jeudi 31 décembre 2015

Justin Trudeau, Canada's revelation of 2015

Justin Trudeau, Canada's revelation of 2015.
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Our generosity must not be blind to refugees and immigrants of all sorts of different cultures, customs, religions, languages, have equipment, knowledge, integration with their new nation. Real concerns were heard. They first related security. They also involved our ability to integrate these new populations. They were not ridiculous.
Like it or not, all cultures are not interchangeable, and especially the extremist Muslim culture,  Canada
Islamic.chooses, the savior Justin Trudeau to do so at the expense of the local population . Sacrificing unhappy here on behalf of those elsewhere, it is a strange idea of solidarity is stoning the Canadian nation. We can not solve all the problems of the poor worldwide. Furthermore we have as Canadian people and Quebecers to stop feeling guilty for what is happening abroad. Our faux intellectuals, who run our government have strong hands on this.
Not surprisingly, the Trudeau government, our international ballerina, was unequaled in the moralizing recovery from this crisis. Justin Trudeau and his ministers staged shots selfies and watery reports to show that they were of a higher humanity. They talk so much, that people get to hear the disgust and lose confidence in their government
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it or not, massive immigration to America was generally negative in recent decades. Large enclaves are now culturally foreign to European nations. The radical Islam are progressing terribly. Insecurity has become the rule. Participating does not mean suicide by humanism, forgetting our roots, our cultures and religions.
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The quotation of the year the Prime Minister of Canada Mr. Justin Trudeau, was that Islamic terrorism does not exist and we will do everything to does not recognize it. My Muslim friends have appreciated my performance Hollywood in recent days with the arrival of 50 000 refugees and Syrians jihadists that we will try and modèlerons according to our Canadian Islamic laws.
Stephen Harper Justin Trudeau Thomas Mulcair élection 19 octobre 2015.jpg

My predecessor, Stephen Harper loved the Jews but I, Justin Trudeau, I love the Muslim tyranny and democracy Sharia. Furthermore, I would add, that for the year 2016, my main resolution is to put myself in search of the cerebellum through the readings and cultures of the Koran and prayers in Canadian mosques across the country my ancestors, Mao, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro my adoptive uncle, and without the name, the character that I read every day, my very great advisors Boko Haram, Adil Le Messager, and Philip of Arabia.
Stephen Harper Ottawa House of Commune party.jpg

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