mardi 25 août 2015

Philippe Couillard - prime minister of Quebec - Yes we can mock from religion, law 59 - Canada is a free country and secular

YES- We can mock from religion, law 59
The Liberal bill against hate speech is not only unnecessary, it may be absolutely harmful.

Air Canada, daily
Philippe Couillard
Flight schedule to Riad Saudi Air Canada Montreal Trudeau (YUL) 9:30 p.m. in Frankfurt (FRA) finish 10:55
Lufthansa Frankfurt (FRA) Departure 12:55 to Riad, (RVH) arrival 3:10 p.m. local time.
Space for your brain 79 cm with two armrests Cost $ 1,762.00 in business class and friends will be waiting at the airport and do not forget your friends and families of Quebec, and some lawyers, special rates for groups
One who best demonstrated not  but Julius Grey Imam Salam Elmenyawi "You can insult me, but do not insult my  said religion,"the representative of the Muslim Council of Montreal in committee Thursday. The man claims that renders illegal to make fun of religions.

What an insult, anyway? A mockery-.
If that were the case, it would probably build new prisons to house the comedians  Or those who, convinced of the superiority of their religion or atheists, attacking the other
Bill 59 will not until then. But he intends to allow the Human Rights Commission for investigation of cases of hate speech or speech that incite violence. Offenders are liable to a minimum penalty of $ 1,000 and a maximum of $ 20,000 for a subsequent offense.
Yet publicly incite hatred, promote hatred against an "identifiable group" is already a two-year crime punishable Canadian prison. As this is an exception to freedom of expression, and as it is a crime, the evidence must be very strong case, very clear.

At the request  the Quebec of Human Rights Commission,concerned harassment in the internet, Couillard government wants to create an equivalent civil offense, which would make convictions easier.
Philippe Couillard is he the son of Machiavelli?
We guess that the complaints come from precisely people like Mr. Elmenyawi, do not tolerate teasing, ultra-sensitive to criticism people or people who would like is incorporated in the civil laws of the sacred principles of religion.
In a secular country, the state should not favor any religion and, in turn, individuals must accept a diversity of religious views - or nonreligious. This means accept unpleasant speech shocking, even hurtful. - Within the limits already established by law

The current limits are sufficient and I do not see why we would send to an already tangled commission on time with the task of making investigations matter for the police.
The bill goes on to say that if there is concern for "the life, health or safety of a person" of a group targeted by hate speech, the Commission can s 'address the court to stop these about.
Uh, excuse me? If someone's life is threatened by hate speech, it is urgent. And when there is an emergency, the last place is advised Rights Commission! There are police for that.
Criminal Code
exists in our Criminal Code a relic of the past which is called "blasphemous libel". This crime, punishable by up to two years imprisonment, targeted offenses against official churches  CANADA and QUEBEC. - Anglican or Catholic, Philippe Couillard
It fell into disuse, but in the first half of the twentieth century, it resulted in several lawsuits. Victor Sterry, an atheist Toronto member of the "Rationalist Society", was sentenced to two months in prison in 1927 for a text in which he ridiculed the religious beliefs and the Bible as superstitions fabrics.

We must reread outraged comments counsel for the prosecution, for which the whole society would collapse in a world without God, all crimes would be allowed, people would run naked in the streets, in short, there would be chaos, and to avoid this, we must imprison those who mock religion!
Philippe Couillard had the nerve to see the Pope Francis to say that Quebec is Catholic and that we share the same religious roots.
In Quebec, we can not count the number of lawsuits filed against Jehovah's Witnesses. The group was attacking in particular the Catholic religion and the alliance "unholy" of the Church with the political and economic power. They attacked Catholicism, priests, judges, etc. Most earned their trial, but sometimes after endless and wasteful procedures. The last took place in the 50s
it was at this time that the Supreme Court wrote, particularly for Maurice Duplessis, that "freedom of thought and speech and disagreement in ideas and beliefs, on every conceivable subject, are part of the essence of our  "This is
lives.a personal choice of being killed by her husband
This is why we need the least possible laws to vainly try to control all rude, uncivil, deeply stupid words - although, I admit, it's raining these days public
not only do we not need it, but we encourage the nervousness and susceptibility, two rather unhealthy stuff in  discourse..
Yes, in this country, we can even make fun of religion. The case is being heard for 75 years.
And in case you would not have noticed, freedom of religion and freedom of expression are side by side, glued-laminated in the same article of  Charter of theRights.As indissolubly married.

