dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Donald Trump will build the Immigration wall - Barack Mohamed Obama is a complete failure - and Hillary Clinton an E-mail

Donald Trump will build the Immigration wall - Barack Obama Mohamed is a complete failure - and Hillary Clinton

The black and white racism
- The white racists and black racists clash,racism is on both sides at once . In 2016, how do you want the white, I'm not talking about poor white, but the middle class who does not work, or the minimum wage, such as black minimum or Hispanic minimum wage can not thought that it is the fault of the other race, or color of what is happening today as it was decades ago.

I honestly believe that you are mistaken a bit. American white races, backgrounds Protestants will still racist as were their ancestors in Europe. You can change it, this is part of their religion and their offspring. Several of them tried to make room for other minorities, but since American manufacturers, American elites, your American politicians, American investors wanting even more money because your efforts at work are not enough viable yield decided to moved.
the racism employs
the whites, blacks, Hispanics, and others without jobs found you, is not it. Because even the companies, the remaining small contractors on site who can not take all these people without employs definitely decided to do the sorting. As many of them were white, they certainly chose white. I think so. If the employer was black, he would have chosen a black, but there are fewer black employer.
But that's not all, in 2016, the United States lost the first place in the world, it is not more great economy it was. Certainly everybody, journalists, economists, not wanting to put this economic power fallen through your crooked politicians who sold you and your media you hidden on the truth.  
So among the first economically countries are China, which your debt is so large if China decides to ask to put only a tenth of the current debt, the United States and you Americans eat grass like animals on the ground. After you Emerging India growing a dramatically. China wanting to remain in first instead sends outsourced to India.

Open your eyes, Americans, and Canadians, French, English, Germans, and others, in your own home, how much of the product, well, like refrigerator, table, TV, bed, etc., that come from your country and how many products that come from your own country. I would say your own country between 10% and 15%. In a word, Your Country, Your Politicians have signed contracts of free trade, predisposing structures companies, multinationals at the expense of their own people.  
Politicians only think of their own pockets
When a politician says and repeats you it does something for your own good, you suspicious of him like the plague, he rage in him, he wants to eat you literally, and it will have you any way.
I think the cause of abstention in the elections, as well as the reasons for the divorce between leaders of the country and population, mostly young, are not material, it is a crisis of meaning. How the rulers and of all professional politicians generally can they still believe that being completely disconnected from the people as they are, their word still has any value?

Do they really think getting elected on promises they are quick to forget once elected, when they are not exactly the contrary will bring confidence to the people? For now, it is a majority of abstention, but tomorrow? Does it coursing not the risk of a revolt manifest ... for better or for worse?  
I think Mafiosos are respectable and honest that our politicians who are legal corrupt clans serving elites, multinationals, sellers of weapons, terrorists, religions. Nobody will win in the racist, and I hope CNN and Fox stop their coverage of the subject, putting oil on the fire
- The Hispanic minority is operated on wealthy Americans and that these rich continue to demand the closure between the United States and Mexico. But he likes to work under the table, while their domestic bourgeois done to her nails and goes in big hotels to blow by governors of the neighboring state insurance.
health system and medical
- The health system and insurance is exclusively for the rich. You have no money to pay you insurance, your insurance is no longer valid, and return home you're dying.  

