Justin Trudeau turned into media circus without any vis-à-vis' convenience refugees, equally unhappy, from other countries, arrive in Canada each year in the indifference of politicians, media and the public. It is so artificial, it is no longer in the ability to see his equal.
Moreover, these refugees arrive exhausted. They lived many months in makeshift camps, they land here after a long journey of several hours, their health is often compromised by accumulated fatigue, stress and poor nutrition. They primarily need quiet, of intimacy with loved ones they find and sleeping at the earliest. They will not refuse, of course, comply with the sessions of nice pictures alongside the political leaders of their haven
Knowing that disturb the country's citizens, do not have the same demands of their respective deputies. These refugees are therefore in competition with other refugees and the poor, the homeless in the country, the elderly, school children, their host. Our ministers and political elites make their carry this terrible burden on their shoulders, and there bullshit made by these refugees, they will be eager to disassociate itself as Philippe Couillard Arthur Porter with his personal friend.
In the government and its charities, supposedly charity, are delighted with their arrival, because there are several invoices attached to its refugees. Money to turn all the friends of those in power, the manna from heaven like the flood of Haiti, they have never seen one in the billions of dollars that corrupt kept for them. Note that we also corrupt in Quebec who are again in power legally.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, Mayor Denis Coderre have made embarrassing political recoveries misfortune of uprooted people. They have no need to prime ministers, ministers populist mayors hope to have more votes in the next elections. The elites do not care about you and us, they work only for their own pockets. When they have the opportunity to throw you overboard and make you eat by creditors, they will shy away from you to look for another target that can move their electorates
Cults of the blank image is often of grant. These are career politicians, and they can do other than talk about anything. They put us all in endless troubles and they wash their hands early. Their trademark is "All for me and nothing for you." Crying like aMadeleine,was a former prostitute, like our MPs, ministers, mayors, elected officials. In the confession of his sins to Christ, it was invaded by so much remorse she could wash Christ's feet with her tears and dried them with her hair, like Justin at Pearson Airport in Toronto or with first nations.
St. Justin prayed that the intelligence appears to him a non-virtual day
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