jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau, Canada's revelation of 2015

Justin Trudeau, Canada's revelation of 2015.
Justin Trudeau aime Justin Trudeau.jpg
Our generosity must not be blind to refugees and immigrants of all sorts of different cultures, customs, religions, languages, have equipment, knowledge, integration with their new nation. Real concerns were heard. They first related security. They also involved our ability to integrate these new populations. They were not ridiculous.
Like it or not, all cultures are not interchangeable, and especially the extremist Muslim culture,  Canada
Islamic.chooses, the savior Justin Trudeau to do so at the expense of the local population . Sacrificing unhappy here on behalf of those elsewhere, it is a strange idea of solidarity is stoning the Canadian nation. We can not solve all the problems of the poor worldwide. Furthermore we have as Canadian people and Quebecers to stop feeling guilty for what is happening abroad. Our faux intellectuals, who run our government have strong hands on this.
Not surprisingly, the Trudeau government, our international ballerina, was unequaled in the moralizing recovery from this crisis. Justin Trudeau and his ministers staged shots selfies and watery reports to show that they were of a higher humanity. They talk so much, that people get to hear the disgust and lose confidence in their government
Justin Trudeau 100 dollars.jpg
it or not, massive immigration to America was generally negative in recent decades. Large enclaves are now culturally foreign to European nations. The radical Islam are progressing terribly. Insecurity has become the rule. Participating does not mean suicide by humanism, forgetting our roots, our cultures and religions.
Justin Trudeau maison à Ottawa.jpg
The quotation of the year the Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Justin Trudeau, was that Islamic terrorism does not exist and we will do everything to does not recognize it. My Muslim friends have appreciated my performance Hollywood in recent days with the arrival of 50 000 refugees and Syrians jihadists that we will try and modèlerons according to our Canadian Islamic laws.
Stephen Harper Justin Trudeau Thomas Mulcair élection 19 octobre 2015.jpg

My predecessor, Stephen Harper loved the Jews but I, Justin Trudeau, I love the Muslim tyranny and democracy Sharia. Furthermore, I would add, that for the year 2016, my main resolution is to put myself in search of the cerebellum through the readings and cultures of the Koran and prayers in Canadian mosques across the country my ancestors, Mao, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro my adoptive uncle, and without the name, the character that I read every day, my very great advisors Boko Haram, Adil Le Messager, and Philip of Arabia.
Stephen Harper Ottawa House of Commune party.jpg

Jody Wislon Raybould minister of justice of Canada Bill C-43

The Honourable Justin Trudeau
From the Honourable Jody Wilson Raybould
Minister of Justice
Bill C-43
December 31,2015
The Canadian Justice Minister Jody Wilson Raybould next February will present a Bill C-43 concerning the infidelities of Canadian women to respect their husbands and supreme. The wife must obey her husband exclusively and follow all instructions that will give him.
It will be allowed the husband to afflict 100 (one hundred) caned in public Monday before 11:00 for being "close" a man she is not the wife ..
If there is a sexual relationship between two people, the adulterous woman will receive over a period of twelve weeks before 11:00 Tuesday hundred lashes and adultery receive the man Wednesday 10:00 two whips over a period of two weeks in public.
Just as eye contact to a person other than their spouse or member of the immediate family will be condemned
This show will be broadcast on radio and television on chains 'statements of the CBC and Radio-Canada plays between 10 p.m. 4:00 p.m. each day.
Women should sit sidesaddle on their motorcycle as sitting on horseback is considered lewd behavior and deserve 100 blows.
All punks women will shave his head and remove their piercings, were bathed in public and had to attend rehabilitation courses. Cell, their music is forbidden in public, in buses, restaurants or elsewhere.
The Honourable Jody Wilson Raybould
Minister of Justice of Canada

mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Kathleen Wynne - Barack Obama - Pets are mixed as our politicians

Pets are mixed as our politicians
Are more grumpy bears, moose attacked by ticks, deer stuff themselves with grass and white hares run for their lives like never before.
Scotstown, Fall, Eastern Township, Québec, Canada.jpg
This unusually warm December disrupts the animal world.
Bears do not sleep, but there are more berries outside. Do they have enough food? They like to be buried by the snow under a fallen tree. "Unable to winter as well, as the snow has not covered all of Quebec.
Moose, deer Virginias, south-western Quebec are continually suck blood by winter ticks. The winter tick it continues to hold on and suck blood, since it is not paralyzed by the cold and buried in snow. Moose lose their hair by dint of scratching to get rid of. Some die.
As for hares, what they tremble with fear. Each late autumn, the coat of these small mammals turns white so they can hide in the snow during the winter. Results this year: they shine in snowless forests. Predators and hunters spot them from afar. Being a prey to white hairs these days "is not great", but they breed three or four times a year.
Scotstown, real life in the forest is here, come visit us, Eastern Township, Quebec, Canada.jpg
The deer and wild turkeys just have to bend down to eat grass, they do not need to scrape the snow. As against squirrels them gorge themselves so that some become obese this year. The soil is not frozen, herbivores still they continue to eat plant material on the ground, which will produce a hormonal imbalance animals.