My fellow Americans, you know that if you are a member, governors, presidents, members of legislatures, the senate, agencies, high lords of the house of representatives, military, and many other organizations you little people that you pay every day by the sweat of your brow your taxes. They do not have to pay a single in the health of their families and loved ones, they are privileged, you can never take away their right they have on you.  
They made ​​laws not pay taxes or almost, they enacted laws to ensure their health toll paid by you assholes. If they are sick, they will be treated by the best doctors in the best hospitals. They took the law for criminals who are in prison, when they are in prison and they get sick, they are sent in the best hospitals with the best doctors, the best nurses, the best drugs, the best rooms, better service, better food and more with the best security 24 hours on 24. as your governors, your senators, we can even say that they are thieves in ties legalized or pleated skirt as emails.
the class average udder of the missing money
- the middle class disappears more and more and getting poorer. This class is predominantly white. White currently do not have the time and money to deal with discrimination, as they seek gainful employment that are mainly left for other continents will gather crumbs that leave behind these capitalist companies that your American governments during dozens of years Republicans and Democrats left went enrich themselves.  
What I call the capitalist "American wild" because there is no difference between capitalism and 'wild communism' are both cruel exploitation of man that most reports the most money at the expense of the poorest. If you have an open mind you would understand. Never think that the rich communists can not do the same things that wealthy Americans. They have the same freedoms.  
Never think that imams and senior leaders of Muslim countries that are so strict with their peoples do not take alcoholic beverages, drugs, not visit bars whores, etc. they are like Westerners, they cram everything bar and all sides, but it is hidden. Do you think for a moment that Imam will go to the king of Saudi Arabia he saw his son in Rio fornicate with boys and girls, and drank alcohol. Never, it would be too afraid of losing his head and his family-.
poverty by 40 million
The poor remain the plague of society, they do not come out. Among the poorest are black and Hispanic. What are the reasons? What to do
Religions are the wounds of companies
- Religions are rampant in government policies and chessboards. These religious benefit from government largesse and the very fact that these religious lobbyists asking us incessantly conditions, laws, giving them authority over some people,

mayors, counties, cities, schools, universities, hospitals, civil departments, public, semi-public, always guaranteeing the free path to their legitimate religious, legal, or terrorists, donations to countries where the dictators are quick to kill, decapitate their citizens in the name of religion.  
These religions and religious have so much power in government, Senate and House of representatives, State Governors, mayors, and all elected they control independently several sectors of civil society and that they are changing the laws as they appears. You can take as example, Muslims, Islamists who pass laws, the Sharia in several cities in the United States, Canada, France, Britain hidden from the people for one day that these countries become Muslims .  
Our presidents and prime ministers know this and do nothing to stop these criminals, why? Watching your sports on TV and you do not worry about politics but they are involved in politics and take care of you and your children. The wake will be very hard, when you are veiled and raped, sold, be headed sellers.
Politicians, these
- Career Politicians are clogged ears with tar. They want nothing to hear cries of citizens who are tired of being robbed by them. Our politicians are arranged bitches took desperate to get elected. They will even sell their entire family to get a single vote that he would bring him to the notarized.  