Failure to love passionately, they must learn to endure.
Mr. Philippe Couillard and his liberal family are they suffering from a rare disease called Islamic racist to Adil Charkaoui and prestigious Imams of the Quebec colony.
Speak there on both sides of the mouth at the same time? It should be the commentator for the television station "AMI" video description to one side of its jaws and captioning for the other side. We do not know if patriot Canadians and Quebecers or an undercover pro-religious exception in having as Catholicism-

mardi 18 août 2015

Imans Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkoui and Companies - Should we file lawsuits against them for the rehabilitation of our young

Imams Chaoui Hamza, Adil Charkaoui and companies
Request to ministries of justice of Quebec and Canada
controversial Imam Chaoui Hamza has finally filed a defamation lawsuit against the City of Montreal and Mayor Denis Coderre demanding $ 500,000 in damages.
Adil Charkaoui Écoles Musulmanes à Montréal portes ouvertes.jpg
Considering that all these individuals teaching hatred and destruction of democracy in the West to young adults in the Colleges of Quebec. Their final training, will become jihadist in the Middle East, that is to say simply criminals, because they are not martyrs, this is an extreme insult to the word martyr.
Since these so-called peacekeepers indoctrinated about 12 young people, is that the Department of Justice of Quebec has the right to prosecute imams Chaoui Hamza, Adil Charkaoui and companies, for damages for the loss of life and for the reconstruction of this young, I say rebuild good.  
Adil Charkaoui et Mohamed Rifaat en Syrie Thomas Mulclaire Justin Trudeau Lapidation épouse Adil Charkoui.jpg
Otherwise, manipulate the laws in effect, as you know so well and make sure that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does apply to criminals and the courts can not access. I strongly believe that our charters are there only to protect criminals and not to protect the honest citizen is entitled. We see too many religious accommodation for those monsters in our societies using our own laws against democracy. The virus is in us, and it is our politicians to wake up and put their pants if they are still in.
Iman Hamza Chaoui Mme Guenon Chaoui et esclave  Philippe Couillard.jpg
All this will bring $ 500,000 of restoration costs for each of these young multiplied by 12 equals 3 $ 000,000 to these so-called religious agitators, often dormant members of Al Qaeda in America.
Therefore is it that the Department of Justice in Ottawa could deport a boat with a sail in the middle of the Atlantic with a week of operation and they can teach their Machiavellian doctrine fish before reaching their promised land.
Cimetière à Montréal Djiadiste.jpg
These new laws give some weight against any person or organization teaching hatred of men and women of these demonic cults. Moreover our governments should never accept these criminals on Canadian soil. Our immigration system is not doing a good job letting these demagogues entry, rejected by their own country. They love the desert they want to create in Canada so that they return to their dunes with their wives and children to preach the scorpions with their prophets.

What is good for the gander is good for the goose

dimanche 16 août 2015

Gaétan Barrette managed a miracle for their friends of Power Corporation, assisted fertilization private

Curiously, when the Couillard government introduced Bill 20 aimed at ending the assisted fertilization program, we learn that the Desmarais family via IntegraMed owned nearly 97% to Sagard Capital, a subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada, is doing the acquiring greater assisted fertilization clinic in Quebec.
In plain terms, the Liberal government, indirectly, by its bill, siphons d on the one hand access to this program, always citing its austerity measures, while focusing on the other wealthier couples ... and filling the coffers of Desmarais.
The study of Bill 20 must return to the end of August.
For elementary ethical reasons, it is hoped that assisted fertilization in Quebec does not become "Power Corporation of power" to the delight of Quebec couples who want them, regardless their financial resources!
Carlos Leitao Ministre des finances du Québec 8.jpg
The Liberal Party of Quebec well heal their friends Desmarais of Power Corporation of several hundred million dollars a year. Gaétan Barrette is the minister has done more political skulduggery in Quebec in fooling us with the negotiations doctors who cost us 7 billion per year, we announced his resignation from the CAQ to join the Liberal Party of Quebec.
This yoyo is Machiavellian politics, hypocrite, self-centered, manipulative, narcissistic, and I think that although it may soon take the place of his personal friend Philippe Couillard. He has all the qualities of the leader who lies constantly always finding the explanation at the time. His word is matched only by his usurer brain. He could sell refrigerators and ice to Eskimos. Our doctors ministers much imagination to increase our deficits to their personal profits.
Mr. Philippe Couillard, the minister wants your place and the aura. It is true fox.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the capital of Muslim terrorism in Canada - without forgetting the other religions that make rain or shine

Montreal Capital of Muslim terrorism Canadian
Quarterback criminal offenses of terrorism hints occurred in Canada last year were recorded in Montreal, reveal new figures from Statistics Canada. Quebec's metropolis she attracts extremists reasons?