Justin Trudeau double standards Haitians are lectorally NOT salable

Justin Trudeau double standards, Haitians are electorally NOT salable.
A few dozen members of the Action Committee of non-status people held a vigil in front of the county office of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau in Montreal to to claim the status of permanent residents for 3500 under threat of Haitian refugees and expelled Zimbabwean origin.
"These people have settled here, they have had children here, they work here, so we want them to remain Here, "speaks our language, our customs sharing for several years without requiering daily Unreasonable Accommodations, and wanting to fit in, who want their permanent residences in the country.
Answer of the Federal Government in this matter, my dear refugees , your refugee situations are not selling saw the electoral point. Our intellectual elites have come to this conclusion because you have never killed a child like scenario showing us the penalties described by the media media with all the details of an embodiment of Alfred Hitchcock. Our goods such thinking Denis Coderre, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau and several other Machiavellian manipulators are thinking only of their well being.
You will see in the coming months or years, the Syrians will no longer have the odds odds Plays and our dear government will seek again the other kinds of dramas organized, planned to fill the role of populist play. Lasts this period, Muslims continue to kill Christians and Jews, and you have all eyes closed and ears plugged. The manipulation of Western populace was widespread, all these countries are collapsing for some great powers and multinational corporations can once again  havoc create as did Bush, Colin Powell, the master of deception Tony Blair at the Iraq war, lying all the time.
The most curious in this policy and not as some humanitarian saga dares pretend, as the leaders of these powers not care less of the population tortured, starved. If everything would solve with the application of the Russians, Vladimir Putin, it will do it again n snub Mohamed Barack Obama, of Muslim ancestry. In order to know what happens now, follow the routes of oil, energy  you will know and the true murderers, illuminaties who our political elites.
Coming soon on this screen you will see the Jews feel swindled and that will Justin, the turncoat? And I suggested to all English and French Canadian origin to apply as refugees in order to gorge on all the services that we ourselves can not even hope to have one day because we are citizens and taxpayers taxes and lower classes.

Justin Trudeau country, it happens only in Canada, the selfies of the year, the refugee fashion


Justin Trudeau country, it happens only in Canada, the selfies of the year
Apply to be a refugee.
The federal government provides a single refugee, a monthly allowance of 1890 $ and each can get an additional 580 $ supplement for a total of 2470 $
This compares very well to a single pensioner, after contributing to the growth and development of Canada for 40 or 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of 1012 $ in old age pension and guaranteed income supplement. Beside, each province give to the refugee 1080 $ per month for allocation.  Will the refugee have to pay income tax on the pension, God knows, but, I can assure you the politician they always sell Canadian and they make an exception for the refugee not to pay income tax.
Let’s send this thought to as many Canadians as we can and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to 1012 $ and the Canadian pensioners up to 2470 $, so they can enjoy the money they were forced to submit to the Canadian government for those 40 or 50 years.  The Canadian pensioners live the last part of their life in poverty, lack of services, of care, but the refugee, having giving nothing to Canada and the provinces, collect what should be yours.

And if they live in the province of Québec, they might have more RRQ and other ministries around 1080 $ per month and help for housing 
In Canada it is better never being born Christian, English, French, white because Canada and the provinces discriminate against his own population.  The politicians are good comedians without any future vision.  They want a job, money, power, and nothing else.