The politician is a comedian, a very strong intelligence, and shameless, soulless, it is like a swing, it depends on who sits on it. If he has lots of money and friends, it feels flat, happy, and is complete as a hot water bottle, but if the weight of the person is too light it throws on the floor and stomps. Our politicians are always consistent with their actions, they do not remember anything, they did nothing for nothing known, it was the fault of another, we were asleep, woke up and create an advisory committee with our best friends manipulators.
the media, these
- the media that broadcast without stops lies, bias by distorting or US truths. A people uninformed politically, politicians, as elsewhere in the world use for their own well and put up in the best place it is, at the best position, he, his family and his entourage, to ink are its tentacles.
Y river its anchors in the cement and steel buildings and government offices in order to enjoy the blessings, graces, the luxuries of beings among elected officials and elites, the American pampered guests every day at the wedding politicians, millionaires of the land, great and majestic dictators who control their people with cruelty and punishment which we them sell weapons to them be in their favor Presidential.
- honest Americans no longer recognize themselves in is country that 'another time was big and strong. Lies of George W. Bush to the American nation and the world to contribute to early degeneration of the United States and Britain during the war in Iraq caused by the blatant lies of Kuwait and Collins Powell US general.
If ensued by Hillary Clinton's lies about Libya and murdered Muammar Gaddafi by the US which was part of Canada, France, Great Britain whose attack Benghazi and emails that led to the emancipation of the Islamic state across Africa. Barack Obama Mohamed denied any involvement Islamic, Muslim in terrorist attacks by making empty phrases of meaning wanting to protect its Islamic ancestors on US soil
-.This is a bankrupt country, in debt, including major multinationals have moved their factories manufacturing in India, China, Korea, Mexico and elsewhere to US investors, your representatives, governors, presidents, Wall Street, are filled to maximum pockets and sends it to the maximum money you lost, and the jobs that you will never find to tax havens.  
These are the United States today, and weakened tear 
The promise of Donald Trump to build an anti-immigrant wall on the Mexican border is a populist stupidity consumed. It is true that President Barack Obama will soon leave the White House on not only a total failure, but shocking immigration.
It is an eloquent plea for openness and social dialogue, Wednesday night at the Democratic convention, that delivered President Barack Obama. Inspiring speech, admittedly, still a little too soaked in syrup of conviction and feeling that American society can only progress - provided of course that Hillary is elected in November in the presidency. Just the opposite, in any case, the hateful and angry speech Trump Republican, which Mr. Obama has not hesitated to highlight the toxicity.
That said, and as he had done in January in his final speech on the state of the nation, the president apologized for failing to allay the divisions in American politics for too long. Rifts that will be gone in crescendo under his chairmanship.
All we thought at the beginning that Barack Mohamed Obama was to change things in the White House?
Well, yes, the darkness appeared there, a president who would certainly change things that I thought for the good of the American people. But he could do nothing. But for what reason? No person in the White House can not run a country with four different government when even the President is only twenty five percent of the fill and the other seventy-five percent belong to three different levels.
Country ungovernable
You Americans, that 'electoral period are every two years over the four years in power. You are the only democracy in the world to do this clowning. And I choose the right word, clowning, it takes many clowns and many billions of dollars to make chatter like this and repeating the same antics after days and days to all networks of television and media. US, somewhat sensible should you hate to spend their money to these stupidness and not spend it in education, hospitals, work and elsewhere, but not, you spend money from the poor to give to the billionaires. Long live America!
This has been a heavy defeat consequences for American society, largely due, moreover, to the ultra-partisan posture Republican majority in Congress decided to adopt, for electoral reasons as ideological . The failure, so the lack of useful legislative results, has been the most consequential in two areas in particular:. Immigration and gun control
Lobbyists reign supreme

If, as regards the scandalous lack of progress on the issue of gun control, it is the stupidity of the Republicans, completely subservient to the National Rifle Association (NRA), which is entirely to blame, it is found that, with regard to the incessant debate about illegal immigration of Latinos, Obama has his share of responsibility for the fact that nothing is settled since arriving at the White House eight years ago.
President Obama is actually one under which, all American presidents, the largest number of illegal immigrants have been deported. Have been returned under its administration a record number of 2.5 million people, mainly in Mexico and Central America - which would amount to almost as many expelled during the twentieth century country.
the United States of America a  ungovernable, there are four government governing or President - Senate - House of Representatives - the lobbyst - the people whose government the breast feeding but the breasts dry up, sort them disappeared, the nipples are sick the misery is to the American people.
Decline of the American
Empire,like all empires, there is a how, a top and a bottom and so the United States and the West. The new empire may be Japan or India? Or if we let do as at present, the Islamic empire that wants some Democrat?

Our politicians do not careless about terrorism and fear of citizens

Our politicians do not care less about terrorism and fear of citizens

Too often these days, our days begin: Muslim terrorists, Islamic attacked in France, Belgium, Germany, the United States? The media spend in loop as news items, during the daily shootings that occur in major US cities.
These innocent victims excursions have become so commonplace it is as if we were watching a horror film to reality TV with our smartphone. Our politicians, authorities are even more awareness of what happens in their own territory considering the laws enacted by their own governments prevent them from stopping these religious criminals, Islamic, for reasons of Rights and Freedoms.
Eh well yes, criminals, religious, Islamic, Muslim, have the right and the power to kill you but you, laws entitle you to let you murder. Do you think your Charter of Rights and Freedoms are the property to real rights. Criminals, distorted judges all the rights of honest people and people, religious, supposedly by cause of barbaric religion have the right to kill. These laws made ​​to help justice have turned against justice by lawyers, criminal companies that control our governments and judges heading.
A new religious recipe
in our newspapers, there may soon be  "The attack of the day "as we have in our restaurant, the daily menu with a starter, as a salad, a performance or a hanging, main course, rape Christian or Jew and as desert, a halal cutting vipers languages prime ministers or ministers for encruchonner in wine vinegar.

