The religious fanatics are part
of the carelessness of our leaders in Canada
Their powers are in the power of money and misinformation of the masses. In the words of Jesus Christ, death will come as a thief. These fanatics are thieves life and souls of all mankind.
The djiadistes are home, vegetate and wait for it to make a final attack by undermining our civilization with the help of some elitepoliticians,psychologists, doctors, media, bland tolerance our people using our rule of law to eliminate our culture.
Omar Shafik Hammami US jihadist in Somalia
since September 11, the specter of religious fanaticism haunts, and many wonder if the violence is intrinsic to Islam. Based not only on history, but on the verses of theQur'an,some claim that religion is viscerally fanatical and warlike. Do not admit it, they say, would be as serious as blindness past Westerners face error. Communismor NazismFollowing my last column, I received several emails from readers of "Psychologies" going in this direction. I repeat here very clearly. I do not subscribe to this view
Writes about thirty years after thedeath Prophet's from oral traditions, the Qur'an is infused with an ideology that was the conqueror of Islam.
The famous jihad, calling for holy war, urged Muslims to fight against the infidels - "which are only blemish" - to convert (Sura IX). But in addition to these texts, there are many words which have God as "merciful merciful" (Sura I) and call believers to conform their lives to justice and divine mercy (Sura III, 5) .
This ambivalence between love and violence is not unique to the Qur'an.
Jean-Daniel and his brother Nicolas Good Toulouse France (see other article)
Islam a Religion Alleged
It is the fact of religions that claim to be "revealed" that is to say, given by God to believers through a sacred text. Found in the Bible many passages where God commands the Jews tokill their adversaries to conquer the Promised Land (Joshua 8) and, during the Crusades, the Catholic Church was in the Scriptures justification for its policy of conquest and murder. As the Gospels gave Francis of Assisi and the Grand Inquisitor, the Quran inspired the most beautiful love and the attacks of September 11 poems.
This ambiguity texts raises the question of interpretation. A literal interpretation of the most bellicose verses necessarily lead to the worst extremes.
The fanaticism feeds fundamentalism
of allreligions.
Over time, and worked by modernity, Jewish and Christian communities have developed a critical reading of their scriptures. This led to a humanistic interpretation, offering a spiritual explanation, allegorical or symbolic passages that appear to contradict the notion, recognized as fundamental love and respect for others.
British Djiadistes
The real problem with Islam is therefore theKoran,but the fear of modernity in many religious leaders, and the lack of community interpretation that can prioritize the contradictions of the text itself, through a reading focusing respectful faith of others, especially women and non-Muslims. On this point, Islam, born nearly fifteen centuries after six Judaism and Christianity, is still a "young" religion.
Yet from its origins, some mystical currents such as Sufism got down to the task. Jihad was more then interpreted as a war conquest, but as a force on itself an internal conquest, becoming unfaithful everything that resists faith and love of God in the believer's heart. Unfortunately, such readings remained marginal, opposed by the authorities afraid to focus the mind in relation to the letter.
The exploitation of the Koran by terrorists makes it urgent for many devout Muslims and pacifists, a critical review of their sources and institutional work of interpretation.
Abdul Gaffar al-Almani German djahiste
Only then will the Muslim community against the most sectarian readings an authorized interpretation of the Koran, and disqualifying interpretations leaders seeking revenge against the West ( BinLaden),or nostalgic for a company fully subject to Sharia(Taliban).And we certainly do not help to achieve this salutary effort demonizing them, the way their fanatical demonize theWest.
In these times of uncertainty on this planet earth, it is only supposed to Islam or Muslim religion that terrorizes the whole universe, that is to say, the destruction of humanity. Does this religion will be the anti-Christ, the destructionview:.
SuiteWHY Jean-Daniel and his brother Nicolas died, one at the front in Aleppo and one in Homs bomber
Mohamed Elomar djadiste Australie
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