mardi 22 décembre 2015

Bashar al-Assad at the church Notre Dame of Damas and Justin Trudeau at the Mosque

Bachar al-Assad vs Justin Trudeau
Bashar al-Assad and his wife Asma Friday evening visited a church of Damascus is located in an area of ​​the capital regularly bombed by rebels, indicated Saturday the Syrian Presidency website.

The Assad couple, whose public appearances are rare, visited the Church of Our Lady of Damascus, in the district of Al-Qoussour, to assist in the preparations for year-end holidays.

This area is located two kilometers from that of Jobar, which is held by rebels and regularly targeted by shelling from the army of the regime.

In photos released by the official website of the Presidency, we see Mr. Assad, in jeans and black jacket, and his wife discuss with young singers.

Other photos show the Assad assistant torque to a repetition and taking selfies + + with people in the audience.

Assad, from the Alawite community, stands as a protector of minorities in Syria. He claims that his regime is an example of tolerance against jihadists Sunni extremists like those of the Islamic State Group (EI), which control large areas in this country to war.
The visit coincided with the adoption on Friday evening unanimously by the UN Security Council of a resolution that establishes a roadmap for a political solution to the conflict.
Furthermore negotiations between the regime and the opposition and a cease-fire, this text provides for a transitional government within six months and elections within 18 months.
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada, prays and makes speeches in the mosques of Canada. Should we deport Mr. Justin Trudeau take in Syria and Bashar al-Assad as prime minister of Canada? Mr. Justin Trudeau he has identity problems? Mr. Justin Trudeau is he a visionary, a jovialistes, narcissism, a Canadian wound? Mr. Justin Trudeau populist, the selfies, the newborn king, he has the mental skills to be a Prime Minister or a Hollywood star?

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