Justin Trudeau opened its Circus Justin Toronto featuring Syrians refugees

Justin Trudeau opened its Circus Justin Toronto, featuring stars Syrians refugees.
Justin Trudeau turned into media circus without any vis-à-vis' convenience refugees, equally unhappy, from other countries, arrive in Canada each year in the indifference of politicians, media and the public. It is so artificial, it is no longer in the ability to see his equal.
Moreover, these refugees arrive exhausted. They lived many months in makeshift camps, they land here after a long journey of several hours, their health is often compromised by accumulated fatigue, stress and poor nutrition. They primarily need quiet, of intimacy with loved ones they find and sleeping at the earliest. They will not refuse, of course, comply with the sessions of nice pictures alongside the political leaders of their haven

Knowing that disturb the country's citizens, do not have the same demands of their respective deputies. These refugees are therefore in competition with other refugees and the poor, the homeless in the country, the elderly, school children, their host. Our ministers and political elites make their carry this terrible burden on their shoulders, and there bullshit made ​​by these refugees, they will be eager to disassociate itself as Philippe Couillard Arthur Porter with his personal friend.
In the government and its charities, supposedly charity, are delighted with their arrival, because there are several invoices attached to its refugees. Money to turn all the friends of those in power, the manna from heaven like the flood of Haiti, they have never seen one in the billions of dollars that corrupt kept for them. Note that we also corrupt in Quebec who are again in power legally.

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, Mayor Denis Coderre have made ​​embarrassing political recoveries misfortune of uprooted people. They have no need to prime ministers, ministers populist mayors hope to have more votes in the next elections. The elites do not care about you and us, they work only for their own pockets. When they have the opportunity to throw you overboard and make you eat by creditors, they will shy away from you to look for another target that can move their electorates
Cults of the blank image is often of grant. These are career politicians, and they can do other than talk about anything. They put us all in endless troubles and they wash their hands early. Their trademark is "All for me and nothing for you." Crying like aMadeleine,was a former prostitute, like our MPs, ministers, mayors, elected officials. In the confession of his sins to Christ, it was invaded by so much remorse she could wash Christ's feet with her ​​tears and dried them with her ​​hair, like Justin at Pearson Airport in Toronto or with first nations.
St. Justin prayed that the intelligence appears to him a non-virtual day

Gaétan Barrette and Lucie Charlebois open clinics for refugees and SHUT DOWN BEDS IN OUR HOSPITALS, LACK OF RESOURCES

Gaétan Barrette and Lucie Charlebois open clinics for refugees AND SHUT DOWN BEDS IN OUR HOSPITALS LACK of RESOURCES
Syrian refugees who landed in Montreal Wednesday were able to make a first visit to the doctor, floor Canada on Saturday.
In fact, the clinic for refugees in Montreal was reopened for two days, Saturday and Sunday, to offer medical support to passengers who were on board the second charter flight of Syrian refugees. This temporary clinic is housed in the former premises of the Royal Victoria Hospital.
"It's wonderful to be safely and be in Quebec, said in chorus interview members of a Syrian family who s' well spoken in English. We are happy to be together, healthy, safe, Canada, this great country.
"Before you come to the clinic Saturday, Wednesday's flight passengers have paid a visit to the welcome center where they were particularly given their health insurance and social insurance cards.
Punctual Influx
Ministers Gaétan Barrette, who created a deficit of $ seven billion and Lucie Charlebois, Minister of Youth Protection, were on the scene on Saturday. A new, two-bath lie down then, the whores of political power have no limit to encourage, to imagine the number of encounters with the media to do their advertising there, their politics.
According to the Minister of Health, there have long been specialized clinics in the reception of refugees in 13 cities of Quebec.
"temporary clinics were set up because it is currently a one-time influx of refugees. The operating budgets of these clinics are already in our system to us, "explained Mr. Barrette.
The Minister also wished to emphasize the quality of the work of stakeholders. Also the mayor of Montreal, has commissioned one of his Liberal particular friends the task of coordinating the arrival of refugees with a salary of $ 1 800 per day. In the city of Montreal, there are several hundreds of winners administrators over $ 100,000 a year, shelved and doing nothing of their ten fingers. Montreal, claims to, by extension, the cathedral unjustified spending under the Liberals buckets.  
"I am very proud of the effectiveness of our teams. In Montreal, as in 12 other clinical existing refugees in the cities of Quebec identified as host city, network workers can be proud of doing a great job and, in this sense, to be a great support for newcomers, "he
said."In this holiday season, I am particularly touched to see health professionals and psychosocial workers to mobilize and work collaboratively, with compassion, with Syrian refugees " , for his part, said the Minister for Rehabilitation, the Youth Protection and Public Health, Lucie Charlebois.
For several years the Ministry of beds farm health in Quebec hospitals, lack of doctors for emergencies . More than a million Quebecers who have no family doctor. Removes premiums for night nurses. Cuts in the hospitals care, where our elderly "CHLSD" cut in food, diapers for years. Cutting in schools, eliminates helping students with problem. Create new taxes for all taxpayers for two years to more than 2,000 dollars per citizen.
The majority of services provided by the Government of Quebec, are charged in addition to being already paid, or decreased. Ministers and MPs have given $ 50,000 increases to $ 150,000 per year. Princess retreats for liberal leaders like Mr. Thierry Vandal of $ 600,000 per year. GPs and medical specialists increases of $ 7 billion.  
The Department of Revenue of Quebec, is launching their wolves across the population to increase government revenues. Welfare recipients are cut in their benefits. Nothing for the Quebec population that is bled daily by the Liberals. The Liberals do not support but added taxes, and they fulfill the corrupt people of our money envelopes, they feed at Club Med and their appetite is unsociable.
Our politics and politicians are condoms, thoughtless, having no vision, values, customs, religions. Many of our ancestors must be turning in their graves, seeing the destruction of North America by people disconnected from reality as the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is still looking for an intelligent brain with prayers in mosques.
Our political elites as well as provincial and federal sell, we sell to Muslims. The policy here is like prostitution in several countries, populism of politicians has no limit in their concessions to religious groups across the country. Our elites, blind and very conscious of filling their pockets are close to all for the destruction of Canada and Quebec.  
Politicians now build, hatred against the Syrians refugees and Muslims are rain or shine requiring no Stop concessions to the detriment of the majority. In the near future, these politicians may see an aggressive reaction of citizens. Mental corruption of our politicians is widespread, without distinction.  
See least not being born in Canada, being white and Christian, because the Charter of Rights and Freedoms will fall on you like a tornado denigrating you, taxpayers. Canadians and Quebecers, we lost our country to the religious group balance, very fortunate. Our elected officials already have close links with them and even these groups are already part of government. The roots of evil, integrate gradually  surely and under the aegis of sympathy refugees.  
Our intellectuals love junk demonstrate the greatness of the country, those who have never worked a day in their lives. They talk, they talk, the media glorify and do not hesitate to destroy the majority of citizens who refuse these so-called religious and faith groups on our soil. We can although they are the detritus of our societies and often at the head of the political parties, as with Québec Solidaire, Women's Association of Quebec promoting the Islamic veil, Sharia.
The native people of Canada we are the last on the list and stick to well said. We are the outcasts of our society but we pay to the federal and provincial bills, not the Machiavellian politicians, crooked.