In recent months, Montreal has often made ​​about him for the wrong  Hometown of Michael Zehaf Bibeau,bomber Ottawa; Instead of starting at least seven college students parties do jihad in Syria and Iraq; city ​​of residence of a teenager 15 years became the first Canadian in December on charges of attempting to leave the country to participate in a terrorist activity under the new C-51 Law on the fight against terrorism, being not yet approved. The events of this nature were likely to make headlines.
And now new figures compiled by Statistics Canada sit the reputation of the metropolis as extremists nest.
In 2014, the various police forces in countries identified 67 criminal offenses in terrorism cases, from participation in the activities of a terrorist group to hoax terrorist activities.
Close to the business quarter occurred in Montreal, or a total of 14, only 4 against and 6 in Toronto Vancouver. Ottawa, Canada's capital, which, as we know, has housed at least a radical Islamist cell in recent years reaches the same level as Montreal.

Montreal Why?
The reason is simple our political elites and our Catholic leaders believe that they can give democracy to these people and the other cheek to help. These people need very strong discipline because most of their parents gave them everything they wanted. They want to know the other side of the coin. By joining the Imams as Amir Khadir,they fell in Islamic treads with all their secrets to destroy the world.  
In addition our Canadian Charters, Quebec and other provinces themselves, these detractors use against us with the authorization of our provincial governors, municipal, schools, and all public institutions, parastatals, and people, the intellectual of junk, our investigators french CBC,our journalists have the eyes closed so they are stuck.

Multiplying Religious unreasonable accommodation, using these arguments against direct democracy, up to say that we are Islamophobic, anti-Jewish, "anti" anything while denigrating our own Quebecers and French people have clapped Canada, this is to say our ancestors. All civilizations, peoples are good but not the Québécers people.  
We will stay well water carrier true by doing so. We threw out the Catholic religion, the Quiet Revolution, and religious mafias came there slowly with the help of our intellectuals, judges, deputies, sleeping on their seats and bombastic. Meanwhile in Canada, as in Europe, these religious and political mafias, because these religions practice of politics by bribing our politicians and elites at all levels against us.  
We build their mosques, schools, add it all of accommodations, we leave its sects make rain and good weather in the Laurentiens, they do not pay taxes and taxes, do not follow the directives of the education system, On Friday, they stand as they want to synagogues contradicting the laws of the city, making road signs change to please them.  

Since this quiet revolution, I would say that this revolution was not one. As people rooted in its sects reach their majority not knowing the laws of the country, language, writing, nothing. They will be new to the hook of society and perpetuate the same paths as their parents have given them or they use again our legislation with the assistance of some Jewish lawyer from Montreal, so they can harvest our again funds.
Meanwhile, our politicians throw the stones on each other making us dangled they act for the good of the community. They play very well their cinemas. They do not care, they put money in their pockets and spend the balance of their life to nirvana of corruption as Arthur Porter andacholic,enjoying their own corruptions with their families.
Again, the holders of the water elect with their children to the National Assembly in Ottawa or in other provinces because they have managed to put their roots of vipers into the soil of the country and are rooted to better sacrifice ourselves to pasture jackals of several religions .and religious
Religionsare in politics, they do not represent God, but their own power over their followersagree:.

experts consulted Montreal is indeed a hub.But why? "A network appeared at one point, Benjamin believes Ducol the Canada Research Chair in Conflict and Terrorism. We may not know why, but there is a fabric that is in place and do not necessarily exist elsewhere.
"Professor at UQAM and member of the Centre for the prevention of radicalization Montreal, Jocelyn Bélanger reminds as Quebec's metropolis has long been the haunt of radicals.
According to him, they gradually convert new followers. "Mosques in the city were already monitored by the Pentagon there for years," he said? In 2011, documents released by WikiLeaks have revealed such a mosque Park Extension in Montreal was in the cross hairs of the FBI.

