lundi 28 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard Montréal, Québec, Canada – realities - our poor compete with the Syrians . The winners are the Syrians.

Montreal, Quebec, Canada - realities - our poor compete with the Syrians. The winners are the Syrians.

So, tonight layers them out to high humidity, while the Syrians refugees themselves have everything you need, nothing to pay, clothe, house, school, medicines, income, mosques, halal food, and I pass. They never provided any taxes in Canada and the provinces. They have no obligation and they harvest.  
Can you imagine that 50,000 Syrians expected within two years will cost us how these people, several hundred million or billion? I know these people we need help in their countries, but for what reason the neighboring Arab countries do not want it?
This week there was a Syrian of 68 years and his wife of 58 years that joined their children in Montreal. I'm happy for them and their families. Mr. Trudeau was so maligned Canadians and acclaimed newcomers, it makes us pity as premier egocentric. From the monetary point of view, the gentleman of 68 years cannot work, so it must have an age pension with supplements guaranteed minimum. It is already a burden to society.  

His wife as well, because it will never work and never learn French, can be English. Their integration will be almost impossible. The Quebec society will have to pay all costs. The Governments of Canada and Quebec do not pay anything. The government is all of us taxpayers, not Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard who are taxpayer’s employees.
During this time the Quebec government cut welfare recipients who receive $ 700 or $ 800 per month. Cutting in schools, and help students. Triple doctors' salaries and reduce services. The government is very austere Couillard poorest vis-à-vis society and elders. Friends of the Liberal party as Jean Charest still greasy paws after three years, left the post of Prime Minister. They rob us, and nobody says anything.  
Last week I was on the St. Lawrence Street in downtown. It was cold and raining. On the sidewalks people lying on the ground. At the subway entrance and inside several people lying on the benches or under the benches with their dog. With no toilet for need, they go back near a metro air vent and defecated, or near a car in a driveway. They ask you for money, they are lost in this jungle. Ministers call to engage the Syrians and fuck Canadians, but no support for our poor.  

The fashion now is to give the maximum to the Syrians. But wait, first nations themselves, who constantly beg, will not be the first on the list. And if among the Syrians there are four or five or more terrorists and Gentlemen Couillard Trudeau and it is part of their religious tradition to make us jump. So we have to accept. Mr. Trudeau will continue its religious and went to pray ablations annually to Mecca, certainly not forgetting the mosque on Friday. I suggested him to build a mosque near where he lives at the expense of all Canadians, as any good politician, he has to pay anything, but everything is due, because a millionaire can afford to pay its expenses and its make-up.
Why, therefore, I forgot the Jews, they will not be at all happy to spend the fourth on the list. They also want to be recognized at fair value. They want synagogues everywhere, not in some cities, taxes, do not follow the school system, and more.  

There are quite a problem Pakistanis and a minister Pakistani defense of Canada wants his congenital are also on part, they are the fifth. And Tamil, the Hindus, Shiites, Sunnis, we forget.
We are very multicultural Canada with the exception of the Catholics, the original white dice English and French descendants.  Now we all are last class citizens but we are the first to pay.
Since the event Trudeau, Canada is better to be an immigrant and an honest taxpayer paying his taxes fill the coffers of the ruling parties. We are so welcoming that we have forgotten to welcome ourselves.
We are stuck with the beautiful wood dormant in Ottawa, and he woke up maybe one day? Our prime minister is so blind and disconnecting that he is the major problem in Canada

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