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard - The Pack «La Meute», a group against the «invasion of Islam» on Facebook

The Pack, a group against the "invasion of Islam" on Facebook
Published December 28, 2015 at 9:47 p.m. | Updated December 29, 2015 at 6:38 p.m.
The Pack is used to bring together those who are worried about the Islamic invaders who slyly ahead of our land and quietly revolves around the political sphere. It is imperative that rises before our generation that our children and grandchildren become victims of our inaction to Islam for centuries and centuries

"(Quebec) A Facebook group launched by a veteran of the Canadian Forces opposed to the arrival of Syrian migrant gaining ground. "Secret", grouping called "The Pack" attracts thousands of members. Its founder wants to make a move beyond the virtual so to become "a real political force."
The description of the Facebook group could not be clearer. "The Pack is used to bring together those who are worried about the Islamic invaders who slyly ahead of our land and quietly revolves around the political sphere. It is imperative that rises before our generation that our children and grandchildren become victims of our inaction to Islam for centuries and centuries, "it said on the social network.
The Sun interviewed the founder and leader of The Pack, which is in the name of Eric Corvus (only the name is real). 44 years old, it was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 and in 2007, he recounted. He is suffering from a posttraumatic stress disorder, for which it is followed.
Very active on the page created this fall, the resident of the Quebec City wants to go beyond the boundaries of the virtual pool. "We want to eventually become a large enough group to be a political weight that will be heard are those who disagree with the current positions of the federal and provincial government," he said in a message exchange.
And What are you to disagree? "We are not against the aid granted to Syrian migrants. What we are against is the entry into many of these migrants and that in such a short time, he said. The problem is that we face a Trojan horse that will facilitate the entry of terrorists on our land. [...] It is there to be some ten and this can lead to a situation similar to that of Paris. "Their philosophy is based on the saying" prevention is better than cure ".
To do hear beyond the virtual, The Pack aims to achieve organizational status to non-profit, ideally within weeks.
National Values
​​Combat The Pack is however broader, according to Corvus. Beyond the current situation of Syrian refugees immigrating to Canada, twenty members forming "the base" - Mr. Corvus is not the sole director - wants to "protect our land, our values, our foundation, our freedom, our security and the future of our children against Islamic invaders.
"And the message seems to echo worn in a fringe of the population 2.0. Every day dozens or even hundreds of users are added to the Facebook page, although it is impossible to find with a simple search. It is accessible only by invitation and already 12,000 persons have joined to date.
"Finally! I found the pack, I will not be a lone wolf, good day !!!!! "wrote a netizen recently as Sunday afternoon. The Sun has also been able to observe followers of images are being made ​​tattoo the band logo or a wolf's footprint.
The Pack said he was not "nationalist or federalist." Mr. Corvus ensures that the only fight is "to protect our nation against the invasion of Islam."
Aware that he treats "a sensitive matter" Eric Corvus has implemented several rules on the Facebook reunion. "In general, any contributor will not publish comments prejudicial, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, libelous, malicious, inciting violence, racial hatred, religious or ethnic" may is read at the entrance to the page.

