mardi 22 décembre 2015

Germany Syrians and other immigrants and terrorists With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations

Germany: hundreds of thousands of migrants arrive in our hospitals - doctors and nursing people are tired, exhausted!
VIDEO below:

Female German doctor sends this world to the alert

message>>Yesterday in the  we had a meeting on how the situation here and in other hospitals Munich is unsustainable. Clinics can not handle emergencies, so they start sending them all to

hospitals.>>Many Muslims refuse to be treated by female staff and we, women, refuse to deal with these specimens, particularly in Africa. Relationships between staff and migrants going from bad to worse. Since last weekend, migrants arriving in hospitals must be accompanied by the police with K-9

units.>>Many migrants have AIDS, syphilis, tuberculosis and many exotic diseases that we, Europe does not know how to treat. If they receive a prescription at the pharmacy, they learn that they have to pay cash. This leads to incredible violent reactions, especially when it comes to medicines for children. They then abandon their children to pharmacy staff with the injunction: "So, take care of them yourself here!" So the police must not only keep the clinics and hospitals, but also large openly:

pharmacies>>Really, we said  Where are all those who had received before the television cameras, with signs in the stations? Yes, for the moment, the border was closed, but a million of them are already here and we will certainly not be able to get rid of

them.>>So far, the number of unemployed in Germany was 2.2 million. Now it will be at least 3.5 million. Most of these people are completely unable to work. A tiny minority of them have minimal education. Moreover, their wives usually do not work at all. I believe that in ten pregnant. Hundreds of thousands of them have brought infants and small children under six years, many emaciated and abused. If this continues and that Germany reopens its borders, I turn in the Czech Republic. Nobody can keep me in this situation, not even twice the salary I get there. I came to Germany, not in Africa or the Middle

East.>>Even the professor who heads our department told us how much it was sad to see that a maid cleans every day for years to [only] € 800, and then to see young men coming in corridors waiting with their hand outstretched, want everything for free, and when they do not get it, they freak

out.>>I really do not need that! But I fear that if I go back, at some point it will be the same in the Czech Republic. If the Germans, with their nature can not handle this, the Czech Republic would be total chaos. Person who has not had the experience of being in contact with them has any idea of their wild behavior, particularly Muslims from Africa, and how they behave as superior to our personnel, Regarding religious

accommodation.>>For now, the staff of the local hospital has not collapsed by contamination by diseases they brought here, but with so many hundreds of patients every day this is just a matter oftime.>>

In a hospital near the Rhine, migrants attacked staff with knives after bringing a baby eight months on the brink of death, they had dragged across half Europe for three months. The child died two days, despite having received the best care in one of the most repeated pediatric clinics of Germany. The doctor had to undergo surgery and two nurses have been in the intensive care unit. No one has been

punished.>>To the local press was forbidden to write about it, so we were informed by email. What would have happened to a German if he had stabbed a doctor and nurses with a knife? Or had spread his own urine infected with syphilis in the face of a nurse and had thus transmitted his infection? At a minimum it would go straight to jail and later in court. With these people - up to present - nothing was train

done>>And so I ask, where are all these people that receive them and welcome them in the  stations.? Sitting alone at home, enjoying their associations subsidies "non-profit" (!) And wait for the arrival of other trains [full of illegal immigrants] to enable them to play their part again of " friendly "and recover their money in hand.

If it were up to me, I would bring all these" welcoming "and bring them here to the emergency department of our hospital, as attendants. Thus, in a building vested solely to illegal immigrants, so that they can care for them themselves without armed police, no police dogs that are now in all hospitals here Bavaria, and without medical

help.SOURCE: Received email. Thank you to CelestineGates:

VIDEO: With Open  The collective forced suicide of European nations - Extended Cinematic 1080p

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