand this showselfishness  they think only of their right to display their distinctiveness andmulticulturalism.
By cons, if they agree to sprains to their religious ideology they will become inconsistent.We experienced that in Quebec there is barely half a century: religious intolerance bordering on vomit. Then time helping gradually became incoherent Quebecers to end centuries of religious intolerance.
Is faith these Quebecers is less than that of their ancestors?
On thecontrary,I believe that these Quebecers accepting the inconsistency and sending to graze intolerance of Roman religious hierarchy have opted to support the interiority of their faith expense of external signs that symbolize only a submission to tyranny, which is content seem to better ensure the submission of their followers.
Recently in Ireland, intolerant murdered a young woman instead of an abortion. One example among thousands of others that show that nothing can moveideologies

who for millennia were never any concessions whatsoever. There are deeply religious people who have dared to challenge their superiors.
Most of these people were part of the lower clergy and paid the price. These workingpriests,for example, who agreed to wear work clothes to better integrate. These are the people that often I found admirable because they accepted liturgicalinconsistencies,altogether insignificant, to show that they preferred the humanism of their convictions to a dress parade.
The argument of some people to justify the wearing of ostentatious signs in the public service is that they want to allow people to keep their jobs. I do not deny the paramount importance of work for every human being. It is one of the foundations of social integration by allowing economic freedom.
These people have two choices
Or they remain intolerant and lose their jobs, or they accept an inconsistency as did Quebecers there for decades and integrate our secularsociety.Impossible to live without compromise society. In this debate, Tolerance is the side of the laity who want to book a neutral public space without which all social life becomes impossible. Signatories to the overall refusal have lost their jobs and / or were forced into exile for opposing the Catholic Church. They assumed their choice. Similarly thousands of homeless prefer the street social conformity.
What do we ask these people. Not wearing ofsymbols conspicuous religious 8 hours in a day, five days a week.
Wow! A crime againsthumanity.
And we dare to compare that to the thousands of years of bloody massacres of millions of human beings perpetrated by religious hierarchies that are still accoquinés up with the most appalling far-right political hierarchies. Is a live wire at any tabernacle!
Religious symbols are not neutral.
For me, the sight of a kipa, a veil, a turban is the equivalent of aswastika.They remind me that all these humiliations inflicted intolerant religious hierarchies and those who support them, to millions of people.  
I find it very "bad faith" those people who opt for a religious facade at the expense of an interiority that is thE true place of faith. A faith that is alive in the soul not on the head. Allah, Jesus, Lord, Vishnu and other supposed gods they are just idiots who indulge into insignificance? If these people choose an appearance of religion over religion of interiority they assume their choice.
A person who wants to be free choices assumes

Should the charter be adopted with the ban on conspicuous religious symbols such persons have two choices: either they remain intransigent and will lose their jobs or they will be inconsistent and keep it. If they choose the intransigence they assume it.
If the law on secularism that bans wearing ostentatious signs as provided Bill Quebec party is created, we can distinguish those who choose an inconsistency to enable greater social peace and intolerant who agree to lose their jobs. I am curious to know how the will.  
How many times have said they would leave
Quebec if Bill 101 was passed?
I do not understand that Françoise David that claims to come to the defense of women supports Women of the extreme right? Should she explained to me. These uncompromising women are not thick, they know what they are doing. These same women screaming injustice but that oppress their own daughters. Any retreat of secularism will be a victory for them. Shrink oppression is to encourage oppression.

Only a firm stand can stop it. This is what is made ​​in France. To prevent forced marriages of young girls, they brought the right to marry at 18. It is by the laws we contrerons fundamentalism not by "wishful thinking".
Hope that fundamentalists changetime
over  utopian purest
They have not changed for millennia. History has shown that it is a disaster for freedom when there is no strict separation between church and state. All major religions say were imposed by the ultra violence.
In recent weeks we see in Canada and Quebec Muslim fundamentalists are terrorists who cultivate hatred Western by indoctrinating people who lack discernment and intelligence.
René Lavertue
member of Québec Solidaire

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