Islamisms make more shine in the east and West
each death caused by Islamist terrorism is tragic. But this attack has particular symbolic. It is directly the spiritual and historical roots of France.
A threshold has been crossed in the total war declared by Islam to civilization. One day, the Islamists try to blow Notre-Dame de Paris. Unless they hope to turn the mosque into a cathedral?
Though we define ourselves only by our worship of human rights, the Islamists them lead a religious war and a war of civilizations.
We have beautiful we define only by our worship of human rights, the Islamists them lead a religious war and a war of civilizations.
in an attack in another, they push us to the mental and moral collapse.
reasonable accommodations are shit the whole population, qu'amène vis-à-vis the majority injustices, inequalities, and non-integration, exclusion of these new immigrants
Is an example,very simple, that even a fool can understand, c that is to say, your President and ministers, deputies, leftists, intellectuals, even the CBC investigators can certainly have certain skill intellectual spirit of understanding such a simple situation described in a report, as in the program "Survey, it has no Islamic fundamentalist, terrorist Canada" Thank you, the honorable Mélanie Joly for hundreds of millions of dollars of subsidies to the CBC network, have tied all kept our jobs and we will tell the liberal propaganda as you asked so subtly us.
what i mean, many of our media, sleep with our politicians, judges, police, mayors, lobbyists, chambers of commerce, multinational directions, which willfully blind eye on these Muslim terrorists, extremists who finance financial empires worldwide. For those people who control the world, ELITE, the innocent who die of these religious criminals are simply part of a mathematical equation.
You certainly expected to say during times of war, innocent victims, but this is part risks. What I would say this, our elites will never react until that one of them or someone in their family or entourage is in gear terrorists.  

See how today Bernie Ecclestone who blackmails Montreal, Quebec on ​​the F1 car over, to tens of millions each year. His stepmother is kidnapped, I think Brazil and a ransom is demanded of him 31 million dollars. Two equivalents singers to master two singers masters.  
So our extremist Muslim terrorists cease when our masters of the world and their own families, friends, funders will be attacked. Meanwhile, the innocent, as is often said my brother, we are all ground meat sold to barbarians, bearded extremist imams, protected by our laws, our judges, our accommodation, our laws, our charters, our schools, our universities, our intellectuals, our leftists.
in general, the authorities beat around the bush when speaking not of Islamist terrorists, but of madmen.
it is to believe that the Western world is the victim of a horde of mental patients. But the mentally ill have names Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Stéphane Diana, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Barack Obama, Henrietta Recker, etc. Some are willing to put out the eyes not to see what happens. It is the triumph of cowardice.

But this time, the ambiguity quickly dissipated.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms should not protect the rights of other religions that secular citizens' rights, the Charter is not Charter a religious and religion is not above the law of the government of secular law. All religions and religious institutions must submit to the secular laws of the country
Do you want to fit - well - here's the door worse...
The Islamic State claimed responsibility and politicians have done nothing concrete
we learned that one of the two terrorists was known to the authorities. He had wanted to fly to Syria recently. He was arrested. To release him. He was stuck. Under the supervision of the authorities. But he still managed to strike. Our judges, did not want to know, the rule of law prevailed, the innocents are dead, long live democracy, freedom of criminals, murderers, damn the innocent. We should send our judges, our judges, requiring them to make therapies and visits to prisons and take citizenship classes, patriotism, collective consciousness to be above the laws that protect terrorists.

What was he doing in freedom, these Islamic criminals? They are probably thousands in his situation. Here, a certain conception of the rule of law collapsed. The rule of law that makes criminals can walk in the street while violating everything and everyone, killing with impunity, and ending their lives at the expense of the state and ordinary citizens will have to pay all their lives for these expenses Muslim criminals who have neither hearts nor souls but our laws and protect politicians.
the rights of the misunderstood man become a straitjacket preventing the State to defend its honest citizens, Christians, patriots as our ancestors were. The judges, disconnected and often believing Gods face to the nation, paralyze political power with their false morals humanitarian spread their judicial dictatorship through the laws.
We must have an overall vision by removing all rights to any terrorist person any religion whatsoever and that person is no law. So this terrorist has no more right than let rock in the way. He has no right to life, and must die, line item.
From the mass sexual assault of women in Cologne on the evening of New Year 2016, the slaughter of Jacques Hamel Tuesday through bombing against Charlie Hebdo and the one against the Bataclan is one war going. Our politicians and administrators keep their eyes closed, they like that the coffers are full of money from these terrorists.

