dimanche 16 août 2015

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the capital of Muslim terrorism in Canada - without forgetting the other religions that make rain or shine

Montreal Capital of Muslim terrorism Canadian
Quarterback criminal offenses of terrorism hints occurred in Canada last year were recorded in Montreal, reveal new figures from Statistics Canada. Quebec's metropolis she attracts extremists reasons?

In recent months, Montreal has often made ​​about him for the wrong  Hometown of Michael Zehaf Bibeau,bomber Ottawa; Instead of starting at least seven college students parties do jihad in Syria and Iraq; city ​​of residence of a teenager 15 years became the first Canadian in December on charges of attempting to leave the country to participate in a terrorist activity under the new C-51 Law on the fight against terrorism, being not yet approved. The events of this nature were likely to make headlines.
And now new figures compiled by Statistics Canada sit the reputation of the metropolis as extremists nest.
In 2014, the various police forces in countries identified 67 criminal offenses in terrorism cases, from participation in the activities of a terrorist group to hoax terrorist activities.
Close to the business quarter occurred in Montreal, or a total of 14, only 4 against and 6 in Toronto Vancouver. Ottawa, Canada's capital, which, as we know, has housed at least a radical Islamist cell in recent years reaches the same level as Montreal.

Montreal Why?
The reason is simple our political elites and our Catholic leaders believe that they can give democracy to these people and the other cheek to help. These people need very strong discipline because most of their parents gave them everything they wanted. They want to know the other side of the coin. By joining the Imams as Amir Khadir,they fell in Islamic treads with all their secrets to destroy the world.  
In addition our Canadian Charters, Quebec and other provinces themselves, these detractors use against us with the authorization of our provincial governors, municipal, schools, and all public institutions, parastatals, and people, the intellectual of junk, our investigators french CBC,our journalists have the eyes closed so they are stuck.

Multiplying Religious unreasonable accommodation, using these arguments against direct democracy, up to say that we are Islamophobic, anti-Jewish, "anti" anything while denigrating our own Quebecers and French people have clapped Canada, this is to say our ancestors. All civilizations, peoples are good but not the Québécers people.  
We will stay well water carrier true by doing so. We threw out the Catholic religion, the Quiet Revolution, and religious mafias came there slowly with the help of our intellectuals, judges, deputies, sleeping on their seats and bombastic. Meanwhile in Canada, as in Europe, these religious and political mafias, because these religions practice of politics by bribing our politicians and elites at all levels against us.  
We build their mosques, schools, add it all of accommodations, we leave its sects make rain and good weather in the Laurentiens, they do not pay taxes and taxes, do not follow the directives of the education system, On Friday, they stand as they want to synagogues contradicting the laws of the city, making road signs change to please them.  

Since this quiet revolution, I would say that this revolution was not one. As people rooted in its sects reach their majority not knowing the laws of the country, language, writing, nothing. They will be new to the hook of society and perpetuate the same paths as their parents have given them or they use again our legislation with the assistance of some Jewish lawyer from Montreal, so they can harvest our again funds.
Meanwhile, our politicians throw the stones on each other making us dangled they act for the good of the community. They play very well their cinemas. They do not care, they put money in their pockets and spend the balance of their life to nirvana of corruption as Arthur Porter andacholic,enjoying their own corruptions with their families.
Again, the holders of the water elect with their children to the National Assembly in Ottawa or in other provinces because they have managed to put their roots of vipers into the soil of the country and are rooted to better sacrifice ourselves to pasture jackals of several religions .and religious
Religionsare in politics, they do not represent God, but their own power over their followersagree:.

experts consulted Montreal is indeed a hub.But why? "A network appeared at one point, Benjamin believes Ducol the Canada Research Chair in Conflict and Terrorism. We may not know why, but there is a fabric that is in place and do not necessarily exist elsewhere.
"Professor at UQAM and member of the Centre for the prevention of radicalization Montreal, Jocelyn Bélanger reminds as Quebec's metropolis has long been the haunt of radicals.
According to him, they gradually convert new followers. "Mosques in the city were already monitored by the Pentagon there for years," he said? In 2011, documents released by WikiLeaks have revealed such a mosque Park Extension in Montreal was in the cross hairs of the FBI.

"There seems to be a pool, a well-established network. One or cells organized with an agent provocateur that influences the people around him.
"Jocelyn Bélanger, professor at UQAM and member of the radicalization of Prevention Centre of

Montreal"In terrorism, the social network, peers, c is very important. "The researcher cites studies wanting in at least 70% of cases, people become radicalized because they already know someone who is a member or supporter of a terrorist group, be it a friend a parent or loved one. Where there's one, so there may be several.
For Dave Charland, former agent for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), it's also a matter of geography if Montreal is central to turmoil. Terrorist groups making the headlines today, the Islamic State (EI) or the Al-Nusra Front, are mainly established in Syria,near the Maghreb countries. Please note that Syria is a friendly country Canada and the United States.

"For this reason, these groups attract more people from North Africa," said the expert, who, however, that only a tiny minority of people are radicalized. In Canada, Montreal is home to a very large North African community because of the French. "If terrorist groups were more active in Afghanistan, for example, as was the case with Al-Qaeda, I believe that the situation would be different."
Obviously, adds Benjamin Ducol, Montreal is a great city. It is also a bilingual city, which he is connected to Europe, some cities such as Brussels are crossroads for extremists, more than many other North American cities.
A closer police, but sleeping also because our laws are fragile.
The other element not to be overlooked by analyzing the numbers, experts warn, is the vigilance of the authorities. Data published by Statistics Canada are from statistics compiled by the police. A police force that gives more importance to the fight against terrorism inevitably declare more events a little sensitive body that question.
Montreal and Ottawa were both stung by attacks in 2014. It is logical that the fight against terrorism will be a priority. "That does not necessarily mean that the threat is greater, but that more cases are judiciarized there," notes Ducol.
Terrorism is gaining ground in Montreal
The number of criminal terrorism offenses reported Police has doubled in five years in Canada, from 38 to 67. These figures correspond to the global trend, says Jocelyn Bélanger Central prevention of radicalization of Montreal. This is particularly because of the persuasiveness of the Islamic State group and its propaganda worldwide. "The IE is rendering a trademark."
Parties do jihad
New figures from Statistics Canada released in July show how many cases of people parties do jihad with terrorist groups were compiled in each city in 2014 . This is Toronto that takes the cake with 7 out of 14. It relates 3 ​​in Montreal. With the group of students from Collège de Maisonneuve party in early 2015, the figures for next year will be over 15 to Montreal.
We should thank our political elites to promote the expansion of Muslim terrorism in Canada, Philippe Couillard ( PLQ), Justin Trudeau (PLC), Thomas Mulcair (NDP), Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario (DFO), Christy Clark, Premier of British Columbia (PLBC), and hundreds of others, charters rights and freedoms, and laws built in precipitation during the tragic and painful events without thought of future repercussions on society. You can say mea culpa, we re-elected our elite sold to rot all kinds.
We, the citizens we are very poorly shod is not it? Who can you trust when money control humans, and humans are their servants? Would you be better than these elites or you will say that all this is part of our daily reality and that n 'there is nothing to do? What is your answer?
Answer: ………….………………………………………………………………………

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