lundi 28 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard Montréal, Québec, Canada – realities - our poor compete with the Syrians . The winners are the Syrians.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada - realities - our poor compete with the Syrians. The winners are the Syrians.

So, tonight layers them out to high humidity, while the Syrians refugees themselves have everything you need, nothing to pay, clothe, house, school, medicines, income, mosques, halal food, and I pass. They never provided any taxes in Canada and the provinces. They have no obligation and they harvest.  
Can you imagine that 50,000 Syrians expected within two years will cost us how these people, several hundred million or billion? I know these people we need help in their countries, but for what reason the neighboring Arab countries do not want it?
This week there was a Syrian of 68 years and his wife of 58 years that joined their children in Montreal. I'm happy for them and their families. Mr. Trudeau was so maligned Canadians and acclaimed newcomers, it makes us pity as premier egocentric. From the monetary point of view, the gentleman of 68 years cannot work, so it must have an age pension with supplements guaranteed minimum. It is already a burden to society.  

His wife as well, because it will never work and never learn French, can be English. Their integration will be almost impossible. The Quebec society will have to pay all costs. The Governments of Canada and Quebec do not pay anything. The government is all of us taxpayers, not Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard who are taxpayer’s employees.
During this time the Quebec government cut welfare recipients who receive $ 700 or $ 800 per month. Cutting in schools, and help students. Triple doctors' salaries and reduce services. The government is very austere Couillard poorest vis-à-vis society and elders. Friends of the Liberal party as Jean Charest still greasy paws after three years, left the post of Prime Minister. They rob us, and nobody says anything.  
Last week I was on the St. Lawrence Street in downtown. It was cold and raining. On the sidewalks people lying on the ground. At the subway entrance and inside several people lying on the benches or under the benches with their dog. With no toilet for need, they go back near a metro air vent and defecated, or near a car in a driveway. They ask you for money, they are lost in this jungle. Ministers call to engage the Syrians and fuck Canadians, but no support for our poor.  

The fashion now is to give the maximum to the Syrians. But wait, first nations themselves, who constantly beg, will not be the first on the list. And if among the Syrians there are four or five or more terrorists and Gentlemen Couillard Trudeau and it is part of their religious tradition to make us jump. So we have to accept. Mr. Trudeau will continue its religious and went to pray ablations annually to Mecca, certainly not forgetting the mosque on Friday. I suggested him to build a mosque near where he lives at the expense of all Canadians, as any good politician, he has to pay anything, but everything is due, because a millionaire can afford to pay its expenses and its make-up.
Why, therefore, I forgot the Jews, they will not be at all happy to spend the fourth on the list. They also want to be recognized at fair value. They want synagogues everywhere, not in some cities, taxes, do not follow the school system, and more.  

There are quite a problem Pakistanis and a minister Pakistani defense of Canada wants his congenital are also on part, they are the fifth. And Tamil, the Hindus, Shiites, Sunnis, we forget.
We are very multicultural Canada with the exception of the Catholics, the original white dice English and French descendants.  Now we all are last class citizens but we are the first to pay.
Since the event Trudeau, Canada is better to be an immigrant and an honest taxpayer paying his taxes fill the coffers of the ruling parties. We are so welcoming that we have forgotten to welcome ourselves.
We are stuck with the beautiful wood dormant in Ottawa, and he woke up maybe one day? Our prime minister is so blind and disconnecting that he is the major problem in Canada

vendredi 25 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau country, it happens only in Canada, the selfies of the year - The political windfall: The refugees

Justin Trudeau country, it happens only in Canada, the selfies of the year

 Apply to be a refugee.

