mercredi 5 août 2015

Why the politician is lying? It is our fault.

Why is he lying the politician?
The more we react poorly to the truth, more people will be inclined to lie to us. Here's the scoop: politicians sometimes lie. Imagine!

You wonder why politicians lie, or at least why they avoid telling the truth? Well here's the simple answer: because that's what it takes to win elections. The problem is not politicians but the voters. Politicians lie because voters punish honest candidates.
They also lie because "the appearance of goodness" helps to win votes. Point to the line. If a candidate says that taxes can only be reduced if we reduce services, or if he promises a new program that will require higher taxes, he has no chance against the candidate who promises to achieve the same things simply to "cut the fat"nature.
Human the liar

I haveis part of a selection committee for a new employee. One interviewer asked the candidate if he liked to work hard. It dutifully answered "yes" with enthusiasm ... I laughed under my breath. Who did he fool? Anyone with a little common sense would have done the same. "Uh, actually, I like to arrive around 9 am 20 and enjoy a coffee before putting me to work. I also like to take two hours for dinner.

"Youcan not expect someone to answer honestly if the only answer that allows him to get a job is the one that the interviewer wants to hear. This also applies to the first trysts. Should not we all say we love long walks in the rain? Years later, when you're slouching (e) on the couch in the company of your spouse (e), so offer her to go hang out if it's pouringnature:

Human  the person to whom we lie

The truth is not always pleasant to hear. But more we react poorly to the truth, the more people are inclined to lie to us. The person to whom we lie is therefore partly responsible for the lie. This is our immaturity - a combination of anger, idealism, anxiety and reluctance to accept the unpleasant realities. - Prompting liars to lie
Ask someone if he likes your new hairstyle, and you say "yes." Ask a politician if he will build a new bridge or provide better health care ... What do you expect? In the franchise? Honestly! If you want honest politicians must stop punishing tell the truthus.
No, politicians are not liars more than any profession have something to sell  Advertising, a sales representative, for example. Most policies are lies midway between the commercial and the kind manipulative patter of a salesman on the market square, a Sunday. What is important for voters, so learning to detect lies in politics, not getting ripped off.

There is no doubt that it is rather shameless liars and repeat offenders who manage to be elected to the highest responsibilities
What are the most frequently used by political techniques to lie to usFirst:
Let us mention some examples
the lie "in the eye" dry, brutal, shameless, like Philippe Couillard, in saying nothing of real issues during the election period.
Second: This is to give the illusion of novelty by just changing the packaging, Justin Trudeau with an empty brain, because it does not need this job, he is already a millionaire

Third.: the technique of scapegoats to give a political problem a simple explanation and a convenient culprit, you stigmatize a scapegoat who will, depending on your political family, the official, the entrepreneur, banker, Arabic, Jewish, Muslim, or the young, and love of the Islamic veil in the way Thomas Mulcair
Fourthly.The way Stephen Harper we have not had enough time to complete what you would like to do a third term is required.
Always present in the assembled friends shaking hands, igniting babies, promising new jobs, shimmering you a better future for they have all and only truth. They will sell into small pieces to make you think they are your friends. But you know full well that they are millionaires elites and they need you have only the day of the election. A few seconds after getting power, these elites begin to inflate their appetite and accumulate all possible imaginable goods for themselves and their benefactors, members of religious sects, lobbyists, everything that can be bought and sold.
The pleasure power has no equal, can we crush and crush their citizens as seem good. Dear voters, you are chopped meat that nourished the politician who will become increasingly corrupt. But this one living in the clouds tell you again in the next election he did everything for you, even sacrifice his life for you. Do not believe a word he did everything for him and only him, we are nothing.
So why do politicians lie to us? They know very well that the average voter does not have time to deal with policy as it has to work to fill the pockets of politicians, banks, wealthier. The voter will feel alone against this governmental machine that multiplies the laws to show us that their world is not ours and that we must remain in our place and pay. As the saying goes: be beautiful and shut up.

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