The terrorists want civil wars broke out in the country
It leads also through the daily attacks from " unbalanced "attacking a woman because she is walking bare leg or hitting ax passengers of a train. We must stop these events to reduce untoward trivia. Even the mayor of Cologne, Henrietta Recker found that girls often Cologne assaulting Syrian refugees and it is their fault if they are raped. How do you do you think that a German, mayor, city says this is a real bitch.  
This reflects that it is even sold to terrorists and Islamists and what is patriotic and anti anti-German. So the mayor, like many other judges in different countries, are drafts, Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau.
We should also mention the speeches of radical imams who push their followers to hatred of the West as gentlemen Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, Mohamed Majoub and thousands more.

Islamism gnaws France, Canada, Great Britain, Belgium, Germany, Australia, the United States, throughout the West, several countries in the East like a cancer of humanity. The radical, extremist Islam is the devil incarnate on earth spread by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Ethiopia, and many other barbaric Muslim countries where the people are not educated, and fear is a must every day.
one wonders what may look like a real response. It will certainly require you to issue a legal straitjacket crucify, decapitate all persons, agencies, groups, organizations, religious, media, working for the terrorists by making them the same thing they did to Christians and Jews . The eliminated once and for all on the planet, kill them.
Facilitating the life of the Islamist enemy and not to accommodate Philippe Couillard Halal. There is no serious waged war with a breast peas Stéphane Dion.
How should we categorize our Muslim
What is a Muslim? Regular, moderate, extremist? Is it like gasoline? Regular, unleaded, super, extra?
Do we choose according to their qualities or their octanes. Muslims, according to their degree of terrorism or not?
What are the reasons have to do to tell these qualifiers because people said these things to Christians, Jews, Tamils, other religions but only for Muslims?

A Muslim " normal '' moderate '' extremist '' religious'
If words have any meaning, it can only be a moderate Muslim who practices his religion, not crazy religion. Which is not too Muslim.
Moderate Muslims are fanatics to "the primitive soul" and "natural savagery" that easily played the knife, raped women and abandoned themselves to their "violent instincts." The Muslim man, as caricatured: violent, sexist, homophobic, ignorant ... This is the absolute Other own.

"Because of fanatics who do not know more, call themselves Muslims and in the name of their  fantasies and frustrations, plant bombs, murder? Probably too. Because governments of countries called Muslims use Islam to better dominate their people, maintain in oppression and condemned to obscurantism? Probably even. We must also add that our western governments condone very often under the table for terrorist actions of its often obscure reasons for the population.

In conclusion, Islamic or Muslim, is a person of its origin is not integrable and reject always Western society. So you have the answer, choose carefully and discernment-

mardi 26 juillet 2016

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Presidents and Prime Ministers - Are they mentally blocked in the pay of the King of Saudi Arabia?Our politicians water carriers.

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Presidents and Prime Ministers - Are they mentally blocked in the pay of the King of Saudi Arabia? Our politicians water carriers.

Seeing this other senseless attack occur, it is both disturbing but also a source of solidarity. "- Philippe Couillard is it completely sold and stuffy to the point of becoming a terrorist sleeping in the pay of the Islamic state in America? Is it with the Honourable Prime Minister and his Liberal team, the Muslim extremist river that flows through all the ramifications of the provinces and Canadians and Quebecers companies.