The federal government provides a single refugee, a monthly allowance of 1890 $ and each can get an additional 580 $ supplement for a total of 2470 $

This compares very well to a single pensioner, after contributing to the growth and development of Canada for 40 or 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of 1012 $ in old age pension and guaranteed income supplement. Beside, each province give to the refugee 1080 $ per month for allocation.  Will the refugee have to pay income tax on the pension, God knows, but, I can assure you the politician they always sell Canadian and they make an exception for the refugee not to pay income tax.

Let’s send this thought to as many Canadians as we can and maybe we can get the refugees cut back to 1012 $ and the Canadian pensioners up to 2470 $, so they can enjoy the money they were forced to submit to the Canadian government for those 40 or 50 years.  The Canadian pensioners live the last part of their life in poverty, lack of services, of care, but the refugee, having giving nothing to Canada and the provinces, collect what should be yours.

In Canada it is better never being born Christian, English, French, white because Canada and the provinces discriminate against his own population.  The politicians are good comedians without any future vision.  They want a job, money, power, and nothing else.

mardi 22 décembre 2015

Germany Syrians and other immigrants and terrorists With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations

Germany: hundreds of thousands of migrants arrive in our hospitals - doctors and nursing people are tired, exhausted!
VIDEO below:

Female German doctor sends this world to the alert

message>>Yesterday in the  we had a meeting on how the situation here and in other hospitals Munich is unsustainable. Clinics can not handle emergencies, so they start sending them all to

hospitals.>>Many Muslims refuse to be treated by female staff and we, women, refuse to deal with these specimens, particularly in Africa. Relationships between staff and migrants going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants arriving in hospitals must be accompanied by the police with K-9

units.>>Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and many exotic diseases that we, Europe does not know how to treat. If they receive a prescription at the pharmacy, they learn that they have to pay cash. This leads to incredible violent reactions, especially when it comes to medicines for children. They then abandon their children to pharmacy staff with the injunction: "So, take care of them yourself here!" So the police must not only keep the clinics and hospitals, but also large openly:

pharmacies>>Really, we said  Where are all those who had received before the television cameras, with signs in the stations? Yes, for the moment, the border was closed, but a million of them are already here and we will certainly not be able to get rid of

them.>>So far, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unable to work. A tiny minority of them have minimal education. Moreover, their wives usually do not work at all. I believe that in ten pregnant. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought infants and small children under six years, many emaciated and abused. If this continues and that Germany reopens its borders, I turn in the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me in this situation, not even twice the salary I get there. I came to Germany, not in Africa or the Middle

East.>>Even the professor who heads our department told us how much it was sad to see that a maid cleans every day for years to [only] € 800, and then to see young men coming in corridors waiting with their hand outstretched, want everything for free, and when they do not get it, they freak

out.>>I really do not need that! But I fear that if I go back, at some point it will be the same in the Czech Republic. If the Germans, with their nature can not handle this, the Czech Republic would be total chaos. Person who has not had the experience of being in contact with them has any idea of their wild behavior, particularly Muslims from Africa, and how they behave as superior to our personnel, Regarding religious

accommodation.>>For now, the staff of the local hospital has not collapsed by contamination by diseases they brought here, but with so many hundreds of patients every day this is just a matter oftime.>>

In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked staff with knives after bringing a baby eight months on the brink of death, they had dragged across half Europe for three months. The child died two days, despite having received the best care in one of the most repeated pediatric clinics of Germany. The doctor had to undergo surgery and two nurses have been in the intensive care unit. No one has been

punished.>>To the local press was forbidden to write about it, so we were informed by email. What would have happened to a German if he had stabbed a doctor and nurses with a knife? Or had spread his own urine infected with syphilis in the face of a nurse and had thus transmitted his infection? At a minimum it would go straight to jail and later in court. With these people - up to present - nothing was train

done>>And so I ask, where are all these people that receive them and welcome them in the  stations.? Sitting alone at home, enjoying their associations subsidies "non-profit" (!) And wait for the arrival of other trains [full of illegal immigrants] to enable them to play their part again of " friendly "and recover their money in hand.

If it were up to me, I would bring all these" welcoming "and bring them here to the emergency department of our hospital, as attendants. Thus, in a building vested solely to illegal immigrants, so that they can care for them themselves without armed police, no police dogs that are now in all hospitals here Bavaria, and without medical

help.SOURCE: Received email. Thank you to CelestineGates:

VIDEO: With Open  The collective forced suicide of European nations - Extended Cinematic 1080p