"There seems to be a pool, a well-established network. One or cells organized with an agent provocateur that influences the people around him.
"Jocelyn Bélanger, professor at UQAM and member of the radicalization of Prevention Centre of

Montreal"In terrorism, the social network, peers, c is very important. "The researcher cites studies wanting in at least 70% of cases, people become radicalized because they already know someone who is a member or supporter of a terrorist group, be it a friend a parent or loved one. Where there's one, so there may be several.
For Dave Charland, former agent for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), it's also a matter of geography if Montreal is central to turmoil. Terrorist groups making the headlines today, the Islamic State (EI) or the Al-Nusra Front, are mainly established in Syria,near the Maghreb countries. Please note that Syria is a friendly country Canada and the United States.

"For this reason, these groups attract more people from North Africa," said the expert, who, however, that only a tiny minority of people are radicalized. In Canada, Montreal is home to a very large North African community because of the French. "If terrorist groups were more active in Afghanistan, for example, as was the case with Al-Qaeda, I believe that the situation would be different."
Obviously, adds Benjamin Ducol, Montreal is a great city. It is also a bilingual city, which he is connected to Europe, some cities such as Brussels are crossroads for extremists, more than many other North American cities.
A closer police, but sleeping also because our laws are fragile.
The other element not to be overlooked by analyzing the numbers, experts warn, is the vigilance of the authorities. Data published by Statistics Canada are from statistics compiled by the police. A police force that gives more importance to the fight against terrorism inevitably declare more events a little sensitive body that question.
Montreal and Ottawa were both stung by attacks in 2014. It is logical that the fight against terrorism will be a priority. "That does not necessarily mean that the threat is greater, but that more cases are judiciarized there," notes Ducol.
Terrorism is gaining ground in Montreal
The number of criminal terrorism offenses reported Police has doubled in five years in Canada, from 38 to 67. These figures correspond to the global trend, says Jocelyn Bélanger Central prevention of radicalization of Montreal. This is particularly because of the persuasiveness of the Islamic State group and its propaganda worldwide. "The IE is rendering a trademark."
Parties do jihad
New figures from Statistics Canada released in July show how many cases of people parties do jihad with terrorist groups were compiled in each city in 2014 . This is Toronto that takes the cake with 7 out of 14. It relates 3 ​​in Montreal. With the group of students from Collège de Maisonneuve party in early 2015, the figures for next year will be over 15 to Montreal.
We should thank our political elites to promote the expansion of Muslim terrorism in Canada, Philippe Couillard ( PLQ), Justin Trudeau (PLC), Thomas Mulcair (NDP), Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario (DFO), Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia (PLBC), and hundreds of others, charters rights and freedoms, and laws built in precipitation during the tragic and painful events without thought of future repercussions on society. You can say mea culpa, we re-elected our elite sold to rot all kinds.
We, the citizens we are very poorly shod is not it? Who can you trust when money control humans, and humans are their servants? Would you be better than these elites or you will say that all this is part of our daily reality and that n 'there is nothing to do? What is your answer?
Answer: ………….………………………………………………………………………

mercredi 5 août 2015

Why the politician is lying? It is our fault.

Why is he lying the politician?
The more we react poorly to the truth, more people will be inclined to lie to us. Here's the scoop: politicians sometimes lie. Imagine!

You wonder why politicians lie, or at least why they avoid telling the truth? Well here's the simple answer: because that's what it takes to win elections. The problem is not politicians but the voters. Politicians lie because voters punish honest candidates.
They also lie because "the appearance of goodness" helps to win votes. Point to the line. If a candidate says that taxes can only be reduced if we reduce services, or if he promises a new program that will require higher taxes, he has no chance against the candidate who promises to achieve the same things simply to "cut the fat"nature.
Human the liar

I haveis part of a selection committee for a new employee. One interviewer asked the candidate if he liked to work hard. It dutifully answered "yes" with enthusiasm ... I laughed under my breath. Who did he fool? Anyone with a little common sense would have done the same. "Uh, actually, I like to arrive around 9 am 20 and enjoy a coffee before putting me to work. I also like to take two hours for dinner.