Philippe Couillard remains a mystery Liberal at odds with other leaders, his predecessors. Certainly they were all federalists but they still wanted the good of Quebec and Quebecers and francophones in Quebec from time to time. Often they sold us for minorities to fill the campaign coffers and be reelected but never went to the point of Philippe Couillard to deny the entire Quebec, to act as a thief, sold to Islam, a minority as others in the country.  
the past five years to be brain washed in Saudi Arabia with his family certainly affected him all the reasoning of a supposed statesman who is patriotic vis-à-vis their own country and not to a country of barbarians and inhuman advocating a prehistoric religion by these same imams in this country and endorsed by our politicians.

Philippe Couillard is a man who obviously intellectual capacity above the average, a personality, warm without being in public, however, is nice.
It certainly was not the visibility of the head of state as Jean Charest with his humor, his way of market, its way of describing the event, the style normally seen politician in the public square. I can say that it is cold like Stephen Harper, no human feeling to the media, the cameras, but in some people it was the most cheerful and friendly man with his friends and family.

In a way I can understand, be the prime minister, the first to be executed in the public square is not easy. They mortuary paces. Having said that, it has beautiful manners, a well-trimmed beard, clothes made ​​to its size. He speaks calmly, nobody understands what he says, but the majority of politicians talking about two sides of the simultanéments mouths as always. Considering that now that it is summer in Quebec, in North America we can say that our glorious premier of Quebec is frankly "Halal", well cut, tame, indoctrinated and bounded.
Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau are the antithesis of Donald Trump angry, angry, hysterical, screaming, frenzied, belligerent and vengeful whose inauguration speech. It's amazing. Philippe Couillard is hell-bent to be an Islamic water gate in the heart of the Americas and Mr. Justin Trudeau played with the ballerina, arises admires, to praise, to incense, loves, he is alone, selfish, ignoramus, but also the lenses of cameras turn it also persists in turn stab us all as Canadians selling to Saudi Arabia.  

He closes his eyes, as the minister of external affairs Stéphane Dion, I don't envy the lies he tells us every day on the country of fairies with magic carpets, harems, women as beautiful as each other. Meanwhile, the military, imams, religious, behead their people, Christians, Jews, prison throw them, flog them as did the Jews in Jesus Christ.
But, Mr. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau this time is over and our evolution and many religions have begun to evolve with the exception of the Muslim religion, Islam. What are they your reasons to close your eyes and make laws to withdraw the right to speak and write about this religion which some members terrorize humanity. You know Bell or Vidéotron and other TV and Internet providers are in the market to provide the services for non-believers and the blind.

But you two will never, and I mean never quite what Donald Trump has a quality lacking in our Canadian prime ministers and presidents of several countries. To open their eyes are closed further, if opportunities their ears, landed on terra firma with the real world, not just career politicians who have never worked in their lives and begin to "read, learn and know the mood of the people. " The fear is disgusted to see you lie to them so you can put more money and power.
It is normal people are afraid, and no future thanks to politicians who did not want to listen to the alarm bells Islamist groups
Without falling into the Trumpism and plow fields of fear and hatred for political gain, is it too much to ask the Premier of Quebec to feel some empathy molecules for Quebecers and fears legitimate? It is cold as the corpse bodies of three weeks. We can certainly say that our Canadian ministers and heads of multiculturalism Quebecers are true turnips for the destruction of our  

identity.Canada is not an Anglophone countries, or Francophones, it is like a watermelon filled pips, an empty country without any identity, values ​​and history.
There are limits to rise above the fray, I, Philip of Arabia, I am the only man whose knowledge of Arabic is excellent believes that Islamic terrorists are isolated, and not an organized group. We must therefore do not take care and let them attack Europe. When they attack other continents, they are far from home us. As a result, their historic crusade, on our land, we hope it will be fruitful for our children.

By his sadly customary intellectual arrogance (the man does not read the Quebec newspapers and do not watch the news, preferring to The Economist and PBS , teaching us news), the Prime Minister chooses to ignore the anxieties aroused in the population mass massacres, ax attacks, the attacks in the name of Islam, from Munich to Kabul to Brussels Baghdad.
following the Nice bombings Premier of Quebec told us again that this show of force of the Islamic State showed good knowledge of Europe and the West. We Quebecers, the Liberals support this thinking, we must all support them in their actions and provide all necessary means, here, that they may fulfill their destinies.

