mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard - The Pack «La Meute», a group against the «invasion of Islam» on Facebook

The Pack, a group against the "invasion of Islam" on Facebook
Published December 28, 2015 at 9:47 p.m. | Updated December 29, 2015 at 6:38 p.m.
The Pack is used to bring together those who are worried about the Islamic invaders who slyly ahead of our land and quietly revolves around the political sphere. It is imperative that rises before our generation that our children and grandchildren become victims of our inaction to Islam for centuries and centuries

"(Quebec) A Facebook group launched by a veteran of the Canadian Forces opposed to the arrival of Syrian migrant gaining ground. "Secret", grouping called "The Pack" attracts thousands of members. Its founder wants to make a move beyond the virtual so to become "a real political force."
The description of the Facebook group could not be clearer. "The Pack is used to bring together those who are worried about the Islamic invaders who slyly ahead of our land and quietly revolves around the political sphere. It is imperative that rises before our generation that our children and grandchildren become victims of our inaction to Islam for centuries and centuries, "it said on the social network.
The Sun interviewed the founder and leader of The Pack, which is in the name of Eric Corvus (only the name is real). 44 years old, it was deployed to Afghanistan in 2004 and in 2007, he recounted. He is suffering from a posttraumatic stress disorder, for which it is followed.
Very active on the page created this fall, the resident of the Quebec City wants to go beyond the boundaries of the virtual pool. "We want to eventually become a large enough group to be a political weight that will be heard are those who disagree with the current positions of the federal and provincial government," he said in a message exchange.
And What are you to disagree? "We are not against the aid granted to Syrian migrants. What we are against is the entry into many of these migrants and that in such a short time, he said. The problem is that we face a Trojan horse that will facilitate the entry of terrorists on our land. [...] It is there to be some ten and this can lead to a situation similar to that of Paris. "Their philosophy is based on the saying" prevention is better than cure ".
To do hear beyond the virtual, The Pack aims to achieve organizational status to non-profit, ideally within weeks.
National Values
​​Combat The Pack is however broader, according to Corvus. Beyond the current situation of Syrian refugees immigrating to Canada, twenty members forming "the base" - Mr. Corvus is not the sole director - wants to "protect our land, our values, our foundation, our freedom, our security and the future of our children against Islamic invaders.
"And the message seems to echo worn in a fringe of the population 2.0. Every day dozens or even hundreds of users are added to the Facebook page, although it is impossible to find with a simple search. It is accessible only by invitation and already 12,000 persons have joined to date.
"Finally! I found the pack, I will not be a lone wolf, good day !!!!! "wrote a netizen recently as Sunday afternoon. The Sun has also been able to observe followers of images are being made ​​tattoo the band logo or a wolf's footprint.
The Pack said he was not "nationalist or federalist." Mr. Corvus ensures that the only fight is "to protect our nation against the invasion of Islam."
Aware that he treats "a sensitive matter" Eric Corvus has implemented several rules on the Facebook reunion. "In general, any contributor will not publish comments prejudicial, threatening, unlawful, defamatory, infringing, abusive, libelous, malicious, inciting violence, racial hatred, religious or ethnic" may is read at the entrance to the page.

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