"Youcan not expect someone to answer honestly if the only answer that allows him to get a job is the one that the interviewer wants to hear. This also applies to the first trysts. Should not we all say we love long walks in the rain? Years later, when you're slouching (e) on the couch in the company of your spouse (e), so offer her to go hang out if it's pouringnature:

Human  the person to whom we lie

The truth is not always pleasant to hear. But more we react poorly to the truth, the more people are inclined to lie to us. The person to whom we lie is therefore partly responsible for the lie. This is our immaturity - a combination of anger, idealism, anxiety and reluctance to accept the unpleasant realities. - Prompting liars to lie
Ask someone if he likes your new hairstyle, and you say "yes." Ask a politician if he will build a new bridge or provide better health care ... What do you expect? In the franchise? Honestly! If you want honest politicians must stop punishing tell the truthus.
No, politicians are not liars more than any profession have something to sell  Advertising, a sales representative, for example. Most policies are lies midway between the commercial and the kind manipulative patter of a salesman on the market square, a Sunday. What is important for voters, so learning to detect lies in politics, not getting ripped off.

There is no doubt that it is rather shameless liars and repeat offenders who manage to be elected to the highest responsibilities
What are the most frequently used by political techniques to lie to usFirst:
Let us mention some examples
the lie "in the eye" dry, brutal, shameless, like Philippe Couillard, in saying nothing of real issues during the election period.
Second: This is to give the illusion of novelty by just changing the packaging, Justin Trudeau with an empty brain, because it does not need this job, he is already a millionaire

Third.: the technique of scapegoats to give a political problem a simple explanation and a convenient culprit, you stigmatize a scapegoat who will, depending on your political family, the official, the entrepreneur, banker, Arabic, Jewish, Muslim, or the young, and love of the Islamic veil in the way Thomas Mulcair
Fourthly.The way Stephen Harper we have not had enough time to complete what you would like to do a third term is required.
Always present in the assembled friends shaking hands, igniting babies, promising new jobs, shimmering you a better future for they have all and only truth. They will sell into small pieces to make you think they are your friends. But you know full well that they are millionaires elites and they need you have only the day of the election. A few seconds after getting power, these elites begin to inflate their appetite and accumulate all possible imaginable goods for themselves and their benefactors, members of religious sects, lobbyists, everything that can be bought and sold.
The pleasure power has no equal, can we crush and crush their citizens as seem good. Dear voters, you are chopped meat that nourished the politician who will become increasingly corrupt. But this one living in the clouds tell you again in the next election he did everything for you, even sacrifice his life for you. Do not believe a word he did everything for him and only him, we are nothing.
So why do politicians lie to us? They know very well that the average voter does not have time to deal with policy as it has to work to fill the pockets of politicians, banks, wealthier. The voter will feel alone against this governmental machine that multiplies the laws to show us that their world is not ours and that we must remain in our place and pay. As the saying goes: be beautiful and shut up.

mardi 4 août 2015

Islam Is it the Rise of Evil vs Philippe Couillard

Islam vs Philippe Couillard
Islam Is Satan? Islam is it criminal? Islam is racist? Islam is inconsistent with the West? Islam is the invasion by his immigration.

They come here to make crimes against our people, which does not support that women are equal to men and free, beautiful and more, which is more racist towards half of humanity, women.
You can not find more racist than Muslims, since for them, you have to kill everyone to establish their rule of Satan! As for the discrimination of women by Islam, and although it is the mega racism and makes it inferior to slavery all the women, more than half of humanity already!
Then these people come screaming racism for a yes or not, Islamophobia Canadians. A racist mega as Adil Charkaoui complains of racism he teaches at Collège Maisonneuve in Montreal, remember that it is not the only one. Even our own government authorities protect.  
Invade the white continent and bearing mass, it is the genocidal racism against the white race, Mr. Philippe Couillard!

Islam means "frost of the soul"
This is why six centuries after the incarnation of Jesus, Satan created Islam, and we see what he makes with humanity that is in Islam, a bloodthirsty of humanity, morons, delayed, unable to produce the beautiful , obscuring women, locking the abuser, because pedophiles raping little girls as young as 9 years old, under the pretext of "marriage".
Unable to develop technologies for comfort, well-being, unable to innovate, unable to move, unable themselves to exploit the wealth of their territory for the good of all their people, incapable of hygiene in their countries, unable even to produce the food needed by their people in perpetual expansion and overcrowding in because of the status of a slave woman.
The Muslims then that all these disabilities because of unreleased Islam and how Islam puts the soul in sleep. Islam is the dictatorship of religion.
The hypocrisy Ramadan unhealthy for the body, by reversing the natural rhythm, but also by water deprivation in the day.
To you gotta do shit like this and like that and say that!