We also would expect that he condemns imams Quebec who keep worrying speech. But no. Fundamentalism is a personal choice. Philippe Couillard, will go in the coming weeks to legislate new laws for new powers for schools, mosques, imams in Quebec. Source on, we learned that they pay more taxes and taxes for their families, and their religious places if they are the moderate Islamic certification application
He did not miss one for us to understand, by it does not say that we understand nothing about anything. When he says it takes more immigration and multiculturalism to fight against radicalism, it is he who does not understand anything.  

He has applied to the Honourable Mohamed JustinTrudeau,adding a hundred thousand new Muslim refugees exclusively for Quebec. The sends to Ottawa, it is specified that these newcomers will consolidate Muslim communities across Quebec and it will be possible to have at least two Muslim district in Quebec.

Multiculturalism is Canada's shame
when Philippe Couillard refuses to pronounce the word Islamic terrorism to describe the attack of Bataclan, preferring to speak of act "criminal" when it surrounds fundamentalists to combat radicalization, when he leaves his justice minister persist for a year with a bill on hate speech developed by a man, Jacques Frémont, who declared on Radio-Canada that he was "people who write against Islam ...", he sinks into a political correctness - dare I say it? -. Senseless

Philippe Couillard is a liar, anti-Quebec, it is the shame of the whole Canada with hate speech against Canadians and Quebecers to protect its extremist Muslim friends supplier of his election funds. Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau as several prime ministers and presidents are dangers for the Western democracies with their complacent speech against the Islamists.
A prime minister should be unifying, ensure social peace. And not throw fuel on the fire. He has reason to believe that the vast majority of Quebecers Muslims are not fanatics, but deny that there are pockets of resistance to integration which could, in extreme cases, lead to radicalization, borders on contempt popular wisdom. Adils of Charkaoui there milers of Quebec and you well know.
Please, Mr. Prime Minister, do not be so morons. Make an effort to understand them, to reassure them instead of making them swallow force a hogwash they do not want and do not honor your intelligence.

How lead Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau or other politicians
Warnings, it's not nice to know
do not use suction cups just after pouring chemicals down the toilet as Majoub Mohamed Hamza Chaoui, Adil Charkaoui, Manuel Valls, Zunera Ishaq, Abdelrazik, etc. and their fervent supportaires employees and you could splash your skin with religious goods and become Canadian terrorists sworn pros.
Is it possible to ask a French-Canadian water carrier, ill at ease, having seen tremendous achievements the part of Anglophones in Canada near his hometown of not feeling inferior. But yes, it is lower. It is a disease that many Quebecers 1800s to the 1960s had. This wound incurable, bleeding every day, who came to Montreal, where the businesses luxuries were English speaking, the west side of the Rue Saint-Laurent, assets pledged were in Westmount, beautiful homes, schools, universities , hospitals, where the life of the Montreal area was the reflection of Canada English at the time.

But Philippe Couillard, was part of the second group, the east side of Maine, the rue Saint-Laurent, Francophones, Catholics, populated with families of many children, poorly educated, no, insecure, poor housing, etc. The east side of Montreal, was this side of Philippe Couillard, the water carrier, the person looking at the overcoat high fence because it is high extreme to join the other side of the Rue Saint-Laurent and be accepted by Protestant Anglophones. They do not accept that they do not matter unless they have money which brings power.
Philippe Couillard, being an extremely brilliant man following all medicines course knew her pins out of the game. For be had to make the pirouette of the curvature to access Anglophone elite Montreal. But that was not enough, his ambition was the world but it is still a small francophone Québécois, water carrier, a last class citizen of Canada English.
He wondered what should I do to become a man world. He defected in Ottawa, scheming business with Arthur Porter, the Arabs, the secret agencies of safeties, tax shelters and end poses as the best collaborator that Saudi Arabia will have on the soil of America.  

It will be wearing Islamic word Muslim, Allah in Canada with his friend Justin Trudeau. Consequently, Philippe Couillard is no longer water carrier, it is Mr. ................................................... ..
How to unclog Islamically our politicians?
Our politicians have needs'COUMADIN

"tolighten their intelligence in the brain