mardi 18 août 2015

Imans Hamza Chaoui and Adil Charkoui and Companies - Should we file lawsuits against them for the rehabilitation of our young

Imams Chaoui Hamza, Adil Charkaoui and companies
Request to ministries of justice of Quebec and Canada
controversial Imam Chaoui Hamza has finally filed a defamation lawsuit against the City of Montreal and Mayor Denis Coderre demanding $ 500,000 in damages.
Adil Charkaoui Écoles Musulmanes à Montréal portes ouvertes.jpg
Considering that all these individuals teaching hatred and destruction of democracy in the West to young adults in the Colleges of Quebec. Their final training, will become jihadist in the Middle East, that is to say simply criminals, because they are not martyrs, this is an extreme insult to the word martyr.
Since these so-called peacekeepers indoctrinated about 12 young people, is that the Department of Justice of Quebec has the right to prosecute imams Chaoui Hamza, Adil Charkaoui and companies, for damages for the loss of life and for the reconstruction of this young, I say rebuild good.  
Adil Charkaoui et Mohamed Rifaat en Syrie Thomas Mulclaire Justin Trudeau Lapidation épouse Adil Charkoui.jpg
Otherwise, manipulate the laws in effect, as you know so well and make sure that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does apply to criminals and the courts can not access. I strongly believe that our charters are there only to protect criminals and not to protect the honest citizen is entitled. We see too many religious accommodation for those monsters in our societies using our own laws against democracy. The virus is in us, and it is our politicians to wake up and put their pants if they are still in.
Iman Hamza Chaoui Mme Guenon Chaoui et esclave  Philippe Couillard.jpg
All this will bring $ 500,000 of restoration costs for each of these young multiplied by 12 equals 3 $ 000,000 to these so-called religious agitators, often dormant members of Al Qaeda in America.
Therefore is it that the Department of Justice in Ottawa could deport a boat with a sail in the middle of the Atlantic with a week of operation and they can teach their Machiavellian doctrine fish before reaching their promised land.
Cimetière à Montréal Djiadiste.jpg
These new laws give some weight against any person or organization teaching hatred of men and women of these demonic cults. Moreover our governments should never accept these criminals on Canadian soil. Our immigration system is not doing a good job letting these demagogues entry, rejected by their own country. They love the desert they want to create in Canada so that they return to their dunes with their wives and children to preach the scorpions with their prophets.

What is good for the gander is good for the goose

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