To eat, you do this and that, and this is forbidden!
What the god of Islam which forbids humans to use what he created and which makes the Muslims a life of slavery by prohibited ? and obligations
Islam takes pleasure in killing and welcomes the suffering inflicted by Muslims to another: sheep slaughtered, murdered Christians, Christian rape, stoning of women. We have seen in France as elsewhere, Muslims welcomed the death of nearly 3,000 innocent people, including Muslims from the rest, in this horror of 11 September. Muslims were conspicuous by their absence during spontaneous demonstrations and massive, following the Charlie Hebdo affair! He that is glad of evil is the one who instigates Satan! Islam is Satanic.
Christians celebrate life and Muslims celebrate death.
Frankly, it's much nicer to be Christian, including a daily basis. The Christian is not to wonder before filing its excreta, if properly oriented with respect to such direction of Mecca, and he did not before reciting such thing!
We can say that Islam instead spirituality strange places! Thus Islam reduces humanity follows him to a state of the human degenerates
Islam is it bad?
It Islam means submission to Satan or are they slaves, they want var know the truth caused by lack of education and freedom?
This is by reversing the direction of the things we made ​​the world of Satan! Today we care more criminals than their victims and families of victims, and each time the invaders are evil, they are balance of cash! That we give them what is ours, our beads and strips us for them!
Today we tramples legitimate Quebecers, strain, Christians and honored the invaders who bring evil. Is Philippe Couillard will support and embody the entry difficulty in Quebec.
A bit of lucidity and decrypts all! Even someone IQ veryaverageincludes! Deprivation of humanity will initially retrograde Islam.
If we do not restore things in the right order, returning all people without European ancestry in their countries of origin, by closing our borders, repressing, and banning Islam in the Americas, while the land will be emancipated.
In other words, Muslims must learn to work with other religions and that the earth revolves around the sun and not the opposition. All this applies to traditionalists, orthodox Jewish religion that have the same progeny that Muslims
What is the god of Islam who lies to humans at this point?
The Quran is supposed to come directly from God, gold it is the proof of his deception! God can not written because he is a spirit and did not feather.
Is the god of Islam benevolent when you lying about the earth and the stars? If the god of Islam was so benevolent towards his disciples, he would make sure to awaken their intelligence, and your god does the opposite: it turns you into donkeys! A religion prohibition under penalty of death to create around you.
Allah forbids you all that is beautiful, it forbidden to paint or sculpt a beautiful face, or even an animal, or even paint everything short everything animated gold tree leaf is as lively as all that exists, from the smallest speck of dust!

With a second's reflection seven briefs or not, your physical body decomposes, and your penis and your testicles among the first things that disappear when the body is returned to the earth, so how could you imagine going to preserve you whores of Allah? Your god is only a mackerel, a brothel keeper? Given what he promises and through whom he holds you, vulgar, tail, it seems to be.
A religion that abolishes even the most obvious evidence that evil does all human and all creation !
When you do jihad and you are killed, you happen what happens to every soul; the soul leaves what remains of your body, and the light shows to it.
You will follow (if you are blind) and here we show you the evil you have done and it will take way or another redeem, and depending on your progress you will remain some time in one dimension for your evolution, but to purify you, if you have done much harm, you will be isolated in a world more or less dark, and you will hear the tears you have generated in others and have the feeling of s suffering you have generated; if you have stoned a woman, you constantly suffering from stoning.

You will not be able to and you immolerez because each time you kill a Christian, you do cry hundreds of people, so imagine when there attacks, the number of tears of which you are surrounded, and the evil of all these negative feelings that you constantly victim of aggression, without rest, all the time it takes for your repentance is such that the light gives you another chance.
your victims, you kill free stay in the beautiful light, the serenity, what may be called paradise.
Those who blow themselves up or martyrisent Christians in any way whatsoever, blow up churches, all are in the total disarray when they meet in the afterlife!

You Muslims, well you honor a god, but the god of evil, the one that led to the precipice!
By putting your children in Islam you do the same something that the ancient Phoenicians (Tunisians) who delivered their first child by the fire Moloch! Even then they offered that one of their children, and this concerned only the upper caste families, but you, you are giving them all!
The true God wants to balance its world, the total equality men and women, praising what is beautiful and graceful, art, music, visual arts, good living for all, mutual support of everyone, but it is not that of slavery you, you still practice on women!
It's not a personal choice Mr. Philippe Couillard as this choice concerns all the people of Quebec and not only you, who act by patronage to avoid offending your liberal captive clientele of the lowest order their lack of intelligence and knowledge election.
April 22, 2015 Mar. 22/04 / Apr / 2015 12:04